Professor Nicholas Buckley
Sydney Pharmacy School
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Sydney
Visiting Professor, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka & Research Director, South Asian Clinical Toxicology Research Collaboration (SACTRC)
Consultant Clinical Pharmacologist & Toxicologist, NSW Poisons Information Centre & Royal PrinceAlfred Hospital.
Deputy Editor,Clinical Toxicology.
Member of Editorial boards of Drug Safety & Australian Prescriber
Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Australian Medicines Handbook
Chair of the Australian Therapeutic Guidelines - Toxicology and Toxinology writing group
Nick Buckley is Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and a practicing clinical toxicologist consulting at RPA and through all the Poisons Centres in Australia. He is best known internationally for being a co-founder of the SACTRC collaboration, a centre of clinical toxicology research excellence in Sri Lanka with a focus on agrochemical poisoning and snakebite. Nick has been involved with contributing to the Australian Medicines Handbook since it was founded in 1998, and is now Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board. He was a founding Member of the Australian Advisory Committee on the Safety of Medicines (ACSOM). He is a past President of the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology. Nick is highly experienced in clinical epidemiology and research design. His research has attracted continuous project and program funding since 2002 and has resulted in an extensive publication record including 440+ peer reviewed journal articles and 22 book chapters. He has supervised or co-supervised over 20 higher degree students.
- Toxicovigilance - detection of emerging toxicological problems
- Epidemiology of poisoning and drug abuse
- Coronial data on lethal poisoning and adverse drug effects
- Pharmaco-epidemiology studies on adverse drug effects and drug interactions
- Mechanisms and outcomes from acute kidney injury after poisoning/snakebite
- Effect of pesticide bans and safe storage of pesticides
- Descriptive studies of the mechanism of toxicity of a range of pesticide poisonings
- Comparisons of the relative toxicity of different pesticides
- Measurement of long-term neurotoxicity after acute poisoning
- Trials of regulatory restrictions and reformulation of pesticides
- Evaluation of investigations used in poisoning
- Clinical trials of existing antidotes for poisoning
- Development of new antidotes for poisoning
- Clinical trials comparing different strategies to manage snakebite
- Systematic reviews of treatments of poisoning
- Developmental toxicity from pesticides
- Paracetamol poisoning
- Pharmacometrics - modelling of drug concentrations and effects.
- Cardiotoxicity of psychotropic drugs
My particular interests within undergraduate teaching are evidence-based clinical teaching with a focus on clinical pharmacology and toxicology and understanding the immediate relevance of mechanisms to clinical practice.
(South Asian Clinical Toxicology Research Collaboration, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka) Research Director | |
(University of Edinburgh SACTRC, Sri Lanka) NIHR RIGHT4 Preventing Deaths from Acute Poisoning in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Programme Lead of Development of Guidance for the management of pesticide poisoning in low and middle income countries |
Project title | Research student |
Poisonings with over-the-counter medications: improving understanding to guide medication safety initiatives | Annabelle CHIDIAC |
Epidemiological analysis of Benzodiazepine overdose and associated drugs | Steven JOFFE |
A pharmacoepidemiologic study of the cardiometabolic adverse effects associated with off-label low dose antipsychotic treatment | Ramya RADHA KRISHNAN |
- Isbister, G., Jenkins, S., Downes, M., Fakes, K., Buckley, N. (2024). A randomized controlled trial and prospective cohort investigating antivenom for red-bellied black snake envenomation. Clinical Toxicology, 62(6), 343-351. [More Information]
