Professor Lee-Fay Low
I believe that every person irrespective of age or cognitive status should be supported to live as high quality a life as possible. My main areas of research are in dementia and ageing, home and residential aged care particularly practice and culture change, rehabilitation for dementia, dementia literacy and stigma, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. I am particularly interested in developing and evaluating interventions and knowledge implementation strategies to improve the life experience of older people. I have expertise in epidemiology, systematic reviews, clustered randomised trials and translation of research into practice.
- Dementia
- Cognitive ageing
- Residential aged care
- Community care
- Culture change
- Non-pharmacological interventions
- Older people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds
- Dementia Together - integrating dementia services in Australia. We're developing and promoting Australian shared care dementia service pathways.
- Forward with Dementia - we're producing resources (website and online toolkit) to support post-diagnostic care for people with dementia in 5 countries, and campaigning to improve post-diagnostic support
- ADNeT Memory Clinics - we're producing memory clinic guidelines and learning how to improve the post-diagnostic supports provided by Australian memory clnics
Project title | Research student |
Using digital health to improve medication outcomes in dementia | Harry LE |
Selected publications
- Swaffer, K., Low, L. (2016). Diagnosed with Alzheimer's or another dementia. Chatswood, Australia: New Holland Publishers (Australia) Pty Ltd.
- Low, L. (2014). Live and Laugh with Dementia the Essential Guide to Maximising Quality of Life. Australia: Exisle Publishing (Australia).
Edited Books
- Low, L., Laver, K. (2021). Dementia Rehabilitation: Evidence-Based Interventions and Clinical Recommendations. TBC. [More Information]
- Lu, J., Shan, Y., Ji, C., Low, L., Kim, S., Barcenilla-Wong, A., Shen, F., Chu, W. (2024). Development of a method and an assessment construct for person-centered translation of dementia public stigma scales. Frontiers in Public Health, 11(1233400). [More Information]
- Yates, M., Daly, S., Long, M., Pond, D., Brodaty, H., Gibson, C., Low, L. (2024). Mild cognitive impairment and dementia Detection and diagnosis. Medicine Today, 25(5), 20-24.
- Hevink, M., Luke, A., Vedel, I., McAiney, C., Szczesniak, D., Błaszkiewicz, M., Rymaszewska, J., Verhey, F., Wolfs, C., Linden, I., Low, L., Jeon, Y., et al (2024). Moving forward with dementia: an explorative cross-country qualitative study into post-diagnostic experiences. Aging & Mental Health. [More Information]
- Jeon, Y., Krein, L., Simpson, J., Clemson, L., Naismith, S., Szanton, S., Low, L., Mowszowski, L., Gonski, P., Norman, R., et al (2018). Optimising Independence of Older Persons with Cognitive and Functional Decline - Interdisciplinary Home-Based Reablement Program (I-HARP): A Parallel-Group Pilot RCT. Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2018, USA: Elsevier - Health Sciences Division. [More Information]
- Clemson, L., O'Connor, C., Brodaty, H., Jeon, Y., Mioshi, E., Low, L., Gitlin, L. (2017). Introducing TAP to the Australian health context: a pilot study. 21st International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress, Washington, DC, USA: The Gerontological Society of America (GSA). [More Information]
- Jeon, Y., Clemson, L., Naismith, S., Szanton, S., Simpson, J., Low, L., Mowszowski, L., Gonski, P., Norman, R., Krein, L., et al (2017). Optimising Independence of Older Persons with Cognitive and Functional Decline - Interdisciplinary Home-Based Reablement Program (I-HARP). Alzheimers Association International Conference, London, UK. [More Information]
- Hausknecht, S., Clemson, L., O'Loughlin, K., McNab, J., Low, L. (2020). Reframing Ageing in Australia. [More Information]
Research Reports
- Low, L., Camit, M., Todaro, P., Harrison, F., Gollan, C., Shen, S., Langley, L. (2012). An Untapped Resource: Older CALD Volunteers - Understanding barriers and motivations to volunteering in NSW, Final Report 2012, (pp. ii - 54). Sydney, Australia: University of New South Wales.
