Associate Professor Ronald Clarke
- BSc (Hons I) 1981, PhD 1986, University of Adelaide
- Humboldt Fellow, University of Constance, 1987-88
- Leverhulme Fellow, University of East Anglia, 1989
- Max Planck Research Fellow, Liebig Fellow, Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, 1990-94
- Dr. Habil. (Physical Chemistry), 1995, Free University of Berlin
- Max Planck Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, Frankfurt/Main 1995-99
- Dr. Habil. (physical chemistry) 1999, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main
- University of Sydney; Lecturer 1999-2002
- University of Sydney; Senior Lecturer 2003 - 2012
- University of Sydney, Associate Professor 2013 -
- Dozor Visiting Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2008
- McAulay-Hope Prize for Original Biophysics (Australian Society for Biophysics), 2010
- Visiting Professor, University of Science and Technology Hanoi, Vietnam, 2011 -
- Research Affiliate, Kolling Institute of Medical Research, Sydney
- Humboldt Fellow, Technical University Berlin, 2014-2015
- Biophysical chemistry
- Biological membranes and membrane proteins
- Fluorescence spectroscopy
- Rapid reaction kinetics
- Regulation and mechanism of ion transport across biological membranes
- Voltage-sensitive fluorescent dyes
- Na+,K+-ATPase
- Membrane electrical properties
Ion-transporting Membrane Proteins: Ion-transporting membrane proteins play a decisive role in the metabolism of all cells and in numerous physiological processes, e.g., ATP production, nerve impulse propagation, and muscle contraction. A deeper understanding of their mechanisms and regulation can be obtained by the determination of the kinetics of their individual reaction steps. One approach to this research goal is to make use of the electrical current they generate across the cell membrane and to apply electrophysiological methods, such as the patch-clamp technique. Another is to convert the electrical voltage that the proteins produce into an optical signal by incorporating a voltage-sensitive dye into the membrane. Voltage-sensitive styrylpyridinium dyes allow a rapid detection (within nanoseconds) of local changes in electrical field strength within membranes. The great advantage of the dyes is that they allow one to investigate electrogenic reaction steps of membrane proteins in open membrane fragments, i.e. conditions under which electrophysiological methods are not applicable.
Na+,K+-ATPase: The Na+,K+-ATPase is the enzyme responsible for maintaining the physiological essential Na+ and K+ concentration gradients across the plasma membrane of all animal cells. Jens-Christian Skou (University of Aarhus, Denmark) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for its discovery in 1997. Using the voltage-sensitive probe RH421 in conjunction with the fluorescence stopped-flow method we have investigated in detail the enzyme’s kinetics and mechanism. This has allowed us to determine rate constants for most of the steps of the enzyme’s reaction cycle and to locate the rate-determining steps. The reaction cycle of the Na+,K+-ATPase is universally described in biology and chemistry textbooks by the Albers-Post model, which represents the catalytic unit of the enzyme as a monomer undergoing a sequence of ion-binding, conformational changes and ATP phosphorylation/dephosphorylation steps. Recently we have discovered that this description is inadequate and, based on our experimental results, have proposed a new model, in which the enzyme exists in dimeric form with two gears of ion pumping depending on the number of ATP molecules bound. We are currently investigating further the mechanism by which the two gears of pumping come about.
Membrane Dipole Potential and Orientational Polarisability: Ion-transporting membrane proteins, such as the Na+,K+-ATPase, are very sensitive to the composition of their lipid surroundings. The mechanisms by which lipids and membrane proteins interact are still unclear. One possibility which we are investigating is via an electrostatic interaction between charged or dipolar groups on both the lipid and the protein. Within the head-group region of phospholipid membranes there exists an electrical potential (the dipole potential) of ca. 200-400 mV, positive in the membrane interior. This produces a very large electric field strength of around 109 V m-1 within the membrane, which could potentially influence the energy of intermediate states in the pumping cycle of ion-transporting membrane proteins, thus changing the activation energies of steps of the cycle and hence their rate constants. However, another important consideration is the degree to which charged groups of the lipid are free to reorientate around the intermediate states of ion pumps, which is determined by the order or the fluidity of the membrane. The effects of the dipole potential and membrane fluidity are combined in the concept of the membrane orientational polarisability, for which we recently developed a fluorescence-based method of determination using the probe di-8-ANEPPS. Future work will involve analysing for a correlation between orientational polarisability and ion pump activity.
