Complaints process - The University of Sydney
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Complaints process

When we receive your complaint:

  • we will email you to acknowledge your complaint has been submitted and provide a case reference number
  • we will assess your complaint to see if it falls within the scope of University policies and appoint a Case Manager
  • if your complaint is within scope of the policy, we will provide you with your Case Manager's details, so you can contact them to discuss your complaint if needed.

Your Case Manager will undertake a preliminary assessment to determine appropriate action. They may contact you to discuss your complaint, or ask you to attend a meeting.

Depending on the nature of your complaint, your Case Manager may recommend an informal resolution process as the first course of action. This will not happen where your case involves a potentially serious offence, such as sexual or physical assault.

We will provide you with written notification of the outcome of the preliminary assessment within 20 days of lodging your complaint. The actions that may be suggested in this outcome include an informal resolution, acknowledgement of responsibility or no further action. If an assessment has not been reached in this timeframe, we will contact you about the delay.

If necessary, your complaint may be referred for an investigation. If this occurs, we will contact you and provide you with a likely timeframe for this process. The timeframe will be dependent on the complexity of your case, timing of examinations and availability of those involved in the investigation process.

Further information about the process followed by the Student Affairs Unit can be found in the Resolution of Complaints Policy (pdf, 444KB) and Student Complaints Procedures (pdf, 106KB).

Anonymous complaints

If you make an anonymous complaint, be aware that it can only be investigated in the following situations:

  • if it relates to University policy or procedure generally
  • if there is independent documentary evidence to support the complaint and the allegation can be fairly tested
  • if it is not necessary for a respondent to be aware of your identity in order for the complaint to be responded to.

A respondent person or unit will have an opportunity to know the details associated with your complaint and will have a right of reply in accordance with principles of procedural fairness.

If you want to want to report an incident of sexual assault or sexual harassment, you can make an anonymous disclosure by contacting us on 1800 SYD HLP (1800 793 457) (option 2, then option 1) from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Find out more about your options to report an incident of sexual assault or sexual harassment.

Unit Student Affairs

  • Jane Foss Russell Building G02
Contact us
Last updated: 11 March 2025

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