People develop and achieve with the right combination of challenge and support. If you’re struggling, then don’t feel like you have to face the challenges of university life alone.
Make an appointment to speak to one of the Counsellors at Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS). The service is free for currently enrolled students, confidential (and in no way linked to your academic record), and located just across the footbridge over City Rd.
Our counsellors specialise in helping students build skills in order to manage the challenges that come with being a student (and a human)! Some things a CAPS counsellor will be able to help you with are managing worry, self-criticism and unrelenting high standards, low mood, relationships difficulties, strategies to help with ‘overthinking’, negative feeling, substance abuse, exam anxiety, procrastination, transitioning to university, loss and grief, and managing strong emotions.
- CAPS offers 50 minute face-to-face appointments between 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
- To book an appointment call Reception on (02) 8627 8433 or 8627 8437 or drop by their office on Level 5 of the Jane Foss Russell Building. You can locate the building on this map.
- At an initial appointment you and your counsellor will discuss what you’d like help with, the best way of achieving your goals and develop an intervention plan. CAPS psychological interventions are based on recognised best psychological practice.
- Also be aware that the types of support available include self-help tools, individual counselling, workshops (such as Managing Stress, Time Management) and Online Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) programs.
Require immediate and urgent assistance? See the crisis and after hours contacts.
Experiencing a significant health concern? Contact the University Health Service or your local GP or medical centre.