External review - The University of Sydney
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External review

On 1 February 2025, the National Student Ombudsman (NSO) was launched as a free, impartial and independent service for students to escalate complaints about their higher education provider.

This confidential service is open to prospective, current and former students, both domestic and international, in both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

The NSO can consider whether the decisions or actions of the University were unreasonable or unfair and have the power to make recommendations to improve the student experience. The NSO offers a restorative engagement process, where appropriate, as well as alternative dispute resolution processes including mediation.

Issues the NSO will consider

  • Student safety and wellbeing
  • Racism and racial vilification
  • Discrimination
  • Gender-based violence
  • Course administration
  • The fairness and effectiveness of student complaints processes
  • The appeals process.

Issues the NSO will not consider

  • A staff member’s employment with the University
  • The appointment of a person to the University
  • Academic decisions such as complaints about grades and marks.

Making a complaint

The NSO will ask if you’ve been able to resolve your matter first with the University. However, if you don’t feel safe talking to the University first, the NSO can be contacted to discuss options for resolution depending on your situation.

The NSO cannot make a new decision about your complaint, but it can consider if the decision or action taken by the University was unreasonable or unfair.

For more information, call 1300 395 775 or visit the NSO website.

Last updated: 21 March 2025

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