Professor Paul Martin

Professor Paul Martin

Faculty of Medicine and Health
Clinical Ophthalmology and Eye Health
Save Sight Institute
+61 2 9382 7539
Professor Paul Martin

Paul R. Martin received his PhD in Physiology at the University of Sydney in 1986. Following postdoctoral work in Germany, in 1992 he joined Faculty at the University of Sydney. From 2003 to 2009 he was Director of Research at the National Vision Research Institute of Australia and Professorial Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne. He took up his current appointment as Professor of Experimental Ophthalmology at the University of Sydney in 2010/

Vision is our most important sense, and diseases which cause visual loss and blindness are terribly debilitating. The Visual Neuroscience Research Group studies the normal structure and function of the visual system, by measuring the connections between nerve cells (neurones) in the retina and by studying the activity of single neurones in the retina and early stages of the visual pathway.

Our chief research interest is how colour, form, and motion in the visual world are processed in the retina and sent as distinct streams of information to the brain. These information streams are carried on evolutionary old and new pathways. Two examples follow.

1. The blue-yellow dimension of colour vision is carried on an ancient pathway known as the koniocellular pathway, whereas signals for red-green colour vision travel on a newer (parvocellular pathway). This knowledge helps us understand the prevalence and effects of red-green colour blindness in humans.

2. Koniocellular and related ancient pathways pass through brain regions which coordinate rapid recognition of environmental threats and trigger "fight or flight" reactions. Clinical problems such as phobias and anxiety disorders are thought to involve inapprropriate activation of these ancient defence mechanisms. Studying ancient pathways can helps us understand how the brain coordinates adaptive responses, and gives information relevant to understanding cognitive and perceptual disorders.

Methods used include immunohistochemical analysis of neurotransmitter receptors, light and electron microscopy, single cell extracellular recording, linear systems analysis of visual responses.

Neuroscience at beginning, intermediate and advanced levels.

Neurosciences and Mental Health


Edited Books

  • Fritzsch, B., Martin, P. (2020). The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference (Second Edition). Volume 1: Vision. Oxford: Elsevier.

Book Chapters

  • Martin, P., Fritzsch, B. (2022). Vision and Retina Information Processing From Opsins to the Visual Cortex. In Bernd Fritzsch, Karen L. Elliott (Eds.), Evolution of Neurosensory Cells and Systems: Gene regulation and cellular networks and processes, (pp. 61-88). United Kingdom: CRC Press. [More Information]
  • Martin, P., Solomon, S. (2013). Spike timing in early stages of visual processing. In Patricia M. Di Lorenzo, Jonathan D. Victor (Eds.), Spike Timing: Mechanisms and Function, (pp. 343-373). Boca Ratoa: CRC Press. [More Information]
  • Silveira, L., Grunert, U., Kremers, J., Lee, B., Martin, P. (2005). Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Primate Retina. In Jan Kremers (Eds.), The Primate Visual System: A Comparative Approach, (pp. 127-160). United States: John Wiley & Sons.


  • Kim, Y., Packer, O., Pollreisz, A., Martin, P., Grunert, U., Dacey, D. (2023). Comparative connectomics reveals noncanonical wiring for color vision in human foveal retina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(118), e2300545120. [More Information]
  • Ma, I., Nasir Ahmad, S., Lee, S., Grunert, U., Martin, P. (2023). Contribution of parasol-magnocellular pathway ganglion cells to foveal retina in macaque monkey. Vision Research, 202. [More Information]
  • Martin, P. (2023). Neurons share an intense load. Science, 379(6630), 335-336. [More Information]

Reference Works

  • Martin, P. (2008). Retinal Colour Vision in Primates. In M.D. Binder, N. Hirokawa, U. Windhorst, M.C. Hirsch (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Germany: Springer.


