Professor Nicole Mockler
Dr Nicole Mockler is Professor of Education within the Sydney School of Education and Social Work, and has a background in secondary school teaching and teacher professional learning. In the past she has held senior leadership roles in secondary schools, and after completing her PhD in Education at the University of Sydney in 2008, she was a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Newcastle until early 2015. Nicole's research interests are in education policy and politics, professional learning and curriculum and pedagogy, and she also continues to work with teachers and schools in these areas.
Teacher professional identity; Teacher professional learning; Education policy; Politics of education;Education and the media.
Representations of Education in the Print Media
This project uses innovative research methods (including corpus-assisted discourse analysis) to map print media representations of teachers in Australia since the 1990s. This research is the focus of a recent research monograph and a number of upcoming journal articles.
Time-Use, Time Poverty and Teachers Work (ARC Linkage Project 2020-2024) Professor Greg Thompson (QUT), Associate ProfessorAnna Hogan (QUT), Professor Nicole Mockler (USyd), Associate ProfessorMeghan Stacey (UNSW). This project focuses on the nature and quantity of teachers' and school leaders' work, and is undertaken in partnership with the Queensland Teachers' Union.
Strengthening Teacher Induction through Quality Teaching Rounds (Commonwealth Department of Education 2023-2025) Laureate Professor Jenny Gore, Dr Leanne Fray, Dr Drew Miller, Professor Nicole Mockler, Dr Sally Patfield. This large cross-sectoral project explores the potential for Quality Teaching Rounds, a structured inquiry-based teacher professional learning approach, as a support early career teachers.
Australian Teachers, Educational Data and Evidence-Informed Practice
This project focuses on Australian teachers’ use of educational research, data generated both within and beyond their schools, and the enactment of authentic evidence-informed practice. The project has given rise to a number of journal articles and a Special Issue ofTeaching Education,co-edited with Professor Martin Mills (QUT), Dr Meghan Stacey (UNSW) and Dr Becky Taylor (UCL IOE).
Member, Editorial Board, The Australian Educational Researcher
Member, Editorial Board, British Educational Research Journal
Member, Editorial Board, Curriculum Perspectives
Member, International Advisory Board, Educational Action Research
Member, International Advisory Board, Professional Development in Education
2022 Dr Paul Brock Memorial Medal (Australian Council for Educational Leaders) for career-long impact on the field of education in Australia.
United Kingdom | (Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford) Visiting Fellow, 2023 |
United Kingdom | (Institute of Education, University College London) Visiting Academic, 2018-2019 |
United Kingdom | (University of Oxford) Visiting Research Fellowship, Department of Education, 2019 |
United Kingdom | (University of Oxford Department of Education) Honorary Research Fellow 2023-2025 |
Project title | Research student |
Using an historical lens to explore the mediatisation of beginning reading instruction in NSW and the ACT (1996 - 2023) | Petra COLE |
How are comprehensive public schools represented in the media and how do their principals frame success? | Caroline DAVID |
A Foucauldian discourse analysis of gender diversity in education through media and policy texts | Lydia FAGAN |
Investigating the philosophical potentialities in texts prescribed for the NSW HSC Advanced English Course | Bianca HEWES |
We need to talk about 'the elephant in the room': understanding out-of-field mathematics teaching through a policy and multi-informant study. | Yasser MENESES ZEPEDA |
Teacher identity and professional confidence: Understanding the influence of context on identity and professional practice | Denise ROBERTS |
An Exploration of Factors Enabling and Constraining the Adoption of Disruptive Humanistic Innovations in Australian Schools | Brett ROLFE |
Student agency in curriculum design - perspectives and experiences of school stakeholders in Australian case study schools | Grant SCIBERRAS |
Tracing settler knowledge structures in NSW Secondary Curriculum: A critical analysis of knowledge representation and policy reform in post-war education | Penny VLIES |
Selected publications
- Stacey, M., Mockler, N. (2024). Analysing Education Policy: Theory and Method. London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2022). Constructing teacher identities: How the print media define and represent teachers and their work. London: Bloomsbury.
