Professor Emeritus Derrick Armstrong

Professor Emeritus Derrick Armstrong

BA(Lond), MA(Lanc), PhD(Lanc)
Emeritus Professor
A35 - Education Building
The University of Sydney
Professor Emeritus Derrick Armstrong

Derrick Armstrong is Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Education and Social Work. His roles in the University included:Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) and Registrar; Deputy Provost & Pro-Vice Chancellor Learning and Teaching; and, Dean of the Faculty of Education & Social Work. From 215 to 2020 he was Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, Innovation and International at the University of the South Pacific.

His research field is the sociology of education. Major projects have included: the Global Challenges Research Fund (UK) "One Ocean Hub", global partnership of universities and stakeholder organisation investigating the investigating development challenges at the nexus between the worlds oceans and local and indigenous communities who are connected to the ocean environment;Economic and Social Research Council Research Priority Network"Pathways Into and Out of Crime", exploring the experiences and perspectives of children and young people in relation to anti-social and criminal behaviour in contexts of multi-agency intervention; and, the national evaluation of the UK government's "On Track" crime-reduction program which examined the efficacy of multiple interventions with childrren aged 6-12 year and their families. He has also undertaken work on the history of special educational policy since 1944, on 'Self-advocacy, Civil Rights and the Social Model of Disability', on the construction of motivational styles in the context of school subject and classroom contexts, and he has a longstanding interest in the experience and perspectives of children and their parents involved in special educational assessment.

In addition, Professor Emeritus Armstrong has worked extensively with teachers, non-government organisations and education ministries in educational development and capacity building in developing countries, particularly in the Caribbean and China.

Currently, he serves on the Executive Committee of the Network for Interdisciplinary and Transdiscplinary Research Organisations which includes universiteis in Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania. He has published 9 books and over 150 journal articles and papers.

Apart from his academic interests as above, Professor Emeritus Armstrong has a deep interest in all matters Chinese, including language, literature and culture, and the historical and socio-political development of modern China. In his spare time he is also an avid runner.

· 2013 Emeritus Professor, The University of Sydney

· 2006 – 2009 Visiting Professor University of Dundee

· 2006 Honorary Professor University of Sheffield

· 2003 National Association for Special Educational Needs Academic Book Prize/Times Educational Supplement Academic Book Prize for ‘Experiences of Special Educational Needs: Re-evaluating Policy and Practice through Life Stories’ "judged the book which has made the most significant contribution to the academic study of special educational needs for this year”

· 1996 Honorary Professor Yunnan Radio and Television University, PRC

· 1995National Association for Special Educational Needs Academic Book Prize for ‘Power and Partnership in Education’ “judged the book which has made the most significant contribution to the academic study of special educational needs for this year”.

· 1994British Educational Research Association Dissertation Award, awarded "for the best Ph.D. or D.Phil. for research in Education awarded by a British university to a member of the Association during the previous calendar year."



  • France, A., Bottrell, D., Armstrong, D. (2012). A Political Ecology of Youth and Crime. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
  • Armstrong, A., Armstrong, D., Spandagou, I. (2009). Inclusive Education: International Policy and Practice. Los Angeles, USA: Sage Publications.
  • Armstrong, D. (2003). Experiences of Special Education: Re-evaluating policy and practice through life stories. United States: Taylor and Francis.

Edited Books

  • Armstrong, F., Armstrong, D., Barton, L. (2000). Inclusive Education: Policy, Contexts and Comparative Perspectives. London: David Fulton Publishing.

Book Chapters

  • Bottrell, D., Armstrong, D. (2012). Local Resources and Distal Decisions: The Political Ecology of Resilience. In Michael Ungar (Eds.), The Social Ecology of Resilience: A Handbook of Theory and Practice, (pp. 247-264). New York: Springer. [More Information]
  • Armstrong, D., Cairnduff, A. (2011). Building university-school partnerships. In Dorothy Bottrell and Susan Goodwin (Eds.), Schools, Communities and Social Inclusion, (pp. 268-279). South Yarra: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Armstrong, D. (2009). Educating youth: assimilation and the democratic alternative. In Jean Hine, Jason Wood (Eds.), Work With Young People: Theory and policy for practice, (pp. 75-87). London: Sage Publications.


