Dr Elizabeth Rechniewski
Elizabeth Rechniewski is Chief Investigator on the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project: Judging the Past in a Post-Cold War World (with Read P, Vickers A, Keene J, Wyndham M). This project examines the ways in which the end of the Cold War affected a number of countries: Chile, France, Indonesia, and Spain, whose political, ethical and intellectual systems were predicated on Cold War polarities. Using a comparative lens, the project investigates on what grounds, by what means, through what media and to what effect, these key sites on the 'front line' of the Cold War, have sought since 1989 to reconceptualise their pasts and re-evaluate critical events and individuals.
- The intellectual and artistic avant-garde since the late 19th century
- André Malraux, André Suarès, Sartre
- Bourdieu
- Discourse analysis
- National sentiment in the French enlightenment
- War and commemoration in the twentieth century
- The analysis of ideology in French editorials
- Chief Investigator on the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project: Judging the Past in a Post-Cold War World (with Read P, Vickers A, Keene J, Wyndham M).
Chief Investigator on the ARC Discovery project:
‘National Identity and Communications in Early Modern France’ with Professors Margaret Sankey and Angus Martin -
Reconciliation in the Pacific Basin (Japan/ Australia/ Korea)
With Yasuko Claremont and Judith Keene we were awarded a Japan Foundation grant for conferences organised in 2009; 2011; 2013, 2015; the fifth is scheduled for September this year. Publications include:- 2012: 'The Memorial Path from Darwin to Cowra', Vol. 44 special issue (2012) of JOSA.
- 2010, ‘Remembering the Battle for Australia’ in Portal, ‘Fields of Remembrance’, 7: 1, special issue.
Politics of the Past (international)
- 2014 ‘Contested Sites of Memory: Commemorating Wars and Warriors in New Caledonia’ in Ben Wellings(ed) Nation, Memory and Great War Commemoration: mobilizing the past in Europe, Australia and New Zealand (Oxford: Peter Lang )
- 2013, ‘Forgetting and Remembering the Darwin Bombings’, e-rea, Revue électronique d’études sur le monde anglophone) 9.3 http://erea.revues.org/?lang=en
Interpreting the News (international)
- 2014, ‘Exploring the generic structure of French editorials from the perspective of systemic functional linguistics’ (with Alice Caffarel-Cayron), in Journal of World Languages, 1: 1, 18-37.
- 2009, ‘A Systemic Functional Approach to Analyzing and Interpreting Ideology: An Illustration from French Editorials’, with Alice Caffarel, in special issue on Persuasive Discourse, Revista Alicanta de Estudios Ingleses (RAEI) 22, November, 27-43.
- 2008, ‘Ideological opposition in news stories: a French case study’ (with Alice Caffarel) in Communicating Conflict: Multilingual Case Studies of the News Media, E. Thomson & P. White (eds), Continuum publishing, 25-49.
Geographies of Displacement network (France/Australia/UK)
- 2015, ‘The Perils of Proximity: Australian Attitudes towards New Caledonia in the Nineteenth Century’ in Portal, special issue, Geographies of Identity, 11: 2, forthcoming, February.
- 2012, ‘Mapping Utopia: Cartography and Social Reform in Nineteenth Century Australia’ (with Matthew Graves), Portal, 9: 2.
- 2011, ‘Essays for an empty land: Australia as Political Utopia’, (with Matthew Graves) in Martine Piquet (ed) Cultures of the Commonwealth: Essays and Studies, “Horizons”, 17, 37-51.
- June 10 2011: Invited speaker: University of Montpellier, ‘Geographies of displacement’ research network symposium:‘T. J. Maslen: Geographical Conjectures: Mapping Australia through an Indian Colonial lens’.
