Dr Tamara Ditrich

Dr Tamara Ditrich

PhD (Studies in Religion, University of Queensland); BA Hons (Linguistics, University of Ljubljana)
Adjunct Lecturer in Sanskrit, Pali, Indian and Buddhist Studies

Tamara’s disciplinary background is in Sanskrit language, Vedic philology and Buddhist Studies. She has had thirty years of teaching and research experiences at various universities in the EU and Australia. Her current research interests are primarily in Theravāda Buddhism and Vedic philology.

  • Pali and Sanskrit textual studies
  • Buddhist meditation in theory and practice
  • Sanskrit and traditional Indian Linguistics
  • The role of dual deities in the Ṛgveda
  • Gender issues in early Indian history
  • Pali and Sanskrit
  • Vedic language and literature
  • Theravada Buddhism: teachings and practice
  • Hinduism


Edited Books

  • Ditrich, T. (2012). Anguttaranikayapuranatika, Catuttha Linatthapakasini. Bristol: The Pali Text Society.

Book Chapters

  • Ditrich, T. (2016). Interpretations of the Terms ajjhattam and bahiddha: From the Pali Nikayas to the Abhidhamma. In Bart Dessein and Weijen Teng (Eds.), Text, History and Philosophy: Abhidharma Across Buddhist Scholastic Traditions, (pp. 108-145). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
  • Ditrich, T. (2013). Mindfulness in modern Buddhism: new approaches and meanings. In Benny Liow Woon Khin (Eds.), One Dharma: Many Buddhist Traditions: A Festschrift in Memory of K Sri Dhammananda (1919-2006), (pp. 181-190). Petaling Jaya: Buddhist Gem Fellowship.
  • Ditrich, T. (2012). Indijske boginje: ene ali mnoge? In Maja Lamberger Khatib (Eds.), Sozitje med kulturami: poti do medkulturnega dialoga II., (pp. 51-62). Maribor, Slovenia: Zalozba Pivec.


  • Ditrich, T. (2023). Presentation of “Living Being” in Early Indian Buddhism and Its Ethical Implications. Asian Studies, 11(2), 201-230. [More Information]
  • Ditrich, T. (2022). The Ethical Foundations of Buddhist Cognitive Models: Presentations of Greed and Fear in the Theravāda Abhidhamma. Asian Studies, 10(1), 371-398. [More Information]
  • Wiles, R., Clark, C., Ditrich, T., Allon, M. (2021). The Pali Tipitaka Recension Carved on the Kuthodaw Pagoda Stelae and Its Relation to Other Burmese Versions. Journal of the Pali Text Society, XXXIV(2021), 155-226.

Edited Journals

  • Zalta, A., Ditrich, T. (2015). Poligrafi: ÄŒujeÄ�nost: tradicija in sodobni pristopi. Poligrafi, 20(77/78).


  • Ditrich, T. (2014). Mindfulness in Health Care: Complementary Method for Health Professionals and Patients. Second Scientific Conference with International Participation, Koper, Slovenia: University of Primorska.


  • Ditrich, T. (2023). Presentation of “Living Being” in Early Indian Buddhism and Its Ethical Implications. Asian Studies, 11(2), 201-230. [More Information]


  • Ditrich, T. (2022). The Ethical Foundations of Buddhist Cognitive Models: Presentations of Greed and Fear in the Theravāda Abhidhamma. Asian Studies, 10(1), 371-398. [More Information]


  • Wiles, R., Clark, C., Ditrich, T., Allon, M. (2021). The Pali Tipitaka Recension Carved on the Kuthodaw Pagoda Stelae and Its Relation to Other Burmese Versions. Journal of the Pali Text Society, XXXIV(2021), 155-226.