  • Kim, Y., Packer, O., Pollreisz, A., Martin, P., Grunert, U., Dacey, D. (2023). Comparative connectomics reveals noncanonical wiring for color vision in human foveal retina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(118), e2300545120. [More Information]
  • Ma, I., Nasir Ahmad, S., Lee, S., Grunert, U., Martin, P. (2023). Contribution of parasol-magnocellular pathway ganglion cells to foveal retina in macaque monkey. Vision Research, 202. [More Information]
  • Martin, P. (2023). Neurons share an intense load. Science, 379(6630), 335-336. [More Information]


  • Baldicano, A., Nasir Ahmad, S., Novelli, M., Lee, S., Do, M., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2022). Retinal ganglion cells expressing CaM kinase II in human and nonhuman primates. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 530(9), 1470-1493. [More Information]
  • Nasir Ahmad, S., Vanstone, K., Novelli, M., Lee, S., Do, M., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2022). Satb1 expression in retinal ganglion cells of marmosets, macaques, and humans. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 530(6), 923-940. [More Information]
  • Fritzsch, B., Martin, P. (2022). Vision and retina evolution: How to develop a retina. IBRO Neuroscience Reports, 12, 240-248. [More Information]


  • Dougherty, K., Carlson, B., Cox, M., Westerberg, J., Zinke, W., Schmid, M., Martin, P., Maier, A. (2021). Binocular suppression in the macaque lateral geniculate nucleus reveals early competitive interactions between the eyes. eNeuro, 8(2), ENEURO.0364-20.2020. [More Information]
  • Masri, R., Weltzien, F., Purushothuman, S., Lee, S., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2021). Composition of the inner nuclear layer in human retina. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 62(9), 22. [More Information]
  • Nasir Ahmad, S., Lee, S., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2021). Identification of retinal ganglion cell types expressing the transcription factor Satb2 in three primate species. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 529(10), 2727-2749. [More Information]


  • Masri, R., Grunert, U., Martin, P. (2020). Analysis of Parvocellular and Magnocellular Visual Pathways in Human Retina. Journal of Neuroscience, 40(42), 8132-8148. [More Information]
  • Grunert, U., Martin, P. (2020). Cell types and cell circuits in human and non-human primate retina. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, 78, 100844. [More Information]
  • Munn, B., Zeater, N., Pietersen, A., Solomon, S., Cheong, S., Martin, P., Gong, P. (2020). Fractal spike dynamics and neuronal coupling in the primate visual system. Journal of Physiology, 598(8), 1551-1571. [More Information]


  • Belluccini, E., Zeater, N., Pietersen, A., Eiber, C., Martin, P. (2019). Binocular summation in marmoset lateral geniculate nucleus. Visual Neuroscience, 36, 1-11. [More Information]
  • Ahmad, S., Lee, S., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2019). Melanopsin-expressing ganglion cells in human retina: Morphology, distribution, and synaptic connections. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 527(1), 312-327. [More Information]
  • Zeater, N., Buzas, P., Dreher, B., Grunert, U., Martin, P. (2019). Projections of three subcortical visual centers to marmoset lateral geniculate nucleus. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 527(3), 535-545. [More Information]


  • Conway, B., Eskew, R., Martin, P., Stockman, A. (2018). A tour of contemporary color vision research. Vision Research, 151, 2-6. [More Information]
  • Eiber, C., Pietersen, A., Zeater, N., Solomon, S., Martin, P. (2018). Chromatic summation and receptive field properties of blue-on and blue-off cells in marmoset lateral geniculate nucleus. Vision Research, 151, 41-52. [More Information]
  • Conway, B., Eskew, R., Martin, P., Stockman, A. (2018). Editorial. Vision Research, 151, 1. [More Information]


  • Shevell, S., Martin, P. (2017). Color opponency: Tutorial. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 34(7), 1099-1108. [More Information]
  • Pietersen, S., Cheong, S., Munn, B., Gong, P., Martin, P., Solomon, S. (2017). Relationship between cortical state and spiking activity in the lateral geniculate nucleus of marmosets. Journal of Physiology, 595(13), 4475-4492. [More Information]
  • Kobor, P., Petyko, Z., Telkes, I., Martin, P., Buzas, P. (2017). Temporal properties of colour opponent receptive fields in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 45(11), 1368-1378. [More Information]


  • Masri, R., Percival, K., Koizumi, A., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2016). Connectivity between the OFF bipolar type DB3a and six types of ganglion cell in the marmoset retina. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 524(9), 1839-1858. [More Information]
  • Lee, S., Weltzien, F., Madigan, M., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2016). Identification of AII amacrine, displaced amacrine, and bistratified ganglion cell types in human retina with antibodies against calretinin. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 524(1), 39-53. [More Information]


