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Commonwealth supported students who commenced their studies before 1 January 2021

The Australian Government’s Job-ready Graduates program made changes to fees for CSP students who commence a new course of study from 1 January 2021. Under the package, some students are 'grandfathered students', meaning they continue to pay their original fee rate. If you transfer to a new course to do honours, you may not be grandfathered and may be charged the new fee rates for honours. Read our page on the Job-ready Graduates Package for more information about the changes.

Programs offered

For current students, the honours program is embedded into the final year of your Bachelor of Music degree or from the third year of your Bachelor of Music (Music Education) degree. Information about enrolment and entry requirements is below.

Plan early

It is important to plan for Honours early in your degree, ideally before commencing Year 3, so that you understand the specific units to take and not to take.

Planning ahead will also allow you to work towards achieving the required marks for Honours entry.

How to apply

Entry is by the permission of the Honours coordinator once the specific requirements stated below are achieved. You'll be able to apply via the links when applications open from October:

Entry requirements and Honours units of study

The enrolment pattern for Honours differs to the standard Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Music (Music Education) pattern in that there is a reduced amount of principal study units and electives to complete. The Honours units to enrol in are specific to your principal study/program area. These units, and the requirements for entry, are set out below.

Principal study/program area: 

  • Contemporary Music Practice
  • Composition for Creative Industries
  • Digital Music and Media
  • Musicology
Honours units of study Entry requirements
Refer to the latest course handbook.
  • Completion of 24 credit points of Analysis, History and Culture Studies units.
  • Distinction in 2000-level and above of Analysis, History and Culture Studies units.
  • Distinction in Principal Study/Program-specific units set out in the application form.
  • 500 word research proposal.

Principal study/program area: 

  • Composition
Honours units of study Entry requirements
Refer to the latest course handbook.
  • Completion of 24 credit points of Analysis, History and Culture Studies units.
  • Distinction in 2000-level and above of Analysis, History and Culture Studies units.
  • Distinction in Principal Study/Program-specific units set out in the application form.
  • 500 word research proposal.

Principal study/program area: 

  • Performance
Honours units of study Entry requirements
Refer to the latest course handbook.
  • Completion of 24 credit points of Analysis, History and Culture Studies units.
  • Distinction in 2000-level and above of Analysis, History and Culture Studies units.
  • Distinction in Principal Study/Program-specific units set out in the application form.
  • 500 word research proposal.

Principal study/program area: 

  • Music Education
Honours units of study Entry requirements

MUED3629 Honours: Research in Music Education 1 (commence year 3, semester 1)

MUED3630 Honours: Research in Music Education 2 (commence year 3, semester 2)

MUED4612 Music Education Honours A

MUED4613 Music Education Honours B

MUED4614 Music Education Honours C

MUED4633 Professional Experience 3

Prior to year 3:
  • completion of EDLN2000 LANTITE
  • completion of at least 27 credit points of Music Education and Education units
  • distinction in all Music Education and Education units
  • distinction in 2000-level and above non-Music Education units
  • 500 word research proposal.



The Bachelor of Music Studies (Honours) is an appended honours program requiring an additional year of study, typically for students who have been awarded a Bachelor of Music degree at the University of Sydney or an equivalent qualification in an appropriate discipline from another institution. The Honours units you will take, and the grades needed for entry, are set-out in the handbook, as follows:

How to apply

Apply directly to the University via the Find a course page.

Student Centre



1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)
or +61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)

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Last updated: 10 March 2025

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