Dr Louise Marshall

Dr Louise Marshall

BA (Hons 1st class) Melbourne, MA (Hons 1st class) Melbourne, PhD Pennsylvania
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Discipline of Art History
A26 - R.C. Mills Building
The University of Sydney
  • Italian Renaissance plague images, with a particular focus on the process of intercession and the protective role of images in coping with the experience of bubonic plague.
  • The imagery and cult of the plague saints Sebastian and Roch, and the Virgin Mary as plague protector.
  • St. Nicholas of Tolentino as a 'failed' plague saint.
  • Disaster and the emotions.
  • Death and the afterlife.
  • Image and devotion in late medieval/early modern culture.
Project titleResearch student
Italy in France: Trecento Frescoes in Avignon by Matteo GiovannettiMitchell KELLY


Book Chapters

  • Marshall, L. (2024). Diseased Bodies in Early Modern Europe: Picturing Plague Victims. In Sharon Hecker and Arianna Arisi Rota (Eds.), Disguising Disease in Italian Political and Visual Culture: From Post-Unification to COVID-19, (pp. 16-36). London: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Marshall, L. (2024). St Roch Between North and South: Understanding Artistic and Confraternal Choices in Tintoretto’s Narratives at the Chiesa di San Rocco, Venice. In Maria Agnese Chiari Moretto Wiel and David D'Andrea (Eds.), La chiesa di San Rocco: Spazio sacro confraternale e luogo di culto, (pp. 147-166). Rome: Viella. [More Information]
  • Marshall, L. (2018). Affected Bodies and Bodily Affect: Visualising Emotion in Renaissance Plague Images. In Philippa Maddern, Joanne McEwan, Ann M. Scott (Eds.), Performing Emotions in Early Europe, (pp. 73-103). Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. [More Information]


  • Marshall, L. (2021). Epidemics and Religion: From Angry Gods and Offended Ancestors to Hungry Ghosts and Hostile Demons. SHERM Journal, 3(1), 97-117. [More Information]
  • Marshall, L. (2013). Plague in the city: identifying the subject of Giovanni di Paolo's Vienna Miracle of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino. Renaissance Studies, 27(5), 654-680. [More Information]
  • Marshall, L. (2012). A Plague Saint for Venice: Tintoretto at the Chiesa di San Rocco. Artibus et Historiae, 66(XXXIII), 153-188.

Reference Works

  • Marshall, L. (2008). Plague Literature and Art, Early Modern European. In Joseph Byrne (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Pestilence, Pandemics and Plagues. (pp. 522-530). Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood.
  • Marshall, L. (2008). Religion and Epidemic Disease. In Joseph Byrne (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Pestilence, Pandemics and Plagues, vol. 2. (pp. 593-600). Westprot, Connecticut: Greenwood.


  • Marshall, L. (2023), Talking about St Roch with Dave Whitson. Podcast. [More Information]
  • Marshall, L. (2006), Review: G. Bailey et al., Hope and Healing: Painting in Italy in a Time of Plague, 1500-1800, in Renaissance Quarterly.
  • Marshall, L. (2006), Review: R. Mellinkoff, Averting Demons. The Protective Power of Medieval Visual Motifs and Themes in Speculum.


  • Marshall, L. (2024). Diseased Bodies in Early Modern Europe: Picturing Plague Victims. In Sharon Hecker and Arianna Arisi Rota (Eds.), Disguising Disease in Italian Political and Visual Culture: From Post-Unification to COVID-19, (pp. 16-36). London: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Marshall, L. (2024). St Roch Between North and South: Understanding Artistic and Confraternal Choices in Tintoretto’s Narratives at the Chiesa di San Rocco, Venice. In Maria Agnese Chiari Moretto Wiel and David D'Andrea (Eds.), La chiesa di San Rocco: Spazio sacro confraternale e luogo di culto, (pp. 147-166). Rome: Viella. [More Information]


  • Marshall, L. (2023), Talking about St Roch with Dave Whitson. Podcast. [More Information]


  • Marshall, L. (2021). Epidemics and Religion: From Angry Gods and Offended Ancestors to Hungry Ghosts and Hostile Demons. SHERM Journal, 3(1), 97-117. [More Information]


  • Marshall, L. (2018). Affected Bodies and Bodily Affect: Visualising Emotion in Renaissance Plague Images. In Philippa Maddern, Joanne McEwan, Ann M. Scott (Eds.), Performing Emotions in Early Europe, (pp. 73-103). Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. [More Information]


