Associate Professor Cathy Little

Associate Professor Cathy Little

PhD (Sydney), MEd(Special Education)(Sydney),MEd(Early Childhood)(UOW),GradCert(ASD)(QUT),MTeach(EC)(Macquarie), BEd(Sydney),
Associate Professor, Special Education, Executive Director, Initial Teacher Education
+61 2 93513685
+61 2 93512606
A35 - Education Building
The University of Sydney
Associate Professor Cathy Little

Cathy's areas of interest are autistic spectrum disorder, high support needs, and positive behaviour support. She lectures at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and is supervising a number of research students.

Prior to taking up her position at the University, Cathy was assistant principal of a four-class support unit attached to a regular primary school in the Western Sydney Region. She has had many years' experience teaching in early-childhood settings, primary schools and the special-education sector.

Cathy has taught students with autistic spectrum disorder, behaviour disorder and high support needs, in regular and support-unit classes. She continues to have a close relationship with several schools in Western Sydney Region.

Research on teaching and learning

  • Early childhood education
  • Special and inclusive education

Keywords: autism, teacher attitudes, social inclusion, early childhood, special education

  • An investigative study into regular teacher attitudes and the social inclusion of students with Asperger Syndrome.
  • Collaborative project with Srinakharinwhirot University, Bagkok investigating Thai teacher attitudes, knowledge and perceptions of students with ASD.

Joseph Varga School, Randwick - Board of Directors.

Australian Association of Special Education(AASE) - NSW Chapter Committee

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)–Assessment Board Committee

Successful Learning Conference- Organising Committee (2007 – present)

Australian Society for Autism Research(ASfAR) - member

International Society for Autism Research(InSAR) - member

Early Childhood Intervention Australia(ECIA) - member

Faculty of Education and Social Work Teaching Excellence Award, 2016

Faculty of Education and Social Work Teaching Excellence Award, 2010

Faculty of Education and Social Work, Thomas T Roberts Fellowship 2009

Project titleResearch student
Trauma-informed education in early childhood education: Educator understandings and practices in NSWLauren BEDFORD-ROLLESTON



  • Spandagou, I., Little, C., Evans, D., Bonati, M. (2020). Inclusive Education in Schools and Early Childhood Settings. TBC. [More Information]

Edited Books

  • Little, C. (2017). Supporting Social Inclusion for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Insights from Research and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Evans, D., binti Salleh, R., Basit, A., Little, C. (2023). Flexible, relevant, and accessible curriculum: The role of the universal design for learning framework in three countries. In K. Koreeda, M. Tsuge, S. Ikuta, E. M. Dalton, L. P. Ewe (Eds.), Building inclusive education in K-12 classrooms and higher education: Theories and principles, (pp. 131-145). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. [More Information]
  • Little, C. (2020). Early intervention. In Not known (Eds.), Inclusive Education in Schools and Early Childhood Settings, (pp. 129-137). TBC. [More Information]
  • Little, C. (2020). Principles of Behaviour Support. In Not known (Eds.), Inclusive Education in Schools and Early Childhood Settings, (pp. 93-101). TBC. [More Information]


  • Metcalfe, L., Little, C., Clancey, G., Evans, D. (2024). The Changing Nature of Education in Youth Justice Centres in New South Wales (Australia). Journal of Prison Education Research, 8(1, article 5), 1-22. [More Information]
  • Liang, K., Niland, A., Little, C. (2023). Hearing young children's perspectives: Reflections on research into left-behind children's lived experience in Chinese rural areas. Global Studies of Childhood, Online first. [More Information]
  • Little, C., Karaolis, O. (2023). The lost art of joy in early childhood education. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, Online first. [More Information]


  • Little, C., Evans, D. (2019). Using peer mediated Lego play to promote social communication in young students with Autism. 16th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education, Magamba: International Association of Special Education. [More Information]
  • Evans, D., Little, C., Spandagou, I., Atkinson, S., Boon, R., McInnes, L. (2012). Developing a Framework for Including all Teachers: The Implications for Design and Delivering a Comprehension In-Service Teacher Education Program. 7th International Conference on e-Learning (ICEl 2012), Reading, UK: Academic Publishing International Limited.
  • Evans, D., Little, C., Spandagou, I., Wood, P. (2012). What do we know about how early career teachers experience inclusive education? 2012 Joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Sydney: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).


  • Clancey, G., Evans, D., Little, C. (2021). Review of the extended school year model and literature review: Final report prepared for the NSW Department of Education. Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney.

