Associate Professor Francoise Grauby
The main focus of my research is nineteenth and twentieth century literature. I have worked on popular beliefs and medical discourses on the body in French literature and culture; on “autofiction” and Aids Literature (Hervé Guibert); on the representation of the artist from the nineteenth century to the present; on Comparative Literature in particular on the history of popular genres and Romanticism in Europe. I have published three books: La création mythique à l'époque du Symbolisme (1994), Le corps de l'artiste (2001), Le Roman de la création: Ecrire entre mythes et pratiques (Rodopi/Brill) (2015) (in press).
- Nineteenth and twentieth century literature
- Symbolism and Decadence
- Flaubert, Huysmans
- Hervé Guibert
- Michel Houellebecq
- History of the Body in Arts and Literature
- Creative Processes and Creative Writing
- Popular Culture and Popular Genres
- “Autofiction”
- Advanced Language (FRNC2633)
- Texts and Society (FRNC2625)
- New Textualities
- French Popular Culture
- Words, Images and Traces in French Contemporary Art and Literature
- On Mallarmé; on George Sand, on Drieu-la-Rochelle; on Autofiction and Self-translation.
Past candidates
- On George Sand, on Proust, on Nineteenth Century French Popular Literature on Australia.
- Creativity and Creative Writing Classes
- New textualities (blogs, ebooks and on-line publication)
- Literary vocation
- Immediate Past President of Australian Society for French Studies
- Editorial Board Member of Carnet Austral (Bulletin of the Australian Society for French Studies) and Australian Journal of French Studies
- Collaborator on “La Quinzaine littéraire”
Selected publications
- Grauby, F. (2015). Le roman de la creation: Ecrire entre mythes et pratiques. Amsterdam: Rodopi. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2001). Le corps de l'artiste : discours médical et représentations littéraires de l'artiste au XIXe siècle. Lyon, France: Presses Universitairies de Lyon.
- Grauby, F., Royer, M. (1996). Recherche mode d’emploi. Sydney: UNSW Press.
Edited Books
- Grauby, F., Royer, M. (2001). Repenser les processus createurs = Rethinking creative processes. United States: Peter Lang Publishing.
Book Chapters
- Grauby, F. (2021). The "Ready-Made-Writer" in a Selection of Contemporary Francophone Literary Advice Manuals. In Anneleen Masschelein, Dirk de Geest (Eds.), Writing Manuals for the Masses: The Rise of the Literary Advice Industry from Quill to Keyboard, (pp. 199-216). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2011). Writing (Learning about): French Writing Manuals and the Peritext. In Alistair Rolls and Marie-Laure Vuaille-Barcan (Eds.), Masking Strategies: Unwrapping the French Paratext, (pp. 137-157). Oxford, UK: Peter Lang Publishing. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2010). Comment j'ai appris la litterature: morceaux choisis d'une education. In Jean Fornasiero and Colette Mrowa-Hopkins (Eds.), Explorations and encounters in French, (pp. 77-95). Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2023). 'Running with illegitimacy'? Book festivals and independent editions in Occitanie. French Studies Bulletin, 44(167-168), 27-31. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2023). Genre et vocation : La Vocation de Gustave Flaubert de René Dumesnil (1961). Australian Journal of French Studies, 60(4), 429-441. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2020). Corambe, Nohant, Sand: une ecologie de la creation. Essays in French Literature and Culture, 57, 83-98.
Edited Journals
- Grauby, F., Royer, M. (2013). Playtime: formes, fonctions et théories du jeu (Playtime: forms, functions and theories). Essays in French Literature and Culture, 50.
- Grauby, F., Royer, M. (2012). From Rabelais to Oulipo. Australian Journal of French Studies, XLIX (2).
- Grauby, F. (2011). Australian Journal of French Studies Vol. XLVIII No.3. Australian Journal of French Studies, XLVIII(3).
- Grauby, F. (2019). Deplacements du litteraire et situation multiculturelle: Un temoignage. Extension du domaine de la litterature, Online: Classiques Garnier. [More Information]
- Royer, M., Grauby, F. (2012). Collaborative teaching in language departments: Benefits and pitfalls. LCNAU National Colloquium 2011 - The Next Step: Introducing the Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities., Sydney, Australia: LCNAU (Languages & Cultures Network for Australian Universities).
- Grauby, F. (2011). Innovations et traditions dans quelques manuels pour les ateliers d'écriture. Le Francais et la diversite francophone en asie- pacifique, 2eme Congres de la Commission Asie-Pacifique (FIPF 2010), Krakow, Poland: Drukarnia Cyfrowa EIKON PLUS.
