Professor Emeritus Nerida Newbigin
Nerida Newbigin taught Italian Language and Literature at the University of Sydney from 1970 until her retirement in December 2008. She is now a full-time researcher. Her research interests are philological and historical: the history of theatre and performance in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, late medieval lay piety, and the editing and interpretation of theatrical texts and archival material. In June 2009, she set up a web page of transcriptions, texts, and translations prepared in conjunction with her teaching and research. She was elected to the Australian Academy of the Humanities in 1995, and appointed to a personal chair in Italian Studies in 2001.
- Philology and textual editing
- Theatre
- Late medieval and renaissance lay piety
- Florentine social
- Translation
- ARC Discovery Grant, 2005-8: Festival, Spectacle and Plays in Renaissance Florence
- ARC Research Network for Early European Research, based at the of Western Australia and made up of fifty established researchers throughout Australia. Panels: social fabric: social structures in early Europe, and their relationship to contemporary issues, especially poverty; families and gender; war, peace and conflict; religion and spirituality: the diversity of religious practice, thought and spirituality that shape European identity.
Selected publications
- Newbigin, N. (2021). Making a Play for God: The Sacre Rappresentazioni of Renaissance Florence Volume 1. Toronto: Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2021). Making a Play for God: The Sacre Rappresentazioni of Renaissance Florence Volume 2. Toronto: Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies. [More Information]
- Wisch, B., Newbigin, N. (2013). Acting On Faith: The Confraternity of the Gonfalone in Renaissance Rome. Philadelphia, United States: Saint Josephs University Press.
Book Chapters
- Newbigin, N. (2024). Deception, Gender, and Sainthood in the Plays of Santa Eufrosina and Santa Marina. In Pasquale Sabbatino (Eds.), Il teatro tra Quattrocento e Seicento: Studi in onore di Konrad Eisenbichler, (pp. 21-36). Naples: FedOA - Federico II University Press. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2019). Serio Ludere: Confraternities and Drama in Central Italy, 1400–1600. In Konrad Eisenbichler (Eds.), A Companion to Medieval and Early Modern Confraternities, (pp. 345-364). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2017). Pavilioned in Splendour: Performing Heaven in Fifteenth-Century Florence. In Philip Butterworth, Katie Normington (Eds.), Medieval Theatre Performance: Actors, Dancers, Automata and their Audiences, (pp. 93-106). Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer Ltd. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2024). The Ambiguous Poetry of Francesco Coppetta dei Beccuti (1509–1553). Script and Print: bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand., 46(1), 27-34. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2021). The Statutes of the Youth Confraternity of the Purification of the Virgin Mary and of Saint Zenobius in Florence, 1444–ca. 1742. Confraternitas: bulletin of the Society of Confraternity Studies, 32(2 (Fall 2021)), 2-54. [More Information]
- Anderson, J., Wilson, K., Newbigin, N., Sommerfeldt, J. (2019). Giorgione in Sydney. Burlington Magazine, 161(March), 191-199.
- Newbigin, N. (2007). Una commedia per la visita di Carlo V? I prigioni tradotti dagl'Intronati di Siena (Translation: A comedy for the visit of Charles V? The Prisonsers, translated by the Intronati of Siena). Les Annees trente du XVI siecle italien (Translation: The 1530s in Italy) - International Conferences, Paris, France: Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur la Renaissance Italienne.
Textual Creative Works
- Tornatore-Loong, M., Newbigin, N. (2009). Poesia Visiva: Italian Concrete and Visual Poetry of the 1960s and 1970s. Sydney, Australia: University Art Gallery, The University of Sydney.
Other Works
- Olive, K., Newbigin, N. (2015). Il Codice Rustici: Edizione Critica. CODICE RUSTICI - VOLUME II - ESSAYS AND CRITICAL EDITION, (pp. 95 - 217). Firenze, Italy: Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki.