Research Reports

  • Villeneuve, M., Evans, D., Sadirin, S., Andriana, E., Bonati, M., Little, C., Millington, M. (2016). Collaborative action across health and education sectors for inclusion of children with disabilities in education: Establishing a policy vision and research agenda in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Sydney, Australia: Centre for Disability Research and Policy, University of Sydney. [More Information]


  • Metcalfe, L., Little, C., Clancey, G., Evans, D. (2024). The Changing Nature of Education in Youth Justice Centres in New South Wales (Australia). Journal of Prison Education Research, 8(1, article 5), 1-22. [More Information]


  • Evans, D., binti Salleh, R., Basit, A., Little, C. (2023). Flexible, relevant, and accessible curriculum: The role of the universal design for learning framework in three countries. In K. Koreeda, M. Tsuge, S. Ikuta, E. M. Dalton, L. P. Ewe (Eds.), Building inclusive education in K-12 classrooms and higher education: Theories and principles, (pp. 131-145). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. [More Information]
  • Liang, K., Niland, A., Little, C. (2023). Hearing young children's perspectives: Reflections on research into left-behind children's lived experience in Chinese rural areas. Global Studies of Childhood, Online first. [More Information]
  • Little, C., Karaolis, O. (2023). The lost art of joy in early childhood education. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, Online first. [More Information]


  • Zanuttini, J., Little, C. (2022). Teaching social skill acquisition to students with autism: a systematic review of peer-mediated interventions published between 2010 and 2020. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 3. [More Information]


  • Zanuttini, J., Little, C. (2021). Perspectives of students with autism on their participation in a peer-mediated intervention. Support for Learning, 36(4), 572-593. [More Information]
  • Clancey, G., Evans, D., Little, C. (2021). Review of the extended school year model and literature review: Final report prepared for the NSW Department of Education. Sydney, Australia: The University of Sydney.
  • Little, C., deLeeuw, R., Andriana, E., Zanuttini, J., Evans, D. (2021). Social inclusion through the eyes of the student: Perspectives from students with disabilities on friendship and acceptance. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, Online first. [More Information]


  • Little, C. (2020). Early intervention. In Not known (Eds.), Inclusive Education in Schools and Early Childhood Settings, (pp. 129-137). TBC. [More Information]
  • Spandagou, I., Little, C., Evans, D., Bonati, M. (2020). Inclusive Education in Schools and Early Childhood Settings. TBC. [More Information]
  • Little, C. (2020). Principles of Behaviour Support. In Not known (Eds.), Inclusive Education in Schools and Early Childhood Settings, (pp. 93-101). TBC. [More Information]


  • Little, C., Evans, D. (2019). Using peer mediated Lego play to promote social communication in young students with Autism. 16th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education, Magamba: International Association of Special Education. [More Information]


  • Little, C. (2017). Social inclusion and Autism Spectrum Disorder. In Cathy Little (Eds.), Supporting Social Inclusion for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Insights from Research and Practice, (pp. 9-20). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Little, C. (2017). Supporting Social Inclusion for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Insights from Research and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Little, C. (2017). The role of school communities in facilitating social inclusion. In Cathy Little (Eds.), Supporting Social Inclusion for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Insights from Research and Practice, (pp. 117-130). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Villeneuve, M., Evans, D., Sadirin, S., Andriana, E., Bonati, M., Little, C., Millington, M. (2016). Collaborative action across health and education sectors for inclusion of children with disabilities in education: Establishing a policy vision and research agenda in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Sydney, Australia: Centre for Disability Research and Policy, University of Sydney. [More Information]


  • Little, C., Vibulpatanavong, K., Evans, D. (2014). Investigating Thai teachers attitudes toward students with Autism. Journal of Education Research, 9(1), 207-215. [More Information]


  • Stylianakis, C., Little, C. (2013). Implementing a multilevel literacy program for a child with autism. Special Education Perspectives, 22(1), 7-14.


  • Little, C., Evans, D. (2012). Conceptualizing social inclusion within teacher education. In Chris Forlin (Eds.), Future Directions for Inclusive Teacher Education: An International Perspective, (pp. 139-148). Oxon, UK: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Evans, D., Little, C., Spandagou, I., Atkinson, S., Boon, R., McInnes, L. (2012). Developing a Framework for Including all Teachers: The Implications for Design and Delivering a Comprehension In-Service Teacher Education Program. 7th International Conference on e-Learning (ICEl 2012), Reading, UK: Academic Publishing International Limited.
  • Evans, D., Little, C., Spandagou, I., Wood, P. (2012). What do we know about how early career teachers experience inclusive education? 2012 Joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), Sydney: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).


  • Hoskin, C., Evans, D., Little, C., Spandagou, I. (2011). Examining the tensions of professional practice: Preparing quality special educators. Australian Association of Special Education National Conference: Tensions in Competing Agendas (AASE 2011), Gold Coast, Australia: AASE.


  • Spandagou, I., Evans, D., Little, C. (2009). Primary education preservice teachers' attitudes on inclusion and perceptions on preparedness to respond to classroom diversity. AARE 2008 International Education Research Conference, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).

Selected Grants


  • Collaborations in Education: Perspectives and Experiences from Malaysia and Australia, Little C, Sydney Southeast Asia Centre/SSEAC Workshop Grant


  • Disability Awareness; co-created with students content to enhance engagement, Spandagou I, Evans D, Little C, Zanuttini J, Spencer M, Villeneuve M, DVC Education/Small Educational Innovation Grant

In the media

Bonati, M., Little, C., Evans, D., & Spandagou, I. (12 November 2014). Separate curriculum or students with disability no good for anyone. The Conversation.