Dr Cynthia Kroeger

Dr Cynthia Kroeger

Research Fellow
Senior Lecturer
Healthy Longevity Research and Clinical Program
Charles Perkins Centre
Central Clinical School
Member of the Matilda Centre
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Dr Cynthia Kroeger

Dr Cynthia Kroeger is a postdoctoral fellow and interdisciplinary researcher in the Faculty of Medicine and Health, Central Clinical School, based at the Charles Perkins Centre (CPC). Her expertise includes lifestyle interventions for obesity-related disease, open science, and research integrity. Her current work examines the impact of life-time exposure to stress on the autonomic nervous and metabolic systems in people with obesity, as well as the impact of stress reduction techniques, as a component of integrative lifestyle interventions that include intermittent fasting, diet quality, and physical activity, on disease outcomes. She leads the Open Science stream of the Bias in Research node at the CPC and is a member of the Matilda Centre and Sydney Initiative for Truth.

Her previous postdoctoral work at Indiana University Bloomington, funded by the NIH National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (F32DK107157), examined biases and common statistical errors in nutrition and obesity research. She received her PhD from the University of Illinois at Chicago in Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Rehabilitation, on the Integrative Pathophysiology: Nutrition and Health Promotion track. For her dissertation, she tested the effects of 12 months of alternate day fasting vs. daily calorie restriction, plus behavioral change education, on weight loss, weight loss maintenance, cardiovascular disease risk, and self-efficacy.

Dr Kroeger is a Catalyst for the Berkley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (www.bitss.org/catalysts)and a Research Fellow affiliate of the Kinsey Institute (www.kinseyinstitute.org).

Drawing on her interdisciplinary background in physiology, psychology, and philosophy, Dr Kroeger is interested in the ways that trust, safety, and transparency impact the scientific process, human relationships, and pathophysiology.

Regarding the scientific process, her work has focused on the ways in which biases decrease the reliability of findings and how increasing transparency through open science might improve the scientific record and the public’s trust in science. She continues to study emerging methods that help decrease error and bias and/or enhance replicability, such as preregistration of statistical analysis plans, automation of research methods via R programming, and open sharing of the data and code used to obtain reported results of scientific studies. Dr Kroeger has helped elucidate common statistical errors and biases in nutrition and obesity scientific literature.

In the context of human relationships and pathophysiology, Dr Kroeger is working in the Healthy Longevity Research and Clinical Program at the CPC to elucidate the relationship between trauma-induced stress and non-communicable disease, as well as collaborating internationally with:

  • the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center and Kinsey Institute to assess in people with obesity the impact of life-time exposure to trauma on autonomic and metabolic dysfunction and response to dietary weight loss treatments that include a support group behavioral change intervention
  • the University of Ottawa to review the effect of women’s empowerment strategies on adolescent girls’ nutritional status in low- and middle-income countries

Results from this work may inform ways to improve the intervention methods designed for these populations. Treatment may be enhanced by targeting the autonomic nervous system via improving safety, trust, and attunement to the self and among interpersonal relationships. Such findings also may have implications for ways to improve the efficiency and reliability of the scientific process, such that increasing safety and trust within the research environment may foster willingness to conduct open work, engage in transparent dialogue, and interdependence.

2019 Pharmacy Research Support Travel Grant, The University of Sydney

2017 Annual Meeting Travel Stipend, Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences

2016 Career Enhancement Award, University of Alabama at Birmingham

2015 George A. Bray Doctoral Dissertation Award, The Obesity Society

2015 Postdoctoral Scholars Grant Incentive Award, University of Alabama at Birmingham

2015 Young Investigator Travel Award, University of Alabama at Birmingham

2015 Summer Workshop Travel Stipend, Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences

2015 Graduate College Travel Award, University of Illinois at Chicago

2014 Young Investigator Travel Award, University of Alabama at Birmingham

2014 Kris and Savitri K Kamath Scholarship, University of Illinois at Chicago

2014 Graduate College Travel Award, University of Illinois at Chicago

2013 Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Travel Award, University of Illinois at Chicago

2013 Poster Award, American Society for Nutrition

2006 – 2008 Dean’s Merit Scholarship, Loyola University Chicago


Book Chapters

  • Mitra, S., Kroeger, C., Wang, T., Masedunskas, A., Cassidy, S., De Ciutiis, I., Hooijenga, P., Huang, R., Liu, N., Fontana, L. (2024). Gamified Smartphone-App Interventions on Behaviour and Metabolic Profile in Patients at Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. In Jen Bichel-Findlay (Eds.), Health. Innovation. Community: It Starts With Us. Netherlands: IOS Press. [More Information]


