Professor John Keane
PhD, University of Toronto; MA, University of Toronto; BA Hons (Adelaide)
Professor of Politics
+61 2 9036 7142
A02 - Social Sciences Building
The University of Sydney
- The past, present and future of representation and democracy.
- Globalisation and the future of global governance
- Public life, communicative abundance and cross-border journalism
- Early modern and contemporary conceptions of civil society and government.
- Fear and politics.
- Failed transitions to democracy.
- Problems in the theory of language
- Secularism, Islam and Europe
- European Citizenship
- Modern social movements
- Violence, the modern state system, war and peace
- Dismantling of Soviet-type regimes
- Children and politics
Project title | Research student |
A Wilting Rose: Politics of Nostalgia and the Swedish Far-Right Movement | Tobias HANSSON |
Grasping the Speed of Global Politics: a Quantum Analysis of the Effects of Social Media Livestreaming | Yuting HE |
Selected publications
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- Keane, J., Baogang, H. (2024). China's galaxy empire: Wealth, power, war, and peace in the new Chinese century. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2021). The Shortest History of Democracy. USA: Black Inc.
- Chowdhury, D., Keane, J. (2021). To Kill a Democracy: India's Passage to Despotism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Edited Books
- Alonso, S., Keane, J., Merkel, W. (2011). The Future of Representative Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Keane, J., Podunavac, M., Sparks, C. (2008). Politika i Strah [Politics and Fear]. Zagreb, Croatia: Politicka Kultura.
- Keane, J. (2007). Civil Society: Berlin Perspectives. United States of America: Berghahn Books.
Book Chapters
- Keane, J. (2020). Democracy, Diaspora and the Territorial Mentality. In Olga Oleinikova, Jumana Bayeh (Eds.), Democracy, Diaspora, Territory: Europe and Cross-Border Politics, (pp. 25-42). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2020). New Social Movements: A dialogue with Alberto Melucci. In Cristina Flesher Fominaya and Ramon A. Feenstra (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary European Social Movements: Protest in Turbulent Times, (pp. 168-182). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2019). Civil Society. In Wolfgang Merkel, Raj Kollmorgen, Hans-Jürgen Wagener (Eds.), Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation, (pp. 1-12). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
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- Keane, J. (2024). How demagogues destroy democracy: A step-by-step global guide. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 80(5), 281-286. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2020). Hopes for Civil Society. Global Perspectives, 1(1). [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2019). Critical commentary: Why history matters for democracy. Democratic Theory, 6(2), 96-110. [More Information]
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- Keane, J. (2010). Lying, Journalism, Democracy. 2010 Journalism Education Association of Australia (JEAA) Conference, unspecified.
- Keane, J. (2007). Monitory Democracy and the Problem of Videocracy. Aspects of Democracy - Towards Solutions for 21st Century Developments, unspecified: The Japan Foundation.
Magazine / Newspaper Articles
- Keane, J. (2020). Democracy and the Great Pestilence. Eurozine. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2019). La Nueva Era de las Revolucion Maquinas. Letras Libres.
- Keane, J. (2019). We fear Hong Kong will become just another Chinese city: An interview with Martin Lee Chu-min. The Conversation.
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Reference Works
- Keane, J. (2010). Civil Society, Definitions and Approaches. In Helmut K Anheier, Stefan Toepler (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. New York, United States of America: Springer.
- Keane, J. (2002). Thomas Paine. In Alan Charles Kors (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment. (pp. Volume 3). New York, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
- Keane, J. (2019), 'Roboter Ante Portas: Die zweite Revolution des Maschinenzeitalters – Tips fur Menschenkinder (The Second Machine Age Revolution – Tips for Human Children, published in German)'. Lettre International.
- Keane, J. (2014), The New Despotisms of the 21st Century.
- Keane, J., anonymous, U. (2010), En las Cortes de 1188 se puso el fundamento de la autoridad polÃtica. Print media.
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- Keane, J., Baogang, H. (2024). China's galaxy empire: Wealth, power, war, and peace in the new Chinese century. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2024). How demagogues destroy democracy: A step-by-step global guide. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 80(5), 281-286. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2021). The Shortest History of Democracy. USA: Black Inc.
