Associate Professor Anne Honey
PhD, University of SydneyBApplSc (OT) Hons, University of SydneyBEc, Maquarie University
Senior Lecturer
Member of Sydney Southeast Asia Centre
Anne Honey is a registered occupational therapist with a professional background in mental health occupational therapy. She currently teaches into the multidisciplinary School of Health Sciences Honours program and the Disability and Participation major.
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Neurosciences and Mental Health
Project title | Research student |
Occupational Balance, Cystic Fibrosis and the Transition to Motherhood | Alena HAINES |
Inclusivity in health systems: co-creating intervention for responses to gender-based violence against women living with disabilities in Australia | Rekha KHATRI |
Mothering A Child With A Disability: The Lived Experience of Asian Migrant Mothers in Australia | Rachel YU |
Selected publications
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- Honey, A. (2008). Mental Illness and Employment: Negotiating a Balance. Germany: VDM Verlag Dr Muller.
- Halse, C., Honey, A., Boughtwood, D. (2007). Inside Anorexia The Experiences of Girls and their Families. United Kingdom: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Book Chapters
- Honey, A., Llewellyn, G. (2013). Communicating with Parents and Carers. In Kate Steinbeck, Michael Kohn (Eds.), A Clinical Handbook in Adolescent Medicine: A Guide for Health Professionals Who Work with Adolescents and Young Adults, (pp. 69-79). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. [More Information]
- Honey, A., Emerson, E., Llewellyn, G., Kariuki, M. (2010). Mental Health and Disability. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation, (pp. Not Available-Not Available). Online: Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information and Exchange (CIRRIE).
- Halse, C., Honey, A. (2010). Unraveling Ethics: Illuminating the Moral Dilemmas of Research Ethics. In Wendy Luttrell (Eds.), Qualitative Educational Research: Readings in Reflexive Methodology and Transformative Practice, (pp. 123-138). New York: Routledge.
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- Honey, A., Hancock, N., Barton, R., Berry, B., Gilroy, J., Glover, H., Hines, M., Waks, S., Wells, K. (2023). How do Mental Health Services Foster Hope? Experience of People Accessing Services. Community Mental Health Journal, 59(5), 894-903. [More Information]
- Haines, A., Mackenzie, L., Honey, A., Middleton, P. (2023). Occupations and balance during the transition to motherhood with a lifetime chronic illness: A scoping review examining cystic fibrosis, asthma, and Type-1 diabetes. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 70(6), 730-744. [More Information]
- Honey, A., Hines, M., Barton, R., Berry, B., Gilroy, J., Glover, H., Hancock, N., Waks, S., Wells, K. (2023). Preferences for telehealth: A qualitative study with people accessing a new mental health service. Digital Health, 9. [More Information]
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- Lim, J., Honey, A., Du Toit, S., Chen, Y., Mackenzie, L. (2015). "I have no choice but to change, to be someone else". Occupational Therapy Australia, 26th National Conference and Exhibition, Australia: Australian Occupational Therapy Journal.
- Bundy, A., Beetham, K., Villeneuve, M., Ragen, J., Honey, A. (2015). Test re-test reliability of a Coping Inventory in children with developmental disability. 6th Asia Pacific Occupation Therapy Congress.
- Bundy, A., Ragen, J., Beetham, K., Wyver, S., Honey, A., Tranter, P., Naughton, G., Norman, R. (2015). What happens on the playground? Occupational Therapy Australia's 26th National Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia: Occupational Therapy Australia.
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- Llewellyn, G., Emerson, E., Madden, R., Honey, A. (2012). The well-being of children with disabilities in the Asia Pacific region: An analysis of UNICEF MICS3 survey data from Bangladesh, Lao PDR, Mongolia, and Thailand.
- Llewellyn, G., Emerson, E., Honey, A., Kariuki, M. (2011). Left behind: Monitoring the social inclusion of young Australians with self-reported long term health conditions, impairments or disabilities 2001-2009.
- Llewellyn, G., Leonard, H., Emerson, E., Madden, R., Mason, J., Bundy, A., Honey, A., Hindmarsh, G., et al (2009). Indicators of health and well-being for children and young people with disabilities: Mapping the terrain and proposing a human rights approach.
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Reference Works
- Honey, A., Emerson, E., Llewellyn, G., Kariuki, M. (2010). Mental health and disability. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation. State University of New York Press.