  • Ditrich, T. (2019). Female renouncers in India: A neglected chapter in the history of Indian religions [Odpoved indijskih zensk posvetnemu zivljenju: Pozabljeno poglavje v zgodovini indijskih religij]. Dve Domovini, 50, 53-70. [More Information]


  • Ditrich, T. (2016). Buddhism between Asia and Europe: The Concept of Mindfulness through a Historical Lens. Asian Studies, IV (XX)(1), 197-213. [More Information]
  • Ditrich, T. (2016). Interpretations of the Terms ajjhattam and bahiddha: From the Pali Nikayas to the Abhidhamma. In Bart Dessein and Weijen Teng (Eds.), Text, History and Philosophy: Abhidharma Across Buddhist Scholastic Traditions, (pp. 108-145). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
  • Ditrich, T. (2016). Situating the Concept of Mindfulness in the Theravada Tradition. Asian Studies, 4(2), 13-33. [More Information]


  • Ditrich, T. (2015). "Predstavitve sati v zgodnjem budizmu." ["Presentations of sati in early Buddhism"]. Poligrafi, 20(77/78), 13-34.
  • Zalta, A., Ditrich, T. (2015). Poligrafi: ÄŒujeÄ�nost: tradicija in sodobni pristopi. Poligrafi, 20(77/78).
  • Eriksen, C., Ditrich, T. (2015). The relevance of mindfulness practice for trauma-exposed disaster researchers. Emotion, Space and Society, 17, 63-69. [More Information]


  • Ditrich, T. (2014). Mindfulness in Health Care: Complementary Method for Health Professionals and Patients. Second Scientific Conference with International Participation, Koper, Slovenia: University of Primorska.


  • Ditrich, T. (2013). Mindfulness in modern Buddhism: new approaches and meanings. In Benny Liow Woon Khin (Eds.), One Dharma: Many Buddhist Traditions: A Festschrift in Memory of K Sri Dhammananda (1919-2006), (pp. 181-190). Petaling Jaya: Buddhist Gem Fellowship.
  • Ditrich, T. (2013). Presentations of female roles in the "Laws of Manu": Mothers, wives, daughters [Predstavitve zenskih vlog v >>Manujevem Zakoniku<<: Matere, zene in hcere]. Glasnik SED, 53(1-2), 52-56.
  • Ditrich, T. (2013). The Concept of smrti in the Yogasutra: Memory or Mindfulness? Asian Studies, 1(1), 45-62. [More Information]


  • Ditrich, T. (2012). Anguttaranikayapuranatika, Catuttha Linatthapakasini. Bristol: The Pali Text Society.
  • Ditrich, T. (2012). Indijske boginje: ene ali mnoge? In Maja Lamberger Khatib (Eds.), Sozitje med kulturami: poti do medkulturnega dialoga II., (pp. 51-62). Maribor, Slovenia: Zalozba Pivec.
  • Ditrich, T. (2012). Syntagms Constructed With Coordinative Particles In ṚGVEDA 1.1-1.50. Acta Linguistica Asiatica, 2(1), 45-59.


  • Ditrich, T. (2008). Rgvedic Goddesses: Their Roles and Significance in the Vedic Pantheon. In Lenart Skof (Eds.), Indian Studies: Slovenian Contributions, (pp. 153-165). Delhi, India: Sampark.

Selected Grants


  • The Preservation and Study of Kuthodaw Pagoda Inscriptions, Allon M, Ditrich T, Chuo Academic Research Institute (CARI)/CARI Kuthodaw Pagoda Research fund

Selected Publications


  • Aguttaranikāyapurāaīkā, Catutthā Linatthapakāsinī, ed. P. Pecenko, posthumously completed by Tamara Ditrich. Bristol: Pali Text Society, 2012.
  • Jiddu Krishnamurti: Problemi zivljenja. Ljubljana: Mladinska Knjiga, 1994.

Edited Books

  • The Indian Subcontinent: between tradition and modernity, ed. Tamara Ditrich. Asian Studies 1, No. 1. Ljubljana: Faculty of Arts, 2013.

