Dr Steve Georgakis

Dr Steve Georgakis

MEd(HigherEd)(Sydney), PhD(Sydney), BEd(Hons)(Sydney)
Senior lecturer of pedagogy and sports studies
+61 2 93516337
+61 2 93514580
A35 - Education Building
The University of Sydney
Dr Steve Georgakis

Dr Steve Georgakis was appointed to the University of Sydney in 2002 and has a long standing interest and passion in physical education and school sport, teacher education, history and sociology of sport and pedagogy for learning. He is the current director of the Health and Physical Education Program and has taught in all undergraduate teaching programs in the faculty, including primary undergraduate, primary and secondary Master of Teaching, double degree, general education, Online Learning Environment and study abroad. The author of more than 50 academic publications, he has published on wide and varied aspects of physical education and sports studies including archaeology, history, sociology, pedagogy, comparative and international.

Health and sport

  • History and sociology of sport

Research on teaching and learning

  • Health and physical education and development
  • Learning and teaching in higher education
  • A history of the NSW public school sport 1881-2014. This project traces the history of public school sport in NSW and theorises the role and organisation of public school pport since the establishment of compulsory public education. The project involves the location of both primary and secondary sources and an oral history project
  • 'Game sense' makes sense: developing inclusive physical education and sport pedagogy - a practical guide for teachers and coaches. This project provides a roadmap for introducing and incorporating games and sports into the primary and secondary physical education and school sport curriculum.
  • Editorial Board of Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science

  • President of the Human Movement and Health Education Alumni Chapter at the University of Sydney

  • Journal Reviewer for over 10 scientific journals.

  • Publishing House Book / Manuscript reviewer for Cengage, Pearson, Cambridge and Oxford.

  • Organising Committee of IASK - International Association for the Scientific Knowledge

  • Thomas T. Roberts Travelling Fellowship (2006).

  • University of Sydney Sesqui R & D Grant (2004)

  • Greek Government Education Fellowship (2007)

  • Australian Olympic Committee Fellowship Olympia (2004)

Project titleResearch student
Chinese PETE educators’ dispositions toward the new national curriculum. A case study in KunmingWanyu HUANG

Selected publications



  • Light, R., Georgakis, S. (2023). Sociology for physical education and sports coaching. UK: Routledge.
  • Sherington, G., Georgakis, S. (2008). Sydney University Sport 1852-2007: more than a club. Sydney: Sydney University Press.

Edited Books

  • Georgakis, S., Russell, K. (2011). Youth Sport in Australia. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press.
  • Georgakis, S. (2004). Back to Olympia: The Olympic Games Across Four Millennia 2000-2004. Croydon: Joba Press Pty Ltd.

Book Chapters

  • Georgakis, S., Harper, A. (2020). Will Xi Jinping's China Soccer Dream Become Australia's Football Nightmare? In J. A. Mangan, P. Horton, C. Tagsold (Eds.), Softpower, Soccer, Supremacy: The Chinese Dream, (pp. 335-358). New York: Peter Lang. [More Information]
  • Georgakis, S. (2017). Athleticism and Australia: The dissemination of an imperial ideology-advancing the Mangan opus. In P. Horton (Eds.), Manufacturing masculinity: The Mangan oeuvre- Global reflections on J. A. Mangan's studies of masculinity, imperialism and militarism, (pp. 189-216). Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
  • Georgakis, S., Wilson, R. (2014). Physical education in sport-obsessed Australia: Implementing dimensions of public health and sustainable development. In M-K. Chin and C. R. Edginton (Eds.), Physical Education and Health: Global Perspectives and Best Practice, (pp. 15-27). Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing LLC.


