Mr Paul-David Lutz

Mr Paul-David Lutz

A02 - Social Sciences Building
The University of Sydney
Mr Paul-David Lutz

My research is located at the intersection of applied anthropology, development studies, ethnographic history, medical anthropology and Southeast Asian ethnography. Prior to doing a PhD in Anthropology at Sydney University, I worked for several years as rural livelihoods advisor in the uplands of Laos and Vietnam. My PhD thesis (conferred without revisions in October 2021) provides an intimate account of the impact of war, development, nation-building, biomedicine and Chinese (hydro)power on cosmology, land-use, healing and politics in a multi-ethnic upland community in far-north Laos. I have since published on intergenerational aspects of Laos’ agrarian transition, intra-upland interethnic dynamics and rituo-cosmological change.


ANTH1001 Cultural Difference: An Introduction - tutor

ANTH 1002 Anthropology and the Global – tutor

ANTH 2601 Ethnography of Southeast Asia – guest lecturer, tutor

ANTH 2627 Medical Anthropology – guest lecturer, tutor

ANTH 3615 Ethnography of Southeast Asia – guest lecturer, tutor

ANTH 3700 Practicing Anthropology – lecturer

GOVT 2119 Southeast Asian Politics – tutor

ANTH2003 Food Across Cultures (Macquarie University) – convenor, lecturer


Book Chapters

  • Lutz, P. (2022). Media: Challenges in Contemporary Laos. In High, H., Tappe, O. & Creak, S. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Laos. London: Routledge.
  • Lutz, P. (2022). The State Has Come. In Holly High (Eds.), Stone Masters: Power Encounters in Mainland Southeast Asia. Singapore: NUS Press Pte Ltd.


  • Lutz, P. (2022). “We used to have lice … ” interethnic imagery in post-war upland Laos. Critical Asian Studies, 54(2), 171-197. [More Information]
  • Lutz, P. (2021). Controlled experiments: ethnographic notes on the intergenerational dynamics of aspirational migration and agrarian change in upland Laos. Social Anthropology, 29(3), 651-668. [More Information]


  • Lutz, P. (2022). Media: Challenges in Contemporary Laos. In High, H., Tappe, O. & Creak, S. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Laos. London: Routledge.
  • Lutz, P. (2022). The State Has Come. In Holly High (Eds.), Stone Masters: Power Encounters in Mainland Southeast Asia. Singapore: NUS Press Pte Ltd.
  • Lutz, P. (2022). “We used to have lice … ” interethnic imagery in post-war upland Laos. Critical Asian Studies, 54(2), 171-197. [More Information]


  • Lutz, P. (2021). Controlled experiments: ethnographic notes on the intergenerational dynamics of aspirational migration and agrarian change in upland Laos. Social Anthropology, 29(3), 651-668. [More Information]

Book Reviews

2022. High, H. ‘Projectland: Life in a Lao Socialist Model Village’Asia-Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 23.3, 297-299

2015. Waibel G., Ehlert J. & Feuer, H. (eds.)‚ Southeast Asia and the Civil Society Gaze: Scoping a Contested Concept in Cambodia and Vietnam’ Journal of Contemporary Asia, 45.2, 356-359

Consultant Reports (selection)

2017.Service Providers for Livelihood Development in Lao Cai and Ha Giang ProvincesPresented to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, SR Vietnam for GFA Consulting on behalf of KfW Development Bank

2017.VSCG-based livelihood development in Gia Lai, Kon Tum and Quang NamPresented to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, SR Vietnam for GFA Consulting on behalf of KfW Development Bank

2016.Agro-Extension and VDF-based livelihood development in Ha Giang ProvincePresented to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, SR Vietnam for GFA Consulting on behalf of KfW Development Bank

2015.Agro-Extension and VDF-based livelihood development in Lao Cai ProvincePresented to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, SR Vietnam for GFA Consulting on behalf of KfW Development Bank

2013.Piloting Sustainable Management and Marketing of NTFPs in the Hin Nam No Region( co-authors: Lattanhot, K., Phommasane, S., Foppes, J.) Presented to Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Lao PDR for IP-Consult/NIRAS on behalf of giz German Development Agency

2011.Income Generation Opportunities in Communities surrounding the Hin Nam No NPA- presented to Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Lao PDR for IP-Consult/NIRAS in behalf of giz German Development Agency

2010.Community Income Generation, Phongsaly Alternative Development Fund (LAOI32)– Presented to Lao Commission on Drug Control and Supervision (LCDC), Lao PDR for UNDP/UNODC

Public Outreach/Other

2021. Spirits, Development and Chinese (Hydro)power #SSEACStories podcast (listen here)

2014.Das symbolhafte Verschwinden von Sombath SomphoneSüdwind – Magazin für International Politik, Kultur und Entwicklung (in German,read here)

2010.Phongsaly handicraft producers receive training for enhanced Alternative Income GenerationUNODC website (read here)

PhD Thesis

2021.Sert Has Gone – An Ethnographic Account of Khmu Prowess, Village Politics and National Development on a Ridgetop in Laos. Dept. of Anthropology, University of Sydney