- Qiang, S., Abdul Cader, M., Raubenheimer, J., Buckley, N., Roberts, M., Mackenzie, L. (2024). Clinical toxicology of acute glyphosate self-poisoning: impact of plasma concentrations of glyphosate, its metabolite and polyethoxylated tallow amine surfactants on the toxicity. Clinical Toxicology. [More Information]
- Isoardi, K., Harris, K., Currey, E., Buckley, N., Isbister, G. (2024). Effectiveness of intramuscular naloxone 1,600 μg in addition to titrated intravenous naloxone 100 μg for opioid poisoning: a randomised controlled trial. Clinical Toxicology. [More Information]
- Lin, J., de Oliveira Costa, J., Pearson, S., Buckley, N., Brieger, D., Schutte, A., Schaffer, A., Falster, M. (2024). Impact of coordinated care on adherence to antihypertensive medicines among adults experiencing polypharmacy in Australia. Journal of Hypertension, 42(7), 1248-1255. [More Information]
- Chan, B., Bosco, A., Buckley, N. (2024). Navigating methotrexate toxicity: Examining the therapeutic roles of folinic acid and glucarpidase. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. [More Information]
- Cairns, R., Buckley, N., Noghrehchi, F., Raubenheimer, J., Chitty, K., Isbister, G., Chiew, A., Brett, J., Dawson, A., Brown, J. (2024). Poisoning and envenomation linkage to evaluate outcomes and clinical variation in Australia (PAVLOVA): a longitudinal data-linkage cohort of acute poisonings, envenomations, and adverse drug reactions in New South Wales, Australia, 2011–2020. Clinical Toxicology. [More Information]
- Camacho, X., Schaffer, A., Brett, J., Pratt, N., Buckley, N., Henry, D., Pearson, S. (2024). Quality use of publicly subsidised tapentadol in Australia: a population-based analysis. Internal Medicine Journal. [More Information]
- Noghrehchi, F., Dawson, A., Raubenheimer, J., Abdul Cader, M., Gawarammana, I., Eddleston, M., Buckley, N. (2024). Restrictions on Pesticides and Deliberate Self-Poisoning in Sri Lanka. JAMA Network Open, , e2426209. [More Information]
- Koch, F., Olivier, J., Brett, J., Buckley, N., Gisev, N., Pearson, S., Daniels, B. (2024). The impact of tightened prescribing restrictions for PBS-subsidised opioid medicines and the introduction of half-pack sizes, Australia, 2020–21: an interrupted time series analysis. Medical Journal of Australia, 220(6), 315-322. [More Information]
- Chiew, A., Isbister, G., Stathakis, P., Isoardi, K., Page, C., Ress, K., Chan, B., Buckley, N. (2023). Acetaminophen Metabolites on Presentation Following an Acute Acetaminophen Overdose (ATOM-7). Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. [More Information]
- Pearson, M., Dawson, A., Raubenheimer, J., Senerathna, L., Conigrave, K., Lee, K., Rajapakse, T., Pushpakumara, P., Siribaddana, S., Soerensen, J., Buckley, N., Haber, P., Dzidowska, M., Glozier, N., et al (2023). Community-based alcohol education intervention (THEATRE) study to reduce harmful effects of alcohol in rural Sri Lanka: design and adaptation of a mixed-methods stepped wedge cluster randomised control trial. BMJ Open, 13(6). [More Information]
- Deuster, E., Tomenson, J., Abdul Cader, M., Gawarammana, I., Buckley, N., Wilks, M., Eddleston, M. (2023). Dose ingested, vomiting, and outcome in patients ingesting a standard paraquat 20SL formulation. Clinical Toxicology, 61(1), 29-38. [More Information]
- Noghrehchi, F., Cairns, R., Buckley, N. (2023). Hospital admissions for paracetamol poisoning declined following codeine re-scheduling in Australia. International Journal of Drug Policy, 116, 104040. [More Information]
- Perananthan, V., Shihana, F., Chiew, A., George, J., Dawson, A., Buckley, N. (2023). Intestinal injury in paracetamol overdose (ATOM-8). Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. [More Information]
- Perananthan, V., Wijerathna, T., Abdul Cader, M., Gawarammana, I., Dawson, A., Buckley, N. (2023). Measurement of an intestinal biomarker during poisonings from select toxicants and toxins. Clinical Toxicology, 61(9), 693-696. [More Information]