  • Georgakis, S., Morozov, B., Nauright, J. (2023). Economic crises and sports mega-events: Learning from past examples for future analyses. Sport Science and Human Health, 1(9), 4-18.
  • Light, R., Georgakis, S. (2023). Teaching Physical Education for Happiness and Well-Being. International Journal of Sport and Society, 14(2), 41-50. [More Information]
  • Sebastian, T., Georgakis, S., Nauright, J. (2023). Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander games and sports in Australia: new perspectives. Sport in Society, Online first. [More Information]


  • Gorzanelli, M., Georgakis, S. (2015). The historical butterfly effect of physical education, school sport and health education in Australian schools. 29th ACHPER International Conference: Values into Action - A Brighter Future, Adelaide: Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, SA Branch Inc.
  • Wilson, R., Georgakis, S. (2011). Revitalising Comparative Education through Mixed Method Methodology Research. 9th International Conference on Comparative Education and Teacher Training organized by the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES), 2011, Bulgaria: Bureau for Educational Services.
  • Georgakis, S., Wilson, R. (2011). The Greek Youth Sport System in Australia. 7th International Conference on Education (ICE 2011), Athens, Greece: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.


  • Georgakis, S., Nauright, J. (2012), Creating the "Scarecrow": The 2004 Athens Olympic Games and the Greek Financial Crisis (Working Paper). The Center for the Study of Sport and Leisure in Society, George Mason University.


  • Georgakis, S., Morozov, B., Nauright, J. (2023). Economic crises and sports mega-events: Learning from past examples for future analyses. Sport Science and Human Health, 1(9), 4-18.
  • Light, R., Georgakis, S. (2023). Sociology for physical education and sports coaching. UK: Routledge.
  • Light, R., Georgakis, S. (2023). Teaching Physical Education for Happiness and Well-Being. International Journal of Sport and Society, 14(2), 41-50. [More Information]


  • Georgakis, S., Horton, P. (2022). The rise and fall of popular Australian lawn bowls 1864-2021. International Sports Studies, 44(1), 6-19.


  • Georgakis, S., Hooper, K. (2021). Parent/carer values and attitudes towards physical education and school sport in Australian government primary schools. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(Suppl. issue 6), 3128-3134. [More Information]
  • Harper, A., Georgakis, S., Nauright, J. (2021). Understanding Australian soccer: from origins, to ethnic tensions to globalization. Sport in Society, 24(5), 773-793. [More Information]


  • Georgakis, S. (2020). Australian school students' responses to game based pedagogy: An analysis of tactical awareness and enjoyment by gender. Journal of Sports and Games, 2(3), 1-8. [More Information]
  • Georgakis, S., Harper, A. (2020). Will Xi Jinping's China Soccer Dream Become Australia's Football Nightmare? In J. A. Mangan, P. Horton, C. Tagsold (Eds.), Softpower, Soccer, Supremacy: The Chinese Dream, (pp. 335-358). New York: Peter Lang. [More Information]


  • Georgakis, S. (2019). Swimming carnivals in New South Wales government schools: Traditions and challenges. International Sports Studies, 41(1), 5-11. [More Information]
  • Georgakis, S. (2019). The sleeping giant: Australian Rules Football in the lives of Muslim women in Western Sydney. Journal of Sports and Games, 1(3), 1-12. [More Information]


  • Georgakis, S. (2018). Upper primary students' attitudes toward physical education in New South Wales. Arts and Humanities Open Access Journal, 2(6), 349-356. [More Information]


  • Georgakis, S. (2017). Athleticism and Australia: The dissemination of an imperial ideology-advancing the Mangan opus. In P. Horton (Eds.), Manufacturing masculinity: The Mangan oeuvre- Global reflections on J. A. Mangan's studies of masculinity, imperialism and militarism, (pp. 189-216). Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
  • Evans, J., Georgakis, S., Wilson, R. (2017). Indigenous games and sports in the Australian national curriculum: Educational benefits and opportunities? ab-Original: Journal of Indigenous Studies and First Nations and First Peoples' Cultures, 1(2), 195-213. [More Information]


  • Georgakis, S., Graham, J. (2016). From Comparative Education to Comparative Pedagogy: A Physical Education Case Study. International Education Journal, 15(1), 105-115.
  • Georgakis, S., Molloy, S. (2016). From old soccer to new football? Expert accounts of transformations on the world game in Australia post-Crawford Report. Soccer and Society, 17(1), 72-89. [More Information]
  • Ward, J., Georgakis, S. (2016). Identity in Australia: A case study on the role of sport in the ego identity formation process. Journal of Sports Research, 3(2), 56-72. [More Information]


