Dr Caroline Lipovsky

Dr Caroline Lipovsky

LLB (Paris II), MA (Paris I), MA in Applied Linguistics, PhD (University of Sydney)
Honorary Senior Lecturer
+61 2 9351 3651
A18 - Brennan MacCallum Building
The University of Sydney

My research spans discourse media analysis, as well as feminist linguistics and urban/rural linguistic landscapes.

With a focus on persuasive discourse, I have researched the ways in which candidates present themselves in job interviews to construct their professional identity and negotiate solidarity with their interviewers. My research on curriculum vitae has continued this work and aimed to identify the key linguistic features that succeed (or fail) to make a good impression on recruiters, leading to shortlisting (or not) for a job interview.

I then turned my interest to fundraising letters by not-for-profit organizations, and examined the ways in which both text and images may contribute to convince potential donors to give monies.

Continuing my research on persuasive discourse and using a stint as a juror at a criminal trial, I then analysed the ways in which prosecutors construct their narrative of the crime in order to persuade the jurors of their views. I have also explored whether jurors could be influenced by their reading of the media.

With the push for gender-neutral language, I also sought to explore gender specification in occupational nouns in job advertisements in the French media as well as in French women’s CVs.

Another interest of mine concerns the linguistic landscape. I have conducted projects in Catalonia and Paris involving the place and status of regional and immigrant languages in the public space.

I have also investigated the ways in which students of English appraise their native vs. non-native English-speaking teachers.

  • language of the workplace (job interviews, CVs, job advertisements)
  • language of the law
  • media discourse
  • feminist linguistics
linguistic landscapelanguage of the workplace (job interviews, CVs, job advertisements)
language of the law
media discourse
feminist linguistics
linguistic landscape


  • French language and culture
  • French Sociolinguistics
  • Langue & Société en Pays Francophone
  • Language & Society in Europe

Other Professional Contributions

  • Co-convenor, Symposium on Approaches to Researching Language and Identity, University of Sydney, 9 November 2012
  • Co-convenor, Symposium on Language and Identity across Modes of Communication, University of Sydney, 22 November 2011
  • Co-convenor, 18th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for French Studies (ASFS), 2010
  • Co-convenor, 33rd Annual Congress of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA), 2008
  • Member of Organising Committee, LingFest 2008
  • Member of Organising Committee, 1st Free Linguistics Conference, 2007
  • NAATI accredited Translator English > French
  • 2010, Faculty of Arts Research Support Scheme (FARSS). Making the right impression in French CVs
  • 2010, Faculty’s Collaborative Research Scheme Language and Identity Research Network
Project titleResearch student
Chineseness in the making: An ethnographic linguistic landscape study in Chinese restaurants in Hurstville a Sydney suburbSamantha XU



  • Lipovsky, C. (2010). Negotiating solidarity: a social-linguistic approach to job interviews. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Edited Books

  • Mahboob, A., Lipovsky, C. (2009). Studies in applied linguistics and language learning. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Lipovsky, C. (2015). Constructing professional identity through Curricula Vitae. In Dwi Noverini Djenar, Ahmar Mahboob, Ken Cruickshank (Eds.), Language and Identity Across Modes of Communication, (pp. 263-290). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [More Information]
  • Lipovsky, C., Mahboob, A. (2010). Appraisal of native and non-native English speaking teachers. In Mahboob, Ahmar (Eds.), The NNEST Lens: Non Native English Speakers in TESOL, (pp. 154-179). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Lipovsky, C., Mahboob, A. (2009). Identities, policies and practices in applied linguistics. In Ahmar Mahboob, Caroline Lipovsky (Eds.), Studies in applied linguistics and language learning, (pp. 1-12). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


  • Lipovsky, C. (2023). Noaiwia: A linguistic landscape case study of a village in Vanuatu. Sociolinguistic Studies, 17(4), 353-376. [More Information]
  • Lipovsky, C. (2021). Free-floating electric scooters: representation in French mainstream media. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 15(10), 778-787. [More Information]
  • Lipovsky, C. (2021). Social distancing in the time of COVID-19: A case study from Australia. Academia Letters, 167. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2010). An appraisal analysis of interviewers' evaluations of job applicants. 36th International Systemic Functional Congress 11th China Functional Linguistics Conference 2009, Beijing: 36th ISFC Organising Committee.
  • Lipovsky, C. (2007). Making a good impression in job interviews in french: strategies and outcomes. AULLA Conference 2007, Queensland: Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.
  • Lipovsky, C. (2003). Making a good impression in a job interview: the role of the applicant's lexico-grammatical choices. Actes du 8ème Atelier des Doctorants en Linguistique, France: UFR de Linguistique.


  • Lipovsky, C. (2015), Comment écrire son CV.