- Mockler, N., Groundwater-Smith, S. (2018). Questioning the language of improvement and reform in education: Reclaiming meaning. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
Edited Books
- Welch, A., Bagnall, N., Burns, K., Cuervo, H., Foley, D., Groundwater-Smith, S., Harwood, V., Low, R., Mockler, N., Proctor, H., Rawlings, V., Wood, J., et al (2022). Education, change and society (5th edition). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
- Welch, A., Connell, R., Mockler, N., Sriprakash, A., Proctor, H., Hayes, D., Foley, D., Vickers, M., Bagnall, N., Burns, K., Low, R., Groundwater-Smith, S. (2018). Education, Change and Society: Fourth Edition. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2015). Big Fish, Little Fish: Teaching and learning in the middle years. Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press.
Book Chapters
- Stacey, M., Mockler, N. (2024). ANALYSING EDUCATION POLICY: An introduction. In Meghan Stacey, Nicole Mockler (Eds.), Analysing Education Policy: Theory and Method, (pp. 3-17). London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Stacey, M., Mockler, N. (2024). ANALYSING EDUCATION POLICY: Now and into the future. In Meghan Stacey, Nicole Mockler (Eds.), Analysing Education Policy: Theory and Method, (pp. 253-258). London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Stacey, M., Mockler, N. (2024). DOCUMENT AND TEXT ANALYSIS IN CRITICAL EDUCATION POLICY STUDIES. In Meghan Stacey, Nicole Mockler (Eds.), Analysing Education Policy: Theory and Method, (pp. 21-27). London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2024). Accounting for teachers: changing representations of education in The Australian Financial Review 1993–2022. Educational Review. [More Information]
- Mockler, N., Thompson, G., Hogan, A. (2023). 'If you can't beat them, join them': Utility, markets and the absent entrepreneur. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 44(3), 467-484. [More Information]
- Chan, S., Thomas, M., Mockler, N. (2023). Amplifying organisational discourses to the public: Media narratives of Teach For Australia, 2008–2020. British Educational Research Journal, 49(2), 231-247. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2014). Student voice: Market research in the 'enterprise university'? Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual Conference, 2014, Brisbane.
- Mockler, N. (2014). Teachers and the Australian curriculum: A preliminary exploration of the spaces 'between hope and happening'. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual Conference, 2014, Brisbane.
- Mockler, N. (2013). Panic stations: The crisis of teacher quality in an era of standards and accountability. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual Conference, 2013, Adelaide.
- Ewing, R., Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N., Loughland, A., Simpson, A., Smith, D., Way, J., Armstrong, A., Brooks, D. (2010). Meta Analysis of Quality Teaching Action Learning Project 2003-2009. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2024). Accounting for teachers: changing representations of education in The Australian Financial Review 1993–2022. Educational Review. [More Information]
- Stacey, M., Mockler, N. (2024). ANALYSING EDUCATION POLICY: An introduction. In Meghan Stacey, Nicole Mockler (Eds.), Analysing Education Policy: Theory and Method, (pp. 3-17). London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Stacey, M., Mockler, N. (2024). ANALYSING EDUCATION POLICY: Now and into the future. In Meghan Stacey, Nicole Mockler (Eds.), Analysing Education Policy: Theory and Method, (pp. 253-258). London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Mockler, N., Thompson, G., Hogan, A. (2023). 'If you can't beat them, join them': Utility, markets and the absent entrepreneur. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 44(3), 467-484. [More Information]
- Chan, S., Thomas, M., Mockler, N. (2023). Amplifying organisational discourses to the public: Media narratives of Teach For Australia, 2008–2020. British Educational Research Journal, 49(2), 231-247. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2023). From benign neglect to performative accountability: Changing policy and practice in continuing professional development for teachers. In I. Menter (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of teacher education research, (pp. 431-450). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]
- Hogan, A., Thompson, G., Mockler, N., Johnson, R. (2022). Anxiety state: Fears for the erosion of comprehensive schooling in Northern England and Alberta. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 52(4), 618-635. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2022). Constructing teacher identities: How the print media define and represent teachers and their work. London: Bloomsbury.
