Our grants - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
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Our grants

Recognising excellence in research

Our recently awarded grants reflect a reputation for high calibre research, showcasing the contributions our researchers make to the growth of knowledge within the Australian and global communities.

Stability of Multilateral Agreements and the Limits to Cooperation 
ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award 2021

ID: DE210101085
Years: 2021-2023
Investigators: Mert Kimya

Amount Awarded: $323,692

Price Transparency, Search, and Collusion in Markets

ARC Discovery Grant 2021
ID: DP210102321
Years: 2021-2025
Investigators: Associate Professor Nicolas de Roos The University of Sydney; Associate Professor David Byrne The University of Melbourne; Associate Professor Matthew Lewis Clemson University, South Carolina

Amount Awarded: $311,801

Economics policy when interest rates are zero*

ARC Discovery Grant 2021

ID: DP210101204
Years: 2021-2023
Investigators: Bruce Preston; Christopher Gibbs; Stefano Eusepi

Amount Awarded: 329,706.00

*Grant led by the University of Melbourne

Banking System Competition and the Macro-economy*

ARC Discovery Grant 2021
ID: DP210101688
Years: 2021-2024
Investigators: Mei Dong; Stella Huangfu; Timothy Kam; Allen Head; Hongfei Sun.

Amount Awarded: $ 287,304.00

*Grant led by the University of Melbourne

Understanding the Sources of Secular Stagnation
ARC Discovery Grant 2019
ID: DP190100202
Years: 2019-2021
Investigators: James Morley; Yunjong Eo; Benjamin Wong
Amount awarded: $317,610

Neuroeconomic foundations of probability and value perception
ARC Discovery Grant 2019
ID: DP190100489
Years: 2019-2023
Investigators: Agnieszka Tymula; Paul Glimcher
Amount awarded: $378,000

Fiscal policy and unemployment in an open economy
ARC Discovery Grant 2019
ID: DP190100537
Years: 2019-2023
Investigators: Mariano KulishJames Morley; Francesco Zanetti
Amount awarded: $349,000

Intergenerational Disadvantage: Causes, Pathways, and Consequences 
Linkage Project 2019
ID: LP190100117
Years: 2020-2023
Investigators: Deborah Cobb-ClarkHayley Fisher, Nicolas Salamanca, Sarah Dahmann, Susan Kluth, Kai Liu, Anne Gielen.
Amount awarded: $328,000

The Altruism of the Arts Customer: Evidence from the Sydney Opera House
ARC Linkage Projects 2017
ID: LP160100506
Years: 2017-2019
Investigators: Robert SlonimAgnieszka Tymula; Kevin Schnepel; Andrew Orris
Amount awarded: $313,000

Using behavioural economic insights to overcome student procrastination*
ARC Discovery Grant 2017
ID: DP170102818
Years: 2017-2023
Investigators: Lionel Page; Stephen Cheung; Martin Kocher
Amount of grant: $301,500
*Managed by Queensland University of Technology

The rate of time preference in choice experiments: A systematic re-analysis
ARC Discovery Grant 2016
ID: DP160101794
Years: 2016-2020
Investigator: Stephen Cheung
Amount of grant: $97,000

Testing strategy-proofness in matching markets: an experimental study
ARC Discovery Grant 2016
ID: DP160103699
Years: 2016-2020
Investigator: Pablo Guillen Alvarez
Amount of grant: $60,000

Behavioural Econ & Field Experiments to Improve Plasma & Bone Marrow Supply
ARC Discovery Grant 2015
ID: DP150101307
Years: 2015-2023
Investigator: Robert Slonim
Amount of grant: $864,100

Economic analysis of peer effects in adolescence and adulthood
ID: DE150101032
Years: 2015-2017
Investigator: Agnieszka Tymula
Amount of grant: $378,000

ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course* - REBID
ARC Centre of Excellence 2020
ID: CE200100025
Years: 2021-2028
Investigator: Sydney Node Investigators: Deborah Cobb-Clark; Agnieszka Tymula; Nicolas Glozier
Amount of grant: Sydney Node $6.6 M

