University of Sydney Handbooks - 2018 Archive

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Master of Business Administration Leadership and Enterprise

This section outlines the course rules and other requirements for the Master of Business Administration (Leadership and Enterprise) offered by the University of Sydney Business School.


Master of Business Administration (Leadership and Enterprise)
CRICOS code 095861B
Course abbreviation MBA(L&E)
Credit points required for completion 72
Duration 1.5 years full-time

The University of Sydney MBA (L&E) is a general management degree that has been specifically developed to equip managers with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to succeed in an increasingly complex global business environment. Designed in close consultation with leading businesses and industry experts, the University of Sydney MBA (L&E) will develop students enrolled in the program in three key areas: Personal and interpersonal skill development; Business knowledge and skill development; and Building future enterprises.

The MBA (Leadership and Enterprise) comprises of 12 units of study, which are grouped around three key focus areas:

  1. Personal and interpersonal skill development - These units focus on the development of personal and interpersonal skills needed to effectively manage and lead in business. Students will learn to build individual resilience in a world of growing complexity, disruption and ambiguity.
  2. Business knowledge and skill development - Once students have completed the first four units, they will focus on core business knowledge and skills with an overarching theme of building business resilience and sustainability. Students will have an opportunity to combine assessments from these four units to form a business project that will examine the sustainability of an existing business.
  3. Building future enterprises - These units bring together the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous units to equip students to build and lead future enterprises. The final unit is the MBA Capstone (Design Strategy), in which students will develop customer-centric products and services aligned with the strategy of a contemporary, real-world organisation.

The program finishes with a capstone unit, enabling students to apply everything they have learnt throughout the MBA to bring a real product prototype to market.