- Cheng, A., Cruysmans, B., Draper, B., Hayward-Wright, N., Jeon, Y., LoGiudice, D., Low, L., Wu, H., Zogalis, G. (2009). Strategic Directions in CALD Dementia Research in Australia, March 2009, (pp. 2 - 34). Sydney, Australia: UNSW.
- Lu, J., Shan, Y., Ji, C., Low, L., Kim, S., Barcenilla-Wong, A., Shen, F., Chu, W. (2024). Development of a method and an assessment construct for person-centered translation of dementia public stigma scales. Frontiers in Public Health, 11(1233400). [More Information]
- Yates, M., Daly, S., Long, M., Pond, D., Brodaty, H., Gibson, C., Low, L. (2024). Mild cognitive impairment and dementia Detection and diagnosis. Medicine Today, 25(5), 20-24.
- Hevink, M., Luke, A., Vedel, I., McAiney, C., Szczesniak, D., Błaszkiewicz, M., Rymaszewska, J., Verhey, F., Wolfs, C., Linden, I., Low, L., Jeon, Y., et al (2024). Moving forward with dementia: an explorative cross-country qualitative study into post-diagnostic experiences. Aging & Mental Health. [More Information]
- Monro, C., Mackenzie, L., Du Toit, S., O’Loughlin, K., Low, L. (2023). A Preliminary Exploration of the Impact of Aged Care Reforms on the Governance of Two Australian Residential Care Facilities. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 9, 1-10. [More Information]
- Bennett, S., Travers, C., Liddle, J., O'Connor, C., Low, L., Laver, K., Clemson, L., O'reilly, M., Beattie, E., Smith, S., et al (2023). Barriers and enablers to the delivery and implementation of the tailored activity programme in Australia: Perspectives of occupational therapists and their managers. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 70(2), 218-232. [More Information]
- Hausknecht, S., Clemson, L., O'Loughlin, K., McNab, J., Low, L. (2023). Co-designing alternative frames of ageing and experiences of challenging ageism in Australia. Educational Gerontology, 49(1), 48-59. [More Information]
- Naismith, S., Michaelian, J., Low, L., Arsenova, V., Mehrani, I., Fyfe, K., Kochan, N., Kurrle, S., Rowe, C., Sachdev, P. (2022). Characterising Australian memory clinics: current practice and service needs informing national service guidelines. BMC Geriatrics, 22(1). [More Information]
- de la Perrelle, L., Klinge, N., Windsor, T., Low, L., Laver, K., Cations, M. (2022). Characterising trauma-informed aged care: An appreciative inquiry approach. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 37(9). [More Information]
- Goh, A., Doyle, C., Gaffy, E., Batchelor, F., Polacsek, M., Savvas, S., Malta, S., Ames, D., Winbolt, M., Panayiotou, A., Low, L., et al (2022). Co-designing a dementia-specific education and training program for home care workers: The 'Promoting Independence Through Quality Dementia Care at Home' project. Dementia, 21(3), 899-917. [More Information]
- Zhang, W., Low, L., Gwynn, J., Beveridge, A., Harper, E., Mills, N., Clemson, L. (2021). A Safe Mobilisation Program to Improve Functional Mobility and Reduce Fall Risks in Cognitively Impaired Older Adults with Higher Level Gait Disorders: A Pilot Study. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 50(4), 364-371. [More Information]
- Low, L., Laver, K. (2021). Dementia Rehabilitation: Evidence-Based Interventions and Clinical Recommendations. TBC. [More Information]
- Gresham, M., Low, L., Phillipson, L., Jeon, Y., Swaffer, K., Brodaty, H. (2021). Facing the void: The experience of Australian care partners and people living with dementia following diagnosis. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 17, e056629. [More Information]