*Managed by the University of Queensland

ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course*
ARC Centre of Excellence 2014
ID: CE140100027
Years: 2014-2023
Investigators: Janeen Baxter; Stephen Zubrick; Deborah Cobb-Clark; Mark Western; Lorraine Mazerolle; Matthew Sanders; Colm Harmon; Michele Haynes; David Lawrence; Greg Duncan; Miles Corak; Wei-Jun Yeung; Rebekah Coley;Adrian Raine; Barbara Elliott; David Weisburd; Reader Arnaud Chevalier; Orla Doyle; Heather Laurie; Helen Rogers; Fadwa Al Yaman
Amount of grant: $20,000,000
*Managed by the University of Queensland

Trade policy firm entry and welfare: theory and evidence
ARC Future Fellowship 2017
ID: FT160100411
Years: 2017-2020
Investigator: John Romalis
Amount awarded: $880,480

Against the odds: Understanding the factors influencing wellbeing among Indigenous youth in the Northern Territory
ID: APP1160167
Years: 2018-2023
Investigators: Stefanie Schurer; Peter Shaw; Guyonne Kalb; Steven Guthridge; Pat Dudgeon; Lisa Cameron; Tanja Hirvonen; Olga Havnen 
Amount of grant: $1,026,750

EMPOWER: Health Systems Adversity and Child Well Being
ID: APP1099422
Years: 2015-2020
Investigators: Jake Lynch; Michael Sawyer; Ben Mol; Claire Roberts; Gustaaf Dekker; Nigel Stocks; Stefanie Schurer; Lyle Gurrin; Naomi Dwyer; Kerrie Bowering
Amount of grant: $2,497,573

National Research Program: 2021B Inquiry

Financing first home ownership: opportunities and challenges

Years: 2021-2022

Investigators: Stephen Whelan; Hal Pawson; Laurence Troy; Rachel Ong; Caitlin Buckle.

Amount Awarded: $75,254 (total for Inquiry $586,399); USyd $54,280.

Transitions into home ownership – a quantitative assessment

Investigators: Stephen Whelan; Kadir Atalay; Rebecca Edwards; Melek Cigdem-Bayram; Garry Barrett.

Amount Awarded: $115,092; USyd $81,392

Financing first homeownership: modelling policy impacts at individual and market levels

Investigators: Rachel Ong; JJames Graham; Melek Cigdem-Bayram; Stephen Whelan; Christopher Phelps.

Amount Awarded: $156,141; USYD $66,287

Moving, downsizing and housing equity consumption choices of older Australians
ID: 18/PRO/73186
Years: 2018-2019
Investigators: Stephen Whelan; Kadir AtalayGarry Barrett and Rebecca Edwards
Amount of grant:

Retirement savings policy and asset portfolio decisions of Australian households 2002-14
ID: 16/PRO/73112
Years: 2016-2017
Investigators: Stephen Whelan and Kadir Atalay
Amount of grant:

Inquiry into pathways to housing tax reform
ID: 16/PRO/41110
Years: 2016-2017
Investigators: Stephen Whelan; Kadir Atalay; Melek Cigdem; Jago Dodson; Gavin Wood, G. Meen and M. Dockery
Amount of grant:

House prices, household debt & the macroeconomy: evidence from Australia after the GFC
ID: 15/PRO/73074
Years: 2015-2016
Investigators: Kadir Atalay, Stephen Whelan and Judy Yates
Amount of grant: $56,177

Housing tenure, mobility and the labour market adjustments
ID: 15/PRO/73071
Years: 2015-2016
Investigators: Stephen Whelan, Rachel Ong, S Parkinson, A Duncan
Amount of grant: $143,265

Inquiry into Housing policies, labour force participation and economic growth
ID: 15/PRO/81070
Years: 2015-2017
Investigators: Stephen Whelan, Kadir Atalay, Rachel Ong; Gavin Wood; Melek Cigdem; Jago Dodson

Research to Support Agricultural Policy and Strategic Planning: Research to assist the Vietnam Government with the Formulation of the 2021-2030 Agricultural Development Strategy for Vietnam
Years: 2019-2020
Investigators: Tiho Ancev