- Llewellyn, G., McConnell, D., Honey, A., Mayes, R., Russo, D. (2003), Healthy and safe: An Australian Parent Education Kit.
Research Reports
- Fraser, V., Madden, R., Honey, A., Llewellyn, G., Emerson, E. (2010). Indicators of Health and Well-being for Children and Young People with Disabilities: Mapping the Terrain and Proposing a Human Rights Approach, (pp. 3 - 46). Canberra, ACT, Australia: ARACY.
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- Honey, A., Hancock, N., Barton, R., Berry, B., Gilroy, J., Glover, H., Hines, M., Waks, S., Wells, K. (2023). How do Mental Health Services Foster Hope? Experience of People Accessing Services. Community Mental Health Journal, 59(5), 894-903. [More Information]
- Haines, A., Mackenzie, L., Honey, A., Middleton, P. (2023). Occupations and balance during the transition to motherhood with a lifetime chronic illness: A scoping review examining cystic fibrosis, asthma, and Type-1 diabetes. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 70(6), 730-744. [More Information]
- Honey, A., Hines, M., Barton, R., Berry, B., Gilroy, J., Glover, H., Hancock, N., Waks, S., Wells, K. (2023). Preferences for telehealth: A qualitative study with people accessing a new mental health service. Digital Health, 9. [More Information]
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- Ip, I., Honey, A., McGrath, M. (2022). 'Doing' dating: A cross-sectional survey of young adults (18-35 years) in Australia and Hong Kong. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 69(3), 233-242. [More Information]
- Ip, I., Honey, A., McGrath, M. (2022). Attitudes Toward Dating People with Disability Amongst Young People in Australia and Hong Kong. Sexuality and Disability, 40(2), 233-244. [More Information]
- Nguyen, J., Honey, A., Arblaster, K., Heard, R. (2022). Housing-related delayed discharge from inpatient mental health units: Magnitude and contributors in a metropolitan mental health service. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 57(1), 144-163. [More Information]
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- Honey, A., Waks, S., Hines, M., Glover, H., Hancock, N., Hamilton, D., Smith-Merry, J. (2021). COVID-19 and Psychosocial Support Services: Experiences of People Living with Enduring Mental Health Conditions. Community Mental Health Journal, 57(7), 1255-1266. [More Information]
- Honey, A., Miceli, M., Mayes, R. (2021). Living with mental illness and child removal. Advances in Mental Health, 19(2), 164-175. [More Information]
- Boydell, K., Honey, A., Glover, H., Gill, K., Tooth, B., Coniglio, F., Hines, M., Dunn, L., Scanlan, J. (2021). Making lived-experience research accessible: A design thinking approach to co-creating knowledge translation resources based on evidence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(17), 9250. [More Information]
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- Yeung, W., Hancock, N., Honey, A., Wells, K., Scanlan, J. (2020). Igniting and Maintaining Hope: The Voices of People Living with Mental Illness. Community Mental Health Journal, 56(6), 1044-1052. [More Information]
- Honey, A., Boydell, K., Coniglio, F., Do, T., Dunn, L., Gill, K., Glover, H., Hines, M., Scanlan, J., Tooth, B. (2020). Lived experience research as a resource for recovery: A mixed methods study. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1), 456. [More Information]
- Mizzi, A., Honey, A., Scanlan, J., Hancock, N. (2020). Parent strategies to support young people experiencing mental health problems in Australia: What is most helpful? Health and Social Care in the Community, 28(6), 2299-2311. [More Information]
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- Wonders, L., Honey, A., Hancock, N. (2019). Family Inclusion in Mental Health Service Planning and Delivery: Consumers' Perspectives. Community Mental Health Journal, 55(2), 318-330. [More Information]
- Goh, N., Hancock, N., Honey, A., Scanlan, J. (2019). Thriving in an expanding service landscape: Experiences of occupational therapists working in generic mental health roles within non-government organisations in Australia. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 66(6), 753-762. [More Information]
- Kaine, N., Stancliffe, R., Chapparo, C., Honey, A. (2019). Time Is of the Essence: An Australian Perspective on Transition Preparations for Students with Visual Impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 113(6), 569-572. [More Information]
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- Schweizer, R., Honey, A., Hancock, N., Berry, B., Waks, S., Scanlan, J. (2018). Consumer-provider relationships in a care coordination model of service: consumer perspectives. Advances in Mental Health, 16(1), 88-100. [More Information]
