Media and Communications

Media and Communications

Creating and communicating in a disrupted media environment

Media and Communications

Creating and communicating in a disrupted media environment

Combining scholarly knowledge, industry experience and technical expertise, we're at the forefront of media and communications research and teaching, ready to respond to the challenges of an ever-changing media landscape.

We bring the critical power of the humanities to bear on all forms of media to investigate rapidly emerging technologies and contemporary content practices. Some of our teaching areas include news and feature journalism, audio and video production, digital cultures, media theory and ethics, social media, public relations and health communications.

Our wide-ranging research and spirit of enquiry leads us to collaborate across the University, and indeed the world, in research partnerships targeting complex issues. We have a particular focus on digital media and digital cultures scholarship.

Our study offering

Bachelor of Media and Communications

Find out about our new degree

Master of Media Practice

Learn more

  • Associate Professor Jonathon Hutchinson

    Discipline Chair

Useful links

Our research

  • Digital media transformations
  • Journalism studies
  • Digital cultures
  • Health communications
  • Political communication, media activism and social movements
  • Media political economy and policy
  • Communications, political ecology and the environment

Our people

Contact us

School of Art, Communication and English

John Woolley Building (A20),
The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006

Phone: 1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864) (in Australia) 
+61 2 9351 2862 (outside Australia) 
