Dr Matthew Dunn
Senior Academic Fellow
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
J07 - Mechanical Engineering Building
The University of Sydney
Member of The Net Zero Institute
Project title | Research student |
Structure and stability of turbulent mixed-mode flames of green fuel blends | Ahmad KATTAN |
Large Eddy Simulation of Compressible Flows | Vignesh KUBENDRAN |
Investigations and synthesis of functional nanoparticles and materials. | Pooja Sharma PARIHAR |
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- Avila Jimenez, C., Macfarlane, A., Younes, M., Jamal, A., Dunn, M., Guiberti, T., Masri, A., Roberts, W. (2024). Effects of secondary air injection on the emissions and stability of two-stage NH
3 -CH4 -air swirl flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40(1-4), 105723. [More Information] - Macfarlane, A., Dunn, M., Masri, A. (2023). Towards Understanding the Improvement in Stability for Fuels with Inhomogeneous Inlets. Combustion Science and Technology, 195(14), 3399-3413. [More Information]
- Steinmetz, S., Ahmed, H., Boyette, W., Dunn, M., Roberts, W., Masri, A. (2022). Effects of ammonia and hydrogen on the sooting characteristics of laminar coflow flames of ethylene and methane. Fuel, 307, 121914. [More Information]
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- Dunn, M., Macfarlane, A., Barlow, R., Geyer, D., Dieter, K., Masri, A. (2021). Spontaneous Raman-LIF-CO-OH measurements of species concentration in turbulent spray flames. 38th International Symposium on Combustion, 2021, Australia: Elsevier. [More Information]
- Ahmed, H., Ashraf, M., Steinmetz, S., Dunn, M., Masri, A. (2021). The role of DME addition on the evolution of soot and soot precursors in laminar ethylene jet flames. 38th International Symposium on Combustion, 2021, Australia: Elsevier. [More Information]
- Ashraf, M., Dunn, M., Masri, A. (2020). On the evolution of soot precursors in laminar coflow diffusion flames: Effects of oxygen concentration in coflow stream. 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2019), Fukuoka: The Combustion Institute.
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- Avila Jimenez, C., Macfarlane, A., Younes, M., Jamal, A., Dunn, M., Guiberti, T., Masri, A., Roberts, W. (2024). Effects of secondary air injection on the emissions and stability of two-stage NH
3 -CH4 -air swirl flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40(1-4), 105723. [More Information]
- Macfarlane, A., Dunn, M., Masri, A. (2023). Towards Understanding the Improvement in Stability for Fuels with Inhomogeneous Inlets. Combustion Science and Technology, 195(14), 3399-3413. [More Information]
- Steinmetz, S., Ahmed, H., Boyette, W., Dunn, M., Roberts, W., Masri, A. (2022). Effects of ammonia and hydrogen on the sooting characteristics of laminar coflow flames of ethylene and methane. Fuel, 307, 121914. [More Information]
- Boyette, W., Macfarlane, A., Steinmetz, S., Dunn, M., Roberts, W., Masri, A. (2022). On the combined effects of compositional inhomogeneity and ammonia addition to turbulent flames of ethylene. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. [More Information]
- Ashraf, M., Ahmed, H., Steinmetz, S., Dunn, M., Masri, A. (2022). On the Effects of Carbon Dioxide as a Diluent on Precursor Nanoparticles and Soot in Axi-symmetric Laminar Coflow Diffusion Flames. Combustion Science and Technology, 194(5), 946-962. [More Information]
- Ashraf, M., Ahmed, H., Steinmetz, S., Dunn, M., Masri, A. (2021). On the effects of varying coflow oxygen on soot and precursor nanoparticles in ethylene laminar diffusion flames. Fuel, 300, 120913. [More Information]
- Boyette, W., Steinmetz, S., Guiberti, T., Dunn, M., Roberts, W., Masri, A. (2021). Soot formation in turbulent flames of ethylene/hydrogen/ammonia. Combustion and Flame, 226, 315-324. [More Information]
- Dunn, M., Macfarlane, A., Barlow, R., Geyer, D., Dieter, K., Masri, A. (2021). Spontaneous Raman-LIF-CO-OH measurements of species concentration in turbulent spray flames. 38th International Symposium on Combustion, 2021, Australia: Elsevier. [More Information]
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- Singh, G., Juddoo, M., Kourmatzis, A., Dunn, M., Masri, A. (2020). Heat release zones in turbulent, moderately dense spray flames of ethanol and biodiesel. Combustion and Flame, 220, 298-311. [More Information]
- Ashraf, M., Dunn, M., Masri, A. (2020). On the evolution of soot precursors in laminar coflow diffusion flames: Effects of oxygen concentration in coflow stream. 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2019), Fukuoka: The Combustion Institute.
