HSC Consultations
Project consultations for HSC students in Society and Culture and Aboriginal Studies
Learn about project design, ethical research methodologies, and analysing information from our academic experts and current students in the field.
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has proudly established the HSC Society and Culture Personal Interest Project (PIP) and the HSC Aboriginal Studies Major Project consultation programs to assist students with their research projects.
In these programs, our academic staff and students facilitate consultations to support HSC students to enhance their analytical skills while providing guidance and feedback in topic selection and exploring key principles in conducting ethical research.
Designed by the Discipline of Gender and Cultural Studies within the School of Humanities, the Society and Culture PIP Consultation program provides HSC students with tailored guidance and support on their PIP projects. The program aims to improve access to undergraduate courses for disadvantaged students by helping to achieve improved results in their major work assessment, connect with current University students, and inspire secondary students to pursue future studies in their field of interest.
Going forward, this program will be offered to a select number of schools due to funding and resource availabilities.
Led by Ms Irene Wardle, Indigenous Studies and Aboriginal Education lecturer within the Sydney School of Education and Social Work in collaboration with Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation and Aboriginal community representatives, the program aims to support HSC Aboriginal Studies students and teachers in Part III Research and Inquiry Methods: Major Project of the HSC Aboriginal Studies syllabus requirements.
The program engages in effective and genuine community consultation, focusing on cultural protocols and qualitative methodologies to be used by students in creating their Major Project.
External Engagement Officer, Strategic Partnerships and Engagement