School of Economics events

A range of offerings to suit your interests
The School of Economics has a wide range of seminars, reading groups, conferences and workshops showcasing the depth and breadth of our research.


2024 Seminar Coordinator: Brendan Beare.

Our seminars regularly take place in Room 650, Social Sciences Building (SSB) and online via Zoom on Thursday 11am - 12.30pm, unless otherwise stated. 

Find School Seminars on our events page and events calendar

Our meetings provide a forum for ongoing research on econometric theory and application. Speakers from both within and outside the School are welcome. We intend to to use this platform to foster the exchange of ideas and maintain a collaborative econometrics research environment. 

If you would like to contribute a presentation or have any queries, please contact Brendan Beare.

The purpose of this seminar series is to create an environment for researchers from the fields of International Trade and Macroeconomics to present their ongoing research. The meetings normally take place fortnightly in Room 650, Social Sciences Building (SSB). Please contact James Graham if you would like to join the mailing list or contribute with a presentation. 

Theory seminars take place fortnightly on Tuesdays 4pm-5.30pm in the Social Sciences Building (A02) at the University of Sydney and online.

Contact Jingni Yang or Mert Kimya if you would like to contribute or join the mailing list. 

The ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course (the Life Course Centre) is a national research centre uniquely positioned to tackle the intergenerational transmission of deep and persistent disadvantage in Australian families.

The School of Economics (Life Course Centre Sydney node) runs seminars periodically, designed to provide a network and collaborative opportunities for academics from Australia and abroad.

For further information and any queries, please contact Jade Lor-Chan.

Reading Groups

The group provides an opportunity for academic staff working on empirical microeconomics and public policy, broadly understood, to present ongoing research, including at the earliest stages. Interested faculty and Ph.D. students with research relevant to the themes of the group are invited to present from time to time.

There can be more than one presenter in a given week, depending on how much material each presenter has ready. However, keeping in mind the need to allow ample time for discussion of early-stage work, we usually plan to have a single presenter present for 30-40 minutes, and allow the remainder of the time for questions and discussion.

For 2024, please contact Gregor Pfeifer or Rebecca McKibbin if you would like to get on the mailing list or contribute a presentation. In Semester 1, 2024, MPP seminars will be held fortnightly on Fridays from 1 - 2pm.

The purpose of the group is to meet on a regular basis and discuss major publications or presenter's own work-in-progress in dynamic macroeconomics. Further information can be found on the Sydney Macro Reading Group Webpage (

The group convenes on Tuesdays, 4.30-6pm every fortnight at the presenter's university. If you would like to receive announcements or contribute with a presentation, please contact

The main aim of the reading group is to create a collaborative environment for exchange of research ideas, presentation of early research work and research funding proposals among staff and research students with interest in agricultural, environmental and resource economics.

The group also aims to facilitate the establishment of new collaborations, and to foster existing research collaborations across disciplines with interest in these areas within the University of Sydney. The group also links with researchers that have interest in this area across several universities based in Sydney. 

The reading group meets fortnightly during semester sessions, and at other times when the need or opportunity arises. The usual time and place for meetings is 11am-12pm on Wednesdays at the University of Sydney.

To register for the group’s mailing list or to suggest a presentation please contact

The Centre of Behavioural Economics: Science and Policy (CoBE SaP) is a small group of academic staff at the School of Economics working on all topics related to behavioural economics and policy. CoBE SaP members meet informally to discuss current research and potential projects, and to share their passion for interesting data. A key goal of the group is to build collaborations with and between ECRs, Postdocs, Predocs, Honours and advanced undergraduate students interested in policy-relevant topics focused on the economics of behavioural economics. CoBE SaP members are especially interested in using novel data to enhance public policy decisions in the spheres of education, environment and health, among others. We believe that data advances scientific advances which leads to meaningful policy changes.

If you and your students love to discuss economic research on behavioural economics and policy topics, please join our weekly discussions. 