  • Georgakis, S., Wilson, R., Evans, J. (2015). Authentic assessment in physical education: A case study of Game Sense pedagogy. The Physical Educator, 72(1), 67-86. [More Information]
  • Evans, J., Wilson, R., Dalton, B., Georgakis, S. (2015). Indigenous participation in Australian sport: The perils of the 'panacea' proposition. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 7(1), 53-79. [More Information]
  • Georgakis, S. (2015). Public and private spaces: Sport and the construction of middle class femininity in Sydney independent girls' schools 1880-1922. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 23(1), 19-25.


  • Georgakis, S., Wilson, R. (2014). Physical education in sport-obsessed Australia: Implementing dimensions of public health and sustainable development. In M-K. Chin and C. R. Edginton (Eds.), Physical Education and Health: Global Perspectives and Best Practice, (pp. 15-27). Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing LLC.
  • Georgakis, S., Hitcheson, J. (2014). The 'games playing ethos' in Australian Independent Girls' Schools: From origins to the National Curriculum. Sport in Society, 17(6), 706-721. [More Information]
  • Georgakis, S., Wilson, R., Ferguson, J. (2014). The academic achievement of elite athletes at an Australian university: Debunking the dumb jock syndrome. International Journal of Higher Education, 3(2), 120-130. [More Information]


  • Georgakis, S. (2013). Valuable Steps: A History of Physical Education in Victoria (Book review). History of Education Review, 42(2), 217-218.


  • Wilson, R., Georgakis, S., Sharma, M. (2012). Approaches to Learning in First Year University Physics. Journal of Social Sciences, 8(2), 216-222. [More Information]
  • Georgakis, S., Wilson, R. (2012). Australian Physical Education and School Sport: An Exploration into Contemporary Assessment. Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science, 9(1), 37-52.
  • Georgakis, S., Nauright, J. (2012), Creating the "Scarecrow": The 2004 Athens Olympic Games and the Greek Financial Crisis (Working Paper). The Center for the Study of Sport and Leisure in Society, George Mason University.


  • Georgakis, S., Wilson, R., Hu, X. (2011). Addressing the teaching and learning challenges of 'service courses': A case study of pedagogical reform and innovation. International Journal of Learning, 18(1), 233-244. [More Information]
  • Georgakis, S. (2011). Football Phoenix: The story of the Panhellenic / Sydney Olympic Football Club 1957-2011. Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand), 15, 187-206.
  • Bagnall, N., Georgakis, S. (2011). Internationalisation, International Education and Technology: Enhancing Learning Approaches in Australian higher education. In Athina Lazakidou & Ibrahiem El Emary (Eds.), Learning-Oriented Technologies, Devices And Networks, (pp. 211-222). Germany: LAP - LAMBERT Academic Publishing.


  • Georgakis, S., Wilson, R. (2010). A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body? Australian University Sport in the 21st Century. Journal of the World Universities Forum, 3(4), 45-55.
  • Georgakis, S. (2010). Comparative Physical Education Pedagogy in Teacher Training: Innovation in Comparative Education. 8th International Comparative Education and Teacher Training Conference 2010, Bulgaria: Bureau for Educational Services.
  • Georgakis, S., Light, R. (2010). Football and Culture in the Antipodes: The Rise and Consolidation of Football in Greek Culture and Society. Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand), 14(1), 271-286.


  • Georgakis, S., Light, R. (2009). Sydney University men and their role in the development of sport in Australia from 1852 to 1914. Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science, 6(1), 45-52.
  • Gunawardena, H., Bagnall, N., Georgakis, S., Wilson, R. (2009). The Educational and Socio-Cultural Experience of Indian Students at an Australian Metropolitan University: Why Urgent Review Is Needed. IASK International Conference Teaching and Learning TL 2009, Portugal: International Association for Scientific Knowledge.
  • Georgakis, S., Light, R. (2009). Visual data collection methods for research on the affective dimensions of children's personal experiences of PE. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 56(3/4), 23-27.


