Dr Christopher Humphrey Hartney

Dr Christopher Humphrey Hartney

Member of the Sydney South East Asia Centre (SSEAC)
Senior Lecturer
Studies in Religion

Christopher Hartney is a senior lecturer in the Department of Studies in Religion where he studies and teaches the myths of modernity, religion and violence, civil religion, and new religious systems. His main research focus is on new religions in East Asia and Vietnam in particular. Presently he is working on translations of major texts from the new Vietnamese indigenous religion of Caodaism. A former editor of Literature and Aesthetics and the prestigious Journal of Religious History, Chris has also edited numerous scholarly editions and has published over 50 peer-reviewed papers. His latest publication (edited with Daniel J. Tower) was Religious Categories and the Construction of the Indigenous for Method and Theory in the Study of Religion (Brill, 2017).

  • Religion, Ritual, Confucianism and a particular emphasis on Vietnam
  • Methodologies of performance, ritual and religion in everyday life and popular culture, performance and film, especially religion and film
  • The development of multiculturalism and universalism in the urban West
  • The non-mainstream and new religions of Sydney
  • Humanism

I am working on the myth of love as a replacement for religious certainty, examining the causes and operation of film censorship in Australia, tyring to define religion in the face of secularism and the myths of modernity, and exploring new cultural manifestations of atheism.

  • National Delegate and Executive Member, International Association of Aesthetics
  • President (2010 -), Australian and New Zealand Association for Literature and Aesthetics
  • President (2010 -), Sydney Society for Literature and Aesthetics
  • Editor (2006 -), Journal of Religious History
  • Editor (2010 -), Literature and Aesthetics
  • Treasurer 2003-2006, Australian Association for the Study of Religion
Project titleResearch student
Zodiacal Motifs in Byzantine and post-Byzantine Religious Art: A Multidisciplinary ExplorationDoru COSTACHE

Selected publications

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  • Hartney, C. (2024). How Heaven Works: The Collective Shamanic Journeys of Phạm Công Tắc and the Syncretic Afterworld of Caodaism. Leiden: Brill.
  • Hartney, C., Noble, J. (2015). Cambridge Studies of Religion Stage Six Third Edition. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]

Edited Books

  • Hartney, C., Tower, D. (2017). Religious Categories and the Construction of the Indigenous. Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C. (2014). Secularisation: New Historical Perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Cusack, C., Hartney, C. (2010). Religion and Retributive Logic: Essays in Honour of Professor Garry W. Trompf. Leiden: Brill.

Book Chapters

  • Hartney, C. (2024). Processes of radicalization onscreen: How we canonize the white saints of freedom. In Akil N. Awan, James R. Lewis (Eds.), Radicalisation: A Global and Comparative Perspective, (pp. 105-120). United Kingdom: Hurst and Company. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C. (2017). Indigenous or Non-Indigenous: Who Benefits from Narrow Definitions of Religion? In Christopher Hartney, Daniel J Tower (Eds.), Religious Categories and the Construction of the Indigenous, (pp. 203-227). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C., Tower, D. (2017). Indigenous Religion: Its Validity and Problematics. In Christopher Hartney, Daniel J Tower (Eds.), Religious Categories and the Construction of the Indigenous, (pp. 1-7). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]


  • Hartney, C. (2022). Vietnamese Syncretism and the Characteristics of Caodaism's Chief Deity: Problematising Duc Cao Dai as a 'Monotheistic' God Within an East Asian Heavenly Milieu. Journal of Daesoon Thought and the Religions of East Asia, 1(2), 41-59. [More Information]
  • Alderton Flett, Z., Hartney, C. (2021). ANZAC Celebration During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observations from Fieldwork in Katoomba, New South Wales. Fieldwork in Religion, 16(1), 8-34. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C. (2021). Divine Mother of Carramar: The Motivations, Construction, and Stylistics of Caodaism’s Second Sydney Temple. Wuhan Journal of Cultic Studies, 1(1), 83-97. [More Information]

Edited Journals

  • Hartney, C., Ioannides, G. (2011). The Limits of Representation and the Aesthetics of Excess. Literature and Aesthetics, 21(2).
  • Hartney, C. (2007). New Religions in East Asia. Australian Religion Studies Review, 20(3).


