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16th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference 2024

Hosted by the Sydney School of Education and Social Work
Monday 25 to Wednesday 27 November 2024

Over the past four decades, Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) has achieved a large body of research by scholars around the world. As a result, CLT has grown and expanded significantly, becoming a leading theory in the field of learning and instruction. 

As researchers increasingly combine it with other theories of learning and instruction, CLT has evolved into an interdisciplinary theory. The conference will reflect this growing diversity of topics and research directions.

Download the conference flyer.

Call for abstracts

Abstracts for empirical or theoretical paper submissions should have a maximum of 4,500 characters (not including the title, author information, and reference list).

Abstract for posters (research at an earlier stage) should have a maximum of 3,500 characters (not including title, author information, and the reference list).

Note that it is possible to submit an abstract even if the data are not available at the time of submission (but at the time of the conference).

Please use this template for either a paper or poster submission.

Submit your abstract.

Abstract submission deadline: Monday 3 June 2024
Notification of acceptance: Monday 15 July 2024


To be eligible for the student rate you must be currently completing a PhD, Master of Philosophy, or master’s coursework.   

*Fees are per person and are GST inclusive.

Keynote presentations

'Intelligence' is a commonly used term that is never properly defined. We assume humans are the most intelligent animals with other animals having lesser amounts. The advent of artificial intelligence has given rise to suggestions that we may have developed something that will eventually exceed us in intelligence. The cognitive architecture used by cognitive load theory can provide us with a base for considering intelligence. That base suggests firstly, that rather than being fixed, intelligence is heavily dependent on the variable contents of long-term memory and secondly, in evolution by natural selection, we already are faced with an intelligent system that vastly exceeds our own intelligence.

Professor John Sweller

John Sweller, Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology, University of New South Wales

John's research is associated with cognitive load theory. The theory is a contributor to both research and debate on issues associated with human cognition, its links to evolution by natural selection, and the instructional design consequences that follow. Based on hundreds of randomised, controlled studies carried out by many investigators from around the globe, the theory has generated a large range of novel instructional designs from our knowledge of human cognitive architecture. Based on any commonly used citation index, the work has been cited on more than 25,000 occasions.

How do educators harness the best of explicit instruction and discovery learning? Load reduction instruction (LRI) is an instructional strategy aimed at addressing this question. Drawing on key concepts and evidence from cognitive load theory and information processing models, LRI seeks to ease the cognitive burden on students so they can learn effectively. Initially, LRI involves explicit instruction. Then, as students develop fluency and automaticity in knowledge and skill, LRI moves onto less structured approaches such as guided discovery-, problem-, and inquiry-based learning. In this presentation, Andrew will explain LRI, share recent research findings, and identify some of the methodological approaches and opportunities LRI affords researchers in education and psychology.

Professor Andrew Martin

Andrew J. Martin, Scientia Professor, Professor of Educational Psychology, and Chair of the Educational Psychology Research Group, School of Education, University of New South Wales

In addition to his substantive position with The University of New South Wales, Andrew is an Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford and a registered psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia. He specialises in student motivation, engagement, learning, and quantitative research methods. He is a consulting editor for Psychological Review, Journal of Educational Psychology, and Educational Psychology and serves on numerous international editorial boards including Educational Psychologist, Learning and Instruction, Contemporary Educational Psychology, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Learning and Individual Differences, and Journal of Experimental Education. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the American Educational Research Association.

I approach this topic from the perspective of the role of models in instructional design. ChatGPT, for instance, is a Large Language Model (LLM), so questions such as these arise: What is an LLM a model of? How is the modelling done? How does the model create value for instructional designers, learners, and researchers? I discuss in what sense LLMs model the knowledge to be learned - the 'content'- because that seems to be their primary function in supporting instructional design. I also discuss how LLMs might serve as models of learners and learning, called the "student model" in intelligent tutoring systems. I critically compare the similarities and differences to more established content and student modelling methods, namely Semantic Models, Bayesian Network Models, and Cognitive Models. By the end of the presentation, it should become clearer to what extent LLMs contribute to insights and create value beyond other approaches to educational modelling.

Professor Peter Reimann

Peter Reimann, Professor of Education, Co-Director, Centre for Research on Learning and Innovation, Sydney School of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney

Peter has been a Professor of Education at The University of Sydney since 2003. He has a PhD in psychology from the University of Freiburg, Germany. Having initially trained as a cognitive psychologist with a general interest in technology-augmented and technology-mediated learning, Peter has frequently applied computational modelling methods to advance learning research. His main research area is Computer-supported Collaborative Learning. One of his contributions to CSCL was introducing process-mining methods for analysing trace data. Also relevant to CSCL research is his work (with Jacobson and Kapur) on the role of complexity theory for theories of human learning. Currently, he and his PhD students are conducting research employing semantic technologies such as Knowledge Graphs, to support peer tutoring and learning from argumentation. During his career, Peter has directed two research centres: The Centre for Research on Computer-supported Learning & Cognition (CoCo) with Peter Goodyear, and the Centre for Research on Learning and Innovation (CRLI) with Lina Markauskaite.

Scientific committee

Adam Szulewski, Queen’s University, Canada André Tricot, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier, France
Babette Park, University of Education Freiburg, Germany David Feldon, Utah State University, USA
Ferdinand Stebner, University of Osnabrück, Germany Fred Paas, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Joachim Wirth, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany Julie Lemarié, Université of Toulouse, France
Maria Opfermann, University of Wuppertal, Germany Nadine Marcus, University of New South Wales, Australia
Paul Ayres, University of New South Wales, Australia Roland Brünken, Saarland University, Germany
Shirley Agostinho, University of Wollongong, Australia Tzu-Chien Liu, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Vicki Likourezos, University of Sydney, Australia Alexander Renkl, University of Freiburg, Germany
Anique de Bruin, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands Slava Kalyuga, University of New South Wales, Australia
Detlev Leutner, Duisburg-Essen University, Germany Florence Lespiau, University of Nîmes, France
Juan C. Castro-Alonso, University of Birmingham, UK Kim Ouwehand, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Franck Amadieu, University of Toulouse, France Ouhao Chen, University of Leeds, UK
Paul Ginns, University of Sydney, Australia Sahar Bokosmaty, University of Wollongong, Australia
Tina Seufert, University of Ulm, Germany Joy Y. Lee, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Stoo Sepp, University of New England, Australia  

Academic convenors

Associate Professor Paul Ginns


Rachel Payne

Project coordinator