Dr Sarah Ciftci

Dr Sarah Ciftci

PhD. BSLS (1st Class Hons)
+61 2 9114 2199
A35 - Education Building
The University of Sydney
Dr Sarah Ciftci

Dr Sarah Ciftci is a Research Fellow in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney. She conducts empirical resesarch focused on improving the experiences and outcomes of children and families involved with the statutory child protection and out-of-home care system.

Sarah is an experienced qualitative researcher and utilises participatory and co-design methods for conducting research. She regularly contributes her expertise to a range of research initiatives, including the development and implementation of program evaluations.

Sarah and her colleagues at the Research Centre for Children and Families were awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Research Engagement and Innovation in 2020 and FASS Research Impact Award in 2022.

Child protection and wellbeing

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and legal justice

Culturally safe research methodologies, pedagogies and practice

Participatory research and evaluation methodologies

Sarah undertakes undergraduate honours supervision for Bachelor of Social Work students.

The Dignity by Design project: survivor-led system redesign (National Centre for Action on Chid Sexual Abuse)

Disrupting Child Exploitation: The DICE Project (ARC Linkage)

Fostering Lifelong Connections (ARC Linkage)

Working Toward Restoration Study

Evaluation of Permanency Practice Framework Pilot Implementation

Evaluation of Family Connect and Support Program

NSW Family Group Conferencing Evaluation

FASS Research Impact Award, 2022

Vice Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Research Engagement and Innovation, 2020

University of Tasmania Teaching Merit (Team Award), 2019

University of Tasmania Community of Practice Grant, 2017

Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand HDR Conference Scholarship, 2016


Book Chapters

  • Riley, L., Ciftci, S., Wardle, I. (2023). Family-led decision-making approaches with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. In Susan Heward-Belle (Eds.), Working with families experiencing vulnerability: a partnership approach, (pp. 267-289). Ebook: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
  • Ciftci, S. (2018). Making space for Indigenous justice in the child welfare and protection context. In J. Hendry, M. L. Tatum, M. Jorgensen & D. Howard-Wagner (Eds.), Indigenous justice: New tools, approaches, and spaces, (pp. 111-125). London: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]


  • Ciftci, S., Collings, S., Buratti, S., Conley Wright, A. (2024). Supporting Carers to Coregulate With Children in Care: Learnings From Action Research With Caseworkers. Child and Family Social Work. [More Information]
  • Collings, S., Mclaine, M., Ciftci, S., Luu, B. (2024). Working toward reunification in New South Wales: Professional perspectives on navigating complex systems. Australian Journal of Social Issues, Online first. [More Information]
  • Ciftci, S., Collings, S., Conley Wright, A. (2022). Action research with caseworkers: Responding to and reflecting on the impacts of Covid-19 on birth family contact. Child and Family Social Work, 27(4), 851-861. [More Information]

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Collings, S., Conley Wright, A., Ciftci, S. (2020). Helping children in care stay in contact with their birth families during COVID-19. Australian Institute of Family Studies. [More Information]

Research Reports

  • Conley Wright, A., Schurer, S., Luu, B., Collings, S., Wardle, I., Ciftci, S., Cashmore, J., Riley, L., Pope, S. (2023). Family group conferencing evaluation: final report, FACS RFT.18.234. [More Information]
  • Wade, C., Tan, L., Avdagic, E., Almendingen, A., Broomfield, G., Mendoza Diaz, A., Anderson, A., Ciftci, S., Bretherton, T., Etuk, L., et al (2020). LINKS Trauma Healing Service Evaluation. Report 3 – Final Report, Melbourne, Australia: Parenting Research Centre, Cultural and Indigenous Research Centre Australia & Deakin Health Economics. [More Information]


  • Ciftci, S., Collings, S., Buratti, S., Conley Wright, A. (2024). Supporting Carers to Coregulate With Children in Care: Learnings From Action Research With Caseworkers. Child and Family Social Work. [More Information]
  • Collings, S., Mclaine, M., Ciftci, S., Luu, B. (2024). Working toward reunification in New South Wales: Professional perspectives on navigating complex systems. Australian Journal of Social Issues, Online first. [More Information]


  • Conley Wright, A., Schurer, S., Luu, B., Collings, S., Wardle, I., Ciftci, S., Cashmore, J., Riley, L., Pope, S. (2023). Family group conferencing evaluation: final report, FACS RFT.18.234. [More Information]
  • Riley, L., Ciftci, S., Wardle, I. (2023). Family-led decision-making approaches with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. In Susan Heward-Belle (Eds.), Working with families experiencing vulnerability: a partnership approach, (pp. 267-289). Ebook: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]


  • Ciftci, S., Collings, S., Conley Wright, A. (2022). Action research with caseworkers: Responding to and reflecting on the impacts of Covid-19 on birth family contact. Child and Family Social Work, 27(4), 851-861. [More Information]


  • Collings, S., Conley Wright, A., Ciftci, S. (2020). Helping children in care stay in contact with their birth families during COVID-19. Australian Institute of Family Studies. [More Information]
  • Wade, C., Tan, L., Avdagic, E., Almendingen, A., Broomfield, G., Mendoza Diaz, A., Anderson, A., Ciftci, S., Bretherton, T., Etuk, L., et al (2020). LINKS Trauma Healing Service Evaluation. Report 3 – Final Report, Melbourne, Australia: Parenting Research Centre, Cultural and Indigenous Research Centre Australia & Deakin Health Economics. [More Information]
  • McLeod, K., Moore, R., Robinson, D., Ozkul, D., Ciftci, S., Vincent, K. (2020). Using the pluriverse concept to critique Eurocentrism in education. Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching, 3(Special Issue No. 1), 30-39. [More Information]


  • Ciftci, S. (2018). Making space for Indigenous justice in the child welfare and protection context. In J. Hendry, M. L. Tatum, M. Jorgensen & D. Howard-Wagner (Eds.), Indigenous justice: New tools, approaches, and spaces, (pp. 111-125). London: Palgrave Macmillan. [More Information]


  • Ciftci, S. (2015). Decolonising Indigenous child welfare: Comparative perspectives, by Terri Libesman (book review). The International Journal of Human Rights, 20(4), 589-590.


  • Ciftci, S. (2013). Courting kids: Inside an experimental youth court, by Carla J Barrett (book review). Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 25(1), 559-560.
  • Ciftci, S., Howard-Wagner, D. (2013). Integrating Indigenous Justice into Alternative Dispute Resolution Practices: A Case Study of the Aboriginal Care Circle Pilot Program in Nowra. Australian Indigenous Law Review, 16(2), 81-98. [More Information]