  • Hartney, C. (2004). Manikins Wobbling Towards Dismemberment: Art And Religion - A State Of The Union. 2002 Conference of the Religion, Literature and the Arts Society, Sydney: RLA Press.
  • Hartney, C. (2002). Of Seance and Surrealism, Poetry and Crisis. The sixth Australian International Religion, Literature and the Arts Conference, Sydney: RLA Press.
  • Hartney, C. (2001). Syncretism and the End of Religion(s). Australian Association for the Study of Religion, : UNSW Australian Defence Force Academy.

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Hartney, C. (2021). Unis are killing the critical study of religion, and it will only make campuses more religious. The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C. (2013). Peace at last in Sydney's Rookwood Cemetery. The Conversation. [More Information]

Reference Works

  • Hartney, C., Buljan, K. (2008). Ken Unsworth. Design and Art Australia Online. Design & Art Australia Online.
  • Hartney, C. (2002). Caodaism. In Melton, J. Gordon and Martin Baumann (Eds.), Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio.
  • Hartney, C. (2002). Taiwan. Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio.


  • Hartney, C. (2005), The Field, Its Paths: A Guide to the Study of Religion.
  • Hartney, C. (2004), Buddhism (Guide for junior high school).
  • Hartney, C. (2004), Judaism (Guide for junior high school).


  • Hartney, C. (2024). How Heaven Works: The Collective Shamanic Journeys of Phạm Công Tắc and the Syncretic Afterworld of Caodaism. Leiden: Brill.
  • Hartney, C. (2024). Processes of radicalization onscreen: How we canonize the white saints of freedom. In Akil N. Awan, James R. Lewis (Eds.), Radicalisation: A Global and Comparative Perspective, (pp. 105-120). United Kingdom: Hurst and Company. [More Information]


  • Hartney, C. (2022). Vietnamese Syncretism and the Characteristics of Caodaism's Chief Deity: Problematising Duc Cao Dai as a 'Monotheistic' God Within an East Asian Heavenly Milieu. Journal of Daesoon Thought and the Religions of East Asia, 1(2), 41-59. [More Information]


  • Alderton Flett, Z., Hartney, C. (2021). ANZAC Celebration During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observations from Fieldwork in Katoomba, New South Wales. Fieldwork in Religion, 16(1), 8-34. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C. (2021). Divine Mother of Carramar: The Motivations, Construction, and Stylistics of Caodaism’s Second Sydney Temple. Wuhan Journal of Cultic Studies, 1(1), 83-97. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C. (2021). Unis are killing the critical study of religion, and it will only make campuses more religious. The Conversation. [More Information]


  • Hartney, C. (2020). Paul Daley, On Patriotism. Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review, 11(1), 102-104. [More Information]


  • Hartney, C. (2017). Indigenous or Non-Indigenous: Who Benefits from Narrow Definitions of Religion? In Christopher Hartney, Daniel J Tower (Eds.), Religious Categories and the Construction of the Indigenous, (pp. 203-227). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C., Tower, D. (2017). Indigenous Religion: Its Validity and Problematics. In Christopher Hartney, Daniel J Tower (Eds.), Religious Categories and the Construction of the Indigenous, (pp. 1-7). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C., Tower, D. (2017). Religious Categories and the Construction of the Indigenous. Leiden: Brill. [More Information]