Fluorescent Styrylpyridinium Voltage-Sensitive Membrane Probes: Voltage-sensitive membrane probes based on the styrylpyridinium fluorophore have proven to be very useful in the neurosciences for the optical imaging of voltage transients of neurons and in biophysical research for the investigation of the kinetics of ion-transporting membrane proteins. However, in spite of the successes which have been achieved through their use, they suffer from the disadvantage that they are often photochemically unstable and phototoxic. In order to develop improved probes it is necessary to obtain fundamental knowledge on the origin of the dyes’ photochemistry. We have been investigating in particular the probe RH421, which displays the unusual property of undergoing an increase in its fluorescence on excitation when bound to lipid membranes, and the more recently developed probe ANNINE 5.
Selected publications
Edited Books
- Clarke, R., Khalid, M. (2015). Pumps, Channels, and Transporters: Methods of Functional Analysis. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Clarke, R. (2019). Effect of Cholesterol on the Dipole Potential of Lipid Membranes. In Avia Rosenhouse-Dantsker and Anna N. Bukiya (Eds.), Cholesterol Modulation of Protein Function: Sterol Specificity and Indirect Mechanisms, (pp. 135-154). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
- Khalid, M., Clarke, R. (2015). Introduction. In Ronald J. Clarke, Mohammed A.A. Khalid (Eds.), Pumps, Channels, and Transporters: Methods of Functional Analysis, (pp. 1-22). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. [More Information]
- Clarke, R., Khalid, M. (2015). Stopped-flow fluorimetry using voltage-sensitive fluorescent membrane probes. In Ronald J. Clarke, Mohammed A.A. Khalid (Eds.), Pumps, Channels, and Transporters: Methods of Functional Analysis, (pp. 179-209). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. [More Information]
- Lev, B., Vorobyov, I., Clarke, R., Allen, T. (2024). The Membrane Dipole Potential and the Roles of Interfacial Water and Lipid Hydrocarbon Chains. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [More Information]
- Blayney, E., Chennath, M., Cranfield, C., Clarke, R. (2023). Bioinformatic Analysis of Na+, K+-ATPase Regulation through Phosphorylation of the Alpha-Subunit N-Terminus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(1). [More Information]
- Clarke, R. (2023). Electrostatic switch mechanisms of membrane protein trafficking and regulation. Biophysical Reviews, 15(6), 1967-1985. [More Information]
Magazine / Newspaper Articles
- Clarke, R. (2013). When the going gets hot. Chemistry in Australia, June 2013.
- Lev, B., Vorobyov, I., Clarke, R., Allen, T. (2024). The Membrane Dipole Potential and the Roles of Interfacial Water and Lipid Hydrocarbon Chains. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [More Information]
- Blayney, E., Chennath, M., Cranfield, C., Clarke, R. (2023). Bioinformatic Analysis of Na+, K+-ATPase Regulation through Phosphorylation of the Alpha-Subunit N-Terminus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(1). [More Information]
- Clarke, R. (2023). Electrostatic switch mechanisms of membrane protein trafficking and regulation. Biophysical Reviews, 15(6), 1967-1985. [More Information]
- Lev, B., Chennath, M., Cranfield, C., Cornelius, F., Allen, T., Clarke, R. (2023). Involvement of the alpha-subunit N-terminus in the mechanism of the Na+,K+-ATPase. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1870 (7), 119539. [More Information]
- Catauro, M., Blanco, I., Clarke, R., Fiorentino, M., D'Angelo, A., Raffaini, G. (2022). Sol–Gel Synthesis, Thermal Characterization, Surface Interactions, and Release Kinetics of Silica/Drug Hybrid System. Macromolecular Symposia, 404(1). [More Information]
- Catauro, M., D’errico, Y., D'angelo, A., Clarke, R., Blanco, I. (2021). Antibacterial activity and iron release of organic-inorganic hybrid biomaterials synthesized via the sol-gel route. Applied Sciences, 11(19), 9311. [More Information]
- Clarke, R. (2021). Biological Membrane Asymmetry and its Role in Bone Mineralization. Macromolecular Symposia, 396(1), 1-3. [More Information]
