Grace Muir

Miss Grace Muir

Thesis work

Thesis title: Deconstructing Disaster Risk Creation Processes in Housing Reconstruction Projects

Thesis abstract:

«p»Scholars suggest a need for the conceptual clarification and empirical documentation of the disaster risk creation process - the ‘hidden’ counterpart of disaster risk reduction. Post-disaster housing reconstruction projects are assessed to classify instances of disaster risk creation across a selection of case sites in Indonesia. The first phase of empirical research aims to develop a conceptual framework for defining instances of disaster risk creation, since no such guidelines exist. Local participants will be central to defining the landscape of risk creation through interviews and (mapping) workshops. Since risk reduction efforts lack an understanding of how contextual and project-related conditions interact in counterproductive (risk-creating) ways, the research further seeks to identify which project (alongside other contextual) conditions lead, in combination or isolation, to disaster risk creation. In unpacking instances and conditions of risk creation in reconstruction projects, this study explores the solution space for resisting risk creation, since an agenda for practically doing so has, as yet, not been clearly defined. Ultimately this study hopes to contribute towards countering disaster risk creation processes arising through housing reconstruction efforts.«/p»