Previous Seminars




Dan Millimet Singapore Management University Fixed Effects and Causal Inference
Hibiki Ichiue Keio University Central Bank Communication and Households' Ability to Adjust Spending
Chris Karbownik Emory University Birth Order in the Very Long Run
Soumen Banerjee National University Singapore Combating Algorithmic Collusion: A Mechanism Design Approach
Ayden Higgins University of Oxford Instrumental Variables for Dynamic Spatial Models with Interactive Fixed Effects
Sean Higgins Northwestern University Why Small Firms Fail to Adopt Profitable Opportunities
Ryohei Hayashi Kochi University of Technology The Superior Peer Improves Me: Evidence from Swimming Data
Wei Huang University of Melbourne Nonparametric estimation of the continuous treatment effect with measurement error
Albert Ma Boston University Antibiotic Resistance, Drug Prices, and Entry
Francisco Silva Deakin University Communication through biased intermediators
Ippei Fujiwara Australian National University A Technology-Gap Model of Premature Deindustrialisation
Marco Bertoni University of Padova Subjective Gendered-Based Patterns in ADHD Diagnosis
Ryan Oprea University of California, Santa Barbara Simplicity Equivalents
Ryan Edwards Australian National University  The labour market impacts of lower-skilled temporary migration: evidence from the PALM scheme
Dick Startz University of California, Santa Barbara  Recessions, Recoveries, and Leverage
Shelly Lundberg University of California, Santa Barbara How Economics Dicovered Women
Joao Montez University of Lausanne  Signaling new model quality with old models: delist or discount?
Regina Betz  Zurich University of Applied Sciences Carbon Market Challenges: lessons for the Australian Safeguard Mechanism
Claudio Labanca Monash University Campaign Connections
Qazi Haque University of Adelaide Can We Use High-Frequency Yield Data to Better Understand the Effects of Monetary Policy and Its Communication? Yes and No!
Anna Zhu Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Spatial Heterogeneity in Welfare-to-Work Reform Success
Andrew Simon University of Chicago Inequality in Property Tax Appeals: Evidence from Field Experiments with Homeowners and Assessors
Gordon Leslie Monash University  Incentivising within-day shifting of household electricity use
Federico Masera University of New South Wales The Long Civil War: Battle Exposure and Anti-Black Racism in the US South
Mushfiq Mobarak Yale University Trade Policy, Migration Restrictions, and Gender Inequality: The Story of China’s Left-Behind Children
Gemma Altinger University of New South Wales Revisiting medical decision making in situations that offer multiple alternatives
Robert Hill University of Graz Comparing Housing Rents in Cities Around the World: Can an Airbnb Big-Mac Index Help?
Dacheng Xiu University of Chicago Prediction When Factors are Weak
Guillem Riambau University of Barcelona  Can National Identity Trump Ethnic Favoritism? Experimental Evidence from Singapore
Ho Leung (Ryan) Ip Charles Sturt University  A Mixture Distribution for Modelling Bivariate Ordinal Data
Paul Raschky Monash University Friends, Key Players and Product Adoption
Dmitry Ryvkin Florida State University Competition for loyal customers: An experimental study
Isaac Gross Monash University Housing Supply and NIMBYism
Charles Noussair University of Arizona Higher order risk preferences and economic decisions