- Schaffer, A., Gisev, N., Blyth, F., Buckley, N., Currow, D., Dobbins, T., Wilson, A., Degenhardt, L., Pearson, S. (2023). Opioid prescribing patterns among medical practitioners in New South Wales, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Review, 42(6), 1472-1481. [More Information]
- Brett, J., Gillies, M., Buckley, N., Pearson, S., Zoega, H. (2023). Patterns of suboptimal antipsychotic use and misuse in Australia: What can routinely collected data tell us? British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 89(11), 3411-3420. [More Information]
- Lim, J., Buckley, N., Cairns, R., Schumann, J., Schaffer, A., Chitty, K. (2023). Substances Detected during Coroner Postmortem Toxicology Analyses in Poisoning- and Nonpoisoning-Related Suicides. JAMA Psychiatry, 80(11), 1121-1130. [More Information]
- Rambabu, L., Abdul Cader, M., Dhanarisi, J., Gawarammana, I., Raubenheimer, J., Mackenzie, L., Roberts, M., Buckley, N., Eddleston, M. (2022). Acute phenthoate self-poisoning: a prospective case series. Clinical Toxicology, 60(2), 214-220. [More Information]
- Dassanayake, T., Weerasinghe, V., Gawarammana, I., Buckley, N. (2022). Changes of attention-related brain activity over 6 months after acute organophosphate pesticide poisoning: a prospective follow-up study. Clinical Toxicology, 60(5), 576-584. [More Information]
- Perananthan, V., Wijerathna, T., Abdul Cader, M., Gawarammana, I., Dawson, A., Buckley, N. (2022). Circulating intestinal fatty acid binding protein and intestinal toxicity in Russell’s viper envenomation. Clinical Toxicology, 60(3), 311-318. [More Information]
- Chan, B., Isbister, G., Chiew, A., Isoardi, K., Buckley, N. (2022). Clinical experience with titrating doses of digoxin antibodies in acute digoxin poisoning. (ATOM-6). Clinical Toxicology, 60(4), 433-439. [More Information]
- Isbister, G., Noutsos, T., Jenkins, S., Isoardi, K., Soderstrom, J., Buckley, N. (2022). D-dimer testing for early detection of venom-induced consumption coagulopathy after snakebite in Australia (ASP-29). Medical Journal of Australia, 217(4), 203-207. [More Information]
- Tan, H., Stathakis, P., Varghese, B., Buckley, N., Chiew, A. (2022). Delayed Acetaminophen Absorption Resulting in Acute Liver Failure. Case Reports in Critical Care, 2022. [More Information]
- Chitty, K., Raubenheimer, J., Cairns, R., Kirby, K., Buckley, N. (2022). Deliberate self-poisoning in Australian adolescents is increased on school days. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 148, 103-109. [More Information]
- Wijerathna, T., Buckley, N., Gawarammana, I., Raubenheimer, J., Shahmy, S., Chathuranga, U., Palangasinghe, C., Shihana, F., Abdul Cader, M. (2022). Epidemiology and renal injury following 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) poisoning. Scientific Reports, 12(1). [More Information]
- Chiew, A., Raubenheimer, J., Berling, I., Buckley, N., Becker, T., Chan, B., Brett, J. (2022). Just ‘nanging’ around – harmful nitrous oxide use: a retrospective case series and review of Internet searches, social media posts and the coroner's database. Internal Medicine Journal, 52(10), 1724-1732. [More Information]
- Pai, K., Buckley, N., Isoardi, K., Isbister, G., Becker, T., Chiew, A., Cairns, R., Brown, J., Chan, B. (2022). Optimising alkalinisation and its effect on QRS narrowing in tricyclic antidepressant poisoning. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 88(2), 723-733. [More Information]
- Schaffer, A., Bruno, C., Buckley, N., Cairns, R., Litchfield, M., Paget, S., Zoega, H., Nassar, N., Pearson, S. (2022). Prescribed medicine use and extent of off-label use according to age in a nationwide sample of Australian children. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 36(5), 726-737. [More Information]
- Mirabella, J., Ravi, D., Chiew, A., Buckley, N., Chan, B. (2022). Prescribing trend of tapentadol in a Sydney local health district. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 88(9), 3929-3935. [More Information]
- Noghrehchi, F., Dawson, A., Raubenheimer, J., Buckley, N. (2022). Role of age-sex as underlying risk factors for death in acute pesticide self-poisoning: a prospective cohort study. Clinical Toxicology, 60(2), 184-190. [More Information]