  • Wang, T., Nova, A., Cassidy, S., Fazia, T., Mitra, S., Kroeger, C., Masedunskas, A., Bernardinelli, L., Willett, W., Fontana, L. (2024). Association of a healthy plant-based heart-protective diet with reduced cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality: findings from the UK Biobank Study. European Heart Journal, 45(Suppl 1). [More Information]
  • Mitra, S., Biswas, R., Nova, A., Hooijenga, P., Cassidy, S., Kroeger, C., Fontana, L. (2024). Investigating lifestyle determinants of carotid intima-media thickness: cross-sectional insights from the UK biobank cohort. European Heart Journal, 45(Suppl 1).
  • Kanukula, R., McKenzie, J., Bero, L., Dai-Keller, Z., McDonald, S., Kroeger, C., Korevaar, E., Forbes, A., Page, M. (2024). Investigation of bias due to selective inclusion of study effect estimates in meta-analyses of nutrition research. Research Synthesis Methods. [More Information]


  • Wang, T., Nova, A., Cassidy, S., Fazia, T., Mitra, S., Kroeger, C., Masedunskas, A., Bernardinelli, L., Willett, W., Fontana, L. (2024). Association of a healthy plant-based heart-protective diet with reduced cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality: findings from the UK Biobank Study. European Heart Journal, 45(Suppl 1). [More Information]
  • Mitra, S., Kroeger, C., Wang, T., Masedunskas, A., Cassidy, S., De Ciutiis, I., Hooijenga, P., Huang, R., Liu, N., Fontana, L. (2024). Gamified Smartphone-App Interventions on Behaviour and Metabolic Profile in Patients at Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. In Jen Bichel-Findlay (Eds.), Health. Innovation. Community: It Starts With Us. Netherlands: IOS Press. [More Information]
  • Mitra, S., Biswas, R., Nova, A., Hooijenga, P., Cassidy, S., Kroeger, C., Fontana, L. (2024). Investigating lifestyle determinants of carotid intima-media thickness: cross-sectional insights from the UK biobank cohort. European Heart Journal, 45(Suppl 1).


  • Mitra, S., Kroeger, C., Xu, J., Avery, L., Masedunskas, A., Cassidy, S., Wang, T., Hunyor, I., Wilcox, I., Huang, R., Fontana, L., et al (2023). Testing the Effects of App-Based Motivational Messages on Physical Activity and Resting Heart Rate Through Smartphone App Compliance in Patients With Vulnerable Coronary Artery Plaques: Protocol for a Microrandomized Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 12, | e46082. [More Information]
  • Wang, T., Kroeger, C., Cassidy, S., Mitra, S., Ribeiro, R., Jose, S., Masedunskas, A., Senior, A., Fontana, L. (2023). Vegetarian Dietary Patterns and Cardiometabolic Risk in People With or at High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Network Open, 6(7), e2325658. [More Information]


  • Cassidy, S., Kroeger, C., Wang, T., Mitra, S., Liu, C., Ribeiro, R., Dai, A., Lau, J., Huang, R., Masedunkas, A., Jose, S., Liu, N., McGrady, M., Lo, S., George, J., Cistulli, P., Khor, L., Kozor, R., Ugander, M., Wilcox, I., Hunyor, I., Fontana, L., et al (2022). Impact of an intensive lifestyle program on low attenuation plaque and myocardial perfusion in coronary heart disease: A randomised clinical trial protocol. Nutrition and Healthy Aging, 7(1-2), 9-22. [More Information]
  • Kanukula, R., McKenzie, J., Bero, L., Dai-Keller, Z., McDonald, S., Kroeger, C., Korevaar, E., Page, M. (2022). Methods used to select results to include in meta-analyses of nutrition research: A meta-research study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 142, 171-183. [More Information]
  • Wang, T., Kroeger, C., Cassidy, S., Mitra, S., Ribeiro, R., Jose, S., Masedunskas, A., Fontana, L. (2022). The Effect of Different Vegetarian Diets on Cardiometabolic Profile in People With or At High Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Current Developments in Nutrition, 6(Suppl 1), 53. [More Information]


  • Helfer, B., Leonardi-Bee, J., Mundell, A., Parr, C., Ierodiakonou, D., Garcia-Larsen, V., Kroeger, C., Dai, Z., Man, A., Jobson, J., Bero, L., et al (2021). Conduct and reporting of formula milk trials: Systematic review. BMJ, 375, n2202. [More Information]
  • Kroeger, C., Brown, A., Hannon, B., Halliday, T., Ejima, K., Teran-Garcia, M. (2021). Evidence of misuse of nonparametric tests in the presence of heteroscedasticity within obesity research. F1000Research, 10, 391. [More Information]
  • Kroeger, C., Ejima, K., Hannon, B., Halliday, T., McComb, B., Teran-Garcia, M., Dawson, J., King, D., Brown, A., Allison, D. (2021). Persistent confusion in nutrition and obesity research about the validity of classic nonparametric tests in the presence of heteroscedasticity: evidence of the problem and valid alternatives. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 113(3), 517-524. [More Information]


