
Children, young people and families in society

Toward better outcomes for children, youth and families
Building the evidence for optimising the developmental outcomes for children and young people, supporting families to overcome adversity, and building community resilience.

Children and young people live in a diverse range of families and community contexts, shaped by societal values and government policy and practice. This theme involves inter-disciplinary research across social work, education, early childhood, policy and socio-legal research and the analysis of relevant big data (administrative data analytics).  

Our research addresses issues such as:  

  • How children and young people in a range of household and legal arrangements develop their identity, relationships and connections
  • How they manage different life transitions
  • How children, young people and families with vulnerabilities can be listened to, engaged, involved and supported to be secure, safe and thriving
  • Under what circumstances evidence can inform and transform early intervention, education and human services and professional practice.  

Our focus is on collaborative and applied research using a broad range of approaches that involve children, young people, family members with lived experience, policymakers and practitioners. With our collaborators, we shape the rapid translation of research to policy and practice to make a difference in real world settings.

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