Dr David Rose

Dr David Rose

BAHons in Communications, Graduate Diploma in Education (TESOL)(Technol.Syd), PhD, Social Semiotics (Syd.)
Honorary Associate
A14 - The Quadrangle
The University of Sydney

Dr David Rose is Director of the Reading to Learn program, which trains teachers in primary,
secondary and university levels in a unique methodology for integrating literacy in teaching
practice. Reading to Learn currently conducts training programs with state and independent school systems and in universities in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North and South America. Dr Rose’s work has been particularly concerned with Indigenous Australian communities, languages and education programs, with whom he has worked for 30 years.

In addition to literacy and teacher education, his primary research interests include language and cultural contexts and language evolution.

Project titleResearch student
Patient-centred communication in physiotherapy education.Annie Thien-an TRAN



  • Rose, D., Martin, J. (2018). Leer para aprender: Lectura y escritura en las areas del curriculo. Madrid: Ediciones Piramide.
  • Rose, D., Martin, J. (2012). Learning to Write, Reading to Learn: Genre, Knowledge and Pedagogy in the Sydney School. Sheffield, United Kingdom: Equinox Publishing.
  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2008). Genre Relations: Mapping Culture. London: Equinox Publishing.

Edited Books

  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2007). Working with Discourse - meaning beyond the clause. London: Continuum.

Book Chapters

  • Rose, D. (2022). Designing Pedagogic Registers: Reading to Learn (forthcoming). In James R. Martin, John Knox and David Caldwell (Eds.), Appliable Linguistics and Social Semiotics: Developing Theory from Practice. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic. [More Information]
  • Rose, D. (2021). Doing maths: (De)constructing procedures for maths processes. In Karl Maton, James R. Martin and Yaegan Doran (Eds.), Teaching Science: Knowledge, Language and Pedagogy, (pp. 257-286). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Rose, D. (2021). Interpersonal Grammar of Pitjantjatjara. In J. R. Martin, Beatriz Quiroz and Giacomo Figueredo (Eds.), Interpersonal Grammar: Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory and Description, (pp. 160-190). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]


  • Derewianka, B., Harper, H., Parkin, B., Acevedo, C., Rose, D., Dare, B., Brisk, M., Jones, P. (2024). What counts as ‘evidence’ in literacy education? Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. [More Information]
  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2023). Condensing meaning: Imagic aggregations in secondary school science. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 1.
  • Rose, D. (2022). Nominal Groups in Pitjantjatjara. Word, 68(1), 45-80. [More Information]


  • Rose, D. (2006). Literacy and equality in the classroom. Future Directions in Literacy Conference and Certificate of Primary Literacy Education 2006, Sydney: University of Sydney.


  • Derewianka, B., Harper, H., Parkin, B., Acevedo, C., Rose, D., Dare, B., Brisk, M., Jones, P. (2024). What counts as ‘evidence’ in literacy education? Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. [More Information]


  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2023). Condensing meaning: Imagic aggregations in secondary school science. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 1.


  • Rose, D. (2022). Designing Pedagogic Registers: Reading to Learn (forthcoming). In James R. Martin, John Knox and David Caldwell (Eds.), Appliable Linguistics and Social Semiotics: Developing Theory from Practice. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic. [More Information]
  • Rose, D. (2022). Nominal Groups in Pitjantjatjara. Word, 68(1), 45-80. [More Information]


  • Rose, D. (2021). Doing maths: (De)constructing procedures for maths processes. In Karl Maton, James R. Martin and Yaegan Doran (Eds.), Teaching Science: Knowledge, Language and Pedagogy, (pp. 257-286). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Kartika-Ningsih, H., Rose, D. (2021). Intermodality and Multilingual Re-instantiation: Joint Construction in Bilingual Genre Pedagogy. Ikala: revista de lenguaje y cultura, 26(1), 185-205. [More Information]
  • Rose, D. (2021). Interpersonal Grammar of Pitjantjatjara. In J. R. Martin, Beatriz Quiroz and Giacomo Figueredo (Eds.), Interpersonal Grammar: Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory and Description, (pp. 160-190). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]