  • Thomas, D., Clark, N., Turner, D., Siu, C., Halliday, T., Hannon, B., Kahathuduwa, C., Kroeger, C., Zoh, R., Allison, D. (2020). Best (but oft-forgotten) practices: identifying and accounting for regression to the mean in nutrition and obesity research. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 111(2), 256-265. [More Information]
  • Dai-Keller, Z., Kroeger, C., Lawrence, M., Scrinis, G., Bero, L. (2020). Comparison of methodological quality between the 2007 and 2019 Canadian dietary guidelines. Public Health Nutrition, 23(16), 2879-2885. [More Information]
  • Fabbri, A., Parker, L., Colombo, C., Mosconi, P., Barbara, G., Frattaruolo, M., Lau, E., Kroeger, C., Lunny, C., Salzwedel, D., Mintzes, B. (2020). Industry funding of patient and health consumer organisations: Systematic review with meta-analysis. BMJ, 368, 1-30. [More Information]


  • Kalam, F., Kroeger, C., Trepanowski, J., Gabel, K., Song, J., Cienfuegos, S., Varady, K. (2019). Beverage intake during alternate-day fasting: Relationship to energy intake and body weight. Nutrition and Health, 25(3), 167-171. [More Information]
  • Kroeger, C., Brown, A., Allison, D. (2019). Differences in Nominal Significance (DINS) Error leads to invalid conclusions: Letter regarding, "diet enriched with fresh coconut decreases blood glucose levels and body weight in normal adults". Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 16(2), 1-2. [More Information]
  • Gabel, K., Kroeger, C., Trepanowski, J., Hoddy, K., Cienfuegos, S., Kalam, F., Varady, K. (2019). Differential Effects of Alternate-Day Fasting Versus Daily Calorie Restriction on Insulin Resistance. Obesity, 27(9), 1443-1450. [More Information]


  • Kroeger, C., Trepanowski, J., Klempel, M., Barnosky, A., Bhutani, S., Gabel, K., Varady, K. (2018). Eating behavior traits of successful weight losers during 12 months of alternate-day fasting: An exploratory analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Nutrition and Health, 24(1), 5-10. [More Information]
  • Gabel, K., Hoddy, K., Haggerty, N., Song, J., Kroeger, C., Trepanowski, J., Panda, S., Varady, K. (2018). Effects of 8-hour time restricted feeding on body weight and metabolic disease risk factors in obese adults: A pilot study. Nutrition and Healthy Aging, 4(4), 345-353. [More Information]
  • Trepanowski, J., Kroeger, C., Barnosky, A., Klempel, M., Bhutani, S., Hoddy, K., Rood, J., Ravussin, E., Varady, K. (2018). Effects of alternate-day fasting or daily calorie restriction on body composition, fat distribution, and circulating adipokines: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Nutrition, 37(6), 1871-1878. [More Information]


  • Barnosky, A., Kroeger, C., Trepanowski, J., Klempel, M., Bhutani, S., Hoddy, K., Gabel, K., Shapses, S., Varady, K. (2017). Effect of alternate day fasting on markers of bone metabolism: An exploratory analysis of a 6-month randomized controlled trial. Nutrition and Healthy Aging, 4(3), 255-263. [More Information]
  • Trepanowski, J., Kroeger, C., Barnosky, A., Klempel, M., Bhutani, S., Hoddy, K., Gabel, K., Freels, S., Rigdon, J., Rood, J., et al (2017). Effect of alternate-day fasting on weight loss, weight maintenance, and cardioprotection among metabolically healthy obese adults: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Internal Medicine, 177(7), 930-938. [More Information]


  • Hoddy, K., Gibbons, C., Kroeger, C., Trepanowski, J., Barnosky, A., Bhutani, S., Gabel, K., Finlayson, G., Varady, K. (2016). Changes in hunger and fullness in relation to gut peptides before and after 8 weeks of alternate day fasting. Clinical Nutrition, 35(6), 1380-1385. [More Information]
  • Varady, K., Hoddy, K., Kroeger, C., Trepanowski, J., Klempel, M., Barnosky, A., Bhutani, S. (2016). Determinants of weight loss success with alternate day fasting. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 10(4), 476-480. [More Information]


