Our people

Our people

Meet our exceptional and remarkable scholars

Our people

Meet our exceptional and remarkable scholars

School leadership

Professor Fleur Johns

Head of School and Dean

Professor Fleur Johns is a leading scholar of international law, responsible for field-shaping contributions to scholarship in international law and technology, law and development, and international legal theory.

She has published six books the most recent of which are #Help: Digital Humanitarianism and the Remaking of International Order (Oxford University Press, 2023) and Connection in a Divided World: Rethinking 'Community' in International Law (T.M.C. Asser Press, 2024). She also has a seventh book forthcoming entitled Global Governance by Data: Infrastructures of Algorithmic Rule (co-edited with Gavin Sullivan and Dimitri van den Meerssche, to be published by Cambridge University Press).

Read the Welcome from the Dean.

Visit Professor Johns' academic profile.

Lisa Adkins

Professor Emily Crawford

Deputy Head of School and Dean

Professor Emily Crawford teaches and researches in international law, international humanitarian law, and international criminal law.

She has published widely in the field of international humanitarian law, including three monographs (The Treatment of Combatants and Insurgents under the Law of Armed Conflict (OUP 2010), Identifying the Enemy: Civilian Participation in Hostilities (OUP 2015) and Non-Binding Norms in International Humanitarian Law: Efficacy, Legitimacy and Legality (OUP 2021)) and two textbooks (International Humanitarian Law (with Alison Pert, 3rd edition, CUP 2024) and Public International Law (co-edited with Alison Pert and Ben Saul, CUP 2023).

In recognition of her outstanding contribution to international law research, she was awarded the Max Planck-Cambridge Prize for International Law in 2023.

Visit Professor Crawford's academic profile.

Lisa Adkins

Associate Deans and Program Directors

Garabara artwork at the Social Sciences Building