- Chitty, K., Cvejic, R., Heintze, T., Srasuebkul, P., Morley, K., Dawson, A., Carter, G., Dinh, M., Buckley, N., Trollor, J. (2022). The Association between Problematic Use of Alcohol and Drugs and Repeat Self-Harm and Suicidal Ideation: Insights from a Population-Based Administrative Health Data Set. Crisis-the Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention. [More Information]
- Daniels, B., Schaffer, A., Buckley, N., Bruno, C., Jun, M., Pearson, S., Zoega, H. (2022). The impact of tightened prescribing restrictions on proton pump inhibitor use in Australia: An evaluation using interrupted time series analysis. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 31(3), 370-378. [More Information]
- Chiew, A., Buckley, N. (2022). The serotonin toxidrome: shortfalls of current diagnostic criteria for related syndromes. Clinical Toxicology, 60(2), 143-158. [More Information]
- Schaffer, A., Brett, J., Buckley, N., Pearson, S. (2022). Trajectories of pregabalin use and their association with longitudinal changes in opioid and benzodiazepine use. Pain, 163(5), E614-E621. [More Information]
- Rahman, S., Trussell, A., Pearson, S., Buckley, N., Karanges, E., Cairns, R., Litchfield, M., Todd, A., Gisev, N. (2022). Trends in transdermal fentanyl utilisation and fatal fentanyl overdose across Australia (2003–2015). Drug and Alcohol Review, 41(2), 435-443. [More Information]
- Brett, J., Pearson, S., Daniels, B., Wylie, C., Buckley, N. (2021). A cross sectional study of psychotropic medicine use in Australia in 2018: A focus on polypharmacy. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87(3), 1369-1377. [More Information]
- Chiew, A., Buckley, N. (2021). Acetaminophen Poisoning. Critical Care Clinics, 37(3), 543-561. [More Information]
- Hurzeler, T., Buckley, N., Noghrehchi, F., Malouf, P., Page, A., Schumann, J., Chitty, K. (2021). Alcohol-related suicide across Australia: a geospatial analysis. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45(4), 394-399. [More Information]
- Huang, J., Buckley, N., Isoardi, K., Chiew, A., Isbister, G., Cairns, R., Brown, J., Chan, B. (2021). Angiotensin axis antagonists increase the incidence of haemodynamic instability in dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker poisoning. Clinical Toxicology, 59(6), 464-471. [More Information]
- Lim, J., Buckley, N., Chitty, K., Moles, R., Cairns, R. (2021). Association between Means Restriction of Poison and Method-Specific Suicide Rates: A Systematic Review. JAMA Health Forum, 2(10), E213042. [More Information]
- Chan, B., Buckley, N. (2021). Authors’ reply to comment on: clinical experience with titrating doses of digoxin antibodies in acute digoxin poisoning. Clinical Toxicology, 60(4), 548. [More Information]
- Buckley, N., Abdul Cader, M., Raubenheimer, J., Chathuranga, U., Eddleston, M., Roberts, M., Dawson, A. (2021). Case fatality of agricultural pesticides after self-poisoning in Sri Lanka: a prospective cohort study. The Lancet Global Health, 9(6), e854-e862. [More Information]
- Daniels, B., Pearson, S., Buckley, N., Bruno, C., Schaffer, A., Zoega, H. (2021). Coming to grips with seemingly conflicting results in programme evaluation: The devil's in the detail. BMJ Quality and Safety, 30(1), 70-71. [More Information]
- Raubenheimer, J., Riordan, B., Merrill, J., Winter, T., Ward, R., Scarf, D., Buckley, N. (2021). Hey Google! will New Zealand vote to legalise cannabis? Using Google Trends data to predict the outcome of the 2020 New Zealand cannabis referendum. International Journal of Drug Policy, 90, 103083. [More Information]
- Falster, M., Charrier, R., Pearson, S., Buckley, N., Daniels, B. (2021). Long-term trajectories of medicine use among older adults experiencing polypharmacy in Australia. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87(3), 1264-1274. [More Information]