Inclusive Agricultural Value Chain Financing
ID: AGB/2016/163
Years: 2018-2022
Investigators: Alan de Brauw; Russell Toth
Amount of grant: $1,970,251

Evaluating and Improving Policies for Attracting Investment in the Agricultural Sector in Vietnam
ID: ADP/2018/120
Years: 2018-2019
Investigators: Tiho Ancev
Amount of grant: $120,000

Analysis of linked longitudinal administrative data on child protection involvement for NSW

families with domestic and family violence, drug and alcohol use and mental health issues

2020–2022 ANROWS Core Grant Research Program

Years: 2021-2022

Investigators: Amy Conley Wright; Stefanie Schurer; Betty Luu; Sue Heward-Belle; Susan Collings; Emma Barrett in partnership with Human Services Data Set Governance Advisory Committee and FACS Insights, Analysis and Research (FACSIAR).

Amount Awarded: $ 108,000

The Long-term Effects of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs on Human Capital: What has been

Accomplished Over the Last Two Decades? ID# 10023152

Years: 2020-2021

Investigator: Valentina Duque

Amount Awarded: $58,776

University of Sydney Research Accelerator Prize (SOAR) 

Sydney Research Accelerator (SOAR) Program Sydney Research Accelerator (SOAR) program acknowledges and supports outstanding up-and-coming early and mid-career researchers through a two-year scheme. SOAR Fellows will receive funding for their research, a personalised program of research development support and structured mentoring. SOAR helps researchers to build their leadership skills, establish connections with partner organisations and nurture our researchers in formulating their innovation and development plans.

Shyamal Chowdhury

Seasonal poverty, rural labor market and migration, and formation of non-cognitive skills in children

Amount: $150,000

A/Prof Chowdhury’s SOAR prize focuses on two of current research projects: i) the functioning of rural labour markets in developing countries, and ii) the formation of non-cognitive skills in children. The twin objectives of the two research projects are: first, to produce cutting edge research outputs publishable in high-ranked general-interest journals in economics, and second, to find evidence- based interventions that address both immediate poverty and hunger, as well as the long-term disadvantages that poor parents and their children face.

Project 1:           Seasonal poverty, rural labour markets and migration

Project 2:           Towards a better understanding of the non-cognitive skills in children: malleability, sensitive periods, typical trajectories, and transmission within the family


Kadir Atalay

Health, Retirement and Ageing

Amount: $150,000

Dr Atalay’s current research focuses on the individual- and system-level economic concerns of ageing, such as personal behaviour toward pensions, retirement and household savings, and the macroeconomics of population ageing. This research agenda is of crucial policy relevance because over the next 30 years, a quarter of Australia’s population is expected to be older than 65. The effects of this profound societal change will be borne by older people, their families and communities, and the agencies that support them. Dr Atalay’s research agenda aims to shed light on the economic consequences of this change. Dr Atalay has examined the effect of social security reforms on labour-supply decisions of individuals and couples, effects on consumption plans, and the wellbeing of individuals. Since 2015, this line of research has been funded by an ARC Discovery Project grant. The SOAR fellowship allows Dr Atalay to expand on this research agenda by examining the health consequences of these reforms, using administrative (clinical) data on drug prescriptions, hospitalization and mortality. The key innovation of this project is to use clinical data by focusing on long-term health conditions. Previous studies in the literature focuses on the immediate impacts of retirement and self-reported health conditions, hence they do not provide any assessment of the link between retirement and diseases that appear later in life (such as Dementia, Alzheimer). This will be the first study in the literature that examines these issues using administrative data. The funding from SOAR allows Dr Atalay to begin working on administrative data, ‘45 and Up Study’- the largest ongoing ageing data in the Southern Hemisphere.

The impacts of high-skill return migrants on firms in China

Years: 2019-2020

Investigators: Russell Toth and Yifan Zhang (CUHK)

Amount Awarded: Total $15,950 


Evaluation of environmental effectiveness and economic efficiency of incentive-based instruments for pollution control in China and Australia

Years: 2019-2020

Investigators: Tiho Ancev; Alastair Fraser; Yuan Xu (CUHK) and Yan Xu (CUHK)

Amount Awarded: Total $19,626