  • Rose, D. (2020). Building a Pedagogic Metalanguage I: Curriculum Genres. In J.R. Martin, Karl Maton, Y.J. Doran (Eds.), Accessing Academic Discourse: Systemic Functional Linguistics and Legitimation Code Theory, (pp. 236-267). Abingdon: Routledge (Taylor and Francis). [More Information]
  • Rose, D. (2020). Building a Pedagogic Metalanguage II: Knowledge Genres. In J.R. Martin, Karl Maton, Y.J. Doran (Eds.), Accessing Academic Discourse: Systemic Functional Linguistics and Legitimation Code Theory, (pp. 268-302). Abingdon: Routledge (Taylor and Francis). [More Information]
  • Humphrey, S., Hao, J., Rose, D. (2020). Launching research: A Martinian perspective on science pedagogy. In Michele Zappavigna and Shoshana Dreyfus (Eds.), Discourses of Hope and Reconciliation: On J. R. Martin's Contribution to Systemic Functional Linguistics. London: Bloomsbury Academic. [More Information]


  • Kartika-Ningsih, H., Rose, D. (2018). Language shift: analysing language use in multilingual classroom interactions. Functional Linguistics, 5, 1-22. [More Information]
  • Rose, D. (2018). Languages of Schooling: Embedding Literacy Learning with Genre-based Pedagogy. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 6(1), 59-90. [More Information]
  • Rose, D., Martin, J. (2018). Leer para aprender: Lectura y escritura en las areas del curriculo. Madrid: Ediciones Piramide.


  • Rose, D. (2017). Embedding literacy skills in academic teaching. In Nicola Rolls, Ellie Chambers, Andrew Northedge (Eds.), Successful University Teaching in Times of Diversity, (pp. 202-223). London, UK: Red Globe Press. [More Information]
  • Rose, D. (2017). Evaluating the Task of Language Learning. Writing Development in Struggling Learners: Understanding the Needs of Writers Across the Lifecourse, (pp. 161-181). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers. [More Information]
  • Rose, D. (2017). Learning to write, Reading to Learn: background and development of genre-based literacy improvement projects in Australia. Lenguaje y textos, 46, 7-18. [More Information]


  • Rose, D. (2016). Embedding reading and writing in curriculum learning. Sprogforum, 63, 57-64.
  • Rose, D. (2016). Engaging and Supporting all our Students to Read and Learn from Reading. PETAA Paper, 202.
  • Rose, D. (2016). Engaging children in the pleasures of literature and verbal art. Australian Journal of English Education, 51(2), 52-62. [More Information]


  • Rose, D. (2015). Building Successful Identities with Evidence-Based Practice: A Commentary Across the Pacific. In Peggy McCardle, Virginia Berninger (Eds.), Narrowing the Achievement Gap for Native American Students: Paying the Educational Debt, (pp. 132-148). New York: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Rose, D. (2015). Myth-Making and Meaning-Making: The School and Indigenous Children. In Mary Hamilton, Rachel Heydon, Kathryn Hibbert, Roz Stooke (Eds.), Negotiating Spaces for Literacy Learning: Multimodality and Governmentality, (pp. 167-183). London: Bloomsbury. [More Information]
  • Lovstedt, A., Rose, D. (2015). Reading to Learn Maths: A teacher professional development project in Stockholm. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, , 18. [More Information]


  • Rose, D. (2014). Analysing pedagogic discourse: an approach from genre and register. Functional Linguistics, 2, 1-32. [More Information]
  • Rose, D., Martin, J. (2014). Intervening in contexts of schooling. In John Flowerdew (Eds.), Discourse in Context: Contemporary Applied Linguistics Volume 3, (pp. 273-300). London: Bloomsbury Academic. [More Information]


  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2013). Pedagogic Discourse: Contexts of Schooling. RASK: International Journal of Language and Communication, 38, 219-264.
  • Rose, D. (2013). Phylogenesis of the Dreamtime. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 8(3), 335-359. [More Information]
  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2013). WartoÅ›ciowanie w dyskursie i negocjowanie postaw [Attitude: Ways of Feeling]. In Anna Duszak and Grzegorz Kowalski (Eds.), Systemowo-funkcjonalna analiza dyskursu. Krakow: Universitas.


  • Rose, D. (2012). Genre in the Sydney school. In Not known (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis, (pp. 209-225). TBC. [More Information]
  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2012). Genres and Text: Living in the Real World. Indonesian Journal of Systemic Fungtional Linguistic, 1(1), 1-21.
  • Rose, D., Martin, J. (2012). Learning to Write, Reading to Learn: Genre, Knowledge and Pedagogy in the Sydney School. Sheffield, United Kingdom: Equinox Publishing.