- Jiang, E., Raubenheimer, J., Isbister, G., Chan, B., Buckley, N. (2021). Machine read frontal QRS-T angle and QTc is no substitute for manual measurement of QTc in pro-arrhythmic drug overdose. Journal of Electrocardiology, 65, 151-156. [More Information]
- Shihana, F., Barron, M., Abdul Cader, M., Seth, D., Buckley, N. (2021). MicroRNAs in toxic acute kidney injury: Systematic scoping review of the current status. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, 9(2), e00695. [More Information]
- Crouse, J., Morley, K., Buckley, N., Dawson, A., Seth, D., Monds, L., Tickell (nee Kennedy), A., Kay-Lambkin, F., Chitty, K. (2021). Online interventions for people hospitalized for deliberate self-harm and problematic alcohol use: Lessons learned from the iiAIM trial. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 85(2), 123-142. [More Information]
- Perananthan, V., Buckley, N. (2021). Opioids and antidepressants: Which combinations to avoid. Australian Prescriber, 44(2), 41-44. [More Information]
- Ly, J., Brown, J., Buckley, N., Cairns, R. (2021). Paediatric poisoning exposures in schools: Reports to Australia's largest poisons centre. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 106(5), 496-500. [More Information]
- Egunsola, O., Buckley, N., Raubenheimer, J. (2021). Price mark-up on the street sales of prescription pharmaceuticals in Australia. Journal of Substance Use, 26(5), 483-490. [More Information]
- Chitty, K., Schumann, J., Moran, L., Chong, D., Hurzeler, T., Buckley, N. (2021). Reporting of alcohol as a contributor to death in Australian national suicide statistics and its relationship to post-mortem alcohol concentrations. Addiction, 116(3), 506-513. [More Information]
- Chiew, A., Buckley, N., Graudins, A., Munir, V. (2021). Review article: Up (to) date for Australian Toxicology and Toxinology guidelines. EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 33(1), 6-8. [More Information]
- Wijewickrama, E., Abdul Cader, M., Gawarammana, I., Endre, Z., Buckley, N., Isbister, G. (2021). Serum and urinary biomarkers for early detection of acute kidney injury following Hypnale spp. envenoming. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15(12), e0010011. [More Information]
- Dassanayake, T., Weerasinghe, V., Chathuranga, U., Buckley, N. (2021). Subacute and chronic neuropsychological sequalae of acute organophosphate pesticide self-poisoning: a prospective cohort study from Sri Lanka. Clinical Toxicology, 59(2), 118-130. [More Information]
- Perananthan, V., Abdul Cader, M., Shahmy, S., Chathuranga, U., Dawson, A., Buckley, N. (2021). The clinical toxicity of imidacloprid self-poisoning following the introduction of newer formulations. Clinical Toxicology, 59(4), 347-350. [More Information]
- Chan, B., Buckley, N. (2021). Translating EXTRIP criteria to better define patients with lithium toxicity for haemodialysis. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87(4), 2157. [More Information]
- Shihana, F., Wong, W., Joglekar, M., Abdul Cader, M., Chathuranga, U., Isbister, G., Hardikar, A., Seth, D., Buckley, N. (2021). Urinary microRNAs as non-invasive biomarkers for toxic acute kidney injury in humans. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 9165. [More Information]
- Cairns, R., Raubenheimer, J., Brown, J., McArdle, K., Buckley, N. (2020). 2,4-Dinitrophenol exposures and deaths in Australia after the 2017 up-scheduling. Medical Journal of Australia, 212(9), 434-4340. [More Information]
- Wylie, C., Daniels, B., Brett, J., Pearson, S., Buckley, N. (2020). A national study on prescribed medicine use in Australia on a typical day. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 29(9), 1046-1053. [More Information]
- Chong, D., Buckley, N., Schumann, J., Chitty, K. (2020). Acute alcohol use in Australian coronial suicide cases, 2010-2015. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 212, 108066. [More Information]
- Sukhang, M., Junkuy, A., Buckley, N., Abdul Cader, M., Wunnapuk, K. (2020). An LC-MS/MS method for creatine and creatinine analysis in paraquat-intoxicated patients. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part B, 55(3), 273-282. [More Information]