- Macfalane, A., Dunn, M., Masri, A. (2020). The impact of jet preheating and the addition of H2 and N2O in turbulent autoigniting flames using a vitiated hot coflow burner. 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2019), Fukuoka: The Combustion Institute.
- Jin, W., Steinmetz, S., Juddoo, M., Dunn, M., Huang, Z., Masri, A. (2019). Effects of shear inhomogeneities on the structure of turbulent premixed flames. Combustion and Flame, 208, 63-78. [More Information]
- Kanj, M., Dunn, M., Juddoo, M., Steinmetz, S., Guoqing, W., Masri, A. (2019). Joint OH-CH PLIF imaging in highly-sheared turbulent premixed propane flames. Australian Combustion Symposium 2019, Sydney: The Combustion Institute Australia & New Zealand.
- Bartos, D., Sirignano, M., Dunn, M., D'Anna, A., Masri, A. (2019). Soot inception in laminar coflow diffusion flames. Combustion and Flame, 205, 180-192. [More Information]
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- Ahmed, H., Dunn, M., Bartos, D., Masri, A. (2018). An investigation of high power laser pulses on soot using an IR pump UV probe approach. 11th Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2017), Shanghai: The Combustion Institute.
- Ashraf, A., Bartos, D., Dunn, M., Masri, A. (2018). Effects of Adiabatic Temperature and Chemical Composition on Soot Formation in Laminar Diffusion Flames. 11th Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2017), Shanghai: The Combustion Institute.
- Ashraf, M., Bartos, D., Dunn, M., Sirignano, M., D'Anna, A., Masri, A. (2018). On the Evolution of Soot in Laminar Diffusion Flames, Part I: Effects of Oxygen Enhancement in the Coflow Stream. 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC 2018), Adelaide: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society.
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- Sirignano, M., Bartos, D., Conturso, M., Dunn, M., D'Anna, A., Masri, A. (2017). Detection of nanostructures and soot in laminar premixed flames. Combustion and Flame, 176, 299-308. [More Information]
- Guiberti, T., Juddoo, M., Lacoste, D., Dunn, M., Roberts, W., Masri, A. (2017). Fuel effects on the stability of turbulent flames with compositionally inhomogeneous inlets. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(2), 1777-1784. [More Information]
- Stahler, T., Geyer, D., Magnotti, G., Trunk, P., Dunn, M., Barlow, R., Dreizler, A. (2017). Multiple conditioned analysis of the turbulent stratified flame A. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(2), 1947-1955. [More Information]
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- Bartos, D., Dunn, M., Sirignano, M., D'Anna, A., Masri, A. (2015). A technique for the measurement and classification of soot precursors and soot particles in turbulent flames. Australian Combustion Symposium 2015, Melbourne, Victoria: The Combustion Institute Australia & New Zealand.
- Macfarlane, A., Dunn, M., Juddoo, M., Masri, A. (2015). High-Speed PLIF Measurements of OH and CH20 in Turbulent Auto Igniting Flames of DME. 7th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (7ACLDFMC), Melbourne: Monash University.
- Weinkauff, J., Trunk, P., Frank, J., Dunn, M., Dreizler, A., Bohm, B. (2015). Investigation of flame propagation in a partially premixed jet by high-speed-Stereo-PIV and acetone-PLIF. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35(3), 3773-3781. [More Information]
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- Bartos, D., Dunn, M., Masri, A., D'Anna, A., Sirignano, M. (2014). In-Situ Detection of Nanoparticles in Turbulent Flames Using Laser Induced Emissions. 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, : SPIE.
- Dunn, M., Barlow, R. (2013). Effects of preferential transport and strain in bluff body stabilized lean and rich premixed CH4/air flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34(1), 1411-1419. [More Information]
- Duwig, C., Dunn, M. (2013). Large Eddy Simulation of a premixed jet flame stabilized by a vitiated co-flow: Evaluation of auto-ignition tabulated chemistry. Combustion and Flame, 160(12), 2879-2895. [More Information]
- Sweeney, M., Hochgreb, S., Dunn, M., Barlow, R. (2013). Multiply conditioned analyses of stratification in highly swirling methane/air flames. Combustion and Flame, 160(2), 322-334. [More Information]
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- Barlow, R., Dunn, M., Sweeney, M., Hochgreb, S. (2012). Effects of preferential transport in turbulent bluff-body-stabilized lean premixed CH4/air flames. Combustion and Flame, 159(8), 2563-2575. [More Information]
- Sevault, A., Dunn, M., Barlow, R., Ditaranto, M. (2012). On the structure of the near field of oxy-fuel jet flames using Raman/Rayleigh laser diagnostics. Combustion and Flame, 159(11), 3342-3352. [More Information]
- Duwig, C., Dunn, M. (2012). Simulation of turbulent combustion in the distributed reaction regime. Swedish-Finnish Flame Days 2011, Pitea, Sweden: International Flame Research Foundation.