- Bennett, S., Travers, C., Liddle, J., Smith, S., Clemson, L., O'reilly, M., Allen, M., Laver, K., Beattie, E., Low, L., et al (2020). Acceptability and willingness to participate in the Tailored Activity Program: perceptions of people living with dementia, their care partners and health professionals. Brain Impairment, 21(3), 259-273. [More Information]
- Cations, M., Withall, A., Low, L., Radford, K., Trollor, J., Brodaty, H., Sachdev, P., Gonski, P., Broe, G., Cumming, R., et al (2020). Clustering and Additive Effects of Nongenetic Risk Factors in Non-Autosomal-Dominant Degenerative and Vascular Young Onset Dementia. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 34(2), 128-134. [More Information]
- Jeon, Y., Krein, L., Simpson, J., Szanton, S., Clemson, L., Naismith, S., Low, L., Mowszowski, L., Gonski, P., Norman, R., et al (2020). Feasibility and potential effects of interdisciplinary home-based reablement program (I-HARP) for people with cognitive and functional decline: a pilot trial. Aging & Mental Health, 24(11), 1916-1925. [More Information]
- Zhang, W., Low, L., Schwenk, M., Mills, N., Gwynn, J., Clemson, L. (2019). A model of gait and falls in older adults with dementia. Age and Ageing, 48(Supp 4), iv9-iv12. [More Information]
- Jeon, Y., Simpson, J., Low, L., Woods, R., Norman, R., Mowszowski, L., Clemson, L., Naismith, S., Brodaty, H., Hilmer, S., et al (2019). A pragmatic randomised controlled trial (RCT) and realist evaluation of the interdisciplinary home-bAsed Reablement program (I-HARP) for improving functional independence of community dwelling older people with dementia: an effectiveness-implementation hybrid design. BMC Geriatrics, 19(1), 1-14. [More Information]
- Reeve, E., Low, L., Hilmer, S. (2019). Attitudes of Older Adults and Caregivers in Australia toward Deprescribing. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 67(6), 1204-1210. [More Information]
- Challen, R., Low, L., McEntee, M. (2018). Dementia patient care in the diagnostic medical imaging department. Radiography, 24, S33-S42. [More Information]
- Reeve, E., Anthony, A., Kouladjian-O'Donnell, L., Low, L., Ogle, S., Glendenning, J., Lorang, C., Hilmer, S. (2018). Development and pilot testing of the revised Patients’ Attitudes Towards Deprescribing questionnaire for people with cognitive impairment. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 37(4), E150-E154. [More Information]
- Low, L., Swaffer, K., McGrath, M., Brodaty, H. (2018). Do people with early stage dementia experience Prescribed Disengagement? A systematic review of qualitative studies. International Psychogeriatrics, 30(6), 807-831. [More Information]
- Jessop, T., Harrison, F., Cations, M., Draper, B., Chenoweth, L., Hilmer, S., Westbury, J., Low, L., Heffernan, M., Sachdev, P., et al (2017). Halting Antipsychotic Use in Long-Term care (HALT): a single-arm longitudinal study aiming to reduce inappropriate antipsychotic use in long-term care residents with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 29(8), 1391-1403. [More Information]
- Clemson, L., O'Connor, C., Brodaty, H., Jeon, Y., Mioshi, E., Low, L., Gitlin, L. (2017). Introducing TAP to the Australian health context: a pilot study. 21st International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress, Washington, DC, USA: The Gerontological Society of America (GSA). [More Information]
- Jeon, Y., Clemson, L., Naismith, S., Szanton, S., Simpson, J., Low, L., Mowszowski, L., Gonski, P., Norman, R., Krein, L., et al (2017). Optimising Independence of Older Persons with Cognitive and Functional Decline - Interdisciplinary Home-Based Reablement Program (I-HARP). Alzheimers Association International Conference, London, UK. [More Information]