- Falster, M., Buckley, N., Brieger, D., Pearson, S. (2020). Antihypertensive polytherapy in Australia: Prevalence of inappropriate combinations, 2013-2018. Journal of Hypertension, 38(8), 1586-1592. [More Information]
- Chitty, K., Schumann, J., Schaffer, A., Cairns, R., Gonzaga, N., Raubenheimer, J., Carter, G., Page, A., Pearson, S., Buckley, N. (2020). Australian Suicide Prevention using Health-Linked Data (ASHLi): Protocol for a population-based case series study. BMJ Open, 10(5), e038181. [More Information]
- Zamani, N., Buckley, N., Hassanian-Moghaddam, H. (2020). Buprenorphine to reverse respiratory depression from methadone overdose in opioid-dependent patients: a prospective randomized trial. Critical Care, 24(1), 44. [More Information]
- Wijerathna, T., Abdul Cader, M., Chathuranga, U., Wunnapuk, K., Dissanayake, D., Shihana, F., Buckley, N. (2020). Cellular injury leading to oxidative stress in acute poisoning with potassium permanganate/oxalic acid, paraquat, and glyphosate surfactant herbicide. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 80, 1-9. [More Information]
- Schaffer, A., Cairns, R., Brown, J., Gisev, N., Buckley, N., Pearson, S. (2020). Changes in sales of analgesics to pharmacies after codeine was rescheduled as a prescription only medicine. Medical Journal of Australia, 212(7), 321-327. [More Information]
- Shihana, F., Joglekar, M., Raubenheimer, J., Hardikar, A., Buckley, N., Seth, D. (2020). Circulating human microRNA biomarkers of oxalic acid-induced acute kidney injury. Archives of Toxicology, 94(5), 1725-1737. [More Information]
- Albuquerque, P., Paiva, J., Martins, A., Meneses, G., Da Silva, G., Buckley, N., Daher, E. (2020). Clinical assessment and pathophysiology of Bothrops venom-related acute kidney injury: A scoping review. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases, 26, 1-17. [More Information]
- Cairns, R., Schaffer, A., Brown, J., Pearson, S., Buckley, N. (2020). Codeine use and harms in Australia: evaluating the effects of re-scheduling. Sociology of Health & Illness, 115(3), 451-459. [More Information]
- Tremonti, C., Volovets, A., Jamshidi, N., Buckley, N., Dawson, A., Conigrave, K., Haber, P. (2020). Comment on pill testing review. Internal Medicine Journal, 50(12), 1596-1597. [More Information]
- Alahakoon, C., Dassanayake, T., Gawarammana, I., Weerasinghe, V., Buckley, N. (2020). Differences between organophosphates in respiratory failure and lethality with poisoning post the 2011 bans in Sri Lanka. Clinical Toxicology, 58(6), 466-470. [More Information]
- Chiew, A., James, L., Isbister, G., Pickering, J., McArdle, K., Chan, B., Buckley, N. (2020). Early acetaminophen-protein adducts predict hepatotoxicity following overdose (ATOM-5). Journal of Hepatology, 72(3), 450-462. [More Information]
- Chan, B., Cheng, S., Isoardi, K., Chiew, A., Siu, W., Shulruf, B., Vecellio, E., Buckley, N. (2020). Effect of age on the severity of chronic lithium poisoning. Clinical Toxicology, 58(11), 1023-1027. [More Information]
- Wong, A., Isbister, G., McNulty, R., Isoardi, K., Harris, K., Chiew, A., Greene, S., Gunja, N., Buckley, N., Page, C., et al (2020). Efficacy of a two bag acetylcysteine regimen to treat paracetamol overdose (2NAC study). EClinicalMedicine, 20, 1-9. [More Information]
- Buckley, N., Cheng, S., Isoardi, K., Chiew, A., Siu, W., Vecellio, E., Chan, B. (2020). Haemodialysis for lithium poisoning: Translating EXTRIP recommendations into practical guidelines. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 86(5), 999-1006. [More Information]
- Huynh, A., Cairns, R., Brown, J., Jan, S., Robinson, J., Lynch, A., Wylie, C., Buckley, N., Dawson, A. (2020). Health care cost savings from Australian Poisons Information Centre advice for low risk exposure calls: SNAPSHOT 2. Clinical Toxicology, 58(7), 752-757. [More Information]
- Chiew, A., Domingo, G., Buckley, N., Stathakis, P., Ress, K., Roberts, D. (2020). Hepatotoxicity in a child following an accidental overdose of liquid paracetamol. Clinical Toxicology, 58(11), 1063-1066. [More Information]