  • Light, R., Georgakis, S. (2008). Invasion Games in Physical Education: Assessing Knowledge-in-Action in using the Team Sport Assessment Procedure. Authentic Assessment Practices for Student Learning Conference, Sydney: University of Sydney.
  • Light, R., Georgakis, S. (2008). Responses of Study Abroad Students in Australia to Experience-based Pedagogy in Sport Studies. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(2), 1-15.
  • Sherington, G., Georgakis, S. (2008). Sydney University Sport 1852-2007: more than a club. Sydney: Sydney University Press.


  • Georgakis, S. (2007). From Drills to Skills to Game Sense: The Meta-cognitive Revolution in Physical Education. Asia Pacific Conference on Teaching Sport and Physical Education for Understanding 2006, Sydney: University of Sydney.
  • Light, R., Georgakis, S. (2007). Sport Pedagogy, masculinity and the possibilities for expression and creativity in school rugby. Journal of Artistic and Creative Education, 1(2), 24-45.
  • Light, R., Georgakis, S. (2007). The effect of Game Sense pedagogy on primary school pre-service teachers' attitudes to teaching physical education. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 54(1), 24-28.


  • Light, R., Georgakis, S. (2006). "Lest we forget": Sport in the cultural memory of Australians. Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand), Culture and Memory(Special Issue on Culture and Memory), 234-245.
  • Light, R., Georgakis, S. (2006). Can 'Game Sense' make a difference? Australian pre-service primary school teachers' responses to 'Game Sense' pedagogy in two teacher education programs. AARE International Education Research Conference 2005, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
  • Anderson, M., Georgakis, S. (2006). The Bacchae at Bondi: Greek Drama in Australian Education and Culture. Education and Theatre Journal, 6, 27-34.


  • Light, R., Georgakis, S. (2005). 'Taking away the scary factor': Female pre-service primary school teachers' responses to game sense pedagogy in physical education. Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference - HERDSA 2005, Sydney: Institute for Teaching and Learning.
  • Light, R., Georgakis, S. (2005). Integrating theory and practice in teacher education: The impact of a Game Sense unit on female pre-service primary teachers' attitudes towards teaching physical education. Journal of Physical Education New Zealand, 38(1), 67-80.
  • Georgakis, S., Light, R. (2005). The Athens of the South: Sport in Australian Society. Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand), 13, 58-74.


  • Georgakis, S. (2004). Back to Olympia: The Olympic Games Across Four Millennia 2000-2004. Croydon: Joba Press Pty Ltd.
  • Georgakis, S. (2004). Greek Athletics Outside Greece. In Steve Georgakis (Eds.), Back to Olympia: The Olympic Games Across Four Millennia 2000-2004, (pp. 91-104). Croydon: Joba Press Pty Ltd.
  • Georgakis, S. (2004). The Olympic Games 394Ad - 1896Ad. In Steve Georgakis (Eds.), Back to Olympia: The Olympic Games Across Four Millennia 2000-2004, (pp. 33-45). Croydon: Joba Press Pty Ltd.


  • Georgakis, S. (2003). Sporting links: The greek diaspora and the modern Olympic games. Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand), 11, 270-278.


  • Georgakis, S. (2002). Sport and the global Greeks. Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand), 10, 118-124.
  • Georgakis, S. (2002). T.S.Eliot, Giorgos Seferis and the Anzacs. Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand), 10, 114-118.

Selected Grants


  • Sport at the University of Sydney 1852-2002: a study of the values and organisation of sport in Australian higher education, Georgakis S, DVC Research/Research and Development Scheme: Newly Appointed Staff (NAS)


  • Multimedia Authoring & Editing Equipment, Anderson M, Dufficy P, Georgakis S, Gibson R, Harbon L, O'Connor D, Pickup M, Simpson A, Thomas A, Unsworth L, University of Sydney/Major Equipment Grant

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