Textual Creative Works
- Grauby, F. (2007). Les îles: récits. A collection of short stories. (pp. 1 - 266). Paris, France: M. Nadeau.
- Grauby, F. (2004). Un Cheval Piaffe En Moi, (pp. 1 - 222). Paris, France: Maurice Nadeau.
- Grauby, F. (2023). 'Running with illegitimacy'? Book festivals and independent editions in Occitanie. French Studies Bulletin, 44(167-168), 27-31. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2023). Genre et vocation : La Vocation de Gustave Flaubert de René Dumesnil (1961). Australian Journal of French Studies, 60(4), 429-441. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2021). The "Ready-Made-Writer" in a Selection of Contemporary Francophone Literary Advice Manuals. In Anneleen Masschelein, Dirk de Geest (Eds.), Writing Manuals for the Masses: The Rise of the Literary Advice Industry from Quill to Keyboard, (pp. 199-216). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2020). Corambe, Nohant, Sand: une ecologie de la creation. Essays in French Literature and Culture, 57, 83-98.
- Grauby, F. (2020). Corambé, Nohant, Sand: An ecology of creation. Essays in French Literature and Culture, 57, 83-98.
- Grauby, F. (2019). Deplacements du litteraire et situation multiculturelle: Un temoignage. Extension du domaine de la litterature, Online: Classiques Garnier. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2018). Posture et performance d'auteur: Mises en scene de Houellebecq dans La Carte et le territoire. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 22(1), 76-84. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2018). Review - Intimacy and Distance: Conflicting Cultures in Nineteenth-Century France. By PHILIPPA LEWIS. French Studies, 72(3), 459-459. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2016). "This Isn't a Detective Story, Mrs. Oliver": The Case of the Fictitious Author. Clues: A journal of detection, 34(1), 116-125.
- Grauby, F. (2016). Coups et blessures. Un cas particulier de la relation entre fiction et realite: Pierre Jourde et La Premiere pierre. Essays in French Literature and Culture, 53, 29-42. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2016). Distance et proximite de la creation: la grand-mere comme figure de la vocation dans A la recherche du temps perdu. Australian Journal of French Studies, 53(1-2), 149-163. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2015). 'Sand's Way': The Voices of George Sand's Francois the Waif in Marcel Proust's Remembrance of Things Past. PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 12(2), 1-15. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2015). Le roman de la creation: Ecrire entre mythes et pratiques. Amsterdam: Rodopi. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2013). Artiste et écrivain dans La carte et le territoire de Michel Houellebecq (Artist and writer in Michel Houellebecq's The Map and the Territory). The French Review, 87(2), 105-117.
- Grauby, F. (2013). Du mystere dans les lettres: Philippe Djian et Pierre Michon sur la 'grace' et l'inspiration. Nottingham French Studies, 52(3), 296-307. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2013). L'ecrivain porc-epic: Du Herisson d'Eric Chevillard. Essays in French Literature and Culture, 50, 19-34. [More Information]
- Royer, M., Grauby, F. (2012). Collaborative teaching in language departments: Benefits and pitfalls. LCNAU National Colloquium 2011 - The Next Step: Introducing the Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities., Sydney, Australia: LCNAU (Languages & Cultures Network for Australian Universities).
- Grauby, F., Royer, M. (2012). From Rabelais to Oulipo. Australian Journal of French Studies, XLIX (2).
- Grauby, F. (2011). Australian Journal of French Studies Vol. XLVIII No.3. Australian Journal of French Studies, XLVIII(3).
- Grauby, F. (2011). Innovations et traditions dans quelques manuels pour les ateliers d'écriture. Le Francais et la diversite francophone en asie- pacifique, 2eme Congres de la Commission Asie-Pacifique (FIPF 2010), Krakow, Poland: Drukarnia Cyfrowa EIKON PLUS.
- Ohki, M., Grauby, F. (2011). L'impact des representations du francais sur la motivation: etude comparative entre le japon et l'australie (The impact of French representations on motivation: comparative study between Japan and Australia). Le Francais et la diversite francophone en asie- pacifique, 2eme Congres de la Commission Asie-Pacifique (FIPF 2010), Krakow, Poland: Drukarnia Cyfrowa EIKON PLUS.
- Grauby, F. (2010). A Transcultural Becoming: The Cultural Immigrants in Paris. Literature and Aesthetics, 20(1), 69-80.