Hülya Eraslan

Rice University  Board Elections: Effects of Universal Ballot
Rigissa Megalokonomou Monash University  Does the Share of Female Judges Assigned to Supreme Court Cases Affect Trial Outcomes?
Michele Garagnani Bocconi University Identifying Nontransitive Preferences
Andres Bellofatto University of Queensland Wealth Taxation and Life Expectancy
Josh Graff Zivin University of California, San Diego Disparities in Pollution Capitalisation Rates: The Role of Direct and Systemic Discrimination
Laura Liu University of Pittsburgh Binary Models with Extreme Covariates: Estimation and Prediction
Jun Zhang University of Technology Sydney Identification of Bayesian Games
Lucija Muehlenbachs University of Calgary Drained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves
Sebastian Merkel University of Exeter Flight to Safety in a New Keynesian Model
Tung Dang University of Sydney Childcare Quality, Maternal Labor Market Outcomes, and Child Development: Evidence from Australia’s First Decade of the National Quality Framework
Yongmiao Hong University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Time-Varying Factor Selection: A Sparse Fused GMM Approach
Michael Boutros Bank of Canada The Macroeconomic Implications of Coholding
Massimo Franchi Sapienza Università di Roma Estimation and inference on stochastic trends in large dimensional systems
David Molitor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign A Causal Concentration-Response Function for Air Pollution: Evidence from Wildfire Smoke




Soo Hong Chew National University of Singapore Source Recursive Expected Utility with Evidence from Laboratory Experiments relating to Home Bias
Hanbaek Lee University of Tokyo Solving DSGE Models Without a Law of Motion: An Ergodicity-Based Method and an Application
Thomas Sargent New York University Distributions and Aggregates in HAOK and HANK Models -- Detecting Factors with Dynamic Mode Decompositions
Mirjam Stockburger Justus Liebig University Giessen Does Smoking Affect Wages?
Yves Zenou Monash University Toward a General Theory of Peer Effects
Daniel Campbell Commonwealth Bank of Australia Making Saving Salient at Tax Time
Bonsoo Koo Monash University What Impulse Response Do Instrumental Variables Identify?
Kristina Strohmaier University of Duisburg-Essen Culture of Opportunity: On the Origins of Intergenerational Mobility
Timothy Richards Arizona State University Health Coverage and Farmworker Productivity
Chung Tran Australian National University Dividend Imputation, Investment and Capital Accumulation in Open Economies
Beatrix Eugster University of St Gallen Ethnic Clustering in Schools and Early Career Outcomes
David Butler Griffith University  Decomposing risk-attitude from inequality aversion in simple games: an experiment
James Duffy University of Oxford Cointegration with Occasionally Binding Constraints
Gawain Heckley Lund University Sweden Inequality Impacts of Raising Minimum Years of Schooling
Moriah Bostian Lewis & Clark College A Productivity Indicator for Adaptation to Climate Change
Cathy Zhang Purdue University On the Emergence of an International Currency
Philipp Sadowski Duke University Risk Sharing and Strategic Choice
Hugo Freeman University College London Multidimensional Interactive Fixed-Effects
Sascha Becker Monash University From the Death of God to the Rise of Hitler
Jeff Michler University of Arizona  The Mismeasure of Weather: Using Remotely Sensed Weather in Economic Contexts
Yves Sprumont Deakin University Randomized collective choices based on a weighted tournament
Martin Berka Massey University Deviations in real exchange rate levels in OECD countries and their structural determinants
Fedor Iskhakov Australian National University Equilibrium Trade in Automobiles
Tatyana Avilova University of Tokyo Patient Cost Sharing and Prescription Drug Trends: Evidence from Japan
Jiti Gao Monash University A Unified Approach to Estimating Time-Varying Trends
Nathan Kettlewell University of Technology Sydney Financial incentives and private health insurance demand on the extensive and intensive margins
Vladimir Smirnov University of Sydney Elimination Tournaments Where Players Have Fixed Resources
Elena Capatina Australian National University Long Term Care Risk For Couples and Singles
Hanlin Shang Macquarie University Detecting structural breaks in high-dimensional functional time series
Lusine Ivanov-Davtyan Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute The Evolution of the Gender Aspiration Gap:
Evidence from 50 Years of Alpine Skiing
Duygu Yengin University of Adelaide Expropriation Power in Private Dealings: Quota Rule in Collective Sales
Oscar Pavlov University of Tasmania Superstar firms, product scope, and economic fluctuations
Michael Vallely University of Glasgow The social origin pay gap in the UKHLS
Yanrong Yang Australian National University Eigen-analysis of High-dimensional Time Series
Fu Ouyang University of Queensland High-Dimensional Binary Choice Models with Unknown Heteroskedasticity or Instrumental Variables
Begona Dominguez University of Queensland Accessing U.S. Dollar Swap Lines
Jeanet Bentzen University of Copenhagen In the Name of God! Religiosity and the Emergence of Modern Science and Growth
Yue Hua University of New South Wales Life-cycle effects of Australian student loans
with income-contingent repayments
Tiffany Tsai National University of Singapore Price Competition Under Information (Dis)advantage