- Du Toit, S., Honey, A. (2018). Inter-professional education - Building respect and cooperation between future health-care colleagues. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 65(6), 606-607. [More Information]
- Honey, A., Mayes, R., Miceli, M. (2018). Mothering after child removal: Living under the rule of Greek gods. Child and Family Social Work, 23(3), 417-426. [More Information]
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- Honey, A., Nugent, A., Hancock, N., Scanlan, J. (2017). "It's hard work, believe me!": Active efforts to optimise housing by people who live with mental illness and access housing assistance. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 52(4), 347-366. [More Information]
- Awram, R., Hancock, N., Honey, A. (2017). Balancing mothering and mental health recovery: The voices of mothers living with mental illness. Advances in Mental Health, 15(2), 147-160. [More Information]
- Nugent, A., Hancock, N., Honey, A. (2017). Developing and sustaining recovery-orientation in mental health practice: Experiences of occupational therapists. Occupational Therapy International, 2017, 1-9. [More Information]
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- Badger, S., MacLeod, R., Honey, A. (2016). "It's not about treatment, it's how to improve your life": The lived experience of occupational therapy in palliative care. Palliative and Supportive Care, 14(3), 225-231. [More Information]
- Lim, J., Honey, A., Du Toit, S., Chen, Y., Mackenzie, L. (2016). Experiences of international students from Asian backgrounds studying occupational therapy in Australia. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 63(5), 303-311. [More Information]
- West, C., Honey, A. (2016). The Involvement of Fathers in Supporting a Young Person Living with Mental Illness. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(2), 574-587. [More Information]
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- Lim, J., Honey, A., Du Toit, S., Chen, Y., Mackenzie, L. (2015). "I have no choice but to change, to be someone else". Occupational Therapy Australia, 26th National Conference and Exhibition, Australia: Australian Occupational Therapy Journal.
- Honey, A., Coniglio, F., Hancock, N. (2015). Conceptualising wellbeing for young people living with mental illness. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 22(6), 278-287. [More Information]
- Honey, A., Coniglio, F., Hancock, N. (2015). Conceptualising wellbeing for young people living with mental illness. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 22(6), 272-276.
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- Emerson, E., Kariuki, M., Honey, A., Llewellyn, G. (2014). Becoming disabled: The association between disability onset in younger adults and subsequent changes in productive engagement, social support, financial hardship and subjective wellbeing. Disability and Health Journal, 7(4), 448-456. [More Information]
- Coniglio, F., Honey, A., Mackenzie, L. (2014). Dual diagnosis recovery: integrating multiple processes of recovery into service provision. III International Congress Dual Disorders Addictions and other Mental Disorders.
- Honey, A., Kariuki, M., Emerson, E., Llewellyn, G. (2014). Employment status transitions among young adults, with and without disability. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 49(2), 151-170. [More Information]
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- Mitchell, L., Coniglio, F., Honey, A. (2013). "A family isn't just made up of parents and the person with mental illness .. There is a sibling there too". 14th International Mental Health Conference.
- Honey, A., Llewellyn, G. (2013). Communicating with Parents and Carers. In Kate Steinbeck, Michael Kohn (Eds.), A Clinical Handbook in Adolescent Medicine: A Guide for Health Professionals Who Work with Adolescents and Young Adults, (pp. 69-79). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. [More Information]
- Hancock, N., Bundy, A., Honey, A., Helich, S., Tamsett, S. (2013). Measuring the Later Stages of the Recovery Journey: Insights gained from Clubhouse Members. Community Mental Health Journal, 49(3), 323-330. [More Information]
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- Coniglio, F., Honey, A., Hancock, N., Llewellyn, G. (2012). Indicators of well-being and the voice of young people living with mental illness: how do they compare? TheMHS 2012 Recovering Citizenship, Brookvale: Acorn Press.
- Coniglio, F., Honey, A., Hancock, N., LLewellyn, G. (2012). Indicators of well-being and the voices of young people living with mental illness: How do they compare? 22nd Annual TheMHS Conference, Sydney: The Mental Health Services Conference Inc. of Australia and New Zealand.
