University of Sydney Handbooks - 2018 Archive

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The School of Psychology is part of the Faculty of Science. Units of study in this major are available at standard level, except for PSYC2010 (available at advanced level in PSYC2910), and PSYC3011 (available at advanced level in PSYC3911), PSYC3013 (available at advanced level in PSYC3913), PSYC3014 (available at advanced level in PSYC3914) and PSYC3016 (available at advanced level in PSYC3916).

About the program

Psychology is both a profession and a science. That is, psychological phenomena are investigated using the scientific method; and the outcomes of these investigations are applied to diverse professional settings (eg. treatment of mental illness, job selection, health promotion, education policy, etc.).

When you study psychology, you will cover a range of areas including behavioural neuroscience, personality theory, social influences on the behaviour of individuals and groups, forensic psychology, health psychology, developmental psychology, abnormal psychology, memory, attention, intelligence, sensory processes and perception, research methods, and theories of learning and motivation.

The Psychology Program is designed to both meet the requirements for accreditation so that students can engage in further training to become registered and practicing psychologists AND/OR to engage in higher degree research in one or more of the areas of Psychological Science.

Requirements for completion

A program in Psychology requires 60 credit points, consisting of:

(i) 6 credit points of 2000-level selective units
(ii) 6 credit points of 3000-level core units
(iii) A 48 credit point major in Behavioural Sciences. Note that the above units must be taken in addition to those chosen in the major.

First year

In the first year, you will be introduced to all the disciplines in Psychology, including behavioural neuroscience, personality theory, social influences on the behaviour of individuals and groups, forensic psychology, health psychology, developmental psychology, abnormal psychology, memory, attention, intelligence, sensory processes and perception, research methods, and theories of learning and motivation.

Core: PSYC1001 and PSYC1002.

Second year

In the second year, you will study all the core disciplines introduced in first-year Psychology at a deeper level across four courses rather than two.

6cp from: PSYC2X10, PSYC2013, PSYC2014.

Students also complete units from their Behavioural Sciences major.

Accreditation for psychologists requires that students complete a program in which they receive training across the core disciplines of psychological sciences. The first and second year of the Psychology Program ensures that all graduates receive this training.

Third year

The third year courses allow students to continue their studies in the core research methods used in Psychology, and to specialise in a few of the major research disciplines in Psychology.

Students also complete units from their Behavioural Sciences major.

Students must complete 3000-level Statistics in order to be eligible for the Honours program. They may then choose to take specialist courses in the areas of Learning and Behaviour, Perceptual Systems, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Differential Psychology, Applied Psychology (Forensic, Health, Organisational), Clinical Psychology, and Theoretical Psychology.

In your third year you must take at least one designated project unit.

Fourth year

The fourth year is only offered within the combined Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Advanced Studies course.

Advanced Coursework
The Bachelor of Advanced Studies advanced coursework option consists of 48 credit points, which must include a minimum of 24 credit points in a single subject area at 4000-level, including a project unit of study worth at least 12 credit points. Space is provided for 12 credit points towards the second major (if not already completed). 24 credit points of advanced study will be included in the table for 2020.

Successful completion of an Honours year in Psychology is essential for accreditation. Completion of the full Psychology Program is required to undertake Honours in Psychology.

Requirements for Honours in the areas of Psychology: completion of 24 credit points of project work and 24 credit points of coursework.

Honours units of study will be available in 2020.

Contact and further information


School of Psychology
Griffith Taylor Building (A19)
University of Sydney NSW 2006

Dr Ian Johnston

T +61 2 9351 4353

Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour and mental processes. Professional training is available at the postgraduate level. The research activities of the school cover all of the main branches of the discipline. Extensive information about the subject and the school is available on the school website:

Learning Outcomes

Students who graduate from Psychology will be able to:

  1. Describe in detail the major theories of the core disciplines in the Psychological Sciences: Learning and Behaviour, Perceptual Systems, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Differential Psychology, Applied Psychology (Forensic, Health, Organisational), Clinical Psychology, Research Methods and Statistics, and Theoretical Psychology.
  2. Understand, apply, and evaluate basic research methods in Psychology, including research design, data analysis and interpretation, and the appropriate use of technologies.
  3. Apply these concepts to personal, social, and professional issues.
  4. Design, conduct, and interpret experimental research in psychology
  5. Apply critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and the scientific approach to solve problems related to Psychology
  6. Value empirical evidence; act ethically and professionally; and understand the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity
  7. Evaluate and communicate the findings of research and literature through scientific research report, essays, orally, and in other media.