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- Sweeney, M., Hochgreb, S., Dunn, M., Barlow, R. (2011). A comparative analysis of flame surface density metrics in premixed and stratified flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33, 1419-1427. [More Information]
- Sweeney, M., Hochgreb, S., Dunn, M., Barlow, R. (2011). A New Series of Turbulent Stratified Flames: Preliminary Findings. Seventh Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Chia Laguna, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy: Associazione Sezione Italiana del Combustion Institute ONLUS.
- Sevault, A., Barlow, R., Dunn, M., Ditaranto, M. (2011). Investigation of Piloted Oxy-Fuel Jet Flames at High Reynolds Number Using Simultaneous Line Imaging of Raman/Rayleigh Laser Diagnostics. European Combustion Meeting 2011, Cardiff, Wales.
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- Dunn, M., Masri, A. (2010). A comprehensive model for the quantification of linear and nonlinear regime laser-induced fluorescence of OH under A^2Σ+<-X^2Π(1,0) excitation. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 101(1-2), 445-463. [More Information]
- Dunn, M., Masri, A., Bilger, R., Barlow, R. (2010). Finite Rate Chemistry Effects in Highly Sheared Turbulent Premixed Flames. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 85(3-4), 621-648. [More Information]
- Barlow, R., Dunn, M., Sweeney, M., Hochgreb, S. (2010). Multiscalar Measurements on a Variable Swirl Burner Operating in Premixed and Stratified Modes. American Flame Research Committee 2010 Pacific Rim Combustion Symposium, Canada: Industrial Combustion.
- Dunn, M., Masri, A., Bilger, R., Barlow, R., Wang, G. (2009). Measurements of mixing patterns in turbulent piloted premixed jet flames issuing into a hot coflow. 6th US National Combustion Meeting 2009, USA: Curran Associates, Inc.
- Dunn, M., Masri, A., Bilger, R., Barlow, R., Wang, G. (2009). The compositional structure of highly turbulent piloted premixed flames issuing into a hot coflow. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32(II), 1779-1786. [More Information]
- Dunn, M., Barlow, R., Masri, A., Bilger, R. (2009). The Spatial Structure of Turbulent Premixed Flames Issuing in a Hot Coflow. Australian Combustion Symposium 2009, Australia: University of Queensland.
- Dunn, M., Masri, A., Bilger, R., Barlow, R., Wang, G. (2008). Measurement of Mixing Patterns in Turbulent Piloted Premixed Jet Flames Issuing into a Hot Coflow. Fifth Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion, Australia: University of Western Australia.
- Dunn, M., Masri, A., Bilger, R. (2007). A new piloted premixed jet burner to study strong finite-rate chemistry effects. Combustion and Flame, 151(1-2), 46-60. [More Information]
- Dunn, M., Gordon, R., Masri, A., Bilger, R. (2007). High resolution temperature and OH imaging in highly turbulent premixed flames. The Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2007), Nagoya, Japan: The Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion.
- Dunn, M., Masri, A., Bilger, R. (2007). Lifted Turbulent Premixed Flames Issuing Into a Hot Coflow, Imaging of Temperature and OH. 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC 2007, Australia: University of Queensland.
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- Dunn, M., Bilger, R., Masri, A. (2005). Experimental Characterisation of a Vitiated Coflow Piloted Premixed Burner. 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion ASPACC 2005, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia: School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Adelaide.
- Gordon, R., Dunn, M., Masri, A., Bilger, R. (2005). Joint Imaging of Rayleigh and LIF-OH at the Base of Lifted Flames Issuing in Vitiated Coflow. 4th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion, Adelaide, South Australia: University of Adelaide.
- Dunn, M., Masri, A., Bilger, R. (2005). Joint Quantitative Imaging of Rayleigh and OH LIF Using Saturated and Linear Fluorescence. 4th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion, Adelaide, South Australia: University of Adelaide.
Selected Grants
- Measurement of single- and multi-component liquid fragments (>200m) in hot air, Masri A, Kourmatzis A, Dunn M, Cleary M, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Pty Ltd (Japan)/Client Commissioned Research
- Combustion based on liquid atomization, Masri A, Kourmatzis A, Dunn M, Cleary M, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Pty Ltd (Japan)/Client Commissioned Research
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