- Newbigin, N. (2010). Niccolo Machiavelli: Mandragola, online self-published, (pp. 1 - 37). Brunswick, Maine, United States of America: Nerida Newbigin.
Exhibitions / Events
- Newbigin, N. (2009). Giulia Niccolai, Adriano Spatola & the creation of the Poesia Visiva collection. Afghanistan.
- Newbigin, N. (2016). Giovanni Carsaniga (1934–2016) [Obituary].
Reference Works
- Newbigin, N. (2005). May, Frederick.
- Newbigin, N. (2023), 'Holy Maccabees, Jewish Saints', in The Visual Commentary Of Scripture, ed. by Ben Quash. (London: The Visual Commentary on Scripture Foundation). [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2023), 'Maccabean Saints' , in The Visual Commentary Of Scripture, ed. by Ben Quash. (London: The Visual Commentary on Scripture Foundation). [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2023), 'Reason over Emotion' , in The Visual Commentary Of Scripture, ed. by Ben Quash. (London: The Visual Commentary on Scripture Foundation). [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2024). Deception, Gender, and Sainthood in the Plays of Santa Eufrosina and Santa Marina. In Pasquale Sabbatino (Eds.), Il teatro tra Quattrocento e Seicento: Studi in onore di Konrad Eisenbichler, (pp. 21-36). Naples: FedOA - Federico II University Press. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2024). The Ambiguous Poetry of Francesco Coppetta dei Beccuti (1509–1553). Script and Print: bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand., 46(1), 27-34. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2023), 'Holy Maccabees, Jewish Saints', in The Visual Commentary Of Scripture, ed. by Ben Quash. (London: The Visual Commentary on Scripture Foundation). [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2023), 'Maccabean Saints' , in The Visual Commentary Of Scripture, ed. by Ben Quash. (London: The Visual Commentary on Scripture Foundation). [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2023), 'Reason over Emotion' , in The Visual Commentary Of Scripture, ed. by Ben Quash. (London: The Visual Commentary on Scripture Foundation). [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2021). Making a Play for God: The Sacre Rappresentazioni of Renaissance Florence Volume 1. Toronto: Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2021). Making a Play for God: The Sacre Rappresentazioni of Renaissance Florence Volume 2. Toronto: Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2021). The Statutes of the Youth Confraternity of the Purification of the Virgin Mary and of Saint Zenobius in Florence, 1444–ca. 1742. Confraternitas: bulletin of the Society of Confraternity Studies, 32(2 (Fall 2021)), 2-54. [More Information]
- Anderson, J., Wilson, K., Newbigin, N., Sommerfeldt, J. (2019). Giorgione in Sydney. Burlington Magazine, 161(March), 191-199.
- Newbigin, N. (2019). La longevita delle rappresentazioni fiorentine: la Passione della confraternita romana del Gonfalone e una Nativita fiorentina del tardo Cinquecento. Letteratura Italiana Antica, XX(2019), 529-540. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2019). Serio Ludere: Confraternities and Drama in Central Italy, 1400–1600. In Konrad Eisenbichler (Eds.), A Companion to Medieval and Early Modern Confraternities, (pp. 345-364). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2018). Feo Belcari, Baccio Baldini, and the Texts of the Prophets and Sibyls. Romance Philology, 72(Fall 2018), 313-352. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2017). Pavilioned in Splendour: Performing Heaven in Fifteenth-Century Florence. In Philip Butterworth, Katie Normington (Eds.), Medieval Theatre Performance: Actors, Dancers, Automata and their Audiences, (pp. 93-106). Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer Ltd. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2016). Antonia Pulci and the First Anthology of Sacre Rappresentazioni (1483?). La Bibliofilia, 118(2016), 337-361.
- Newbigin, N. (2016). Carried Away: Lorenzo's Triumphs of 1491. In Peter Howard and Cecilia Hewlett (Eds.), Studies on Florence and the Italian Renaissance in Honour of F.W. Kent, (pp. 115-131). Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2016). Giovanni Carsaniga (1934–2016) [Obituary].