- Member of editorial board, Australian Journal of French Studies
- Member of editorial board, Eréa - Revue d'etudes anglophones
- Member of editorial board, Explorations: journal of the Institute for the Study of French Australian Relations (ISFAR)
- Chevalier des Palmes Académiques
- Ordre de mérite
Selected publications
Edited Books
- Keene, J., Rechniewski, E. (2018). Seeking Meaning, Seeking Justice in a Post-Cold War World. Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2005). Sartre's Nausea: Text, Context, Intertext. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi.
Book Chapters
- Rechniewski, E. (2024). The New Hebrides and White Australia's "Manifest Destiny" in the Pacific. In Bertrand Bourgeois, Veronique Duché, Jacqueline Dutton, Andrew McGregor (Eds.), Liens franco-australiens. Mélanges en l'honneur du professeur Colin Nettelbeck, (pp. 293-310). Paris: Classiques Garnier. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E., Graves, M. (2022). "This Day Is Not for You": The Commemorative Displacement of Black Wars in White Australia. In Renee Dickason, Delphine Letort, Michel Prum and Stephanie A.H. Belanger (Eds.), War and Remembrance: Recollecting and Representing War, (pp. 57-75). Montreal & Kingston: McGill University Press. [More Information]
- Keene, J., Rechniewski, E. (2018). Introduction: New Perspectives from the Post-Cold War World. In Judith Keene, Elizabeth Rechniewski (Eds.), Seeking Meaning, Seeking Justice in a Post-Cold War World, (pp. 1-20). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2022). 'Beatrice Grimshaw: Traveller, Writer and Advocate for Australian Imperialism'. The French Australian Review, 72(Autumn/Winter 2022), 38-60. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2022). The Politics of Boer War Commemoration in Australia. Postcolonial Cultures: Studies and Essays (formerly Cultures of the Commonwealth), 1(Spring 2022), 67-80. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2019). The Reception of Louise Michel in Australia. The French Australian Review, 67(2019-2020), 26-45.
Edited Journals
- Rechniewski, E., Graves, M. (2010). Fields of Remembrance. PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 7(1).
- Rechniewski, E. (2007). Gendered spaces. Literature and Aesthetics.
- Rechniewski, E. (2007). Imagining the Nation in Early Modern France. Australian Journal of French Studies, 44(3).
- Caffarel-Cayron, A., Rechniewski, E. (2010). A methodological approach for analysing and interpreting ideology. 35th International Systemic Functional Congress ISFC 2008, Australia: Macquarie University.
- Rechniewski, E. (2007). On a Foreign Shore: Gallipoli and the Australian National Imagination. AULLA Conference 2007, Queensland: Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association.
- Rechniewski, E. (2006). Commemorating Gallipoli foreign space national place. Conference Géographies identitaires.
Magazine / Newspaper Articles
- Rechniewski, E. (2005). Sartre en Australie. Libération.
Reference Works
- Rechniewski, E. (2008). France. In Herb, Guntram H. and Kaplan, David H (Eds.), Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview. (Vol. 1 (1770-1880), pp. 169-180). Santa Barbara, California, USA: ABC-Clio.
- Rechniewski, E. (2024). The New Hebrides and White Australia's "Manifest Destiny" in the Pacific. In Bertrand Bourgeois, Veronique Duché, Jacqueline Dutton, Andrew McGregor (Eds.), Liens franco-australiens. Mélanges en l'honneur du professeur Colin Nettelbeck, (pp. 293-310). Paris: Classiques Garnier. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E., Graves, M. (2022). "This Day Is Not for You": The Commemorative Displacement of Black Wars in White Australia. In Renee Dickason, Delphine Letort, Michel Prum and Stephanie A.H. Belanger (Eds.), War and Remembrance: Recollecting and Representing War, (pp. 57-75). Montreal & Kingston: McGill University Press. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2022). 'Beatrice Grimshaw: Traveller, Writer and Advocate for Australian Imperialism'. The French Australian Review, 72(Autumn/Winter 2022), 38-60. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2022). The Politics of Boer War Commemoration in Australia. Postcolonial Cultures: Studies and Essays (formerly Cultures of the Commonwealth), 1(Spring 2022), 67-80. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2019). The Reception of Louise Michel in Australia. The French Australian Review, 67(2019-2020), 26-45.