Matthew Ho University of Sydney An instrument of justice and fulfillment? Voting rights and human development in the United States, 1956 to 1970
Yuta Takahashi Hitotsubashi University Hidden Stagflation
Colin Cameron University of California, Davis Recent Developments in Cluster-Robust Inference
Julie Moschion University of Melbourne Can staying in school longer protect disadvantaged young people from homelessness?
Adam Clements Queensland University of Technology  Using threshold style volatility measures for estimating HAR model coefficients
Moshe Haviv The Chinese University of Hong Kong Priorities in Queues: Regulation and Profit Maximization
IKM Mokhtarul Wadud University of Sydney Property Price Dynamics and Asymmetric Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty: New Evidence from the Australian Capital Cities
Kentaro Tomoeda University of Technology Sydney Tie-breaking or Not: A Choice Function Approach
Nan Zou Macquarie University Bootstrap Massive/Chaotic Data
Faisal Sohail University of Melbourne Labor Supply and Firm Size
Metin Uyanik University of Queensland Are Myersonian Common Knowledge Events Common Knowledge? 
Firmin Doko Tchatoka University of Adelaide Relevant moment selection under mixed identification strength
Jonny Newton Kyoto University Learning and equilibrium in misspecified models
Michael Shin University of Sydney Heterogeneous Experience and Constant-gain Learning
Anya Samek University of California, San Diego Do Thank-You Calls Increase Charitable Giving? Expert Forecasts and Field Experimental Evidence
Sergey Alexeev University of Sydney Robust estimates of intergenerational transmission of drinking
Jane Zhang University of New South Wales Multiple switching and data quality in the multiple price list 
Vladimir Smirnov University of Sydney Choosing the prize in contests
Andrew Patton Duke University Testing Forecast Rationality for Measures of Central Tendency
Bob Breunig Australian National University COVID-19 Private Pension Withdrawals and Unemployment Tenures
Chris Ruhm University of Virginia Marijuana Legalization and Opioid Deaths
Ben Chen University of Sydney Contests with Generic Behavioral Success Functions
Tim Christensen New York University Adaptive Estimation and Uniform Confidence Bands for Nonparametric Structural Functions and Elasticities
Evgenia Dechter University of New South Wales Automation and occupational choice
Federico Zilio University of Melbourne Earnings risks and income insurance: evidence from Australian tax data
Boon Han Koh University of East Anglia The signals we give: Performance feedback, gender, and competition 
Won-ki Seo University of Sydney Inference on nonstationarity and common trends in high-dimensional or functional time series
John Stachurski  Australian National University  Asset Pricing with Preference Shocks: Existence and Uniqueness
Elvira Sojli University of New South Wales  Measuring Advanced Manufacturing and Process Innovation: Applications to Productivity and Growth
James Duffy University of Oxford The Cointegrated VAR without Unit Roots
Ashani Amarasinghe University of Sydney Competing for Attention – The Effect of Talk Radio on Elections and Political Polarization in the US
Luis Vasconcelos University of Technology Sydney Optimal Job Design and Information Elicitation
Tang Srisuma National University of Singapore Identification and Estimation of a Search Model: A Procurement Auction Approach
Simon Grant Australian National University The Sure-Thing Principle and the Optimality of Consistent Plans
Nancy Kong University of Sydney  Physical isolation and loneliness: Evidence from COVID lockdowns in Australia
Ashley Craig University of Michigan Tax Knowledge and Tax Manipulation: A Unifying Model
Thomas Tao Yang Australian National University A One-Covariate-at-a-Time Multiple Testing Approach to Variable Selection in Additive Models
Jonathan Levy  University of Sydney Who wants to move first?
Erik Madsen New York University Incentive Design for Talent Discovery  
Bruce Preston University of Melbourne  Asset Pricing with Non-rational Expectations  
Hasin Yousaf University of New South Wales  Inflammatory Political Campaigns and Racial Bias in Policing  
Sonia Bhalotra University of Warwick Domestic violence: the potential role of job loss and unemployment benefits  