  • Alderton Flett, Z., Hartney, C., Tower, D. (2016). Fieldwork on ANZAC Day: A Performance Analysis of the Dawn Service and Other Rituals, 25 April 2015. Fieldwork in Religion, 11(2), 170-198. [More Information]
  • Alderton Flett, Z., Hartney, C., Tower, D. (2016). Fieldwork on Anzac Day: A Performance Analysis of the Dawn Service and Other Rituals, 25 April 2015*. Fieldwork in Religion, 11(2), 170-198. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C. (2016). Why Muslims Kill Themselves on Film: From Hollywood's Racism to Girard's Victimage Mechanism. In James R. Lewis, Carole M. Cusack (Eds.), Sacred Suicide, (pp. 271-290). Farnham, United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing. [More Information]


  • Hartney, C., Noble, J. (2015). Cambridge Studies of Religion Stage Six Third Edition. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C. (2015). Traditional Modernity: A Vietnamese Response to French Colonialism as Revealed in the Great Mural of Dao Cao Dai. In David W. Kim (Eds.), Religious Transformation in Modern Asia: A Transnational Movement, (pp. 214-232). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. [More Information]


  • Hartney, C. (2014). Finding a Place for Possession, Divination, and Trance within the Historical Perspective. Journal of Religious History, 38(2), 263-273. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C. (2014). Secularisation: New Historical Perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Hartney, C. (2014). States of Ulitmacy and the Cult of the Dead Soldier: The ANZAC Tradition, the Secularisation Paradigm, the Charisma of Materiality, and Civil Religion as it is Embodied in the Australian War Memorial, Canberra. In Christopher Hartney (Eds.), Secularisation: New Historical Perspectives, (pp. 214-250). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


  • Coleman, E., Hartney, C., Alderton Flett, Z. (2013). Defining 'Social Aesthetics'. Literature and Aesthetics, 23(1), 1-11.
  • Hartney, C. (2013). Peace at last in Sydney's Rookwood Cemetery. The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Hartney, C. (2013). Review Article : Waco in Scholarship Twenty Years On. Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review, 4(1), 147-160. [More Information]


  • Hartney, C. (2012). Constructing the Cornucopia that is Caodaism: Themes of Cultural Production in an Increasingly Acephalous Milieu. In Carole Cusack and Alex Norman (Eds.), Handbook of New Religions and Cultural Production, (pp. 633-657). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]


  • Hartney, C. (2011). Between National Censorship and the Limits of Representation: On Thyestes, Salo, Cultural Warnings, and Trauma. Literature and Aesthetics, 21(2), 160-179.
  • Hartney, C., Ioannides, G. (2011). The Limits of Representation and the Aesthetics of Excess. Literature and Aesthetics, 21(2).
  • Hartney, C. (2011). Vietnamese community memory: exile, homesickness and faith. Literature and Aesthetics, 21, 34-46.


  • Cusack, C., Hartney, C. (2010). Introduction. In Carole M. Cusack, Christopher Hartney (Eds.), Religion and Retributive Logic: Essays in Honour of Professor Garry W. Trompf, (pp. 1-14). Leiden: Brill.
  • Hartney, C. (2010). On Popular Epicureanism: Relationships of Theme and Style in Harold and Maude and Bad Boy Bubby. Literature and Aesthetics, 20(2), 168-179.
  • Hartney, C. (2010). Per Saturam or Performance? Seneca's Initium Saeculi Felicissimi: ritual hilarity and millenial closure in the Apocolocyntosis. In Carole M. Cusack, Christopher Hartney (Eds.), Religion and Retributive Logic: Essays in Honour of Professor Garry W. Trompf, (pp. 167-185). Leiden: Brill.


  • Hartney, C. (2009). Transcending Cinematic Readings: History, Film, Religion and the Mentality of Cultures. Sydney Studies in Religion, , 1-5.
  • Hartney, C. (2009). With Spain in our hearts: the political fantastic of Guillermo del Toro's Laberinto del fauno (2006) and El espinazo del diablo (2001). Literature and Aesthetics, 19(2), 187-201.