  • Varady, K., Dam, V., Klempel, M., Horne, M., Cruz, R., Kroeger, C., Santosa, S. (2015). Effects of weight loss via high fat vs. low fat alternate day fasting diets on free fatty acid profiles. Scientific Reports, 5, 7561. [More Information]
  • Hoddy, K., Kroeger, C., Trepanowski, J., Barnosky, A., Bhutani, S., Varady, K. (2015). Safety of alternate day fasting and effect on disordered eating behaviors. Nutrition Journal, 14(1). [More Information]


  • Kroeger, C., Hoddy, K., Varady, K. (2014). Impact of weight regain on metabolic disease risk: A review of human trials. Journal of Obesity, 2014, 1-8. [More Information]
  • Hoddy, K., Kroeger, C., Trepanowski, J., Barnosky, A., Bhutani, S., Varady, K. (2014). Meal timing during alternate day fasting: Impact on body weight and cardiovascular disease risk in obese adults. Obesity, 22(12), 2524-2531. [More Information]


  • Klempel, M., Kroeger, C., Varady, K. (2013). Alternate day fasting (ADF) with a high-fat diet produces similar weight loss and cardio-protection as ADF with a low-fat diet. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental, 62(1), 137-143. [More Information]
  • Bhutani, S., Klempel, M., Kroeger, C., Trepanowski, J., Varady, K. (2013). Alternate day fasting and endurance exercise combine to reduce body weight and favorably alter plasma lipids in obese humans. Obesity, 21(7), 1370-1379. [More Information]
  • Varady, K., Bhutani, S., Klempel, M., Kroeger, C., Trepanowski, J., Haus, J., Hoddy, K., Calvo, Y. (2013). Alternate day fasting for weight loss in normal weight and overweight subjects: A randomized controlled trial. Nutrition Journal, 12(1), 146. [More Information]


  • Kroeger, C., Klempel, M., Bhutani, S., Trepanowski, J., Tangney, C., Varady, K. (2012). Improvement in coronary heart disease risk factors during an intermittent fasting/calorie restriction regimen: Relationship to adipokine modulations. Nutrition and Metabolism, 9, 98. [More Information]
  • Klempel, M., Kroeger, C., Bhutani, S., Trepanowski, J., Varady, K. (2012). Intermittent fasting combined with calorie restriction is effective for weight loss and cardio-protection in obese women. Nutrition Journal, 11(1), 98. [More Information]


  • Varady, K., Bhutani, S., Klempel, M., Kroeger, C. (2011). Comparison of effects of diet versus exercise weight loss regimens on LDL and HDL particle size in obese adults. Lipids in Health and Disease, 10, 119. [More Information]

In the media

ConscienHealth(February 14, 2019).PREDIMED and the “Corpse” of Nutrition Science.https://conscienhealth.org/2019/02/predimed-and-the-corpse-of-nutrition-science/

Retraction Watch(October 30, 2018). The “regression to the mean project:” What researchers should know about a mistake many make.https://retractionwatch.com/2018/10/30/the-regression-to-the-mean-project-what-researchers-should-know-about-a-mistake-many-make/

NPR (May 1, 2017). Fasting studies clash with our desire to eat what we want, when we want it. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/05/01/526069419/fasting-studies-clash-with-our-desire-to-eat-what-we-want-when-we-want-it

TIME Magazine (May 1, 2017). Fasting isn’t better for you than regular dieting. http://www.time.com/4761220/fasting-diet-weight-loss/

US News & World Report (May 1, 2017). Fasting diet just as effective as restricted caloric diet, study says. https://health.usnews.com/wellness/health-buzz/articles/2017-05-01/fasting-diet-just-as-effective-as-restricted-calorie-diet-study-says

Highya (February 3, 2017). Fake science & health news: The harm it causes and how you can protect yourself. https://www.highya.com/articles-guides/fake-science-and-health-news-the-harm-it-causes-and-how-you-can-protect-yourself

Psychology Today (April 19, 2017). Of March and myth: The politicizing of science. Scientific integrity, self-correction, and the public. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-gravity-weight/201704/march-and-myth-the-politicizing-science

BITSS (April 3, 2017). Reproducibility of research: Issues and proposed remedies – A Sackler Colloquium Reflection. https://www.bitss.org/2017/04/03/reproducibility-of-research-issues-and-proposed-remedies-a-sackler-colloquium-reflection/

New York Times (March 7, 2016). Fasting diets are gaining acceptance. https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/03/07/intermittent-fasting-diets-are-gaining-acceptance/

Huffington Post (December 3, 2014). Intermittent fasting: Who’s it for? https://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-berardi-phd/intermittent-fasting-whos_b_6236712.html