Dr Caroline Lipovsky
LLB (Paris II), MA (Paris I), MA in Applied Linguistics, PhD (University of Sydney)
Honorary Senior Lecturer
+61 2 9351 3651
A18 - Brennan MacCallum Building
The University of Sydney
My research spans discourse media analysis, as well as feminist linguistics and urban/rural linguistic landscapes.
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- language of the workplace (job interviews, CVs, job advertisements)
- language of the law
- media discourse
- feminist linguistics
linguistic landscapelanguage of the workplace (job interviews, CVs, job advertisements)
language of the law
media discourse
feminist linguistics
linguistic landscape
- French language and culture
- French Sociolinguistics
- Langue & Société en Pays Francophone
- Language & Society in Europe
Other Professional Contributions
- Co-convenor, Symposium on Approaches to Researching Language and Identity, University of Sydney, 9 November 2012
- Co-convenor, Symposium on Language and Identity across Modes of Communication, University of Sydney, 22 November 2011
- Co-convenor, 18th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for French Studies (ASFS), 2010
- Co-convenor, 33rd Annual Congress of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA), 2008
- Member of Organising Committee, LingFest 2008
- Member of Organising Committee, 1st Free Linguistics Conference, 2007
- NAATI accredited Translator English > French
- 2010, Faculty of Arts Research Support Scheme (FARSS). Making the right impression in French CVs
- 2010, Faculty’s Collaborative Research Scheme Language and Identity Research Network
Project title | Research student |
Chineseness in the making: An ethnographic linguistic landscape study in Chinese restaurants in Hurstville a Sydney suburb | Samantha XU |
Selected publications
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- Lipovsky, C. (2010). Negotiating solidarity: a social-linguistic approach to job interviews. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Edited Books
- Mahboob, A., Lipovsky, C. (2009). Studies in applied linguistics and language learning. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Lipovsky, C. (2015). Constructing professional identity through Curricula Vitae. In Dwi Noverini Djenar, Ahmar Mahboob, Ken Cruickshank (Eds.), Language and Identity Across Modes of Communication, (pp. 263-290). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C., Mahboob, A. (2010). Appraisal of native and non-native English speaking teachers. In Mahboob, Ahmar (Eds.), The NNEST Lens: Non Native English Speakers in TESOL, (pp. 154-179). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Lipovsky, C., Mahboob, A. (2009). Identities, policies and practices in applied linguistics. In Ahmar Mahboob, Caroline Lipovsky (Eds.), Studies in applied linguistics and language learning, (pp. 1-12). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
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- Lipovsky, C. (2023). Noaiwia: A linguistic landscape case study of a village in Vanuatu. Sociolinguistic Studies, 17(4), 353-376. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2021). Free-floating electric scooters: representation in French mainstream media. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 15(10), 778-787. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2021). Social distancing in the time of COVID-19: A case study from Australia. Academia Letters, 167. [More Information]
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- Lipovsky, C. (2010). An appraisal analysis of interviewers' evaluations of job applicants. 36th International Systemic Functional Congress 11th China Functional Linguistics Conference 2009, Beijing: 36th ISFC Organising Committee.
- Lipovsky, C. (2007). Making a good impression in job interviews in french: strategies and outcomes. AULLA Conference 2007, Queensland: Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.
- Lipovsky, C. (2003). Making a good impression in a job interview: the role of the applicant's lexico-grammatical choices. Actes du 8ème Atelier des Doctorants en Linguistique, France: UFR de Linguistique.
- Lipovsky, C. (2015), Comment écrire son CV.
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- Lipovsky, C. (2023). Noaiwia: A linguistic landscape case study of a village in Vanuatu. Sociolinguistic Studies, 17(4), 353-376. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2021). Free-floating electric scooters: representation in French mainstream media. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 15(10), 778-787. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2021). Social distancing in the time of COVID-19: A case study from Australia. Academia Letters, 167. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2020). Cycling the city: Representation in the French media. Language, Context and Text, 2(2), 334-367. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2020). Shaping learning for young audiences: A comparative case study of children's texts from two Parisian museums. Visitor Studies: theory, research, and practice, 23(2), 237-265. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2019). Belleville's linguistic heterogeneity viewed from its landscape. International Journal of Multilingualism, 16(3), 244-269. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2019). The linguistic landscapes of Girona and Perpignan: A contrastive study of the display of the Catalan language in top-down signage. Journal of Catalan Studies, 21(2), 150-194.