  • Weltzien, F., Percival, K., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2015). Analysis of Bipolar and Amacrine Populations in Marmoset Retina. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 523(2), 313-334. [More Information]
  • Fitzgibbon, T., Erikoz, B., Grunert, U., Martin, P. (2015). Analysis of the lateral geniculate nucleus in dichromatic and trichromatic marmosets. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 253(13), 1948-1966. [More Information]
  • Zeater, N., Cheong, S., Solomon, S., Dreher, B., Martin, P. (2015). Binocular Visual Responses in the Primate Lateral Geniculate Nucleus. Current Biology, 25, 3190-3195. [More Information]


  • Weltzien, F., Dimarco, S., Protti, D., Daraio, T., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2014). Characterization of secretagogin immunoreactive amacrine cells in marmoset retina. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 522(2), 435-455. [More Information]
  • Martin, P., Lee, B. (2014). Distribution and specificity of S-cone ("blue cone") signals in subcortical visual pathways. Visual Neuroscience, 31(2), 177-187. [More Information]
  • Percival, K., Koizumi, A., Masri, R., Buzás, P., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2014). Identification of a Pathway from the Retina to Koniocellular Layer K1 in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of Marmoset. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(1), 3821-3825. [More Information]


  • Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2013). Color signals in retina and lateral geniculate nucleus of marmoset monkeys. Psychology and Neuroscience, 6(2), 151-163. [More Information]
  • Cheong, S., Tailby, C., Solomon, S., Martin, P. (2013). Cortical-Like Receptive Fields in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of Marmoset Monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(16), 6864-6876. [More Information]
  • Jayakumar, J., Roy, S., Dreher, B., Martin, P., Vidyasagar, T. (2013). Multiple pathways carry signals from short-wavelength-sensitive ('blue') cones to the middle temporal area of the macaque. Journal of Physiology, 591(1), 339-352. [More Information]


  • Abbott, C., Percival, K., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2012). Amacrine and bipolar inputs to midget and parasol ganglion cells in marmoset retina. Visual Neuroscience, 29(3), 157-168. [More Information]
  • Tailby, C., Cheong, S., Pietersen, S., Solomon, S., Martin, P. (2012). Colour and pattern selectivity of receptive fields in superior colliculus of marmoset monkeys. Journal of Physiology, 590(16), 4061-4077. [More Information]


  • Martin, P., Solomon, S. (2011). Information processing in the primate visual system. Journal of Physiology, 589(Pt 1), 29-31. [More Information]
  • Cheong, S., Tailby, C., Martin, P., Levitt, J., Solomon, S. (2011). Slow intrinsic rhythm in the koniocellular visual pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(35), 14659-14663. [More Information]
  • Percival, K., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2011). Synaptic Inputs to Two Types of Koniocellular Pathway Ganglion Cells in Marmoset Retina. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 519(11), 2135-2153. [More Information]


  • Tailby, C., Dobbie, W., Solomon, S., Szmajda, B., Hashemi-Nezhad, M., Forte, J., Martin, P. (2010). Receptive field asymmetries produce color-dependent direction selectivity in primate lateral geniculate nucleus. Journal of Vision, 10(8), 1-18. [More Information]
  • Lee, B., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2010). Retinal connectivity and primate vision. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, 29(6), 622-639. [More Information]


  • Roy, S., Jayakumar, J., Martin, P., Dreher, B., Saalmann, Y., Hu, D., Vidyasagar, T. (2009). Segregation of short-wavelength-sensitive (S) cone signals in the macaque dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 30(8), 1517-1526. [More Information]
  • Percival, K., Jusuf, P., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2009). Synaptic Inputs Onto Small Bistratified (Blue-ON/Yellow-OFF) Ganglion Cells in Marmoset Retina. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 517(5), 655-669. [More Information]


  • Buzás, P., Szmajda, B., Hashemi-Nezhad, M., Dreher, B., Martin, P. (2008). Color signals in the primary visual cortex of marmosets. Journal of Vision, 8(10), 7-1-7-16. [More Information]
  • Martin, P. (2008). Retinal Colour Vision in Primates. In M.D. Binder, N. Hirokawa, U. Windhorst, M.C. Hirsch (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Germany: Springer.
  • Szmajda, B., Grunert, U., Martin, P. (2008). Retinal Ganglion Cell Inputs to the Koniocellular Pathway. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 510(3), 251-268. [More Information]


