School of Art, Communication and English

School of Art, Communication and English

Exploring the full spectrum of human expression and creativity

School of Art, Communication and English

Exploring the full spectrum of human expression and creativity

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Understanding the world through art and communication

We explore how people perceive the world and express themselves through various literary, verbal, visual, digital, and performative modes.

Our multidisciplinary approach combines scholarly and creative disciplines, fostering a vibrant culture that values diversity, rigorous analysis, and creativity.


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What's on?

Explore the vibrant pulse of Sydney’s cultural scene with us. We’re passionate about addressing real-world issues and sparking community conversations through our events. We create experiences that both engage and inspire, sharing our ideas and insights with the public.

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Our people

Professor Alan McKee

Peter Sedgley, Chromosphere, 1967. Power Collection PW1967.22. © Peter Sedgley.

Contact us

School of Art, Communication and English

John Woolley Building (A20),
The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006

Phone: 1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864) (in Australia) 
+61  2 8627 1444 (outside Australia) 