- Emerson, E., Llewellyn, G., Honey, A., Kariuki, M. (2012). Lower well-being of young Australian adults with self-reported disability reflects their poorer living conditions rather than health issues. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 36(2), 176-182. [More Information]
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- Hancock, N., Bundy, A., Honey, A., James, G., Tamsett, S. (2011). Improving measurement properties of the Recovery Assessment Scale with Rasch analysis. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(6), e77-e85. [More Information]
- Llewellyn, G., Emerson, E., Honey, A., Kariuki, M. (2011). Left behind: Monitoring the social inclusion of young Australians with self-reported long term health conditions, impairments or disabilities 2001-2009.
- Kariuki, M., Honey, A., Emerson, E., Llewellyn, G. (2011). Mental health trajectories of young people after disability onset. Disability and Health Journal, 4(2), 91-101. [More Information]
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- Fraser, V., Madden, R., Honey, A., Llewellyn, G., Emerson, E. (2010). Indicators of Health and Well-being for Children and Young People with Disabilities: Mapping the Terrain and Proposing a Human Rights Approach, (pp. 3 - 46). Canberra, ACT, Australia: ARACY.
- Honey, A. (2010). Issues for adolescents and young adults with chronic illness or disability. N.S.W. Genetic Counselors Meeting, Sydney: NSW Health Department.
- Honey, A., Emerson, E., Llewellyn, G., Kariuki, M. (2010). Mental health and disability. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation. State University of New York Press.
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- Honey, A., Llewellyn, G., Schneider, J., Wedgwood, N. (2009). Approaching adulthood with a chronic health condition: Professional's and young people's perspectives. In Bennet, D; Towns, S; Elliot, E; Merrick, J. (Eds.), Challenges in Adolescent Health: An Australian Perspective, (pp. 177-188). United States: Nova Science Publishers.
- Llewellyn, G., Leonard, H., Emerson, E., Madden, R., Mason, J., Bundy, A., Honey, A., Hindmarsh, G., et al (2009). Indicators of health and well-being for children and young people with disabilities: Mapping the terrain and proposing a human rights approach.
- Emerson, E., Honey, A., Madden, R., Llewellyn, G. (2009). The Relative Well-Being of Young Australian Adults with Self-Reported Disabilities: 2001 and 2006. Disability Studies and Research Centre Conference, Sydney: Center on Disability Studies.
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- Honey, A. (2008). Mental Illness and Employment: Negotiating a Balance. Germany: VDM Verlag Dr Muller.
- Honey, A., Boughtwood, D., Clarke, S., Halse, C., Kohn, M., Madden, S. (2008). Support for Parents of Children with Anorexia: What Parents Want. Eating Disorders: the journal of treatment and prevention, 16(1), 40-51. [More Information]
- Wedgwood, N., Llewellyn, G., Honey, A., Schneider, J. (2008). The transition of adolescents with chronic health conditions from paediatric to adult services.
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- Honey, A., McConnell, D. (2007). Healthy Start for Me and My Baby: Preliminary findings report.
- Halse, C., Honey, A., Boughtwood, D. (2007). Inside Anorexia The Experiences of Girls and their Families. United Kingdom: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Halse, C., Honey, A. (2007). Rethinking Ethics Review as Institutional Discourse. Qualitative Inquiry, 13(3), 336-352. [More Information]
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- Honey, A., Halse, C. (2006). Looking after well siblings of adolescent girls with anorexia: an important parental role. Child: Care, Health and Development, 33(1), 52-58. [More Information]
- Honey, A., Clarke, S., Halse, C., Kohn, M., Madden, S. (2006). The Influence of Siblings on the Experience of Anorexia Nervosa for Adolescent Girls. European Eating Disorders Review, 14(5), 315-322. [More Information]
- Honey, A., Halse, C. (2006). The Specifics of Coping: Parents of Daughters With Anorexia Nervosa. Qualitative Health Research, 16(5), 611-629. [More Information]
- Halse, C., Boughtwood, D., Clarke, S., Honey, A., Kohn, M., Madden, S. (2005). Illuminating Multiple Perspectives: Meanings of Nasogastric Feeding in Anorexia Nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review, 13(4), 264-272. [More Information]
- Honey, A., Halse, C. (2005). Parents dealing with anorexia: Actions and meanings. Eating Disorders: the journal of treatment and prevention, 13(4), 353-367. [More Information]
- Halse, C., Boughtwood, D., Clarke, S., Honey, A., Kohn, M., Madden, S. (2005). The illusion of food: Multiple meanings of nasogastric tube feeding in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. 7th International Conference on Eating Disorder, London: Academy for Eating Disorders.
