Dr Luis Angosto Ferrández
Luis Fernando Angosto-Ferrández is a lecturer in the departments of Anthropology and Latin American Studies. He has extensive fieldwork experience in Latin America and Spain and has lived, worked and researched in Venezuela for nearly a decade. In addition to his scholarly work, he is a contributor to various public media outlets.
In regional terms, I have an ongoing research interest in Latin American politics and societies, and develop comparative work on forms of collective action and on race and ethnic relations in the continent.
I am more generally interested in economic anthropology. I theorise about the ways in which human sociality affects and is affected by the creation of new commodities and forms of property, and in relation to these topics I recently co-edited the book entitled “Anthropologies of Value”. Building on this work, my next book project is an ethnographic monograph that explores the mechanisms of rent-capture in Southern Venezuela.
Two other areas in which I am currently developing research are political symbolism and the comparative study of corruption.
Units of Study
- ANTH2629: Race and Ethnic Relations
- SPAN2615: Indigenous Movements in Latin America
- SPAN2616: Citizenship in Spain and Latin America
- SPAN3624: Spain: A Nation of Nations?
- SPAN3625: New Latin American Geopolitics of Power
I am currently finalising a book manuscript on “modern accumulation”, a concept with which I am trying to theorise and explain processes of active incorporation of subaltern groups (including indigenous peoples) into capitalism.
I am also developing a comparative research project on perceptions of race and ethnicity among visually impaired people in Chile and Venezuela.
Member of the Editorial Committee of AIBR (Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana) and Review Editor for the Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research (JILAR)
Project title | Research student |
Taro or bread Postcolonial socio-environmental change in accessible rural Viti Levu Fiji | Gregoire RANDIN |
Selected publications
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2015). Venezuela Reframed: Bolivarianism, indigenous peoples and socialisms of the 21st century. London: Zed Books Ltd. [More Information]
Edited Books
- Gill, G., Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2020). Symbolism and Politics. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L., Presterudstuen, G. (2016). Anthropologies of Value. London: Pluto Press. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L., Kradolfer, S. (2016). The Politics of Identity in Latin American Censuses. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2021). Democracy and development in Latin America. In Gordon Crawford and Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai (Eds.), Research Handbook on Democracy and Development, (pp. 212-227). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2021). Reframing Resource Nationalism: Social Forces and the Politics of Extractivism in Latin America's Pink Tide. In Steve Ellner (Eds.), Latin American Extractivism: Dependency, Resource Nationalism, and Resistance in Broad Perspective, (pp. 105-128). Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Gill, G., Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2020). Introduction: Symbolism and Politics. In Graeme Gill, Luis Angosto-Ferrandez (Eds.), Symbolism and Politics, (pp. 1-5). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2024). FLAGS, THEIR FUNCTIONS AND USES: POLITICAL SYMBOLS IN TIMES OF SOCIAL INSTABILITY. AIBR, Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana (Journal of Iberoamerican Anthropology), 19(2), 253-262. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2024). NATIONAL FLAGS, SOCIAL INSTABILITY AND POLITICAL POWER. AIBR, Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana (Journal of Iberoamerican Anthropology), 19(2), 293-317. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2022). A modern accumulation? The intricacies of enclosure, dispossession and cultural production in Venezuela's Gran Sabana. Anthropological Theory, 22(1), 26-51. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2013). Cosmopolitics, neoliberalism and capitalist earth-beings: some reflections before we go (even further away) beyond "modern politics". A post-human world? Rethinking Anthropology and the Human Condition, Australia: Anthropology Department, University of Sydney.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2013). From "cafe con leche" to "o cafe o leche": race, ethnicity and national identity in contemporary Venezuela. 31st International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington DC, USA.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2012). Is there an indigenous movement in Venezuela? Civil society, the state and ideologically diverging political interest in indigenous activism. Xth AILASA Biennial Conference, Victoria University, Wellington.