- Daniels, B., Pearson, S., Buckley, N., Bruno, C., Zoega, H. (2020). Long-term use of proton-pump inhibitors: whole-of-population patterns in Australia 2013-2016. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology, 13, 1-11. [More Information]
- Isoardi, K., Mudge, D., Harris, K., Dimeski, G., Buckley, N. (2020). Methamphetamine intoxication and acute kidney injury: A prospective observational case series. Nephrology, 25(10), 758-764. [More Information]
- Peacock, A., Gisev, N., Memedovic, S., Larance, B., Brown, J., Cairns, R., Buckley, N., Farrell, M., Degenhardt, L. (2020). Opioid use and harms associated with a sustained-release tapentadol formulation: A post-marketing surveillance study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 206, 107697. [More Information]
- Bruno, C., Pearson, S., Daniels, B., Buckley, N., Schaffer, A., Zoega, H. (2020). Passing the acid test? Evaluating the impact of national education initiatives to reduce proton pump inhibitor use in Australia. BMJ Quality and Safety, 29(5), 365-373. [More Information]
- Zheng, D., Brett, J., Daniels, B., Buckley, N., Pearson, S., Schaffer, A. (2020). Potentially inappropriate benzodiazepine use in Australian adults: A population-based study (2014-2017). Drug and Alcohol Review, 39(5), 575-582. [More Information]
- Daniels, B., Pearson, S., Vajdic, C., Pottegård, A., Buckley, N., Zoega, H. (2020). Risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the lip and cutaneous melanoma in older Australians using hydrochlorothiazide: A population-based case-control study. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 127(4), 320-328. [More Information]
- Isbister, G., Buckley, N. (2020). Risks and realities of single vial antivenom recommendations for envenoming by Australian elapid snakes. Medical Journal of Australia, 213(1), 45-4.50E+02. [More Information]
- Cheng, S., Buckley, N., Siu, W., Chiew, M., Vecellio, E., Chan, B. (2020). Seasonal and temperature effect on serum lithium concentrations. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 54(3), 282-287. [More Information]
- Chiew, A., Reith, D., Pomerleau, A., Wong, A., Isoardi, K., Soderstrom, N., Buckley, N. (2020). Updated guidelines for the management of paracetamol poisoning in Australia and New Zealand. Medical Journal of Australia, 212(4), 175-183. [More Information]
- Shihana, F., Abdul Cader, M., Joglekar, M., Hardikar, A., Seth, D., Buckley, N. (2020). Urinary versus serum microRNAs in human oxalic acid poisoning: Contrasting signals and performance. Toxicology Letters, 334, 21-26. [More Information]
- Raichand, S., Pearson, S., Zoega, H., Buckley, N., Havard, A. (2020). Utilisation of teratogenic medicines before and during pregnancy in Australian women. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 60(2), 218-224. [More Information]
- Borruso, L., Buckley, N., Kirby, K., Carter, G., Pilgrim, J., Chitty, K. (2019). Acute Alcohol Co-Ingestion and Hospital-Treated Deliberate Self-Poisoning: Is There an Effect on Subsequent Self-Harm? Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 49(1), 293-301. [More Information]
- Albuquerque, P., da Silva Junior, G., Meneses, G., Marins, A., Lima, D., Raubenheimer, J., Fatima, S., Buckley, N., Daher, E. (2019). Acute Kidney Injury Induced by Bothrops Venom: Insights into the Pathogenic Mechanisms. Toxins, 11(3), 1-14. [More Information]
- Cairns, R., Brown, J., Buckley, N. (2019). Adolescent self-harm: over-the-counter medicines fly under the radar. Australian Prescriber, 42(5), 151. [More Information]
- Narayan, S., Pearson, S., Litchfield, M., Le Couteur, D., Buckley, N., McLachlan, A., Zoega, H. (2019). Anticholinergic medicines use among older adults before and after initiating dementia medicines. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 85(9), 1957-1963. [More Information]
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- Whyte, I., Buckley, N., Dawson, A. (2002). Data Collection in Clinical Toxicology: Are There Too Many Variables? Journal of Toxicology. Clinical Toxicology, 40(3), 223-230. [More Information]
