Dr Kelly Neill

Dr Kelly Neill

PhD, Rice University
Dr Kelly Neill

Kelly’s research interests are empirical industrial organization and energy economics. Her work has focused 0n competition in natural gas markets, particularly in Australia. She has studied how electricity and gas markets interact, vertical integration of gas retailers, and the consequences of restricting liquefied natural gas exports. She is also interested in electricity reliability. Kelly is a Non-resident Scholar at the Center for Energy Studies, in Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy.

  • Industrial Organization
  • Energy Economics

Kelly is a Non-resident Scholar at the Center for Energy Studies, in Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy:https://www.bakerinstitute.org/expert/kelly-neill-0

Project titleResearch student
The feasibility analysis of using battery and pumped hydro energy storage systems as firming capacity in AustraliaSongze QU
Renewable Energy and Grid Congestion in AustraliaJiaxi SONG



  • Neill, K., Hartley, P., Tyers, R., Adams, P. (2019). Western Australia's Domestic Gas Reservation Policy: Modelling the Economic Impact with a Computable General Equilibrium Approach*. Economic Record, 95(308), 90-113. [More Information]
  • Neill, K. (2017). Western Australia's Domestic Gas Reservation Policy: The Elemental Economics. Economic Papers, 36(2), 121-134. [More Information]


  • Neill, K., Hartley, P., Tyers, R., Adams, P. (2019). Western Australia's Domestic Gas Reservation Policy: Modelling the Economic Impact with a Computable General Equilibrium Approach*. Economic Record, 95(308), 90-113. [More Information]


  • Neill, K. (2017). Western Australia's Domestic Gas Reservation Policy: The Elemental Economics. Economic Papers, 36(2), 121-134. [More Information]