  • Armstrong, A., Johansson-Fua, S., Armstrong, D. (2023). Reconceptualising inclusive education in the Pacific. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 27(11), 1177-1190. [More Information]
  • Li, H., Bottrell, D., Armstrong, D. (2018). Understanding the pathways to resilience: Voices from Chinese adolescents. Young: Nordic journal of youth research, 26(2), 126-144. [More Information]
  • Collie, R., Martin, A., Bottrell, D., Armstrong, D., Ungar, M., Liebenberg, L. (2017). Social support, academic adversity and academic buoyancy: A person-centred analysis and implications for academic outcomes. Educational Psychology, 37(5), 550-564. [More Information]


  • Armstrong, D., Spandagou, I., Armstrong, A. (2009). One Nation Globalisation and Inclusive Education. AARE 2008 International Education Research Conference, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
  • Armstrong, D., Graham, L. (2008). Putting theory into practice: producing inclusive teaching professionals. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2008, New York: AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION.
  • Armstrong, D., Goodyear, P. (2005). Implications of external research assessment for local research leadership: learning from the UK RAE experience. AARE Focus Conference on Research Quality Assessment.


  • Armstrong, D., Hine, J., Hacking, S., Armaos, R., Jones, R., Klessinger, N., France, A. (2005). Children, risk and crime: the On Track Youth Lifestyles Surveys.
  • France, A., Hine, J., Armstrong, D. (2004). Implementing the On Track Crime Reduction Programme: Lessons for the Future.
  • France, A., Hine, J., Armstrong, D., Trikha, S. (2004). The National Evaluation of On Track.


  • Armstrong, D., Namsoo, A. (2000), Teacher Education Needs Assessment & Programme Design for the Turks & Caicos Islands.


  • Armstrong, A., Johansson-Fua, S., Armstrong, D. (2023). Reconceptualising inclusive education in the Pacific. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 27(11), 1177-1190. [More Information]


  • Li, H., Bottrell, D., Armstrong, D. (2018). Understanding the pathways to resilience: Voices from Chinese adolescents. Young: Nordic journal of youth research, 26(2), 126-144. [More Information]


  • Collie, R., Martin, A., Bottrell, D., Armstrong, D., Ungar, M., Liebenberg, L. (2017). Social support, academic adversity and academic buoyancy: A person-centred analysis and implications for academic outcomes. Educational Psychology, 37(5), 550-564. [More Information]


  • Miskolci, J., Armstrong, D., Spandagou, I. (2016). Teachers' Perceptions of the Relationship between Inclusive Education and Distributed Leadership in two Primary Schools in Slovakia and New South Wales (Australia). Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 18(2), 53-65. [More Information]


  • Martin, A., Bottrell, D., Armstrong, D., Mansour, M., Ungar, M., Liebenberg, L., Collie, R. (2015). The role of resilience in assisting the educational connectedness of at-risk youth: A study of service users and non-users. International Journal of Educational Research, 74, 1-12. [More Information]


  • Li, H., Walker, R., Armstrong, D. (2014). International note: Parenting, academic achievement and problem behaviour among Chinese adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 37(4), 387-389. [More Information]


  • France, A., Bottrell, D., Armstrong, D. (2012). A Political Ecology of Youth and Crime. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
  • Armstrong, D., Cairnduff, A. (2012). Inclusion in higher education: issues in university-school partnership. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 16(9), 917-928. [More Information]
  • Bottrell, D., Armstrong, D. (2012). Local Resources and Distal Decisions: The Political Ecology of Resilience. In Michael Ungar (Eds.), The Social Ecology of Resilience: A Handbook of Theory and Practice, (pp. 247-264). New York: Springer. [More Information]


  • Armstrong, D., Cairnduff, A. (2011). Building university-school partnerships. In Dorothy Bottrell and Susan Goodwin (Eds.), Schools, Communities and Social Inclusion, (pp. 268-279). South Yarra: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Armstrong, D., Armstrong, A., Spandagou, I. (2011). Inclusion: By Choice or By Chance? International Journal of Inclusive Education, 15(1), 29-39. [More Information]
  • Li, H., Martin, A., Armstrong, D., Walker, R. (2011). Risk, protection, and resilience in Chinese adolescents: A psycho-social study. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 14(4), 269-282. [More Information]


  • Bottrell, D., Armstrong, D., France, A. (2010). Young people's relations to crime: Pathways across ecologies. Youth Justice, 10(1), 56-72. [More Information]


  • Armstrong, D. (2009). Educating youth: assimilation and the democratic alternative. In Jean Hine, Jason Wood (Eds.), Work With Young People: Theory and policy for practice, (pp. 75-87). London: Sage Publications.
  • Armstrong, A., Armstrong, D., Spandagou, I. (2009). Inclusive Education: International Policy and Practice. Los Angeles, USA: Sage Publications.
  • Li, H., Armstrong, D. (2009). Is there a correlation between academic achievement and behaviour in mainland Chinese students? Asian Social Science, 5(4), 3-9.