- Welch, A., Bagnall, N., Burns, K., Cuervo, H., Foley, D., Groundwater-Smith, S., Harwood, V., Low, R., Mockler, N., Proctor, H., Rawlings, V., Wood, J., et al (2022). Education, change and society (5th edition). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
- Mills, M., Mockler, N., Stacey, M., Taylor, B. (2021). 'The village and the world': Research with, for and by teachers in an age of data (editorial). Teaching Education, 32(1), 1-6. [More Information]
- Larsen, E., Mockler, N. (2021). Australian teacher educators responding to policy discourses of quality. Educational Review. [More Information]
- Mockler, N., Stacey, M. (2021). Evidence of teaching practice in an age of accountability: when what can be counted isn't all that counts. Oxford Review of Education, 47(2), 170-188. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2020). Discourses of teacher quality in the Australian print media 2014-2017: a corpus-assisted analysis. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 41(6), 854-870. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2020). Ten years of print media: Coverage of NAPLAN A corpus-assisted assessment. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 43(2), 117-144. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2019). Navigating professional identity as a teacher of history. In T. Allender, A. Clark, R. Parkes (Eds.), Historical Thinking for History Teachers: A new approach to engaging students and developing historical consciousness, (pp. 323-336). Sydney: Allen and Unwin. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2019). Shifting the Frame: Representations of Early Career Teachers in the Australian Print Media. In Anna Sullivan, Bruce Johnson, Michele Simons (Eds.), Attracting and Keeping the Best Teachers: Issues and Opportunities, (pp. 63-82). Singapore: Springer. [More Information]
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2019). Student voice work as educative practice. In I. Berson, M. Berson & C. Gray (Eds.), Participatory methodologies to elevate children's voice and agency, (pp. 25-46). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
- Thomas, M., Mockler, N. (2018). Alternative routes to Teacher Professional Identity: Exploring the Conflated Sub-identities of Teach for America Corps Members. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 26(6), 1-22. [More Information]
- Beveridge, L., Mockler, N., Gore, J. (2018). An Australian view of the academic partner role in schools. Educational Action Research, 26(1), 25-41. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2018). Curriculum. In A. Welch (Eds.), Education, Change and Society: Fourth Edition, (pp. 333-360). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
- Mockler, N. (2017). Classroom ready teachers? Some reflections on teacher education in Australia in an age of compliance. Teacher Education & Practice, 30(2), 335-338.
- Mockler, N., Groundwater-Smith, S. (2017). Teacher research: A knowledge-producing profession? In P. Grootenboer, C. Edwards-Groves & S. Choy (Eds.), Practice theory perspectives on pedagogy and education: Praxis, diversity and contestation, (pp. 215-230). Singapore: Springer. [More Information]
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2017). The study of education in Australia: Shifting knowledge interests. In George Whitty, John Furlong (Eds.), Knowledge and the study of education: An international exploration, (pp. 123-143). Oxford: Symposium Books.
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2016). From data source to co-researchers? Tracing the shift from 'student voice' to student-teacher partnerships in Educational Action Research. Educational Action Research, 24(2), 159-176. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2016). NAPLAN and the problem frame: Exploring representations of NAPLAN in the print media, 2010 and 2013. In B. Lingard, G. Thompson & S. Sellar (Eds.), National testing in schools: An Australian assessment, (pp. 181-198). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mitchell, J., Mockler, N. (2016). Praxis and the language of improvement: Inquiry-based approaches to authentic improvement in Australasian schools. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 27(1), 80-90. [More Information]
- Mockler, N., Casey, A. (2015). (In)sights from 40 years of practitioner action research in education: Perspectives from the US, UK and Australia. In Linda Newman, Christine Woodrow (Eds.), Practitioner Research in Early Childhood: International Issues and Perspectives, (pp. 122-138). London, UK: Sage Publications.
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2015). Big Fish, Little Fish: Teaching and learning in the middle years. Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press.
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2015). Challenges for teaching and learning in the middle years. In Susan Groundwater-Smith, Nicole Mockler (Eds.), Big Fish, Little Fish: Teaching and learning in the middle years, (pp. 3-14). Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press.
