The Julius Stone Address, inaugurated in 2000, is an annual lecture given by a leading international scholar of jurisprudence. The address is attended by judges, academics, leading members of the legal profession and the broader community. It is kindly sponsored by the Educational Heritage Foundation.
Below are the scholars who have delivered the address in recent years:
2024 Professor David Enoch, University of Oxford and Hebrew University of Jerusalem
'Law, Philosophy, and the Susceptible Skins of Living Beings'
2023 Professor Lea Ypi, London School of Economics and Political Science
'What is political progress?' (watch the lecture)
2022 Professor David Dyzenhaus, University of Toronto, Canada
‘The Legal Experience of Injustice’ (watch the lecture)
2021 Professor Philip Pettit, Princeton University and Australian National University
‘Can the People be Sovereign?' (watch the lecture)
2019 Professor Kimberley Brownlee, University of Warwick, UK
‘Punishment and precious emotions: a defence of a hope standard for punishment’
2018 Professor Hans Lindahl, Tilburg University, Netherlands
‘Inside and outside global law’
2017 Professor Seana Shiffrin, UCLA, USA
‘Democratic law’
2016 Professor Joseph Raz, Columbia University, USA
‘The Democratic deficit’
2015 Professor Scott Shapiro, Yale University, USA
‘The End of War: How the most reviled treaty of all time changed the world’
2014 Professor Frederick Schauer, University of Virginia, USA
'Do people obey the law?’
2013 Professor Brian Leiter, University of Chicago, USA
'The case against free speech'
2012 Professor Ran Hirschl, University of Toronto, Canada
'Across the seven seas of constitutional law and religion'
2011 Professor Leslie Green, University of Oxford, UK
'A democratic constitution: The basics'
2010 Professor Nicola Lacey, All Souls College, University of Oxford, UK
'Could he forgive her? Gender, agency and women's criminality in 19th-Century English law and literature'
2009 Professor Martti Koskenniemi, University of Helsinki, Finland
'International law and state power: Historical reflections'
2008 Professor Samantha Besson, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
'The authority of international law'
2007 Professor Brian Tamanaha, St Johns University, USA
'Understanding contemporary legal pluralism'
2006 Professor Jeremy Waldron, New York University, USA
'Conquest and circumstances: Can changing conditions legitimise the imposition of colonial authority?'
2005 Professor Ratna Kapur, Centre for Feminist Legal Research, New Delhi, India
'The dark side of human rights'
2004 Professor David Kennedy, Harvard Law School, USA
'Challenging expert rule: The politics of global governance'
2003 Professor Jack Balkin, Yale Law School, USA
'How rights change: Freedom of speech in a digital age'
2002 Professor Patricia Williams, Columbia University, USA
'Inlaws and outlaws: The fate of equality in unsettled times'
2001 Professor Upendra Baxi, Warwick University, UK
'Human rights as human flourishings: From Julius Stone to Amartya Sen and beyond'
2000 Professor William Twining, University College, London, UK
'The province of jurisprudence re-examined: Problems of generalisation in a global context'