aerial photo of coastline

Australian Association for Pacific Studies Conference 2025

Tuesday 3 to Friday 6 June 2025
Warm Pacific Greetings! The Australian Association for Pacific Studies biennial conference is an opportunity to create and sustain critical conversations and collaborations across the transdisciplinary field of Pacific studies.

Pacific Discourses and Destinies

Hosted in 2025 by The University of Sydney, our gathering will focus on exploring and navigating the concepts of discourses and destinies, and how they relate to the Pacific, its people and places.

Much attention – locally, regionally and globally – continues to be placed on the Pacific. Whether it’s being contested through geopolitical endeavours, to being celebrated for its traditional cultures, the Pacific is no stranger to attention. However, who determines how the region is understood is key to this conversation. Is it the highest bidder for the natural resources that control these narratives, or the local communities that generally don’t benefit from such financial investments and exploitations? Is it the military power that exercises more diplomatic prowess, or Indigenous wisdoms from across the region? This conference strives to explore these various tensions, whilst also showcasing Pacific strengths and solutions in trying to make sense of the underlying discourses that determine the possible destinies of the Pacific region and beyond.

The conference will encourage an intersectional talanoa, provoking participants to be mindful of how their disciplinary perspectives and practices interact with the complexities of Pacific discourses and destinies. Sub-themes supporting these discussions will include panel presentations, papers and performances from the following areas:

  • Pacific Studies
  • Pacific Education
  • Pacific Social Work
  • Pacific Employment
  • Pacific Health
  • Pacific Sports
  • Pacific Visual Arts
  • Pacific Performing Arts
  • Pacific Literature
  • Pacific Media
  • Pacific Fashion
  • Pacific Finance
  • Pacific Tech and Innovation
  • Pacific Climate and Environment
  • Pacific Sciences

We look forward to coming together to talanoa, providing a dynamic and inclusive space to create community to support a collegial, collaborative and collective approach.

Call for panel submissions

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to submit a panel proposal that responds to the conference theme ‘Pacific Discourses and Destinies’ and sub-themes.

The deadline for panel submissions is Monday 28 October 2024.

Successful submissions will be notified on Friday 15 November 2024.

Panel submissions must include the following details

  • Title of submission (100 character limit)
  • Panel convenor/s
    • Name of 1st panel convenor, title, position, institution, email, mobile phone)
    • Name of subsequent panel convenors, title, position, institution, email, mobile phone)
  • Description (250–300 word limit)
    • Please provide a concise description of your panel. The detail provided here will be used for publication in the program and will appear in the conference resources.
  • Biography/ies (150–200 word limit)
    • The detail provided here will be used for publication in the program and will appear in the conference resources. Please include subsequent biographies for additional panel convenors.
  • Presentation requirements
    • The conference will be held in person at The University of Sydney Business School, Abercrombie Building, Abercrombie Street, Darlington. All presentations must be delivered in-person at the allocated time.

Online submission form:  Australian Association for Pacific Studies Conference 2025 - Pacific Discourses and Destinies | Call for Panel Proposals

A call for individual papers will open later this year.

Academic convenor

Professor Jioji Ravulo


Rachel Payne