- Chowdhury, D., Keane, J. (2021). To Kill a Democracy: India's Passage to Despotism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Keane, J. (2020). Democracy and the Great Pestilence. Eurozine. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2020). Democracy, Diaspora and the Territorial Mentality. In Olga Oleinikova, Jumana Bayeh (Eds.), Democracy, Diaspora, Territory: Europe and Cross-Border Politics, (pp. 25-42). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2020). Hopes for Civil Society. Global Perspectives, 1(1). [More Information]
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- Keane, J. (2019), 'Roboter Ante Portas: Die zweite Revolution des Maschinenzeitalters – Tips fur Menschenkinder (The Second Machine Age Revolution – Tips for Human Children, published in German)'. Lettre International.
- Keane, J. (2019). Civil Society. In Wolfgang Merkel, Raj Kollmorgen, Hans-Jürgen Wagener (Eds.), Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation, (pp. 1-12). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2019). Critical commentary: Why history matters for democracy. Democratic Theory, 6(2), 96-110. [More Information]
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- Keane, J. (2018). Power and Humility: The Future of Monitory Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2018). When Trees Fall, Monkeys Scatter: Rethinking Democracy In China. London: World Scientific Publishing. [More Information]
- Ruby, F., Goggin, G., Keane, J. (2017). "Comparative Silence" Still? Digital Journalism, 5(3), 353-367. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2017). Eine kurze Geschichte uber die Zukunft von Wahlen. In Aurel Croissant, Sascha Kneip and Alexander Petring (Eds.), Demokratie, Diktatur, Gerechtigkeit: Festschrift fur Wolfgang Merkel, (pp. 53-73). Wiesbaden: Springer. [More Information]
- Feenstra, R., Tormey, S., Casero-Ripolles, A., Keane, J. (2017). Refiguring Democracy: The Spanish Political Laboratory. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2016). Gleicheit Revisited. Uberlegungen zum Verhaltnis von Zivilgesellschaft und Markten. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 29(3), 190-202. [More Information]
- Feenstra, R., Tormey, S., Casero-Ripolles, A., Keane, J. (2016). La reconfiguracion de la democracia: el laboratorio politico espanol. Granada: Editorial Comares.
- Keane, J. (2016). The New Despotisms: Imagining the end of democracy [Los nuevos despotismos: Imaginando el fin de la democracia]. Recerca, 19(19), 137-154. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2015). Democracy and Media Decadence: Symposium. Democratic Theory, 3, 88-109.
- Keane, J. (2015). Die neuen Despotien. Vorstellungen vom Ende der Demokratie. Merkur, 69(790), 18-31.
- Keane, J. (2015). Mediated Despotism: A World Beyond Democracy. In Jan Zielonka (Eds.), Media and Politics in New Democracies: Europe in a Comparative Perspective, (pp. 248-264). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
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- Keane, J. (2014). Foreword. Carnival China: China in the Era of Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping, (pp. ix-vv). London: Imperial College Press.
- Feenstra, R., Keane, J. (2014). Politics in Spain: A Case of Monitory Democracy. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 25(5), 1262-1280. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2014), The New Despotisms of the 21st Century.
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- Keane, J. (2013). Children and Civil Society. In Jürgen Nautz, Paul Ginsborg and Ton Nijhuis (Eds.), The Golden Chain: Family, Civil Society and the State, (pp. 169-194). New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.
- Keane, J. (2013). Civil Society in the Era of Monitory Democracy. In Lars Trägårdh, Nina Witoszek and Bron Taylor (Eds.), Civil Society in the Age of Monitory Democracy, (pp. 22-51). Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.
- Keane, J. (2013). Democracy and Media Decadence. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2012). Democracy in the Age of Google, Facebook, and WikiLeaks. In Thorbjorn Jagland (Eds.), Democracy on the Precipice - Council of Europe Democracy Debates 2011-12 (2012), (pp. 51-66). Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
- Keane, J. (2012). Restorative Justice: Rethinking the History of Representative Democracy. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, 13(1). [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2012). Silence and Catastrophe: New Reasons Why Politics Matters in the Early Years of the Twenty-first Century. The Political Quarterly, 83(4), 660-668. [More Information]
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- Keane, J. (2011). Humble democracy? On the need for new thinking about an aging ideal. In Ali Paya, John L Esposito (Eds.), Iraq, Democracy and the Future of the Muslim World, (pp. 83-100). United Kingdom and United States of America: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2011). Monitory Democracy? The Secret History of Democracy since 1945. In Benjamin Isakhan and Stephen Stockwell (Eds.), The Secret History of Democracy, (pp. 204-218). UK: Palgrave Macmillan UK. [More Information]
- Alonso, S., Keane, J., Merkel, W. (2011). The Future of Representative Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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- Keane, J. (2010). Civil Society, Definitions and Approaches. In Helmut K Anheier, Stefan Toepler (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. New York, United States of America: Springer.