- Buckley, N., Whyte, I., Dawson, A. (2002). Diagnostic Data in Clinical Toxicology-Should We Use a Bayesian Approach? Journal of Toxicology. Clinical Toxicology, 40(3), 213-222. [More Information]
- Buckley, N., McManus, P. (2002). Fatal toxicity of serotoninergic and other antidepressant drugs: analysis of United Kingdom mortalilty data. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 325(7376), 1332-1333. [More Information]
- Eddleston, M., Szinicz, L., Eyer, P., Buckley, N. (2002). Oximes in acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning: a systematic review of clinical trials. QJM, 95(5), 275-283. [More Information]
- Eddleston, M., Karalliedde, L., Buckley, N., Fernando, R., Hutchinson, G., Isbister, G., Konradsen, F., Murray, D., Piola, J., Senanayake, N., et al (2002). Pesticide poisoning in the developing world - a minimum pesticides list. The Lancet, 360(9340), 1163-1167. [More Information]
- Eddleston, M., Rajapakshe, M., Roberts, D., Reginald, K., Sheriff, M., Dissanayake, W., Buckley, N. (2002). Severe Propanil Pesticide Self-Poisoning. Journal of Toxicology. Clinical Toxicology, 40(7), 847-854. [More Information]
- Buckley, N., Srinivasan, J. (2002). Should a Lower Treatment Line be Used When Treating Paracetamol Poisoning in Patients with Chronic Alcoholism. Drug Safety, 25(9), 619-624. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- Rewarding Research 2024, Buckley N, Faculty of Medicine and Health/FMH Rewarding Research Success
- A realist evaluation of an Inter-Professional medication safety micro-curriculum bridging case-based and simulation worlds, Charles (nee Slaviero) K, Schneider C, Frotjold A, Carter S, Maw M, Buckley N, Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE)/ANZAHPE Research Grants
- Boosting public health research with a national poisoning dataset (National PIC Dataset), Cairns R, Buckley N, Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC)/Australian Data Partnerships
- A controlled trial of the effects of a community based alcohol education program in rural Sri Lankan villages on alcohol use, social dynamics and mental health outcomes, Dawson A, Glozier N, Conigrave K, Lee K, Buckley N, Haber P, Gawarammana I, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases
- Translational Venom and Antivenom Research, Isbister G, Buckley N, Dawson A, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Centres of Research Excellence
- From "BIG DATA" to evidence: Post-market surveillance of psychotropic medicines in Australia, Schneider C, Pearson S, Karanges E, McGregor I, Buckley N, McLachlan A, Wilson F, Marshall N, Hunt G, Allsop D, Bowen M, Hunt C, Russell J, Abbott M, Lintzeris N, DVC Research/HMR+ Implementation Fund - University
- Low value medical services and prescribing practices in cancer care: towards a comprehensive framework for quantifying waste in Australia and beyond, Elshaug A, Pearson S, Wilson A, Salkeld G, Buckley N, DVC Research/SPARC Implementation - Cancer
- SD Funds to Medicine, Buckley N, University of Sydney/Internal Research Grant Allocations
- Neuromuscular toxicity after pesticides and snakebite, Buckley N, Senanayake N, Isbister G, Dawson A, Karalliedde L, de Silva H, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
- Integrated human & regulatory toxicology research, Buckley N, Isbister G, Dawson A, Roberts M, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Program Grants
- Centre of Research Excellence in Medicines and Ageing, McLachlan A, Pearson S, Banks E, Preen D, Le Couteur D, Dobbins T, Etherton-Beer C, Buckley N, Viney R, Henry D, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Centres of Research Excellence
- Patterns of care and health outcomes: Opportunities for epidemiology and health services research using whole of population, cross-jurisdictional linkage of routinely collected data, Aranda S, Buckley N, Currow D, McLachlan A, Pearson S, Young J, Armstrong B, O'Connell D, Pearson S, Le Couteur D, Buckley N, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Equipment Grant