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- Honey, A. (2004). Benefits And Drawbacks Of Employment: Perspectives Of People With Mental Illness. Qualitative Health Research, 14(3), 381-395. [More Information]
- Honey, A., Clarke, S., Halse, C., Kohn, M., Madden, S. (2004). Coping with anorexia: What strategies do parents use? Children's Health Education Research Institute Conference, Sydney: Westmead Hospital.
- Honey, A., Clarke, S., Halse, C., Kohn, M., Madden, S. (2004). Coping with anorexia: What strategies do parents use? Australian and New Zealand Academy of Eating Disorders Conference, Melbourne: Australian and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders.
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- Halse, C., Honey, A., Boughtwood, D. (2003). Deafening noise: Schools and anorexia nervosa. AARE- NZARE 2003 International Education Research Conference, Auckland: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE).
- McConnell, D., Llewellyn, G., Mayes, R., Russo, D., Honey, A. (2003). Development profiles of children born to mothers with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 28(2), 122-134. [More Information]
- Llewellyn, G., McConnell, D., Honey, A., Mayes, R., Russo, D. (2003), Healthy and safe: An Australian Parent Education Kit.
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- Llewellyn, G., McConnell, D., Russo, D., Mayes, R., Honey, A. (2002). Home based programs for parents with learning difficulties: Lessons from practice. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 15(4), 341-353.
- Llewellyn, G., McConnell, D., Russo, D., Mayes, R., Honey, A. (2002). Home-based Programmes for Parents with Intellectual Disabilities: Lessons from Practice. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 15(4), 341-353. [More Information]
- Honey, A. (2001). "Got to be bold but got to be careful": Negotiating an appropriate vocational place. 2nd Vocational Mental Health Services Conference, Sydney: Vocational Mental Health Services.
- Llewellyn, G., McConnell, D., Honey, A. (2001). Healthy and safe: NSW Parent-Child Health and Wellbeing Research and Development Project.
- Mayes, R., McConnell, D., Llewellyn, G., Russo, D., Honey, A. (2000). Assessing the health status of parents with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 44(3-4), 383-383.
- Honey, A., McConnell, D., Llewellyn, G. (2000). Keeping children safe and well. 7th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Sydney: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
- Honey, A. (2000). Psychiatric vocational rehabilitation: Where are the customers' views? Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 23(3), 270-279. [More Information]
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- Honey, A. (1999). Empowerment versus power: Consumer participation in mental health services. Occupational Therapy International, 6(4), 257-276. [More Information]
- Russo, D., Mayes, R., Honey, A., Llewellyn, G., McConnell, D. (1999). Experiences of service providers: Issues encountered when educating parents with special needs within the home environment. 35th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability, Sydney: Australian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability.
- Mayes, R., Russo, D., Honey, A., Llewellyn, G., McConnell, D. (1999). Measuring the health status of people with special learning needs: How do we ask the questions and what are the answers? 35th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability, Sydney: Australian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability.
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- Honey, A., Mayes, R. (1998). The NSW Parent-Child Health and Wellbeing Project. Australian Early Intervention Association Conference, Sydney: Australian Early Intervention Conference.
- Honey, A., Mayes, R. (1998). The NSW Parent-Child Health and Wellbeing Project. Inaugural College of Health Sciences and Medical Research Foundation Conference 1998, Leura: College of Health Sciences and Medical Research Foundation.
- Honey, A. (1996). Consumer participation and shifting power relationships. NSW Association of Occupational Therapists' 9th Annual Conference, Ballina, Victoria: NSW Association of Occupational Therapists.
Selected Grants
- Lets talk about voices: Resource evaluation, Honey A, Faculty of Medicine and Health/Moyira Elizabeth Vine Fund for Research into Schizophrenia Program
- DRIV-R: A co-designed personalised App to navigate and accelerate my mental health recovery, Hancock N, Ahmadpour N, Smith L, Honey A, Scanlan J, Orr M, Rose G, Glover H, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/2021 MRFF Consumer-Led Research
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