  • Lipovsky, C. (2023). Noaiwia: A linguistic landscape case study of a village in Vanuatu. Sociolinguistic Studies, 17(4), 353-376. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2021). Free-floating electric scooters: representation in French mainstream media. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 15(10), 778-787. [More Information]
  • Lipovsky, C. (2021). Social distancing in the time of COVID-19: A case study from Australia. Academia Letters, 167. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2020). Cycling the city: Representation in the French media. Language, Context and Text, 2(2), 334-367. [More Information]
  • Lipovsky, C. (2020). Shaping learning for young audiences: A comparative case study of children's texts from two Parisian museums. Visitor Studies: theory, research, and practice, 23(2), 237-265. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2019). Belleville's linguistic heterogeneity viewed from its landscape. International Journal of Multilingualism, 16(3), 244-269. [More Information]
  • Lipovsky, C. (2019). The linguistic landscapes of Girona and Perpignan: A contrastive study of the display of the Catalan language in top-down signage. Journal of Catalan Studies, 21(2), 150-194.
  • Lipovsky, C., Wang, W. (2019). Wenzhou Restaurants in Paris's Chinatowns: A Case Study of Chinese Ethnicity Within and Beyond the Linguistic Landscape. Journal of Chinese Overseas, 15(2019), 202-233. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2017). Right to a fair trial: could hard news reports influence jurors? Journal of World Languages, 4(2), 69-93. [More Information]
  • Lipovsky, C. (2017). Storytelling in legal settings: A case study from a Crown Prosecutor's opening statement. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 40(1), 71-91. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2016). Negotiating solidarity with potential donors: a study of the images in fundraising letters by not-for-profit organizations. Functional Linguistics, 3(1), 1-18. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2015), Comment écrire son CV.
  • Lipovsky, C. (2015). Constructing professional identity through Curricula Vitae. In Dwi Noverini Djenar, Ahmar Mahboob, Ken Cruickshank (Eds.), Language and Identity Across Modes of Communication, (pp. 263-290). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [More Information]
  • Lipovsky, C. (2015). Eliciting solidarity in an emergency appeal: An illustrative analysis. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 11(1), 133-154. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2014). Gender-specification and occupational nouns: has linguistic change occurred in job advertisements since the French feminisation reforms? Gender and Language, 8(3), 361-392. [More Information]
  • Lipovsky, C. (2014). The CV As A Multimodal Text. Visual Communication, 13(4), 429-458. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2013). Negotiating one's expertise through appraisal in CVs. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 8(3), 307-333. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2012). Fostering affiliation through humour in a job interview. Sociolinguistic Studies, 6(1), 149-172. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2011). 'It's Really A Great Presentation!': Appraising Candidates in Job Interviews. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 4(2), 161-185. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2010). An appraisal analysis of interviewers' evaluations of job applicants. 36th International Systemic Functional Congress 11th China Functional Linguistics Conference 2009, Beijing: 36th ISFC Organising Committee.
  • Lipovsky, C., Mahboob, A. (2010). Appraisal of native and non-native English speaking teachers. In Mahboob, Ahmar (Eds.), The NNEST Lens: Non Native English Speakers in TESOL, (pp. 154-179). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Lipovsky, C. (2010). Negotiating solidarity: a social-linguistic approach to job interviews. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


  • Lipovsky, C., Mahboob, A. (2009). Identities, policies and practices in applied linguistics. In Ahmar Mahboob, Caroline Lipovsky (Eds.), Studies in applied linguistics and language learning, (pp. 1-12). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Mahboob, A., Lipovsky, C. (2009). Studies in applied linguistics and language learning. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More Information]


  • Lipovsky, C. (2008). Constructing affiliation and solidarity in job interviews. Discourse and Communication, 2(4), 411-432. [More Information]
  • Lipovsky, C., Mahboob, A. (2008). The semantics of graduation: examining ESL learners' use of graduation over time. In Ahmar Mahboob, Naomi Knight (Eds.), Questioning Linguistics, (pp. 225-241). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


  • Lipovsky, C., Mahboob, A. (2007). Examining Attitudes Towards Nests and Nnests: A Comparison of a Thematic vs. an Appraisal Analysis. In C. Gitsaki (Eds.), Language and Languages: Global and Local Tensions, (pp. 292-306). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Lipovsky, C. (2007). Making a good impression in job interviews in french: strategies and outcomes. AULLA Conference 2007, Queensland: Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.


  • Lipovsky, C. (2006). Candidates' negotiation of their expertise in job interviews. Journal of Pragmatics, 38(8), 1147-1174. [More Information]
  • Lipovsky, C. (2006). Self-presentation in job interview. In Fernando Ramallo, Anxo M. Lorenzo, Xoan Paulo Rodriguez-Yanez (Eds.), Discourse and Enterprise: Communication, Business, Management and other Professional Fields, (pp. 263-276). Muenchen, Germany: Lincom-Europa.


  • Lipovsky, C. (2003). Making a good impression in a job interview: the role of the applicant's lexico-grammatical choices. Actes du 8ème Atelier des Doctorants en Linguistique, France: UFR de Linguistique.

Selected Grants


  • The Language and Identity Research Group , Rubino A, Bednarek M, Cruickshank K, Djenar D, Jarkey N, Lipovsky C, Mahboob A, Paltridge B, Tsung L, Wang W, Yilmaz D, Zhang Z, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/FASS Collaborative Research Scheme

Electronic work

Lipovsky, C. (2015) Comment écrire son CV.