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Faculty and school programs



Commonwealth supported students who commenced their studies before 1 January 2021

The Australian Government’s Job-ready Graduates program made changes to fees for CSP students who commence a new course of study from 1 January 2021. Under the package, some students are 'grandfathered students', meaning they continue to pay their original fee rate. If you transfer to a new course to do honours, you may not be grandfathered and may be charged the new fee rates for honours. Read our page on the Job-ready Graduates Package for more information about the changes.

Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

Honours in the Bachelor of Laws is embedded into either the second-last or final semester of your degree. You will complete a 12 credit point research unit of study LAWS3900 Law Honours over one semester, instead of two electives.

You are required to complete a 12,000 word dissertation and attend a non-assessed research workshop as part of this unit of study.

Visit Canvas to find information on available supervisors or email Professional Law Programs at for more information on the honours program.


The main application round for entry to Law Honours in Semester 1 or 2 of a given academic calendar year closes at the end of Semester 2 the preceding year.

You are eligible to apply in the main round if you have:

  1. completed the requirements of your first degree at the time of application
  2. no more than 3 outstanding core Law units of study at the time of application. That is, students who commenced in 2020 or later must have completed or been granted specific credit for at least 16 core Law units of study (including LAWS1006 Foundations of Law and LAWS1024 Legal Research). Students who commenced before 2020 must have completed or been granted specific credit for at least 16 core Law units (including LAWS1006 Foundations of Law, LAWS1013 Legal Research I and LAWS1019 Legal Research II)
  3. an average mark of at least 75.0 in: all core units of study completed at Sydney Law School at the time of application except LAWS1006 Foundations of Law and LAWS1024 (or, for students commencing before 2020, LAWS1006, LAWS1013 and 1019).*

* If you have an average mark of 74.0-74.9 and can demonstrate your aptitude for extended research, you may apply for special entry to the honours program. A strong record of achievement in academic essay writing or other evidence of high-level research and writing skills is required. Entry to Law Honours from this stream is at the discretion of the Dean and Head of School or delegate.

All students who are eligible to apply in the main round must do so. Students who have more than 3 outstanding core law units of study remaining at the time of the main round may be eligible to apply through a supplementary round for entry in Semester 2, closing at the end of Semester 1. For more information about studying honours you can visit the Law honours Canvas site or email Professional Law Programs at

Exchange and cross-institutional units

It is possible to complete honours and undertake an exchange, or enrol in cross-institutional units or the Oxford-Cambridge Pathways program in your final year. You should be aware that you will need to complete your honours unit, in addition to LAWS2018 Private International Law A and your Jurisprudence requirement in your final semester at Sydney University. Contact Professional Law Programs at for more information.

How to apply

You need to apply for honours in the second last year of your degree, with applications generally due after the release of Semester 2 results.

Visit Canvas to find information on the application process and deadlines. You need to find a proposed supervisor for your application to be accepted. You should do this well ahead of the application deadline as supervisor capacity is limited.

You will need to submit a thesis proposal as part of your application, including a statement on the methodology to be used and a preliminary literature review. This should be discussed with your proposed supervisor before applying.

For further information on honours, please email Professional Law Programs at

Combined degrees

The information below relates to students enrolled in:

  • Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws.

If you are undertaking a combined liberal studies bachelor degree and Bachelor of Laws, you can complete honours in your liberal studies degree by enrolling in an appended honours. After completing the requirements for the liberal studies bachelor degree, to complete your honours study you may need to pause your enrolment in the combined degree. You will then return to the combined degree to complete your Bachelor or Laws requirements.

If you are undertaking a four-year Media and Communications stream in a combined Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws, you can complete honours in the stream by enrolling the stand-alone Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Media and Communications) (Honours). After completing the Bachelor of Arts requirements, to complete your honours study you will need to pause your enrolment in your combined degree. You will then return to the combined degree to complete your Bachelor or Laws requirements.

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Last updated: 10 March 2025

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