- Reeve, E., Low, L., Hilmer, S. (2016). Beliefs and attitudes of older adults and carers about deprescribing of medications: a qualitative focus group study. British Journal of General Practice, 66(649), e552-e560. [More Information]
- Jeon, Y., Liu, Z., Li, Z., Low, L., Chenoweth, L., O'Connor, D., Beattie, E., Davison, T., Brodaty, H. (2016). Development and validation of a short version of the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia for screening residents in nursing homes. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24(11), 1007-1016. [More Information]
- Reeve, E., Low, L., Shakib, S., Hilmer, S. (2016). Development and Validation of the Revised Patients' Attitudes Towards Deprescribing (rPATD) Questionnaire: Versions for Older Adults and Caregivers. Drugs and Aging, 33(12), 913-928. [More Information]
- Low, L., Fletcher, J., Goodenough, B., Jeon, Y., Etherton-Beer, C., MacAndrew, M., Beattie, E. (2015). A Systematic Review of Interventions to Change Staff Care Practices in Order to Improve Resident Outcomes in Nursing Homes. PloS One, 10(11), 1-60. [More Information]
- Low, L., Fletcher, J., Gresham, M., Brodaty, H. (2015). Community care for the Elderly: Needs and Service Use Study (CENSUS): Who receives home care packages and what are the outcomes? Australasian Journal on Ageing, 34(3), E1-E8. [More Information]
- Jeon, Y., Liu, Z., Li, Z., Low, L., Chenoweth, L., O'Connor, D., Beattie, E., Davison, T., Brodaty, H. (2015). Development and validation of the four item Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD-4) for screening depression in nursing homes. International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) 17th International Congress, Berlin. [More Information]
- Jeon, Y., Govett, J., Low, L., Chenoweth, L., Fethney, J., Brodaty, H., O'Connor, D. (2014). Assessment of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in the era of the aged care funding instrument. Internet Journal of Psychiatry, 3(1), 1-9.
- Caldwell, L., Low, L., Brodaty, H. (2014). Caregivers' experience of the decision-making process for placing a person with dementia into a nursing home: comparing caregivers from Chinese ethnic minority with those from English-speaking backgrounds. International Psychogeriatrics, 26(3), 413-424. [More Information]
- Casey, A., Low, L., Goodenough, B., Fletcher, J., Brodaty, H. (2014). Computer-assisted direct observation of behavioral agitation, engagement, and affect in long-term care residents. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA), 15(7), 514-520. [More Information]
- Jeon, Y., Low, L., Chenoweth, L., O'Connor, D., Beattie, E., Brodaty, H. (2013). Best practice in assessing depression in nursing homes. IPA 2013 16th International Congress, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB 2 8 RU , UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Jeon, Y., Govett, J., Low, L., Chenoweth, L., McNeill, G., Hoolahan, A., Brodaty, H., O'Connor, D. (2013). Care planning practices for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in residential aged care: A pilot of an education toolkit informed by the Aged Care Funding Instrument. Contemporary Nurse, 44(2), 156-169. [More Information]
- Low, L., White, F., Jeon, Y., Gresham, M., Brodaty, H. (2013). Desired characteristics and outcomes of community care services for persons with dementia: What is important according to clients, service providers and policy? Australasian Journal on Ageing, 32(2), 91-96. [More Information]
- Low, L., Camit, M., Todaro, P., Harrison, F., Gollan, C., Shen, S., Langley, L. (2012). An Untapped Resource: Older CALD Volunteers - Understanding barriers and motivations to volunteering in NSW, Final Report 2012, (pp. ii - 54). Sydney, Australia: University of New South Wales.