  • Hartney, C., Buljan, K. (2008). Ken Unsworth. Design and Art Australia Online. Design & Art Australia Online.


  • Hartney, C. (2007). From Kpónos to Xpónos: time, humour and the Hindu-Muslim puppet. In Victoria Barker and Frances di Lauro (Eds.), On a Panegyrical Note: Studies in Honour of Garry W Trompf, (pp. 127-142). Sydney: Department of Studies in Religion, University of Sydney.
  • Hartney, C. (2007). New Religions in East Asia. Australian Religion Studies Review, 20(3).
  • Hartney, C. (2007). Spiritism and Charisma: Caodaism from its Infancy. Australian Religion Studies Review, 20(3), 334-356.


  • Hartney, C. (2006). Book Review - Frederick B Davis' 'The Jew and Deicide: The Origin of an Archetype'. Journal of Religious History, 30(1), 98-99.
  • Hartney, C. (2006). Book Review - Isabelle Delpha and Phillipe de Robert's 'La raison corrosive: Etudes sur la pensée critique de Pierre Bayle'. Journal of Religious History, 30(2), 243-244.
  • Hartney, C. (2006). Book Review - Maria Hsia Chang's 'Falun Gong: The End of Days'. Journal of Religious History, 30(1), 134-135.


  • Hartney, C. (2005). Between Sacred and Secular: The Pop Cult Saviour Approacheth!. In Carole M. Cusack, Frances Di Lauro and Christopher Hartney. (Eds.), The buddha of suburbia : proceedings of the eighth Australian and International Religion, Literature and the Arts Conference 2004, (pp. 282-290). Sydney: RLA Press.
  • Hartney, C. (2005). Book Review - Dan Cohn-Sherbok's 'Jews in the Modern World'. Australian Religion Studies Review, 18(1), 116-117.
  • Hartney, C. (2005). Colonial Disjuncture: Aspects of the Modern Religious Life of Vietnam. Threskeiologia (The Greek Journal of Comparative Religion), 6/7(1), 78-111.


  • Hartney, C. (2004), Buddhism (Guide for junior high school).
  • Hartney, C. (2004), Judaism (Guide for junior high school).
  • Hartney, C. (2004), Livewire Investigates: Christianity.


  • Hartney, C. (2003). From Multiculturalism to Universalism: Religion, Community and the Future of Religion in Australia. Threskeiologia (The Greek Journal of Comparative Religion), 5(1), 231-246.
  • Hartney, C. (2003). From Multiculturalism to Universalism; Religion, Community and the Future of Religion in Australia. Threskeiologia (The Greek Journal of Comparative Religion), 5(1), 231-246.
  • Hartney, C. (2003). Open Temple Open Eyes: Viewing Caodaism. Australian Religion Studies Review, 16(1), 37-48.


  • Hartney, C. (2002). Caodaism. In Melton, J. Gordon and Martin Baumann (Eds.), Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio.
  • Hartney, C. (2002). Of Seance and Surrealism, Poetry and Crisis. The sixth Australian International Religion, Literature and the Arts Conference, Sydney: RLA Press.
  • Hartney, C. (2002). Taiwan. Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio.


  • Hartney, C. (2001). Poetry Review - Max Williams' 'The Unforgiving Poem'. Five Bells, 8(3).
  • Hartney, C. (2001). Poetry Review - Peter Steele's 'Invisible Riders’. Five Bells, 8(2).
  • Hartney, C. (2001). Syncretism and the End of Religion(s). Australian Association for the Study of Religion, : UNSW Australian Defence Force Academy.


  • Hartney, C. (2000). Syncretism and the End of Religions. In Carole M. Cusack and Peter Oldmeadow (Eds.), The End of Religions? Religion in an Age of Globalisation, (pp. 233-248). Australia: Department of Studies in Religion, University of Sydney.

Selected Grants


  • Religion and political thought, Maddox M, Boer R, Hartney C, Boucher G, Sharpe M, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)