Magazine / Newspaper Articles
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2016). Colour-Blind Societies: Perceptions of Race and Ethnicity Amongst Visually Impaired People. SSPS Review (University of Sydney), 3.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L., Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2016). El futuro de la politica venezolana en manos indigenas. Publico.es and Nuevatribuna.es. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2016). Why you should care about the census. Language and Culture: the School of Languages and Cultures Magazine, 37.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2010), Actores y estrategias en el movimiento indigena venezolano, 1998-2010: de la sociedad civil al aparato estatal.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2024). FLAGS, THEIR FUNCTIONS AND USES: POLITICAL SYMBOLS IN TIMES OF SOCIAL INSTABILITY. AIBR, Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana (Journal of Iberoamerican Anthropology), 19(2), 253-262. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2024). NATIONAL FLAGS, SOCIAL INSTABILITY AND POLITICAL POWER. AIBR, Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana (Journal of Iberoamerican Anthropology), 19(2), 293-317. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2022). A modern accumulation? The intricacies of enclosure, dispossession and cultural production in Venezuela's Gran Sabana. Anthropological Theory, 22(1), 26-51. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2022). Cultural labor and the defetishization of environments: connecting ethnographies of tourism in Venezuela and Chile. Dialectical Anthropology, 46(1), 55-72. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2022). The child everyone has inside: anthropology and the labor theory of value. Dialectical Anthropology, 46(1), 1-16. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2021). Democracy and development in Latin America. In Gordon Crawford and Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai (Eds.), Research Handbook on Democracy and Development, (pp. 212-227). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2021). Reframing Resource Nationalism: Social Forces and the Politics of Extractivism in Latin America's Pink Tide. In Steve Ellner (Eds.), Latin American Extractivism: Dependency, Resource Nationalism, and Resistance in Broad Perspective, (pp. 105-128). Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2021). Venezuelan crisis: a reply to Eva van Roekel and Marjo de Theije. Anthropology Today, 37(1), 26-27. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2020). Book Review: 'The Fernando Coronil Reader: The Struggle for Life is the Matter'. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 26(2), 263-265. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2020). Cabalgando cambios y contradicciones: Francisca De la Maza, Fernanda Castro y Joaquin Melinir sobre turismo y turistificaciоn en Chile. Antropologias Del Sur, 7(13), 205-220. [More Information]
- Gill, G., Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2020). Introduction: Symbolism and Politics. In Graeme Gill, Luis Angosto-Ferrandez (Eds.), Symbolism and Politics, (pp. 1-5). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2019). Neoextractivism and Class Formation: Lessons from the Orinoco Mining Arc Project in Venezuela. Latin American Perspectives, 46(1), 190-211. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2018). Hugo Chavez as political symbol: A response to comments by Pablo Alonso Gonzalez. Anthropology Today, 34(3), 30. [More Information]
- Gill, G., Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2018). Introduction: Symbolism and Politics. Politics, Religion and Ideology, 19(4), 429-433. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2018). Mausoleums, National Flags and Regime Crises: Comparing Spain and Venezuela. Politics, Religion and Ideology, 19(4), 471-493. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2017). Indigenous Peoples, Social Movements, and the Legacy of Hugo Chavez's Governments. Latin American Perspectives, 44(1), 180-198. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L., Presterudstuen, G. (2016). Anthropologies of Value. London: Pluto Press. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2016). Book Review: Why Current Affairs Needs Social Theory. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 22(2), 211-214. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2016). Colour-Blind Societies: Perceptions of Race and Ethnicity Amongst Visually Impaired People. SSPS Review (University of Sydney), 3.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2015). EpistemologÃa, poder y cultura en las antropologÃas del sur: la mirada de Esteban Krotz. AIBR, Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana (Journal of Iberoamerican Anthropology), 10(1), 9-26. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2015). Venezuela Reframed: Bolivarianism, indigenous peoples and socialisms of the 21st century. London: Zed Books Ltd. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2014). Book Review: We Created Chavez: A People's History of the Venezuelan Revolution, by George Ciccariello-Maher. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 20(2), 308-320.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2014). Democracy, Revolution and Geopolitics: Venezuela and the International Politics of Discontent. In Not known (Eds.), Democracy, Revolution, and Geopolitics in Latin America: Venezuela and the International Politics of Discontent, (pp. 1-12). TBC. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2014). Democracy, Revolution, and Geopolitics in Latin America: Venezuela and the International Politics of Discontent. TBC.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2013). Anthropology, humanism and civic responsibilities: a conversation with Thomas Hylland Eriksen. AIBR, Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana (Journal of Iberoamerican Anthropology), 8(2), 1-20. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2013). Cosmopolitics, neoliberalism and capitalist earth-beings: some reflections before we go (even further away) beyond "modern politics". A post-human world? Rethinking Anthropology and the Human Condition, Australia: Anthropology Department, University of Sydney.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2013). From "cafe con leche" to "o cafe o leche": race, ethnicity and national identity in contemporary Venezuela. 31st International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington DC, USA.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L., Kradolfer, S. (2012). Everlasting Countdowns: Race, Ethnicity and National Censuses in Latin American States. Newcastle upon Tyne (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More Information]
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2012). Indigenous Participation and Representation in Venezuelan Electoral Processese (Participacion y representacion indigena en los procesos electorales venezolanos). America Latina Hoy, 60, 153-182.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2012). Is there an indigenous movement in Venezuela? Civil society, the state and ideologically diverging political interest in indigenous activism. Xth AILASA Biennial Conference, Victoria University, Wellington.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2011). Anthropology, politics and heritage: the relations between man and territory in defence of cultural heritage'. Seventh Cycle of Conferences Catedra Arzobispo Loazes, Sede Universitaria de Orihuela, Universidad de Alicante.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2011). La competencia por la representacion indigena en las elecciones venezolanas (2004- 2010). Cuestiones Politicas, 27(46), 13-54.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2010), Actores y estrategias en el movimiento indigena venezolano, 1998-2010: de la sociedad civil al aparato estatal.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2010). Pueblos indigenas, multiculturalismo y la nueva geometria del poder en Venezuela. Cuadernos del CENDES, 27(73), 97-132.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2009). Bolivar, espejo de la revolucion: los comicios regionales (2008) en Guayana. Revista Venezolana de Economia y Ciencias Sociales, 15(3), 13-35.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2009). BolÃvar, espejo de la revolución: los comicios regionales (2008) en Guayana. Revista Venezolana de Economia y Ciencias Sociales, 15(3), 13-35.