- Low, L., Chilko, N., Gresham, M., Barter, S., Brodaty, H. (2012). An update on the pilot trial of consumer-directed care for older persons in Australia. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 31(1), 47-51. [More Information]
- Low, L., Harrison, F., Kochan, N., Draper, B., Slavin, M., Reppermund, S., Sachdev, P., Brodaty, H. (2012). Can mild cognitive impairment be accurately diagnosed in English speakers from linguistic minorities? results from the sydney memory and ageing study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20(10), 866-877. [More Information]
- Low, L., Yap, M., Brodaty, H. (2011). A systematic review of different models of home and community care services for older persons. BMC Health Services Research, 11, 1-15. [More Information]
- Low, L., Anstey, K., Lackersteen, S., Camit, M. (2011). Help-seeking and service use for dementia in Italian, Greek and Chinese Australians. Aging and Mental Health, 15(33), 397-404. [More Information]
- Vickland, V., McDonnell, G., Werner, J., Draper, B., Low, L., Brodaty, H. (2011). In silico modeling systems: Learning about the prevalence and dynamics of dementia through virtual experimentation. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 7(4), e77-e83. [More Information]
- Vickland, V., McDonnell, G., Werner, J., Draper, B., Low, L., Brodaty, H. (2010). A computer model of dementia prevalence in Australia: foreseeing outcomes of delaying dementia onset, slowing disease progression, and eradicating dementia types. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 29(2), 123-130. [More Information]
- Goh, I., Low, L., Brodaty, H. (2010). Levels and rates of depression among Chinese people living in Chinese ethno-specific and mainstream residential care in Sydney. International Psychogeriatrics, 22(2), 237-245. [More Information]
- Draper, B., Low, L. (2010). Psychiatric services for the "old" old. International Psychogeriatrics, 22(4), 582-588. [More Information]
- Wu, H., Low, L., Xiao, S., Brodaty, H. (2009). A pilot study of differences in behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in nursing home residents in Sydney and Shanghai. International Psychogeriatrics, 21(3), 476-484. [More Information]
- Low, L., Anstey, K. (2009). Authors' response to: Commentary on Low and Anstey: Cross-cultural findings and insights. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 5(3), 282-282. [More Information]
- Low, L., Anstey, K. (2009). Dementia literacy: Recognition and beliefs on dementia of the Australian public. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 5(1), 43-49. [More Information]
- Low, L., Brodaty, H. (2008). Access and limitations of community services for older persons: A guide for the GP. Australian Family Physician, 37(6), 431-436.
- Anstey, K., Lipnicki, D., Low, L. (2008). Cholesterol as a risk factor for dementia and cognitive decline: A systematic review of prospective studies with meta-analysis. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 16(5), 343-354. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- A community based participatory approach to decreasing dementia stigma and increasing help-seeking, Low L, Phillipson L, Ji C, Brodaty H, Jeon Y, Naismith S, Naganathan V, Gresham M, Taibi M, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Targeted Call for Research: Cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity in dementia research 2022
- Rewarding Research 2024, Low L, Faculty of Medicine and Health/FMH Rewarding Research Success
- A new tool to optimise the early and accurate diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia, Irish M, Foxe D, Jeon Y, Velakoulis D, Robinson G, Whitton A, Kumfor F, Low L, Piguet O, Ahmed R, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission - 2022 Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Grant
- Nurse-Led Improvements to the Quality and Safety of Residential Aged Care - Project HIRAID-AgedCare, Shaban R, Curtis K, Fry M, McCormack B, Parker D, Murgo M, Lam M, Low L, Jeon Y, Lindley R, Waters D, Watson K, Dunsmore M, Fry M, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/MRFF CRI 2022 Clinician Researchers: Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health
- Sydney Dementia Network, Low L, Brain and Mind Centre/BMC Strategic Program Support
- Testing the role of sleep for memory consolidation in large community samples: the translation, implementation, and validation of a sleep-dependent memory task into a mobile application for use in China., Lam A, Wang S, D'Rozario A, Geng X, Naismith S, Kong D, Low L, Zhang L, Office of Global Engagement/USyd-Fudan BISA Accelerator Research Program
- Evaluation of primary care and help-seeking promotion programs to increase dementia diagnosis and early treatment, Low L, Phillipson L, Laranjo L, Yates M, Laver K, Tan E, Cations M, Comans T, Brodaty H, Gresham M, Pond D, Department of Health and Aged Care (Federal - administered by NHMRC)/2021 MRFF Dementia Ageing and Aged Care Mission
In the media