- Grauby, F. (2010). Art, or, aura: l'Atelier de l'Artiste dans "L'Homme au chapeau rouge" d'Hervé Guibert et "Histoire du tableau" de Pierrette Fleutiaux. Romance Studies, 28(2), 118-129. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2010). Comment j'ai appris la litterature: morceaux choisis d'une education. In Jean Fornasiero and Colette Mrowa-Hopkins (Eds.), Explorations and encounters in French, (pp. 77-95). Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2009). "In the noir'': the blind detective in Brigitte Aubert's La mort des bois. In Alastair Rolls (Eds.), Mostly French: French (in) detective fiction, (pp. 157-173). Bern: Peter Lang Publishing.
- Grauby, F. (2009). Au coeur de notre corps: Récit réaliste et imaginaire du corps dans le discours psycho-corporel français. French Cultural Studies, 20(4), 351-367. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2009). Du pamphlet comme sport de combat: la littérature sans estomac de Pierre Jourde. Essays in French Literature and Culture, (46), 125-143.
- Grauby, F. (2008). "The Haiku of Urt": Migrations of Roland Barthes. Literature and Aesthetics, 18(2), 72-87.
- Grauby, F. (2008). De "ceci n'est pas un corps" a "ceci est mon corps": le body-art de Catherine Millet = From "this is not a body" to "this is my body": the body art of Catherine Millet. Nottingham French Studies, 47(1), 61-74. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2008). La "maison de verre": utopies corporelles et arts de guerir dans "le protocole compassionnel" d'Herve Guibert = The glass house: corporal utopias and healing arts in Herve Guibert's "Le Protocole compassionel". In West-Sooby, John (Eds.), Nowhere is perfect: French and Francophone Utopias/Dystopias, (pp. 211-227). Newark: University of Delaware Press.
- Grauby, F. (2007). Le spectacle de mon squelette: la lecon d'antomie d'Herve Guibert ("The spectacle of my skeleton": The Anatomy Lesson of Hervé Guibert). Australian Journal of French Studies, 44(2), 116-131. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2007). Les îles: récits. A collection of short stories. (pp. 1 - 266). Paris, France: M. Nadeau.
- Grauby, F. (2007). Preface. Australian Journal of French Studies, 44(2), 87-89.
- Grauby, F. (2006). Book review - Les fantômes qui hantent une vie: Angelus (The Turning), Tim Winton. La Quinzaine littéraire, 934, 10-11.
- Grauby, F. (2006). Book review - L’école la plus isolée d’Australie : Le Vrai Pays (True Country), Kim Scott. La Quinzaine littéraire, 925, 13-13.
- Grauby, F. (2006). Force mentale; Fabio Montale: Total Kheops au risque de la psychanalyse. Australian Journal of French Studies, 43(1), 80-93. [More Information]
- Grauby, F. (2005). Book review - Renaître de ses cendres : Le Grand Incendie de Shirley Hazzard. La Quinzaine littéraire, 908, 15-16.
- Grauby, F. (2004). Un Cheval Piaffe En Moi, (pp. 1 - 222). Paris, France: Maurice Nadeau.
- Grauby, F. (2004). "Le parfum de l'homme en noir": Mallarmé et La Dernière Mode (1874) ["The scent of the man in black": Mallarme and La Derniere Mode (1874)]. Australian Journal of French Studies, 41(1), 102-119.
- Grauby, F. (2004). Une Artiste De La Faim: Valerie Valere Et Le Pavillon Des Enfants Fous (1978). Consuming Culture: The Arts of the French Table.
- Grauby, F. (2003). La vie en noir: le discours célibataire dans plateforme de Michel Houellebecq (2001). New Zealand Journal of French Studies, 24(2), 29-42.
- Grauby, F., Bertrand, J., Duran, S. (2001). La Faim, la femme, L'infini : variations sur un manuscrit inachevé. Huysmans Beside and Beyond., : UNSW Australian Defence Force Academy.
- Grauby, F. (2001). Le corps de l'artiste : discours médical et représentations littéraires de l'artiste au XIXe siècle. Lyon, France: Presses Universitairies de Lyon.
- Grauby, F., Royer, M. (2001). Repenser les processus createurs = Rethinking creative processes. United States: Peter Lang Publishing.
- Grauby, F., Royer, M. (1996). Recherche mode d’emploi. Sydney: UNSW Press.
- Grauby, F. (1994). La creation mythique a l'epoque du symbolisme: Histoire, analyse et interpretation des mythes fondamentaux du symbolisme (French Edition). Paris: Libr. Nizet.
Selected Grants
- Disclosing the body: the autofiction and body art of Herve Guibert, Grauby F, University of Sydney/Research & Development
- Writing adolescence: the initiation of the body in French narratives (19th century-early 20th century)., Grauby F, DVC Research/Research and Development Scheme: Research and Development (R&D)