- Lipovsky, C., Wang, W. (2019). Wenzhou Restaurants in Paris's Chinatowns: A Case Study of Chinese Ethnicity Within and Beyond the Linguistic Landscape. Journal of Chinese Overseas, 15(2019), 202-233. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2017). Right to a fair trial: could hard news reports influence jurors? Journal of World Languages, 4(2), 69-93. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2017). Storytelling in legal settings: A case study from a Crown Prosecutor's opening statement. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 40(1), 71-91. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2016). Negotiating solidarity with potential donors: a study of the images in fundraising letters by not-for-profit organizations. Functional Linguistics, 3(1), 1-18. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2015), Comment écrire son CV.
- Lipovsky, C. (2015). Constructing professional identity through Curricula Vitae. In Dwi Noverini Djenar, Ahmar Mahboob, Ken Cruickshank (Eds.), Language and Identity Across Modes of Communication, (pp. 263-290). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2015). Eliciting solidarity in an emergency appeal: An illustrative analysis. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 11(1), 133-154. [More Information]
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- Lipovsky, C. (2014). Gender-specification and occupational nouns: has linguistic change occurred in job advertisements since the French feminisation reforms? Gender and Language, 8(3), 361-392. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2014). The CV As A Multimodal Text. Visual Communication, 13(4), 429-458. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2013). Negotiating one's expertise through appraisal in CVs. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 8(3), 307-333. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2012). Fostering affiliation through humour in a job interview. Sociolinguistic Studies, 6(1), 149-172. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2011). 'It's Really A Great Presentation!': Appraising Candidates in Job Interviews. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 4(2), 161-185. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2010). An appraisal analysis of interviewers' evaluations of job applicants. 36th International Systemic Functional Congress 11th China Functional Linguistics Conference 2009, Beijing: 36th ISFC Organising Committee.
- Lipovsky, C., Mahboob, A. (2010). Appraisal of native and non-native English speaking teachers. In Mahboob, Ahmar (Eds.), The NNEST Lens: Non Native English Speakers in TESOL, (pp. 154-179). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Lipovsky, C. (2010). Negotiating solidarity: a social-linguistic approach to job interviews. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
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- Lipovsky, C., Mahboob, A. (2009). Identities, policies and practices in applied linguistics. In Ahmar Mahboob, Caroline Lipovsky (Eds.), Studies in applied linguistics and language learning, (pp. 1-12). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Mahboob, A., Lipovsky, C. (2009). Studies in applied linguistics and language learning. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2008). Constructing affiliation and solidarity in job interviews. Discourse and Communication, 2(4), 411-432. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C., Mahboob, A. (2008). The semantics of graduation: examining ESL learners' use of graduation over time. In Ahmar Mahboob, Naomi Knight (Eds.), Questioning Linguistics, (pp. 225-241). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Lipovsky, C., Mahboob, A. (2007). Examining Attitudes Towards Nests and Nnests: A Comparison of a Thematic vs. an Appraisal Analysis. In C. Gitsaki (Eds.), Language and Languages: Global and Local Tensions, (pp. 292-306). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Lipovsky, C. (2007). Making a good impression in job interviews in french: strategies and outcomes. AULLA Conference 2007, Queensland: Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.
- Lipovsky, C. (2006). Candidates' negotiation of their expertise in job interviews. Journal of Pragmatics, 38(8), 1147-1174. [More Information]
- Lipovsky, C. (2006). Self-presentation in job interview. In Fernando Ramallo, Anxo M. Lorenzo, Xoan Paulo Rodriguez-Yanez (Eds.), Discourse and Enterprise: Communication, Business, Management and other Professional Fields, (pp. 263-276). Muenchen, Germany: Lincom-Europa.
- Lipovsky, C. (2003). Making a good impression in a job interview: the role of the applicant's lexico-grammatical choices. Actes du 8ème Atelier des Doctorants en Linguistique, France: UFR de Linguistique.
Selected Grants
- The Language and Identity Research Group , Rubino A, Bednarek M, Cruickshank K, Djenar D, Jarkey N, Lipovsky C, Mahboob A, Paltridge B, Tsung L, Wang W, Yilmaz D, Zhang Z, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/FASS Collaborative Research Scheme