- Mockler, N. (2014). Simple solutions to complex problems: Moral panic and the fluid shift from 'equity' to 'quality' in education. Review of Education, 2(2), 115-143. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2014). Student voice: Market research in the 'enterprise university'? Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual Conference, 2014, Brisbane.
- Mockler, N. (2014). Teachers and the Australian curriculum: A preliminary exploration of the spaces 'between hope and happening'. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual Conference, 2014, Brisbane.
- Mockler, N., Talbot, D. (2013). Australian Curriculum, Classroom Approaches: English. Melbourne: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Mockler, N., Talbot, D. (2013). Australian Curriculum, Classroom Approaches: History. Melbourne: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Talbot, D., Mockler, N. (2013). Australian Curriculum, Classroom Approaches: Mathematics. Melbourne: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2012). A long road to hoe: The impacts of the 'New School Leaving Age' on young people in NSW. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual Conference, 2012, Sydney.
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2012). Increasing the school leaving age: A challenge for educational policy and practice in Australia. European Council for Educational Research Conference, 2012, University of Cadiz, Spain.
- Sachs, J., Mockler, N. (2012). Performance cultures of teaching: Threat or opportunity? In Christopher Day (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Teacher and School Development, (pp. 33-43). London: Routledge. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2011). Back to the future: Progressive education in challenging times. Middle Years of Schooling Association Conference, 2011, Gold Coast.
- Mockler, N. (2011). Becoming and 'being' a teacher: Understanding teacher professional identity. In Mockler, N; Sachs, J (Eds.), Rethinking educational practice through reflexive inquiry: essays in honour of Susan Groundwater-Smith, (pp. 123-138). Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media. [More Information]
- Mockler, N. (2011). Being me: In pursuit of authenticity. In Higgs J, Titchen A, Horsfall D, Bridges D (Eds.), Creative Spaces for Qualitative Researching: Living Research, (pp. 159-168). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. [More Information]
- Mitchell, J., Hunter, J., Mockler, N. (2010). Connecting classrooms in rural communities through interactive whiteboards. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(4), 464-476.
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2010). From lesson study to learning study: side-by-side professional learning in the classroom. In Campbell A, Groundwater-Smith S (Eds.), Connecting Inquiry and Professional Learning in Education. International perspectives and practical solutions, (pp. 166-178). London & New York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
- Ewing, R., Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N., Loughland, A., Simpson, A., Smith, D., Way, J., Armstrong, A., Brooks, D. (2010). Meta Analysis of Quality Teaching Action Learning Project 2003-2009. [More Information]
- Mitchell, J., Hunter, J., Mockler, N., Paige, I. (2009). e2 – New media, new pedagogy, new knowledge: Partnerships in school-based research for student learning and professional learning. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference 2009, Canberra.
- Mockler, N., Groundwater-Smith, S. (2009). Seeking for the unwelcome truths: Action learning beyond celebration. Pedagogy in Practice Conference, Newcastle.
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2009). Teacher Professional Learning in an Age of Compliance: Mind the Gap. not specified: Springer. [More Information]
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2008). Ethics in practitioner research: an issue of quality. In John Furlong, Alis Oancea (Eds.), Assessing Quality in Applied and Practice-Based Research in Education: Continuing the Debate, (pp. 79-91). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis. [More Information]
- Mockler, N., Elliott, G. (2008). Practitioner inquiry for whole-school change: Possibilities and pitfalls. Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) Annual Conference 2008, Liverpool, UK.
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2007). Ethics in practitioner research: an issue of quality. Research Papers in Education, 22(2), 199-211.
- Mockler, N. (2007). Ethics in practitioner research: dilemmas from the field. In Anne Campbell and Susan Groundwater-Smith (Eds.), An Ethical Approach to Practitioner Research: Dealing with Issues and Dilemmas in Action Research, (pp. 88-98). New York: Routledge imprint of Taylor & Francis.
- Mockler, N., Groundwater-Smith, S. (2007). From lesson study to learning study: Side by side professional learning. 2nd International Invitational Colloquium on Practitioner Research, Leeds Metropolitan University.
- Mockler, N. (2006). Local research, global community: Action research for a new century. Manchester: CARN.