Book Chapters

  • “The concept ofsmtiin theYogasūtra: memory or mindfulness?” InThe Indian Subcontinent: Between Tradition and Modernity, ed. Tamara Ditrich.Asian Studies1, No. 1 (2013), pp. 45-62.
  • “Mindfulness in modern Buddhism: new approaches and meanings”. In One Dharma: Many Buddhist Traditions: A Festschrift in Memory of K Sri Dhammananda (1919-2006), ed. Benny Liow Woon Khin. Petaling Jaya: Buddhist Gem Fellowship, 2013, pp. 181–190.
  • “Chronological relationship between thegvedasahitā, thegvedapadapāhaand theAṣṭādhyāyī revisited”. InFestschrift in Honor of Boris Oguibénine, eds. Guillaume Ducoeur, Victoria Grace, and Nataliya Yanchevskaya. Cambridge, MA: Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Harvard University [forthcoming].
  • “Indian goddesses: one or many?” In Sozitje med kulturami—poti do medkulturnega dialoga, II, ed. Maja Lamberger Khatib. Maribor: Pivec, 2012, pp. 51–63.
  • “Buddhism in contemporary world: new approaches to meditation”. In Sozitje med kulturami — poti do medkulturnega dialoga, ed. Maja Lamberger Khatib. Maribor: Pivec. 2011, pp. 127–135.
  • “The presentation of motherhood in the Law Code of Manu”. In Mother-Texts: Narratives and Counter Narratives, ed. M. Porter and J. Kelso. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010, pp. 143–163.
  • “The concept of attachment in Buddhism”, 12. Breganotovi dnevi. Ljubljana: ZPS, 2010, pp. 73–77.
  • “Ṛgvedic goddesses: their roles and significance in the Vedic pantheon”. InIndian Studies—Slovenian Contributions, ed. L Skof. Kolkata: Sampark Publishing, 2008, pp. 153–165.
  • “Sāriputta, the author of the Pāli Ṭīkās”, by P. Pecenko, revised and edited by T. Ditrich. InIndian Studies—Slovenian Contributions, ed. L Skof. Kolkata: Sampark Publishing, 2008, pp. 131–152.
  • “Early Goddesses”. In Goddess: Divine Energy, ed. J. Menzies. Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales, 2006, pp.18–21.
  • “Human and divine mothers in Hinduism.” In Motherhood: Power and Oppression, eds. Marie Porter, Patricia Short, and Andrea O'Reilly. Toronto: Women's Press, 2005, pp. 137–151.
  • “Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Zoroastrism”. In Mitologija, Vol 1. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1988, pp. 14–57.
  • Journal Articles
  • “Presentations of female roles in ancient India: mothers, wives, daughters”,Glasnik SED 53, Nos. 1, 2 (2013), pp. 52–57.
  • “Syntagmns constructed with coordinative particles in gveda I.1.–I.50”, Acta Linguistica Asiatica 2, No. 1 (2012), pp. 45–59.
  • “The typology of āmreitacompounds in the gveda”, Acta Linguistica Asiatica 1, No. 1 (2011), pp. 71–84.
  • “Epistole o prijateljstvu” [“The concept of friendship in early Buddhism”], by Košir, M. and Ditrich, T. Nova revija, 333–335, XXIX. Ljubljana, 2010, pp. 170–187.
  • “The variety of expression for Heaven and Earth in the gveda”. Crossroads 5/1 (2010), pp. 35–44.
  • “Dvandvacompounds in the gveda: the chronology of the ten maṇḍalasrevisited”. Poligrafi 41/42, vol. 11 (2006), pp. 123–148.
  • Dvandva compounds and the chronology of the gveda”. Crossroads 1 (Autumn 2006), pp. 26–35.
  • “Kaha Upaniad” InSebstvo in meditacija, ed. Andrej Ule.Poligrafi 17/18. Ljubljana: Nova Revija, 2001, pp. 61–77.
  • “Sutra o modrosti in neumnosti” [“Sutra of the wise and foolish”, trans. from Tibetan] Dvatisoc129–131(2000), pp. 5–12.

Conference Proceedings

  • “Historical development and typology ofdvandvacompounds in the gveda”. InProceedings from theFourth International Vedic Workshop, The University of Texas, Austin, 24 May 2007. Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina [forthcoming].
  • “Development of emotional and spiritual balance through the practice of mindfulness”. Proceedings of the symposium Alternative Methods in Palliative Care, eds. T. Štemberger Kolnik and S. Majcen Dvoršak. Ljubljana: Medical Association of Slovenia, 200, pp. 126–134.
  • “Stylistic analysis of coordinative nominal constructions for dual deities in the ôgveda”. In Selected Papers from the Vedic Panel of the 13th World Sanskrit Conference held in Edinburgh, Scotland. 10th-14th July 2006. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass [forthcoming].
  • “Indological Studies in Australia”. In Indology: Past, Present and Future, ed. Saroja Bhate. Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 2002, pp. 61–83.