About us

About us

Experts from around the world and across diverse disciplines

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Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies

While often seen as a characteristic of individuals and their bodies, health is also collectively produced through social practices and economic and political systems. How we ‘treat’ health, then, must move beyond focusing on individuals to instead encompass a more multidimensional approach.

Through dynamic teamwork, and underpinned by a deeply collaborative philosophy, the Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies, a Flagship Centre of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, draws together leading experts from around the world and across a diverse set of disciplines and fields.

Synthesising different disciplinary approaches across scales of observation from the microbial to the planetary, the work of the Centre highlights how historical context, political arrangements, economic structures, enduring inequalities, and interspecies and environmental relations both produce health problems and might map paths to new solutions.

Emphasising complexity and connectedness, we provide a platform for radically reimagining what health is and how it might be better provided for—for humans, other species, our environment and the planet.

Our people

Our partners

  • Dr Barbara Barbosa Neves - Monash University
  • Associate Professor Jennifer Broom - Clinical Implementation Lead, Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service, QLD
  • Professor Clare Chandler - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Associate Professor Mahati Chittem - IIT Hyderabad
  • Dr Keat Choong - Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service, QLD
  • Associate Professor Nelson Filice de Barros - University of Campinas
  • Dr Nicolas Fortané - Paris-Dauphine University
  • Dr Nazrul Islam - Beijing Normal University, Hong Kong Baptist University, United International College
  • Dr Malinda Itchins - Royal North Shore Hospital, NSW
  • Professor Mustafa Khasraw - Duke University
  • Dr Claas Kirchhelle - University College Dublin
  • Professor Shiloh Krupar - Georgetown University
  • Associate Professor Zarnie Lwin - Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, QLD
  • Professor John Oliffe - University of British Columbia
  • Dr Kristen Overton - Prince of Wales Hospital, NSW
  • Associate Professor Jeffrey Post - Prince of Wales Hospital, NSW
  • Professor Damien Ridge - University of Westminster
  • Professor Ayo Wahlberg - University of Copenhagen
  • Associate Professor David Wyld - Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, QLD