  • Rose, D. (2011). Beyond literacy: building an integrated pedagogic genre. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 34(1), 81-97. [More Information]
  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2011). Encounters with genre: apprehending cultural frontiers. In Brett Baker, Ilana Mushin, Mark Harvey, Rod Gardner (Eds.), Indigenous Language and Social Identity: papers in honour of Michael Walsh, (pp. 333-346). Canberra, ACT: Pacific Linguistics.
  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2011). Interacting with Text: The role of dialogue in learning to read and write [reprint]. In Chang Chenguang, Chen Yumin (Eds.), Context in Systemic Functional Linguistics, (pp. 290-323). China: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP).


  • Rose, D. (2010). Beating Educational Inequality with an Integrated Reading Pedagogy. In Frances Christie and Alyson Simpson (Eds.), Literacy and Social Responsibility: Multiple Perspectives, (pp. 101-115). London: Equinox Publishing.
  • Rose, D. (2010). Learning in Linguistic Contexts: Integrating SFL theory with literacy teaching. In Yan Fang and Canzhong Wu (Eds.), Challenges to Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theory and Practice, (pp. 258-263). Bejing: 36th ISFC Organising Committee.


  • Rose, D. (2009). Writing as Linguistic Mastery: The Development of Genre-Based Literacy Pedagogy. In Roger Beard, Debra Myhill, Jeni Riley, Martin Nystrand (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Writing Development, (pp. 151-166). London: Sage Publications. [More Information]


  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2008). Genre Relations: Mapping Culture. London: Equinox Publishing.
  • Rose, D. (2008). Negotiating Kinship: The Language of Intersubjectivity in an Australian Culture. Word, 59(1-2), 189-215. [More Information]
  • Koop, C., Rose, D. (2008). Reading to learn in Murdi Paaki: changing outcomes for Indigenous students. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 16(1), 41-46.


  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2007). Conjunction: Logical Connections. In J.R. Martin & David Rose (Eds.), Working with Discourse - meaning beyond the clause, (pp. 115-154). London: Continuum.
  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2007). Ideation: Constuing experience. In J.R. Martin & David Rose (Eds.), Working with Discourse - meaning beyond the clause, (pp. 73-113). London: Continuum.
  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2007). Interacting with text: the role of dialogue in learning to read and write. Foreign languages in China, 4(5), 66-80.


  • Rose, D., Acevedo, C. (2006). Closing the Gap and Accelerating Learning in the Middle Years of Schooling. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 14(2), 32-45.
  • Rose, D. (2006). Democratising the Classroom: a literacy pedagogy for the new generation. Journal of Education, 37, 131-167.
  • Rose, D. (2006). Literacy and equality in the classroom. Future Directions in Literacy Conference and Certificate of Primary Literacy Education 2006, Sydney: University of Sydney.


  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2005). Designing literacy pedagogy: scaffolding democracy in the classroom. In Ruqaiya Hasan; Christian Matthiessen; Jonathan Webster (Eds.), Continuing Discourse on Language - a functional perspective, (pp. 251-280). London (UK) Oakville (USA): Equinox Publishing.
  • Rose, D. (2005). Narrative and the origins of discourse: Construing Experience in Stories Around the World. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, Series S(19), 151-177.


  • Rose, D. (2004). Metafunctional Profile Of The Grammar Of Pitjantjatjara. In A Caffarel, J R Martin & C M I M Matthiessen (Eds.), Language Typology: A functional perspective, (pp. 479-526). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Rose, D. (2004). Sequencing And Pacing Of The Hidden Curriculam: How Indigenous Learners Are Left Out Of The Chain. In Johan. Muller, Brian Davies, Ana Morais (Eds.), Reading Bernstein, Researching Bernstein, (pp. 91-107). London: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
  • Rose, D. (2004). The Structuring Of Experience In The Grammars Of Pitjantjatjara And English. Languages in Contrast: international journal for contrastive linguistics, 4(1), 45-74.


  • Martin, J., Rose, D. (2003). Working with Discourse: Meaning beyond the clause. London: Continuum.


  • Rose, D. (2001). Some variations in theme across languages. Functions of Language, 8, 109-145.
  • Rose, D. (2001). The Western Desert Code: An Ausstralian cryptogrammar. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics Series.

Selected Grants


  • European Core Curriculum for Mainstreamed Second Language Teacher Education (EUCIM-TE), Acevedo C, Lovstedt A, Acevedo C, Ellis S, Mulvad R, Gouveia C, Whittaker R, Bordon T, Martin J, Rose D, European Commission (Belgium)/Research Support


  • An integrated pedagogic framework of language, culture, and identity in indigenous education, , University of Sydney/Postdoctoral Fellowship