Wooyong Lee

University of Technology Sydney Identification and estimation of dynamic random coefficient models
Feng Chen University of New South Wales Renewal Hawkes Processes 
Zhenting Sun Peking University Pairwise Valid Instruments
Stefanie Schurer University of Sydney Zero-COVID Policies: Melbourne’s 112-Day Hard Lockdown Experiment Harmed Mostly Mothers
Carol Propper Imperial College London Team composition and productivity: evidence from nursing teams in the English National Health Service
Aurore Delaigle University of Melbourne Estimating a Covariance Function from Fragments of Functional Data
Dakyung Seong University of Sydney Functional instrumental variable regression with an application to estimating the impact of immigration on native wages 
Rebecca McKibbin University of Sydney Medical Practice Shutdowns and Healthcare Utilization: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Simon Kwok University of Sydney A Consistent and Robust Test for Autocorrelated Jump Occurrences
Yichong Zhang Singapore Management University Regression-Adjusted Estimation of Quantile Treatment Effects under Covariate-Adaptive Randomizations
Giridhar Parameswaran  Haverford College A Theory of Objective Standards of Care 
Gregor Pfeifer University of Sydney The Effects of Free Secondary School Track Choice   
Stephen Whelan University of Sydney Underemployment, Life Satisfaction and Mental Health - Australian Evidence

Past Conferences and Workshops

Reconciliation, Opportunities for, and Wellbeing of First Nations Peoples: Yarning and learning together

  • 2 - 3 February

17th Australian Development Economics Workshop (ADEW)

The 17th Australian Development Economics Workshop (ADEW) was held at the University of Sydney on June 9-10, 2022, hosted by the School of Economics and organized by Shyamal Chowdhury (University of Sydney), Valentina Duque (American University), Emilia Tjernström (Monash University), and Russell Toth (University of Sydney). ADEW is the leading development economics conference in Australia, often also involving participantsfrom the broader Asia-Pacific region. It is analogous to NEUDC, MWIEDC or Pacdev, with a small number of parallel sessions for submitted papers, a keynote presentation, and a policy panel. The keynote speaker for the workshop was Pascaline Dupas (Princeton University).

15th Australia and New Zealand Workshop on Experimental Economics (ANZWEE) 

This workshop hosted keynote speakers Daniel Zizzo (University of Queensland), Ganna Pogrebna (University of Sydney), Ben Newell (University of New South Wales) and Lata Gangadharan (Monash University).

Organisational Economics Symposium 2022

  • 8 December

Workshop of the Australian Macroeconomics Society (WAMS)  2022

This workshop hosted keynote speakers Mariano Kulish (University of Sydney) and Ippei Fujiwara (Keio University/Australian National University)

Asia Pacific Industrial Organisation Conference (APIOC)

In the twilight of 2022, a selection of outstanding researchers gathered in Sydney for the 2022 Asia-Pacific Industrial Organisation Conference (APIOC). With 14 invited and keynote speakers from the United States, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region, and 78 contributed papers, APIOC 2022 provided a feast for industrial organisation enthusiasts.

Virtual Australian Macroeconomics Society Workshop (VAMS)

Image: Nobel Laureate Thomas J Sargent presenting his seminar to the School of Economics, March 2 2023. Photo credit: Dave Mc Manamon

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