Digital Media Unit
Supporting media production needs for teaching and research
A team of technical staff work to support media production needs for teaching and research in the Discipline of Media and Communications (MECO) and Sydney College of the Arts (SCA).
Photography, video and audio equipment is available for staff and students through the Digital Media Unit (DMU) AV Loans Store including supply equipment for in-class needs, and several student-facing production studios on campus. The team are also responsible for maintaining and operating a 200-seat digital cinema (Old Geology), and running the FASS Media Room.
The DMU runs several production studios on the Camperdown campus, including the FASS Media Room, pumping out hundreds of hours of high quality video and audio content across the Faculty. Swipe through the photos below to see the studios in action.
The AV Loans Store is home to an array of audio, video and photography equipment. If you are undertaking units of study in Media and Communications or at Sydney College of Arts, you will be directed to the Loans Store to be able to complete your production projects.
Eligible students can book equipment and studio space through the online booking system. For students studying production-based units, we strongly advise loging in as early in the semester as possible to set up your account. Before making a booking, please read the Loans and Returns Policy, Suspension Policy, Studio Policy, and the DMU Getting Started Guide which outlines the rules and expectations for borrowing and provides instructions on how to book. Watch the video below for a step-by-step guide on how to use our booking system.
The Loans Store is located on level 2 of the John Woolley Building (A20) at the University of Sydney’s Camperdown campus. Walk down Manning Rd and use the ground floor entrance opposite the Old Teacher’s College. Please keep the disabled parking bay clear unless you have the appropriate permit.
Visit the AV Loans Store online booking system to book your equipment.
Room S202, Level 2
John Woolley Building (A20),
The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006
Phone: +61 2 9351 6787