  • Fitzgibbon, T., Szmajda, B., Martin, P. (2007). First order connections of the visual sector of the thalamic reticular nucleus in marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus). Visual Neuroscience, 24(6), 857-874. [More Information]
  • Victor, J., Blessing, E., Forte, J., Buzás, P., Martin, P. (2007). Response variability of marmoset parvocellular neurons. Journal of Physiology, 579(1), 29-51. [More Information]
  • Masland, R., Martin, P. (2007). The unsolved mystery of vision. Current Biology, 17(15), R577-R582. [More Information]


  • Forte, J., Blessing, E., Buzás, P., Martin, P. (2006). Contribution of chromatic aberrations to color signals in the primate visual system. Journal of Vision, 6(2), 97-105. [More Information]
  • Szmajda, B., Buzás, P., Fitzgibbon, T., Martin, P. (2006). Geniculocortical relay of blue-off signals in the primate visual system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(51), 19512-19517. [More Information]
  • Jusuf, P., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2006). Random Wiring in the Midget Pathway of Primate Retina. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(15), 3908-3917. [More Information]


  • Solomon, S., Lee, B., White, A., Rüttiger, L., Martin, P. (2005). Chromatic organization of ganglion cell receptive fields in the peripheral retina. Journal of Neuroscience, 25(18), 4527-4539. [More Information]
  • Silveira, L., Grunert, U., Kremers, J., Lee, B., Martin, P. (2005). Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Primate Retina. In Jan Kremers (Eds.), The Primate Visual System: A Comparative Approach, (pp. 127-160). United States: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Szmajda, B., Grunert, U., Martin, P. (2005). Mosaic properties of midget and parasol ganglion cells in the marmoset retina. Visual Neuroscience, 22(4), 395-404. [More Information]


  • Blessing, E., Solomon, S., Hashemi-Nezhad, M., Morris, B., Martin, P. (2004). Chromatic And Spatial Properties Of Parvocellular Cells In The Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Of The Marmoset (Callithrix Jacchus). Journal of Physiology, 557(1), 229-245. [More Information]
  • Martin, P. (2004). Colour through the thalamus. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 87(4-5), 249-257. [More Information]


  • Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2003). Ganglion Cells in Mammalian Retinae. In Leo M. Chalupa, John S. Werner (Eds.), The Visual Neurosciences, (pp. 410-421). United States: The MIT Press.
  • Grunert, U., Lin, B., Martin, P. (2003). Glutamate Receptors at Bipolar Synapses in the Inner Plexiform Layer of Primate Retina: Light Microscopic Analysis. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 466(1), 136-147. [More Information]
  • Clifford, C., Spehar, B., Solomon, S., Martin, P., Zaidi, Q. (2003). Interactions between color and luminance in the pereption of orientation. Journal of Vision, 3(2), 106-115. [More Information]


  • Lin, B., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2002). Expression and distribution of ionotropic glutamate receptor subunits on parasol ganglion cells in the primate retina. Visual Neuroscience, 19(4), 453-465. [More Information]
  • Solomon, S., White, A., Martin, P. (2002). Extraclassical receptive field properties of parvocellular magnocellular and koniocellular cells in the primate lateral geniculate nucleus. Journal of Neuroscience, 22(1), 338-349. [More Information]
  • Solomon, S., Martin, P., White, A., Rüttiger, L., Lee, B. (2002). Modulation sensitivity of ganglion cells in peripheral retina of macaque. Vision Research, 42(27), 2893-2898. [More Information]


  • Chan, T., Martin, P., Clunas, N., Grunert, U. (2001). Bipolar Cell diversity in the primate retina: morphologic and immunocytochemical analysis of a New World Monkey, the Marmoset Callithrix Jacchus. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 437, 219-239. [More Information]
  • Martin, P., White, A., Solomon, S., Lee, K., Rüttiger, L. (2001). Chromatic sensitivity of ganglion cells in the peripheral primate retina. Nature, 410, 933-935. [More Information]
  • Chan, T., Martin, P., Grunert, U. (2001). Immunocytochemical identification and analysis of the diffuse bipolar cell type DB6 in macaque monkey retina. European Journal of Neuroscience, 13, 829-832. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Structural and functional evidence for glymphatics and lymphatics in human posterior eye: Enhanced immune response and glymphatic/lymphatic changes in glaucoma, Martin P, Perpetual Trustees Charitable Trusts/IMPACT Philanthropy Scheme


  • Mapping the human retina: a foundation study, Grunert U, Martin P, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants
  • Neural circuits for residual vision after damage to striate cortex, Rosa M, Martin P, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants