Dr Jordi Vidal Robert

Dr Jordi Vidal Robert

02 935 12574
A02 - Social Sciences Building
The University of Sydney
Dr Jordi Vidal Robert

Jordi Vidal-Robert received his PhD from Boston University in 2013. His research focuses on the study of historical institutions and events that shaped economic development. In particular, his interests focus on understanding the interactions between institutions, culture, religions and socioeconomic and political outcomes. Jordi has studied the motivations of the Spanish Inquisition activity and its consequences for economic development and the role of censorship on economic and cultural outcomes in 16th century Europe. He joined the University of Sydney in 2015.

  • Economic History
  • Economics of Institutions/Political Economy
  • Religion Economics



  • Nickl, B., Qiu, K., Vidal-Robert, J. (2024). Comparative dimensions of COVID-19 visual health literacy: social media news imagery in Germany and China. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 11(Article number: 1403). [More Information]
  • Drelichman, M., Vidal-Robert, J., Voth, H. (2021). The long-run effects of religious persecution: Evidence from the Spanish Inquisition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(33), 1-9. [More Information]

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Vidal-Robert, J., Voth, H., Drelichman, M. (2022). Los efectos de la Inquisición todavía se perciben hoy en día. The Conversation; https://theconversation.com/los-efectos-de-la-inquisicion-todavia-se-perciben-hoy-en-dia-177173.
  • Vidal-Robert, J., Voth, H., Drelichman, M. (2021). Extraordinarily, the effects of the Spanish Inquisition linger to this day. The Conversation; https://theconversation.com/extraordinarily-the-effects-of-the-spanish-inquisition-linger-to-this-day-166170.
  • Drelichman, M., Vidal-Robert, J., Voth, H. (2021). L’impacte de la Inquisició és allargat. 5centims, https://www.5centims.cat/limpacte-de-la-inquisicio.


  • Nickl, B., Qiu, K., Vidal-Robert, J. (2024). Comparative dimensions of COVID-19 visual health literacy: social media news imagery in Germany and China. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 11(Article number: 1403). [More Information]


  • Vidal-Robert, J., Voth, H., Drelichman, M. (2022). Los efectos de la Inquisición todavía se perciben hoy en día. The Conversation; https://theconversation.com/los-efectos-de-la-inquisicion-todavia-se-perciben-hoy-en-dia-177173.


  • Vidal-Robert, J., Voth, H., Drelichman, M. (2021). Extraordinarily, the effects of the Spanish Inquisition linger to this day. The Conversation; https://theconversation.com/extraordinarily-the-effects-of-the-spanish-inquisition-linger-to-this-day-166170.
  • Drelichman, M., Vidal-Robert, J., Voth, H. (2021). L’impacte de la Inquisició és allargat. 5centims, https://www.5centims.cat/limpacte-de-la-inquisicio.
  • Drelichman, M., Vidal-Robert, J., Voth, H. (2021). Persecución religiosa y atraso económico. Nada es Gratis, https://nadaesgratis.es/admin/persecucion-religios.


  • Vidal-Robert, J. (2014). Los efectos de la Inquisición a largo plazo. Nada es Gratis, https://nadaesgratis.es/admin/los-efectos-de-la-in.

Selected Grants


  • Comparative Dimensions of COVID-19 Visual Health Literacy: An Analysis of Social Media News Imagery in Germany and China, Nickl B, Vidal-Robert J, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/Open Access Publishing Fund


  • Cultural and Religious influence in human capital acquisition, Vidal-Robert J, DVC Research/Equity Prize: Laffan

In the media

- Talking Point: The Spanish Inquisition [25 November 2022, 2am]

ABC Radio – Overnights

The Spanish Inquisition was established by Catholic Monarchs, King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile in 1478. Rod Quinn sought out historical details of The Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition as it was formally known. Was its significance due to the church or the Spanish monarchy? Jordi Vidal-Robert from the University of Sydney discuss the infamous system known for its severity of torture and persecution of Jews and Muslims.