- Olive, K., Newbigin, N. (2015). Il Codice Rustici: Edizione Critica. CODICE RUSTICI - VOLUME II - ESSAYS AND CRITICAL EDITION, (pp. 95 - 217). Firenze, Italy: Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki.
- Newbigin, N. (2015). Mappare il mondo: l'itinerario intellettuale di Marco di Bartolomeo Rustici. In Elena Gurrieri (Eds.), CODICE RUSTICI: Dimostrazione dell'andata o viaggio al Santo Sepolcro e al monte Sinai di Marco di Bartolomeo Rustici, (pp. 45-48). Firenze: Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki.
- Olive, K., Newbigin, N. (2015). Scheda codicologica, Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale. In Elena Gurrieri (Eds.), CODICE RUSTICI: Dimostrazione dell'andata o viaggio al Santo Sepolcro e al monte Sinai di Marco di Bartolomeo Rustici, (pp. 53-54). Firenze: Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki.
- Newbigin, N. (2014). Feo Belcari's Rappresentazione di Abramo Offset in Phalaris's Epistolae: Adventures of a Florentine Incunabulum. The Electronic British Library Journal, 39, 1-12.
- Wisch, B., Newbigin, N. (2013). Acting On Faith: The Confraternity of the Gonfalone in Renaissance Rome. Philadelphia, United States: Saint Josephs University Press.
- Newbigin, N. (2012). 'Ut poesis sculptura':Poetic and Dramatic Sources for the Malcove Cross? In Sheila Campbell (Eds.), A 16th Century Italo-Byzantine Cross, (pp. 51-64). New Jersey, USA: Gorgias Press.
- Newbigin, N. (2011). Le Onoranze Fiorentine Del 1459. Letteratura Italiana Antica, XII, 17-81.
- Newbigin, N. (2011). Piccolomini drammaturgo sperimentale? In Marie-Francoise Piejus, Michel Plaisance, Matteo Residori (Eds.), Alessandro Piccolomini (1508-1579) UN SIENNOIS A LA CROISEE DES GENRES ET DES SAVOIRS, (pp. 155-170). Paris, France: Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3.
- Newbigin, N. (2011). Secular and religious Drama in the Middle Ages. In J Farrell & P Puppa (Eds.), A History of Italian theatre, (pp. 9-27). New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Newbigin, N. (2010). Niccolo Machiavelli: Mandragola, online self-published, (pp. 1 - 37). Brunswick, Maine, United States of America: Nerida Newbigin.
- Newbigin, N. (2010). Imposing presence: the celebration of Corpus Domini in Fifteenth-Century Florence. In Catherine Emerson, Adrian P. Tudor and Mario Longtin (Eds.), Performance, drama and spectacle in the medieval city: essays in honour of Alan Hindley, (pp. 87-109). Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Publishers.
- Newbigin, N. (2009). Dieci sacre rappresentazioni inedite fra Quattro e Cinquecento. Letteratura Italiana Antica, 10, 21-397.
- Newbigin, N. (2009). Giulia Niccolai, Adriano Spatola & the creation of the Poesia Visiva collection. Afghanistan.
- Newbigin, N. (2009). Jousting alone: scandal as social capital in renaissance Florence. In Terpstra, Nicholas; Eckstein, Nicholas (Eds.), Sociability and its discontents: civil society, social capital, and their alternatives in late Medieval and early modern Europe, (pp. 73-86). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2008). Greasing the Wheels of Heaven: Recycling, Innovation and the Question of "Brunnelleschi's" Stage Machinery. I Tatti Studies: studies in the Renaissance, 11, 201-241.
- Newbigin, N. (2008). Pirandello, Machiavelli and their Donne di Virtu. Pirandello Studies, 28, 48-67.
- Newbigin, N. (2008). Rewriting John the Baptist: building a history of the San Giovanni edifici. Spunti e Ricerche, 22, 5-27.