- Angosto, L. (2009). Donde lo pemon se torna indigena: perspectivas etnograficas para el estudio de las politicas etnicas y la conciencia colectiva. Antropologica, Tomo LIII(111-112), 13-34.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2008). Pueblos indigenas, guaicaipurismo y socialismo del siglo XXI en Venezuela. Antropologica, Tomo LII(110), 9-33.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2007). Demarcacion de tierras y el concepto de territorio en el pueblo Pemon: efectos de un proceso de textualizacion. In Lino Meneses Pacheco, Gladys Gordones Rojas, Jacqueline Clarac (Eds.), Lecturas Antropologicas de Venezuela, (pp. 453-460). Merida, Venezuela: Editorial Venezolana C.A.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2007). Translating Territories: Mapping Codes of Power among the Pemon People, Venezuela. In Stephen Kelly, David Johnston (Eds.), Betwixt and Between: Place and Cultural Translation, (pp. 108-121). Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Angosto Ferrandez, L. (2002). On the relationship between anthropology and literature, with a brief examination of Mario Vargas Llosa's El Hablador. Beascna, 1(2002), 101-116.
Selected Grants
- Understanding Power, Effecting Change: Theory Across the Curriculum (Open Learning Environment - Undergraduate), Fernandes S, Baines D, Driscoll C, Angosto Ferrandez L, Konings M, Morton A, Van Wichelen S, DVC Education/Small Educational Innovation Grant
Special Journal Issues (edited)
* (2024): Banderas nacionales, inestabilidad social, y poder político, AIBR, 19 (20) Available here
* (2022): Anthropology and the Labour Theory of Value.Dialectical Anthropology, 46(1) Available here
* (2018): Symbolism and Politics.Politics, Religion & Ideology, 19(4). Co-edited with GraemeGill. Available here
* (2014): The Politics of Identity in Latin American Censuses.Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 20(3). Co-edited with Sabine Kradolfer. Available here
In the media
Luis contributes regularly, both in English and Spanish, to a variety of media outlets including ABC News, SBS, CGTN, The Conversation, The Wire and Publico.es.
Faculti.net interviewed Luis Angosto-Ferrández for its Insights into Social Sciences series, on the function of political symbols (national flags and two specific mausoleums) in the configuration of contemporary politics in Spain and Venezuela (16 November, 2020). Available here.
"The Spanish national flag in context: what does it symbolise? [La bandera nacional en contexto: ¿qué simboliza?]". Published at Nuevatribuna.es, 24 May 2020. Available here.
- "COVID-19 spreads through the Amazon". The Wire, 20 May 2020. Available here.
- "The catastrophic hard-line approach to Venezuela". Published at Australian Outlook, 09 May 2019. Available here.
- Luis Angosto-Ferrandez was the guest speaker in the program "Another World" (Eastside Radio) on 10.02.2019, in an episode dedicated to explain and discuss ongoing political developments in Venzuela. Available here.
- "Chavismo, MUD and Venezuela's Next Step', published at Australian Outlook on 29 September 2017. Available here.
- "Census results provide new data on the Latin [Latina] community in Australia", ISBS Spanish, 28 June 2017. Available here.
- "Venezuela's Crisis". The Heat (CGTN TV).Available here.
- "Venezuela on fire: what happened". Renegade Inc, 8 June 2017.Available here.
- "Australian identity, still conflictive". SBS Spanish, 25 January 2017. Available here.
- "Why you should care about the census". Language and Culture: the School of Languages and Cultures Magazine, Issue 37, September 2016: pp. 10-12.
- "Today, great national census in Australia" [Hoy Gran Censo Nacional en Australia]. SBS Spanish, 9 August 2016. Available here.
- "Census 2016: What you need to know". SBS TV, 27 July 2016. Available here.
- "Colour-Blind Societies: Perceptions of Race and Ethnicity Amongst Visually Impaired People", SSPS Review (University of Sydney), Issue 3, 24-25.
- "The future of Venezuelan politics in indigenous hands" ["El futuro de la política venezolana en manos indígenas"], Publico.es and Nuevatribuna.es, 9 February 2016. Available here and here.
- "Venezuela protests leave 13 dead and opposition leader jailed", ABC Radio National, 26 February 2014. Available on the ABC website here; mp3 for download is available here.
- "Don’t write off Maduro: why Venezuela is not another Ukraine."The Convesation, 24 March 2014.