Dr Paul Sidwell

Dr Paul Sidwell

Honorary Associate
A20 - John Woolley Building
The University of Sydney



  • Sidwell, P. (2015). The Palaungic Languages Classification, Reconstruction and Comparative Lexicon. Germany: LINCOM GmbH.

Edited Books

  • Sidwell, P. (2021). A Grammar of May: An Austroasiatic Language of Vietnam. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. [More Information]
  • Sidwell, P., Mathias, J. (2021). The Languages and Linguistics of Mainland Southeast Asia: A Comprehensive Guide. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. [More Information]
  • Jenny, M., Sidwell, P., Alves, M. (2020). Austroasiatic Syntax in Areal and Diachronic Perspective. Leiden: Brill. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Sidwell, P. (2021). Classification of MSEA Austroasiatic languages. In Paul Sidwell and Mathias Jenny (Eds.), The Languages and Linguistics of Mainland Southeast Asia: A Comprehensive Guide, (pp. 179-206). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. [More Information]
  • Sidwell, P. (2021). Eastern Austroasiatic languages. In Paul Sidwell and Mathias Jenny (Eds.), The Languages and Linguistics of Mainland Southeast Asia: A Comprehensive Guide, (pp. 547-598). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. [More Information]
  • Pacquement, J., Sidwell, P., Mathias, J. (2021). French contributions to the study of Mainland Southeast Asian languages and linguistics. In Paul Sidwell and Mathias Jenny (Eds.), The Languages and Linguistics of Mainland Southeast Asia: A Comprehensive Guide, (pp. 149-162). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. [More Information]


  • Sidwell, P. (2022). A Classification of the Nicobarese Languages. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 15(1), 1-16.
  • Rau, F., Sidwell, P. (2019). The Munda Maritime Hypothesis. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 12(2), 35-57. [More Information]
  • Sidwell, P. (2018). Proto-Nicobarese phonology. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, JSEALS Special Publication No. 3, 101-131.


  • Huang, Y., Donohue, M., Rose, P., Sidwell, P. (2016). Normalization of Zhangzhou Citation Tones. 16th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Sydney, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.


  • Sidwell, P. (2022). A Classification of the Nicobarese Languages. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 15(1), 1-16.


  • Sidwell, P. (2021). A Grammar of May: An Austroasiatic Language of Vietnam. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. [More Information]
  • Sidwell, P. (2021). Classification of MSEA Austroasiatic languages. In Paul Sidwell and Mathias Jenny (Eds.), The Languages and Linguistics of Mainland Southeast Asia: A Comprehensive Guide, (pp. 179-206). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. [More Information]
  • Sidwell, P. (2021). Eastern Austroasiatic languages. In Paul Sidwell and Mathias Jenny (Eds.), The Languages and Linguistics of Mainland Southeast Asia: A Comprehensive Guide, (pp. 547-598). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. [More Information]


  • Alves, M., Jenny, M., Sidwell, P. (2020). Austroasiatic Affixes and Grammatical Lexicon. In Mathias Jenny, Paul Sidwell and Mark Alves (Eds.), Austroasiatic Syntax in Areal and Diachronic Perspective, (pp. 287-333). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
  • Jenny, M., Sidwell, P., Alves, M. (2020). Austroasiatic Syntax in Areal and Diachronic Perspective. Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
  • Sidwell, P., Jenny, M., Alves, M. (2020). Introduction: Austroasiatic Syntax in Diachronic and Areal Perspective. In Mathias Jenny, Paul Sidwell and Mark Alves (Eds.), Austroasiatic Syntax in Areal and Diachronic Perspective, (pp. 1-18). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]


  • Rau, F., Sidwell, P. (2019). The Munda Maritime Hypothesis. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 12(2), 35-57. [More Information]


  • Sidwell, P. (2018). Proto-Nicobarese phonology. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, JSEALS Special Publication No. 3, 101-131.


  • Cheeseman, N., Sidwell, P., Osborne, R. (2017). Khmuic linguistic bibliography with selected annotations. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 10(1), i-xlvi.


  • Huang, Y., Donohue, M., Rose, P., Sidwell, P. (2016). Normalization of Zhangzhou Citation Tones. 16th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Sydney, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.


  • Sidwell, P. (2015). Austroasiatic dataset for phylogenetic analysis: 2015 version. Mon - Khmer Studies: a journal of Austroasiatic philology, 44, lxviii-ccclvii. [More Information]
  • Sidwell, P. (2015). Local drift and areal convergence in the restructuring of Mainland Southeast Asian languages. In N. J. Enfield, Bernard Comrie (Eds.), Languages of Mainland Southeast Asia: The State of the Art, (pp. 51-81). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Sidwell, P. (2015). The Austroasiatic language phylum: A typology of phonological restructuring. In Claire Bowern, Bethwyn Evans (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Historical Linguistics, (pp. 675-703). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Sidwell, P. (2014). Old khmer. In Mathias Jenny, Paul J. Sidwell (Eds.), The Handbook of Austroasiatic Languages, (pp. 643-676). The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV. [More Information]
  • Mathias, J., Sidwell, P. (2014). The Handbook of Austroasiatic Languages. The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV. [More Information]