Make a complaint - The University of Sydney
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Make a complaint

Before lodging a complaint, you may wish to speak to your student organisation for independent advice, advocacy and support.

A written complaint will be required if an investigation is needed. If you have difficulty writing your complaint, our staff can provide guidance and advice. We can’t help you decide what to say in your complaint, but we can provide assistance to record your complaint in writing. For example, you may dictate your complaint or provide us with an audio or video file in English or Auslan detailing the complaint and we can have it transcribed for you.

Once you’ve decided to lodge a complaint with the University, you can choose one of the three options below.

  • Completing the online Student Complaint Form is the most direct measure for a current University staff member or a student. Please record the details of your complaint and upload any supporting documents. This form is for University staff and students only. Members of the public should follow the advice below.
  • Email us at
  • For advice, especially if the matter is urgent, please call us on 1800 SYD HLP (1800 793 457) (option 2), or complete the call back form.

Members of the public should lodge complaints by emailing us at, providing a clear description of the complaint and attaching any supporting documents.

We will work with you towards a timely and effective resolution.

If you want to make a disclosure or complaint about sexual assault or sexual harassment, you can find out more about your reporting options and the support services available.

All of the submission options above will result in your complaint being formally recorded in the University's Complaints Management System. Your privacy will be maintained in accordance with the University's Record Keeping Policy (pdf, 366KB).

What happens next

When we receive your complaint, we will follow the process outlined on the complaints process page. We will provide you with your case reference number and details of your Case Manager, once appointed, so you can contact them to discuss your case if needed.

I’ve changed my mind

You can withdraw your complaint at any time by notifying us. You should be aware that we may need to proceed in certain circumstances even if you have withdrawn your complaint.

Last updated: 11 July 2024

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You should only use this form to send feedback about the content on this webpage – we will not respond to other enquiries made through this form. If you have an enquiry or need help with something else such as your enrolment, course etc you can contact the Student Centre.
