Dr Nathalie Segeral
Ph.D. (UCLA); M.A. (UWM); M.A. (Univ-Lyon2/U-Bourgogne); B.A. (U-Bourgogne)
Lecturer in French studies
A18 - Brennan MacCallum Building
The University of Sydney
Born and raised in France, I moved to the United States to pursue graduate studies. I received an M.A. in Comparative Literature and Translation Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (USA) in 2007 and a Ph.D. in French and Francophone Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 2012.
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- Feminist and gender studies
- Motherhood studies
- Holocaust and genocide studies
- Postcolonial theory
- 20th and 21st-century French and Francophone studies (with a focus on the French-speaking South Pacific and the Rwanda)
- Trauma theory
- Translation theory (retranslation, self-translation, and trauma in translation) and practice
- Autobiography, testimonies, autofiction
Narratives of madness and psychiatric institutionalizationFeminist and gender studies
Motherhood studies
Holocaust and genocide studies
Postcolonial theory
20th and 21st-century French and Francophone studies (with a focus on the French-speaking South Pacific and the Rwanda)
Trauma theory
Translation theory (retranslation, self-translation, and trauma in translation) and practice
Autobiography, testimonies, autofiction
Narratives of madness and psychiatric institutionalization
I currently teach and coordinate the following units:
- FRNC 3653 (French-English Translation)
- FRNC 2603 (Introductory French)
- FRNC 3002
I supervise Honours and postgraduate research students working in or around my research interests and more generally on contemporary French and Francophone literature and culture (from the Holocaust to today), feminist and gender studies, translation studies, trauma and cultural memory.
Selected publications
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Edited Books
- Royer, M., Segeral, N., Vuong, L. (2024). Francophone Oceania Today: Literature, Visual Arts, Music, and Cinema. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [More Information]
- Lazzari, L., Segeral, N. (2021). Trauma and Motherhood in Contemporary Literature and Culture. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Segeral, N. (2024). (Re)Mothering the Island: Chantal T. Spitz and Imasango’s Poetics of Motherhood. In Michelle Royer, Nathalie Ségeral, Léa Vuong (Eds.), Francophone Oceania Today: Literature, Visual Arts, Music, and Cinema, (pp. 113-131). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [More Information]
- Royer, M., Segeral, N., Vuong, L. (2024). Introduction. In Michelle Royer, Nathalie Ségeral, Léa Vuong (Eds.), Francophone Oceania Today: Literature, Visual Arts, Music, and Cinema, (pp. 1-9). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2021). Faire un bebe toute seule [A child of one's own]: Challenging France's Patriarchal Reproductive Laws in Single Mothers' Blogs and Discussion Forums. In Berit Astrom and Disa Bergnehr (Eds.), Single Parents: Representations and Resistance in an International Context, (pp. 195-213). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
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- Segeral, N. (2021). Academic Single Mothering during a Pandemic. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 11 (2)/12 (1)(Fall 2020/Spring 2021), 139-155. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2020). (Re)Claiming Motherhood in the Wake of the Holocaust in Chava Rosenfarb's 'Little Red Bird' and Valentine Goby's Kinderzimmer. The Journal of Holocaust Research, 34(2), 111-124. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2019). Etrangeres a elles-memes: dialogisme et double ecriture de la languematernelle chez Cecile Wajsbrot et Helene Cixous. Crossways Journal, 3(1). [More Information]
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Textual Creative Works
- Segeral, N. (2017). Le reeveil kanak: la monteee du nationalisme en Nouvelle-Caleedonie/David Chappell; traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Nathalie Segeral. (pp. 1 - 319). Noumea, New Caledonia: Madrepores and the University of New Caledonia Press.
- Segeral, N. (2017), Le Réveil kanak : la montée du nationalisme en Nouvelle-Calédonie/David Chappell; traduit de l'anglais (EEtats-Unis) par Nathalie Segeral: Madrepores and the University of New Caledonia Press. [More Information]
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- Segeral, N. (2024). (Re)Mothering the Island: Chantal T. Spitz and Imasango’s Poetics of Motherhood. In Michelle Royer, Nathalie Ségeral, Léa Vuong (Eds.), Francophone Oceania Today: Literature, Visual Arts, Music, and Cinema, (pp. 113-131). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [More Information]
- Royer, M., Segeral, N., Vuong, L. (2024). Francophone Oceania Today: Literature, Visual Arts, Music, and Cinema. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [More Information]
- Royer, M., Segeral, N., Vuong, L. (2024). Introduction. In Michelle Royer, Nathalie Ségeral, Léa Vuong (Eds.), Francophone Oceania Today: Literature, Visual Arts, Music, and Cinema, (pp. 1-9). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2021). Academic Single Mothering during a Pandemic. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, 11 (2)/12 (1)(Fall 2020/Spring 2021), 139-155. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2021). Faire un bebe toute seule [A child of one's own]: Challenging France's Patriarchal Reproductive Laws in Single Mothers' Blogs and Discussion Forums. In Berit Astrom and Disa Bergnehr (Eds.), Single Parents: Representations and Resistance in an International Context, (pp. 195-213). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2021). Le Récit apocalyptique à l’aune de la Shoah: du paradigme au mythe. In Brigitte le Juez and Metka Zupančič (Eds.), Le Mythe au féminin et l’(in)visibilisation du corps, (pp. 105-124). Leiden and Boston: Brill. [More Information]
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- Segeral, N. (2020). (Re)Claiming Motherhood in the Wake of the Holocaust in Chava Rosenfarb's 'Little Red Bird' and Valentine Goby's Kinderzimmer. The Journal of Holocaust Research, 34(2), 111-124. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2020). Of Murdered Babies and Silenced Histories: Gendering Memory in Two Francophone Trauma Narratives. In Kurikka, K., Mäkelä, H., Nyqvist, S., Raipola, J., Riippa, A. (Eds.), Narratives of Fear and Safety, (pp. 341-361). Tampere: Tampere University Press. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2020). Self-Translating Madness and Trauma: Gendering the Therapeutic Encounter and its Representation in Leonora Carrington's En Bas. In Susan Bainbrigge and Maren Scheurer (Eds.), Narratives of the Therapeutic Encounter: Psychoanalysis, Talking Therapies and Creative Practice, (pp. 39-60). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2019). Etrangeres a elles-memes: dialogisme et double ecriture de la languematernelle chez Cecile Wajsbrot et Helene Cixous. Crossways Journal, 3(1). [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2019). L'Intraduisibilite du deracinement: la figure du double dans la mythologie de l'exil chez Linda Le, Cecile Wajsbrot et Helene Cixous. In Jean-Michel Devesa and Isabelle Grell-Borgomano (Eds.), L'Ecriture du JE dans la langue de l'exil, (pp. 55-79). Louvain-la-neuve: EME Editions.