- Keene, J., Rechniewski, E. (2018). Introduction: New Perspectives from the Post-Cold War World. In Judith Keene, Elizabeth Rechniewski (Eds.), Seeking Meaning, Seeking Justice in a Post-Cold War World, (pp. 1-20). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2018). Resenegalisation and the Representation of Black African Troops during World War One. In Ben Wellings, Shanti Sumartojo (Eds.), Commemorating Race and Empire in The First World War Centenary, (pp. 79-91). Marseille: Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille. [More Information]
- Keene, J., Rechniewski, E. (2018). Seeking Meaning, Seeking Justice in a Post-Cold War World. Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2017). 1947: Decolonisation in the Shadow of the Cold War: the Case of French Cameroon. Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies, 9(3), 52-67.
- Rechniewski, E. (2017). Remembering the Black Diggers: From "the Great Silence" to "Conspicuous Commemoration"? In Stephanie A.H. Belanger, Renee Dickason (Eds.), War memories: commemoration, recollections, and writings on war, (pp. 388-408). Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.
- Rechniewski, E. (2016). Geographies of Displacement in a Colonial Context: Allen F. Gardiner's Writings on Australia. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 38(2), 9-18.
- Rechniewski, E. (2016). Representing Conscripts' Experience of Counter-Insurgency Warfare on Screen: Laurent Herbiet's Mon Colonel. Essays in French Literature and Culture, 53(November 2016), 81-98. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2015). The Perils of Proximity: The Geopolitical Underpinnings of Australian Views Of New Caledonia In The Nineteenth Century. PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 12(1), 1-17. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2014). A Small War in Cameroon. Small Wars Journal, 10(10).
- Rechniewski, E. (2014). Contested Sites of Memory: Commemorating Wars and Warriors in New Caledonia. In Shanti Sumartojo, Ben Wellings (Eds.), Nation, Memory and Great War Commemoration: Mobilizing the Past in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, (pp. 189-203). Bern: Peter Lang AG, International Academic Publishers. [More Information]
- Caffarel-Cayron, A., Rechniewski, E. (2014). Exploring the generic structure of French editorials from the perspective of systemic functional linguistics. Journal of World Languages, 1(1), 18-37. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2012). Forgetting and Remembering the Darwin Bombings. E-rea, 10(1), 1-11. [More Information]
- Graves, M., Rechniewski, E. (2012). Mapping Utopia: Cartography and Social Reform in 19th Century Australia. PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 9(2), 1-20. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2012). The Memorial Path from Darwin to Cowra. JOSA: The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, 44, 48-64. [More Information]
- Caffarel-Cayron, A., Rechniewski, E. (2010). A methodological approach for analysing and interpreting ideology. 35th International Systemic Functional Congress ISFC 2008, Australia: Macquarie University.
- Rechniewski, E. (2010). Ambiguity, the Artist, the Masses, and the 'Double Nature' of Language. CLC Web: Comparative Literature and Culture, 12(4), 1-9. [More Information]
- Graves, M., Rechniewski, E. (2010). Essays for an empty land: Australia as Political Utopia. Cultures of the Commonwealth, 17(Winter 2010-2011), 37-51.
- Caffarel-Cayron, A., Rechniewski, E. (2009). A systemic functional approach to analysing and interpreting ideology: an illustration from French editorials. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 22, 27-43.
- Claremont, Y., Rechniewski, E., Wang, Y. (2009). Modernism and the City: The figure of the flaneur in three modernist literatures. JOSA: The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, 41, 57-73.
- Rechniewski, E. (2009). Quand l'Australie invente et réinvente une tradition: L'example de débarquement de Gallipoli (avril 1915). Vingtieme Siecle - Revue d'histoire, 101, 123-132. [More Information]
- Graves, M., Rechniewski, E. (2008). Australian War Memorialism and the Politics of Remembrance: From Gallipoli to Long Tan. Cultures of the Commonwealth, 14, 95-106.