- Mockler, N., Sachs, J. (2006). Reclaiming 'professional identity': Beyond the search for Mr Chips. AARE International Education Research Conference 2006, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2006). Research that counts: practitioner research and the academy. Australian Educational Researcher, RARE 6, 105-117.
- Mockler, N. (2005). Ethics in practitioner research: Dilemmas from the field. Invitational International Colloquium ‘Ethics in Practitioner Research: An International Conversation, Liverpool, UK. [More Information]
- Mockler, N., Schutz, H., Vecchiet, S. (2005). Practitioner inquiry for professional learning: Possibilities, capabilities and accountabilities. 4th International Practitioner Research Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2005). Practitioner Research in Education: Beyond Celebration. 2005 AARE Focus Conference. Quality in Educational Research: Directions in Policy and Practice, Cairns, Queensland, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
- Mockler, N. (2004). Architects, travel agents and bus drivers: Images of teacher professional identity. Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual Conference, 2004, Melbourne.
- Mockler, N., Englebrecht, K. (2003). Beyond the bandaged bear: Pedagogy, identity and teacher development in educating for social justice. ACSA Biennial Conference, 2003, Adelaide.
- Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2003). Holding a mirror to professional learning. Joint Conference of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education and the Australian Association for Research in Education: NZARE/AARE 2003, Australian: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
- Mockler, N. (2003). Improvement through inquiry: Evidence-based practice and school improvement. International Congress on School Effectiveness and Improvement, 2003, Sydney Convention Centre.
- Mockler, N., Sachs, J. (2002). A crisis of identity? Teacher professional identity and the role of evidence-based practice. Australian Association for Research in Education Annual Conference: AARE 2002, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
- Mockler, N. (2002). Challenging practice through practitioner inquiry ('Challenging evidence in evidence based practice: Where are we with practitioner research in Education?', Symposium). British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 2002, University of Exeter.
- Mockler, N. (2002). Making teacher learning count. In F. Kroath & V. Trafford (Eds.), A conference tells its story. Chelmsford: Earlybrave Publications Ltd.
Selected Grants
- FASS humanities, AI and education collaboration with University of Toronto, Gulson K, McKenzie K, Hilliard C, Lehner J, Tan J, Flew T, Weatherall K, Bello Villarino J, Gray J, Freebody K, Mockler N, Markauskaite L, Rawlings V, Office of Global Engagement/Compact Agreement Global Research Partnerships
- Time-Use, Time Poverty and Teachers Work, Thompson G, Hogan A, Mockler N, Stacey M, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Linkage Projects (LP)
In the media
Quality of Teaching is not about Teacher Quality (AEU Vic News, September 2022)
No wonder no-one wants to be a teacher: World-first study looks at 65,000 news articles about Australian Teachers (The Conversation, July 2022, also republished by The Guardian Australia and SMH)
Teachers the fall guys for a failing system (SMH & Age, June 2022)
Teachers don't deserve Morrison's guilt trip(SMH & Age, April 2020)
What's Good 'Evidence-based' Practice for Classrooms? (March 2019, with Meghan Stacey)
Professional Voice: The Trouble with NAPLAN (Summer 2019)
It's Time to be Honest with Parents About NAPLAN (May 2018)
Teaching Quality is Not Teacher Quality (May 2018)
How We Talk About Teachers is Changing (September 2017)
Teachers and Professional Judgement (January 2017)
The Project: Older Australians Returning to Study (November 2016)
The Morning Show: Education in Australia (August 2016)
What's a Good Education System Worth? (June 2016)
Education in the Election (June 2016)
Three Issues with the Minister's Intervention (August 2015)
More Measuring, Few Solutions for Teacher Education (February 2015)
The Australian Curriculum Review (November 2014)
Curriculum Review Set to Limit Future for Young Australians (September 2014)
Manufactured Panic Around Teacher Quality Obscures the Bigger Issue (June 2014)
Effects of NAPLAN (September 2013)
A Letter to Mr Pyne (March 2013)
Building a Profession: Performance Reviews Not Just About 'Bad Teachers' (August 2012)
The Smell of NAPLAN in the Morning (May 2011)
'Superman' Brings More Inconvenient Truths (May 2011)