- Keane, J. (2010). Democracy in the 21st Century: Global Questions. In Terrell Carver, Jens Bartelson (Eds.), Globality, Democracy and Civil Society, (pp. 1-18). United Kingdom: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2010). Democracy kills: what's so good about the vote? By Humphrey Hawksley. International Affairs, 86(2), 558-560.
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- Keane, J. (2009). Civil Society and Aging. In Jürgen Kocka, Martin Kohli, Wolfgang Streck, Kai Brauer, Anna K Skarpelis (Eds.), Altern: Familie, Zivilgesellschaft, Politik : mit 9 Tabellen, (pp. 181-190). Germany: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.
- Keane, J. (2009). Democracy failure. WZB-Mitteilungen, (Heft 124 Juni 2009), 6-8.
- Keane, J. (2009). Democracy's Bloody Begninnings. Sydney Ideas Quarterly, August-October 2009.
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- Keane, J., Carrier, D. (2008), A tale to revive the passion in democracy. print media.
- Keane, J. (2008). Acts of European Citizenship: Historical Foundations, New Departures. In Engin F Isin, Greg M Nielsen (Eds.), Acts of Citizenship, (pp. 1-30). London, United Kingdom: Zed Books Ltd.
- Keane, J. (2008). Brace yourselves as democracy reshapes itself. Sydney Morning Herald.
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- Keane, J. (2007). Banyan Democracy. Indian Express.
- Keane, J. (2007). Civil Society: Berlin Perspectives. United States of America: Berghahn Books.
- Keane, J. (2007). Empire and democracy. In Jenny Hocking, Colleen Lewis (Eds.), Counter-Terrorism and the Post-Democratic State, (pp. 200-212). United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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- Keane, J., Lucas, I. (2006), A democracia é uma invenção do Oriente. Newspaper. In Portuguese.
- Keane, J. (2006). Democracies in name, but not in the real game. Sydney Morning Herald.
- Keane, J. (2006). Global civil society? A new cosmology. In Ronnie D Lipschutz (Eds.), Civil Societies and Social Movements: Domestic, Transnational, Global, (pp. 269-296). United Kingdom: Ashgate. [More Information]
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- Keane, J., Mishraon, V. (2005), 'There is confusion in the house of democracy'. Newspaper.
- Keane, J., Parekh, B. (2005), Bhikhu Parekh talks to John Keane about the Westminster model, reform of the Lords, and what he has learnt since becoming a peer. Journal.
- Keane, J., anonymous, U. (2005), Democracy & Discontent. Newspaper.
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- Keane, J. (2004). 'The Reformation': Fanatics All Around. New York Times.
- Keane, J. (2004). Global Civil Society? In John Hall, Frank Trentmann (Eds.), Civil Society: A Reader in History, Theory and Global Politics, (pp. 287-291). United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Keane, J., Ideon, A. (2004), Rahvahääletus on iganenud nähtus. Newspaper.
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- Keane, J. (2003). A Polynesian Republic. Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD) Bulletin, 10(2), 9-11.
- Keane, J. (2003). Der Elfenbeinturm und die Zivilgesellschaft. In Arnd Bauerkamper, Manuel Borutta (Eds.), Die Praxis der Zivilgesellschaft: Akteure, Handeln und Strukturen im internationalen Vergleich, (pp. 415-428). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Campus Verlag.
- Keane, J. (2003). Global Civil Society?. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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- Keane, J. (2002). Cosmocracy: A global system of governance or anarchy? New Economy (United Kingdom), 9(2), 65-70. [More Information]
- Keane, J. (2002). Fateful Tendencies. Index on Censorship, 31(1), 78-93.
- Keane, J. (2002). Fear and Democracy. In Kenton Worcester, Sally Avery Bermanzhon, Mark Ungar (Eds.), Violence and Politics: Globalization's Paradox, (pp. 226-244). New York, United States of America: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
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- Keane, J. (2001). Global civil society? In Helmut Anheier, Marlies Glasius, Mary Kaldor (Eds.), Global Civil Society 2001, (pp. 23-47). United States of America: Oxford University Press.
Selected Grants
- The Crisis of Post-Truth Discourse, Enfield N, Wight C, Mann A, Keane J, Schlosberg D, Murray J, DVC Research/Sydney Research Excellence Initiative 2020 (SREI)
- Democracy at the End of the World: New Perspectives on the Politics and Government of Antarctica, Keane J, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)
- A practice in search of theory: the intellectual labour of social democracy, Soutphommasane T, Keane J, DVC Research/Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Scheme
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