- Rechniewski, E. (2008). France. In Herb, Guntram H. and Kaplan, David H (Eds.), Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview. (Vol. 1 (1770-1880), pp. 169-180). Santa Barbara, California, USA: ABC-Clio.
- Caffarel-Cayron, A., Rechniewski, E. (2008). When is a Handover not a Handover? A case study of the ideologically opposed French news stories. In Thompson, Elizabeth A. and White, P.R.R. (Eds.), Communicating Conflict: Multilingual Case Studies of the News Media, (pp. 25-49). London and New York: Continuum.
- Rechniewski, E. (2007). Gendered spaces. Literature and Aesthetics.
- Rechniewski, E. (2007). Imagining the Nation in Early Modern France. Australian Journal of French Studies, 44(3).
- Rechniewski, E. (2007). Imagining the Nation in Early Modern France. Australian Journal of French Studies, 44(3), 185-194. [More Information]
- Rechniewski, E. (2006). Commemorating Gallipoli foreign space national place. Conference Géographies identitaires.
- Rechniewski, E. (2006). The Construction of National Memory in the 'Era of Commemoration'. Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand), (Special Issue on Culture and Memory), 68-79.
- Rechniewski, E. (2005). Apollinaire: the poet of modern life'. Literature and Aesthetics, 15(2), 49-59.
- Rechniewski, E. (2005). Avatars of Contingency: Suarès and Sartre'. In Alistair Rolls & Elizabeth Rechniewski (Eds.), Sartre's Nausea : Text, Context, Intertext, (pp. 93-103). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Rechniewski, E. (2005). Modernism and the City. Literature and Aesthetics, 15(2).
- Rechniewski, E. (2004). Constructing the Nation in the era of commemoration. Modern Greek Studies conference on Cultural Memory.
- Rechniewski, E. (2004). Contempteurs du contingent: Suarès et Sartre¹,. Nausea Today Conference.
- Rechniewski, E. (2004). Private lives and National Citizenship: the moral of Marmontel¹s Contes Moraux. workshop Identity and Citizenship in the Art and Literature of Eighteenth Century France.
- Rechniewski, E. (2003). References to 'national character' in the Encyclopedie: the western European nations. SVEC, 12, 221-237.
- Rechniewski, E. (2003). Social representations and causal explanations: a case study in the attribution of blame. Les Cahiers de lARLI, 11, 99-115.
- Rechniewski, E. (2002). Being French. International Society fo, Wales: University of Wales.
- Rechniewski, E., Develotte, C. (2002). Expressions de l'identite nationale dans les titres de journaux. In Colette Sabatier, Hanna Malewska and Fabienne Tanon (Eds.), Identites, Acculturation et Alterite, (pp. 273-290). Paris, Budapest and Torino: L'Harmattan.
- Rechniewski, E. (2002). Imagining the Nation: Representations of France and the French in the Encyclopédie. Australian Society of French Studies Annual International Conference, University of Western Australia.
- Rechniewski, E. (2001). Change and continuity in Bourdieu's theory of the field of restricted production. Rethinking Creative Processes, , 177-191.
- Rechniewski, E. (2001). Continuity and change in Bourdieu's theory of the restricted field of cultural production. Rethinking creative processes, : Ads & Adea.
- Rechniewski, E. (2001). Crise ou absence de crise : un effet de discours. Mots Pluriels, Dec(64), 7-21.
Selected Grants
- Contemporary Perspectives on the Nuclear-World in Art: Exhibition and Symposium, Claremont Y, Hawkins D, Keene J, Rechniewski E, Rosenbaum R, Marett A, Ruff T, Tanaka Y, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Federal)/Australia-Japan Foundation (AJF)
- Judging the Past in a Post-Cold War World, Wyndham M, Read P, Vickers A, Keene J, Rechniewski E, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)