  • Armstrong, D., Graham, L. (2008). Putting theory into practice: producing inclusive teaching professionals. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2008, New York: AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION.


  • Bottrell, D., Armstrong, D. (2007). Changes and exchanges in marginal youth transitions. Journal of Youth Studies, 10(3), 353-371. [More Information]
  • Armstrong, D. (2007). Civic engagement among problem youth: citizenship and risk. In Saha L, Print M and Edwards K (Eds.), Youth and Political Participation, (pp. 177-190). Rotterdam Taipai: Sense Publishers.


  • Armstrong, D. (2006). Becoming criminal: the cultural politics of risk. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 10(2-3), 265-278. [More Information]
  • Armstrong, D. (2006). Dreaming our future: Developing democratic educational practice? Australian Educational Researcher, 33(3), 1-12. [More Information]
  • Armstrong, D. (2006). Future directions in literacy. In R Ewing (Eds.), Beyond the Reading Wars. Towards a balanced approach to helping children learn to read, (pp. 7-12). Sydney: Primary English Teachers Association Australia (PETAA).


  • Armstrong, D., Hine, J., Hacking, S., Armaos, R., Jones, R., Klessinger, N., France, A. (2005). Children, risk and crime: the On Track Youth Lifestyles Surveys.
  • Armstrong, D., Goodyear, P. (2005). Implications of external research assessment for local research leadership: learning from the UK RAE experience. AARE Focus Conference on Research Quality Assessment.
  • Armstrong, D. (2005). Reinventing 'inclusion': New Labour and the cultural politics of special education. Oxford Review of Education, 31(1), 135-152. [More Information]


  • Armstrong, D. (2004). A risky business? Research, policy, governmentality and youth offending. Youth Justice, 4(2), 100-116.
  • Armstrong, D. (2004). Becoming criminal: narratives of 'risk' and 'belonging' in the lives of young people and professionals'. The International Inclusive Education Colloquium: critical analyses of inclusive education policy: an international survey.
  • France, A., Hine, J., Armstrong, D. (2004). Implementing the On Track Crime Reduction Programme: Lessons for the Future.


  • Armstrong, D. (2003). Expanding horizons? Rethinking research collaboration and institutional partnerships in higher education. Fifth International Conference on Education, Athens Institute of Education and Research Annual Conference.
  • Armstrong, D. (2003). Experiences of Special Education: Re-evaluating policy and practice through life stories. United States: Taylor and Francis.
  • Armstrong, D. (2003). Historical voices: philosophical idealism and the methodology of 'voice' in the history of education. History of Education, 32(2), 201-217.


  • Armstrong, D. (2002). Developing the Potential for Distance Learning Modalities for Teacher Education. In A.C. Armstrong (Eds.), Rethinking Teacher Professionalism in the Caribbean Context. United Kingdom: Sheffield: Sheffield Papers in Education.
  • Armstrong, D. (2002). Pathways into and out of crime: risk resilience and diversity. 2nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology : European Criminology: Sharing Borders, Sharing a Discipline.
  • Hine, J., France, A., Armstrong, D. (2002). Policy Evaluation on Shifting sands. 2nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology : European Criminology: Sharing Borders, Sharing a Discipline.


  • Armstrong, D., France, A., Hine, J. (2001). First Interim Report to the Home Office on the National Evaluation of 'On Track'.
  • Armstrong, D., Goodley, D. (2001). Self-Advocacy, Citizenship and the Social Model of Disability.


  • Graebner, C., Armstrong, D. (2000). Conference Proceedings 'Using ICTs to Promote the Effective Use of Student-Tutor and Information Resources in Professional Development at a Distance. Distance Education in Small States.
  • Armstrong, F., Armstrong, D., Barton, L. (2000). Inclusive Education: Policy, Contexts and Comparative Perspectives. London: David Fulton Publishing.
  • Armstrong, D., Armstrong, F., Barton, L. (2000). Introduction. In Armstrong, F., Armstrong, D. and Barton, L. (Eds) (Eds.), Inclusive Education: Policy, Contexts and Comparative Perspectives, (pp. 1-11). London: David Fulton Publishing.

Selected Grants


  • Personal resilience, system resilience and educational opportunity, Martin A, Bottrell D, Armstrong D, Spencer Foundation/Research Support


  • ESOL and Special Needs Review, Armstrong D, Department for Children, Schools and Families/Grant