  • Marshall, L. (2016). God's Executioners: Angels, Devils and the Plague in Giovanni Sercambi's Illustrated Chronicle (1400). In Jennifer Spinks, Charles Zika (Eds.), Disaster, Death and the Emotions in the Shadow of the Apocalypse, 1400-1700, (pp. 177-199). London: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]


  • Marshall, L. (2015). The Collaboration from Hell: A Plague Strike Force at S. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome. In Jennifer Spinks, Dagmar Eichberger (Eds.), Religion, the Supernatural and Visual Culture in Early Modern Europe: An Album Amicorum for Charles Zika, (pp. 20-49). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]


  • Marshall, L. (2013). Plague in the city: identifying the subject of Giovanni di Paolo's Vienna Miracle of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino. Renaissance Studies, 27(5), 654-680. [More Information]


  • Marshall, L. (2012). A Plague Saint for Venice: Tintoretto at the Chiesa di San Rocco. Artibus et Historiae, 66(XXXIII), 153-188.


  • Marshall, L. (2011). Getting Out of Jail Free, or, Purgatory and How to Escape It in Spanish Art. In Kathleen Nelson (Eds.), Cathedral, City and Cloister: Essays on Manuscripts, Music and Art in Old and New Worlds, (pp. 195-224). Ottawa, Canada: Institute of Mediaeval Music.


  • Marshall, L. (2009). A New Plague Saint for Renaissance Italy: Suffering and Sanctity in Narrative Cycles of Saint Roch. In Jaynie Anderson (Eds.), Crossing Cultures: Conflict, Migration and Convergence: the proceedings of the 32nd International Congress of the History of Art, (pp. 543-549). Melbourne: The Miegunyah Press.
  • Marshall, L. (2009). Purgatory in the medieval imagination: the earliest images. In Greg Kratzmann (Eds.), Imagination, Books and Community in Medieval Europe, (pp. 212-219). Melbourne: Macmillan Art Publishing.


  • Marshall, L. (2008). Il culto di san Rocco in Toscana nel tardo Quattrocento: i dipinti di Bartolomeo della Gatta in Arezzo. Vita Sancti Rochi, 2, 96-109.
  • Marshall, L. (2008). Plague Literature and Art, Early Modern European. In Joseph Byrne (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Pestilence, Pandemics and Plagues. (pp. 522-530). Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood.
  • Marshall, L. (2008). Religion and Epidemic Disease. In Joseph Byrne (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Pestilence, Pandemics and Plagues, vol. 2. (pp. 593-600). Westprot, Connecticut: Greenwood.


  • Marshall, L. (2006), Review: G. Bailey et al., Hope and Healing: Painting in Italy in a Time of Plague, 1500-1800, in Renaissance Quarterly.
  • Marshall, L. (2006), Review: R. Mellinkoff, Averting Demons. The Protective Power of Medieval Visual Motifs and Themes in Speculum.


  • Marshall, L. (2005). La costruzione di un santo contro la peste: il caso di Nicola da Tolentino. In Valentino Pace and Roberto Tollo (Eds.), San Nicola da Tolentino nell'arte. Corpus iconografico. Vol. 1: Dalle origini al Concilio di Trento, (pp. 87-101). Tolentino, Italy: Biblioteca egidiana and Federico Motta.


  • Marshall, L. (2004). Luxury And Pathos In Romanino?S Christ Carrying The Cross. In David R. Marshall (Eds.), The Italians in Australia: Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Art, (pp. 131-144). Florence: Centro Di.


  • Marshall, L. (2002). Reading the Body of a Plague Saint : Narrative Altarpieces and Devotional Images of St. Sebastian in Renaissance Art. In Bernard J. Muir (Eds.), Reading Texts and Images. Essays on Medieval Renaissance Art and Patronage., (pp. 237-271). Exeter (U.K.): University of Exeter Press.


  • Marshall, L. (2000). Confraternity and Community: Mobilizing the Sacred in Times of Plague. In B. Wisch and D Cole Ahl (Eds.), Confraternities and the Visual Arts in the Italian Renaissance: Ritual, Spectacle, Image, (pp. 20-45). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Selected Grants


  • Emotions and the Visual in Early Modern Europe, in Crisis and in Health, Marshall L, ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions/Associate Investigator


  • Trouble in Heaven: Emotions and the Plague in Renaissance Italy, Marshall L, ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions/Associate Investigator

In the media

29/07/2024 - quoted in The Sydney Morning Herald: ‘Gross mockery’: Did Paris’ blue man really parody Last Supper?