- Segeral, N. (2019). Retranslating D.H. Lawrence in the 21st century: From censorship to marketability. In Ozlem Berk Albachten and Şehnaz Tahir Gurcaglar (Eds.), Perspectives on Retranslation: Ideology, Paratexts, Methods, (pp. 28-44). New York: Routledge. [More Information]
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- Segeral, N. (2018). (Re-)Inscribing the South Pacific in the Francophone World: (Non-) Motherhood, Gendered Violence, and Infanticide in Three Oceanian Women Writers. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 22(2), 238-247. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2018). Goldorak a Auschwitz: Spectre de la Shoah et Imaginaire Concentrationnaire. In Sarah Hatchuel and Marie Pruvost-Delaspre (Eds.), Goldorak: L'aventure continue, (pp. 183-199). Tours: Presses universitaires Francois Rabelais.
- Segeral, N. (2017). Le reeveil kanak: la monteee du nationalisme en Nouvelle-Caleedonie/David Chappell; traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Nathalie Segeral. (pp. 1 - 319). Noumea, New Caledonia: Madrepores and the University of New Caledonia Press.
- Segeral, N. (2017), Le Réveil kanak : la montée du nationalisme en Nouvelle-Calédonie/David Chappell; traduit de l'anglais (EEtats-Unis) par Nathalie Segeral: Madrepores and the University of New Caledonia Press. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2015). "India Song: oeuvre d'art totale?" Le Cinema de Marguerite Duras: l'autre scene du litteraire? In Caroline Proulx and Sylvano Santini (Eds.), Le cinema de Marguerite Duras: l'autre scene du litteraire? Series: Marguerite Duras, (pp. 151-166). New York: Peter Lang. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2015). Entre dire et ne pas dire: langue "maternelle" et ecriture feminine de la Shoah chez Sarah Kofman et Cecile Wajsbrot. Women in French Studies.
- Segeral, N. (2014). Re(en)gendering the Mother-Daughter Plot in Emma Santos and Unica Zurn: The Madwoman, the Child-(M)other and the 'Pseudogyn'. In Gillian Ni Cheallaigh, Laura Jackson, and Siobhan McIlvanney (Eds.), Quand la folie parle: The Dialectic Effect of Madness in French Literature since the Nineteenth Century, (pp. 112-132). London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2013). Du Regard ravi au voyeurisme dans Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein de Marguerite Duras: vers une reecriture de la folie et du desir feminin. Théologies et cultures, 4(2013), 71-86. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2013). Feminisme et (post)memoire: vers une ecriture multidirectionnelle de la Shoah dans Memorial de Cecile Wajsbrot et Auschwitz et apres de Charlotte Delbo. Nouvelles Francographies, 4(1), 71-83.
- Segeral, N. (2013). Frenchness, Jewishness, and 'integration' in Karin Albou's La Petite Jerusalem. Jewish Culture and History, 14(2-3), 87-99. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2012). Sexing Slavery, the Holocaust, and Madness. CSW Update Newsletter. [More Information]
- Segeral, N. (2009). Desir, folie et feminite a travers la figure du voyeurisme dans Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein de Marguerite Duras. Naslede - Journal of Language, Literature, Arts and Culture, 14(2), 141-155. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- Symposium on cultural expressions of climate change across the French speaking islands in the South Pacific, Royer M, Segeral N, Vuong L, Embassy of France in Australia/Pacific Fund Research Grant
2018- : Book Solicitation Editor forH-France.
Book translation
Chappell, David (author). Ségeral, Nathalie (translator). Le Réveil kanak: la montée du nationalisme en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Nouméa, New Caledonia: Madrépores and the University of New Caledonia Press, 2017. Coll. Résonances. Original title: The Kanak Awakening. 320 pages.
In the media, Tahiti Infos, 26 June 2018