Sydney rises again in arts and humanities rankings - The University of Sydney

Sydney rises again in arts and humanities rankings

3 October 2019
Up six places in THE global rankings
The University of Sydney has risen to 41st in the world and second in Australia for arts and humanities in the 2020 Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings by subject.

The THE subject rankings evaluated more than 500 universities around the world against 13 performance indicators covering the full range of university activities.

The rise in the arts and humanities world ranking from 47 to 41 was based on performance in areas including research, citations and industry income. Improvements to our teaching environment and international outlook scores also had an important role to play in the improved ranking.

It continues an upward trend for arts and humanities at the University of Sydney, which rose 11 places in the THE subject rankings last year.  

“Our scholars are making remarkable contributions towards the advancement of arts and humanities research in Australia and beyond – including publishing in the highest quality journals, creating networks with prominent partners inside and outside the institution, and actively working to address some of the major challenges our communities face. I’m delighted to see our collective efforts once again confirmed by the most recent THE results,” said Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Professor Annamarie Jagose.

The arts and humanities rankings follow the publication of the overall THE World University Rankings 2020, which was revealed in early September and saw the University of Sydney ranked 60 in the world and first in the state.

The University of Sydney also moved into second place in Australia in the 2019 Times Higher Education World Reputation rankings, announced earlier this year. This annual ranking lists the top 100 universities for teaching and research reputation based on the results of an invitation-only academic opinion survey.

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