Sydney Educational Measurement and Assessment Symposium 2023 - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
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Sydney Educational Measurement and Assessment Symposium 2023

Thursday 1 June 2023
The Sydney Educational Measurement and Assessment Symposium is running for the first time in 2023, hosted by the Centre for Educational Measurement and Assessment (CEMA) at the University of Sydney.

The Sydney Educational Measurement and Assessment Symposium is running for the first time in 2023, and will be hosted by the Centre for Educational Measurement and Assessment (CEMA) at The University of Sydney on Thursday 1 June 2023.

It is a research event designed to gather a number of different communities to share ideas and interact across boundaries – measurement and assessment – but also settings such as schools, universities, government departments and agencies, commercial entities, and NGOs.

It will be held primarily in person (face-to-face) in the Abercrombie Building at the Camperdown/Darlington campus in inner city Sydney, but online participation will be available for most sessions.

Please use the hashtag #EdMeas23 in social media posts.

  • Submissions deadline - Extended: 17 April 2023
  • Review outcomes released: 1 May 2023
  • Early bird registration deadline: 15 May 2023
  • Presenter registration deadline: 15 May 2023
  • In-person registration close: 29 May 2023 
  • Online registration close: 29 May 2023
  • #EdMeas23: 1 June 2023

**Program subject to change

8:00 am Registration and light breakfast
8.45 am Welcome
8.50 am Acknowledgement of country: Aunty Kaye Price
9:00 am Opening
9:10 am Housekeeping
9:15 am Introduce Keynote 1
9:20 am Keynote 1: Professor Dragan Gašević
10:20 am 10 mins movement time
10:30 am Parallel Sessions A (in breakout rooms)
12:00 pm Lunch > Posters [Posters group A]*
1:15 pm Parallel Sessions B (in breakout rooms)
2:45 pm Afternoon tea [Posters group B]*
3:15 pm Introduce Keynote 2: Panel
3:20 pm Expert Panel: Jennifer English, Professor Andrew Martin, Michael Saxon*
4:20 pm Close, thank yous, evaluation form, directions to Social Function venue
4:30 pm Movement time allowance
5:00 pm Social Function: The Duck Inn, Chippendale

*Poster and panel sessions are available in person (face-to-face) only.


Image: Professor Dragan Gašević

Professor Dragan Gašević

Dragan Gašević is Distinguished Professor of Learning Analytics in the Faculty of Information Technology and Director of the Centre for Learning Analytics at Monash University. He is a founder and served as the President (2015-2017) of the Society for Learning Analytics Research. His research interests in learning analytics centre around the development of computational and design methods that can advance understanding of self-regulated and collaborative learning. 

Image: Jennifer English

Jennifer English

Jennifer English, is a Principal Education Officer with the NSW Department of Education within the Student Assessment and Online Reporting unit. She has over 20 years of experience as a public school teacher, head teacher and deputy principal. She is passionate about science education and how assessment and data can be used to improve student outcomes. 

Jennifer is currently the coordinator of VALID; an online, state-wide, diagnostic test assessing the NSW Science Syllabus in Years 6, 8 and 10.

Image: Professor Andrew Martin

Professor Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin, PhD, is Professor of Educational Psychology and Chair of the Educational Psychology Research Group in the School of Education at the University of New South Wales, Australia. He is a Registered Psychologist and specializes in student motivation, engagement, achievement, and quantitative research methods.

Image: Michael Saxon

Michael Saxon

Mike has been the Principal of Liverpool Boys High School NSW since 2007 where he has led the transformation of the school to one focused on creating the capabilities our young people need for a modern society. He introduced Project based Learning (PBL) in 2015 and now the school uses PBL in years 7 - 10. The school directly assesses capabilities in all years including stage 6 and is working with Melbourne University to warrant a Capabilities Credential at the end of year 12. Mike introduced Big Picture advisories in 2017 and is very active in networking and promoting Big Picture Education both within and beyond the educational community, he became a board member of Big Picture Education Australia in 2019.

Mike leads the NSWSPC Learning Now for the Future Reference Group which advocates for schools to transform from the 19th century industrial model of education. Mike is recognised as an innovative leader in education with Liverpool Boys High School being awarded the 2019 Australian Secondary School of the Year – Government, and in 2020 being finalist in Australian Secondary School of the year and finalist in Principal of the year.

Organising Committee

Dr Kathryn Bartimote, Academic Convenor
Kathleen Walker, Event Manager
Prof Jim Tognolini, CEMA Director

Program Committee

Dr Kathryn Bartimote (Chair), The University of Sydney
Dr Graham Hendry, The University of Sydney
A/Prof Sofia Kesidou, The University of Sydney
Dr Lucy Lu, Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO)
A/Prof Peter McCallum, The University of Sydney
A/Prof Joshua McGrane, The University of Melbourne
Prof Rachel Wilson, University of Technology Sydney

Sydney Educational Measurement and Assessment Symposium 2023 presenters will be eligible to submit an expression of interest (EOI) to write a full paper to be included in a special issue of the journal Education Sciences after the event.

Education Sciences (eISSN 2227-7102) is included in Journal Citation Reports in the ESCI and has a JCI of 1.21. It is an open access journal, and the publisher has agreed to waive the publication fees for the special issue.

The special issue will be guest edited by Kathryn Bartimote, Jim Tognolini, Rachel Wilson, and Sofia Kesidou.

We will be in touch with presenters after the event to provide more detail about how to submit an EOI, and the timeline for the special issue.

The central purpose of the Sydney Educational Measurement and Assessment Symposium is to bring together people from a range of communities, settings, and traditions.

We envisage receiving proposals from those employed in the school sector, higher education sector, VET sector, government, and industry.

Measurement topics could include for example school improvement, teaching quality, evaluation of school systems, large-scale assessments, test creation, race and educational measurement validity, psychometrics, measuring 21st century skills. Assessment topics could include theory underlying assessment, feedback, formative assessment, automated assessment and AI, authentic assessment, collaborative/group assessment, learning analytics and assessment, equity in assessment, inclusive assessment, policy, assessment and curriculum reform, leading assessment, teacher data literacy.

Proposals are now invited for research presentations in the following formats. Research may be empirical, theoretical, evaluative, or policy oriented.

  • Symposia
  • Individual papers
  • Posters
  • Roundtables

The call for proposals is now closed. Submissions have been reviewed, and notifications of acceptance sent to authors.

Hero image: Andy Wang on Unsplash.      

Contact us

Kathleen Walker

Event manager

Dr Kathryn Bartimote

Academic convenor