- Newbigin, N. (2007). Directing the Gaze: Expository Modes in Late Medieval Italian Plays. In Butterworth, Philip (Eds.), The Narrator, the Expositor, and the Prompter in European Medieval Theatre, (pp. 69-89). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2007). L'Occhio si Dice Ch'e a Prima Porta: Seeing With Words in the Florentine Sacra Rappresentazione. Mediaevalia, 28(1), 1-22.
- Newbigin, N. (2007). Playing in the Piazza: Peter, Paul and Santa Maria del Carmine. In Nicholas A. Eckstein (Eds.), The Brancacci Chapel: Form, Function and Setting. Acts of an International Conference (Florence, Villa I Tatti, 6 June 2003), (pp. 139-155). Florence: L. S. Olschki.
- Newbigin, N. (2006). Docere Delectando: Confraternal Drama Studies and the Academy. In C. Black & P. Gravestock (Eds.), Early Modern Confraternities in Europe and the Americas, (pp. 226-242). Hampshire, England: Ashgate.
- Newbigin, N. (2006). I Prigioni Di Plauto: Tradotti Da L'Intronati Di Siena. Siena, Italy: Accademia Senese Degli Intronati.
- Newbigin, N. (2006). Mass Media: Visualizing The Last Supper in Late Medieval Italian Plays. Mediaevalia, 27(1), 185-205.
- Newbigin, N. (2005). May, Frederick.
- Newbigin, N. (2004). 'Del grasso di Lorenzo un'ampolletta': relics and representations in the quest for forgiveness in Renaissance Rome. Journal of Religious History, 28(1), 50-63. [More Information]
- Newbigin, N. (2004). Giuliano Dati: Stazione, indulgenzie e reliquie: quadragesimale de l'alma citta di Roma. Letteratura Italiana Antica, 5, 227-257.
- Newbigin, N. (2004). La Compagnia del Gonfalone e le sue rappresentazioni della Passione negli Anni Santi del 1500 e del 1525 (The Confraternity of the Gonfalone and its Passion Plays in the Holy Years of 1500 and 1525). In Carlo Ricci (Eds.), Il Cristianesimo fonte perenne di ispirazione per le arti (Christianity: Perennial Source of Inspiration in the Arts", (pp. 161-182). Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane SpA.
- Newbigin, N. (2003). Bit part of leading role? Confraternal drama studies in the academy. Confraternitas: bulletin of the Society of Confraternity Studies, 14(2), 5-12.
- Newbigin, N. (2003). Review of L'Oratorio del Gonfalone a Roma. Il ciclo cinquecentesco della Passione di Cristo. Confraternitas: bulletin of the Society of Confraternity Studies.
- Newbigin, N. (2002). I Giornali di Ser Guisto Guisti D'Anghiari (1437 - 1482). Letteratura Italiana Antica, 3, 41-246.
- Newbigin, N. (2002). Playing a Role: Confraternities, Drama and the Academy. Arts: the Proceedings of the Sydney University Arts Association, 24, 103-114.
- Newbigin, N. (2002). Quale lingua? Perche' studiare la lingua italiana all'universita'? Italiano e Scuola, 7(1), 29-30.
- Newbigin, N. (2001). Armies of God: Procession and Pageant in Florentine Religious Drama. European Medieval Drama, 4, 91-108.
- Newbigin, N. (2001). Le Feste. In Lotti, L (Eds.), Storia Della Civilta Toscana, (pp. 579-596). Stampa, Italy: Academic Press.
- Donnelly, P., Maher, M., Kirksville, M., Newbigin, N. (2001). Review of Confraternities and Catholic Reform in Italy, France , and Spain. Journal of Religious History.
Selected Grants
- Festival, Spectacle and Plays in Renaissance Florence, Newbigin N, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)
- Easter plays in the colosseum 1494-1539, Newbigin N, Wisch B, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Large Research Grants (LRG)