- Wang, T., Sabatini, R., Chan, B., Hou, J., Huynh, V., Proschogo, N., Xie, Z., Wang, T., Gao, L., Zhang, J., Hawkett, B., Clarke, R., Kepert, C., Lakhwani, G., D'Alessandro, D., et al (2021). Fluorescence Enhancement through Confined Oligomerization in Nanochannels: An Anthryl Oligomer in a Metal-Organic Framework. ACS Materials Letters, 3(11), 1599-1604. [More Information]
- Yasir, M., Dutta, D., Hossain, K., Chen, R., Ho, K., Kuppusamy, R., Clarke, R., Kumar, N., Wilcox, M. (2020). Mechanism of Action of Surface Immobilized Antimicrobial Peptides Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, 3053. [More Information]
- Clarke, R. (2020). One sequence, one structure: Demise of a dogma, or fake news. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 152(3), 343-345. [More Information]
- Gorman, A., Hossain, K., Cornelius, F., Clarke, R. (2020). Penetration of phospholipid membranes by poly-L-lysine depends on cholesterol and phospholipid composition. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 1862 (2), 183128. [More Information]
- Garcia, A., Lev, B., Hossain, K., Gorman, A., Diaz, D., Pham, T., Cornelius, F., Allen, T., Clarke, R. (2019). Cholesterol depletion inhibits Na+,K+-ATPase activity in a near-native membrane environment. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 294(15), 5956-5969. [More Information]
- Clarke, R. (2019). Effect of Cholesterol on the Dipole Potential of Lipid Membranes. In Avia Rosenhouse-Dantsker and Anna N. Bukiya (Eds.), Cholesterol Modulation of Protein Function: Sterol Specificity and Indirect Mechanisms, (pp. 135-154). Cham: Springer. [More Information]
- Garcia, A., Clarke, R. (2019). Evidence for ATP interaction with phosphatidylcholine bilayers. Biophysical Journal, 116(3 (S1)), 229a. [More Information]
- Diaz, D., Clarke, R. (2018). Evolutionary analysis of the lysine-rich N-terminal cytoplasmic domains of the gastric H+,K+-ATPase and the Na+,K+-ATPase. Journal of Membrane Biology, 251(5-6), 653-666. [More Information]
- Nguyen, K., Garcia, A., Sani, M., Diaz, D., Dubey, V., Clayton, D., Dal Poggetto, G., Cornelius, F., Payne, R., Separovic, F., Clarke, R., et al (2018). Interaction of N-terminal peptide analogues of the Na+, K+ -ATPase with membranes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 1860 (6), 1282-1291. [More Information]
- Vleeskens, E., Clarke, R. (2018). Kinetic contribution to extracellular Na+/K+ selectivity in the Na+/K+ pump. FEBS Open Bio, 8(5), 854-859. [More Information]
- Jiang, Q., Garcia, A., Han, M., Cornelius, F., Apell, H., Khandelia, H., Clarke, R. (2017). Electrostatic stabilization plays a central role in autoinhibitory regulation of the Na+, K+ - ATPase. Biophysical Journal, 112(2), 288-299. [More Information]
- Garcia, A., Pratap, P., Lupfert, C., Cornelius, F., Jacquemin, D., Lev, B., Allen, T., Clarke, R. (2017). The voltage-sensitive dye RH421 detects a Na+,K+-ATPase conformational change at the membrane surface. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 1859 (5), 813-823. [More Information]
- Garcia, A., Liu, C., Cornelius, F., Clarke, R., Rasmussen, H. (2016). Glutathionylation-dependence of Na+ -K+ -pump currents can mimic reduced subsarcolemmal Na+ diffusion. Biophysical Journal, 110(5), 1099-1109. [More Information]
- Lambropoulos, N., Garcia, A., Clarke, R. (2016). Stimulation of Na+,K+-ATPase Activity as a Possible Driving Force in Cholesterol Evolution. Journal of Membrane Biology, 249(3), 251-259. [More Information]
- Garcia, A., Rasmussen, H., Clarke, R. (2015). A novel kinetic model based on the Albers-Post scheme that mimics the behaviour of the Na+, K+-ATPase in situ. Heart, Lung, and Circulation, 24(S3), S224-S224. [More Information]
- Clarke, R. (2015). Dipole-potential-mediated effects on ion pump kinetics. Biophysical Journal, 109(8), 1513-1520. [More Information]
- Begum, S., Ratna, S., Clarke, R., Ahmed, M. (2015). Excess molar volumes, refractive indices and transport properties of aqueous solutions of poly(ethylene glycol)s at (303.15-323.15) K. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 202, 176-188. [More Information]
- Lev, B., Clarke, R., Allen, T. (2014). Effects of lipid composition on biological membrane electrostatics. Biophysical Journal, 106(2, S1), 80a-80a. [More Information]
- Mares, J., Garcia, A., Rasmussen, H., Cornelius, F., Mahmmoud, Y., Berlin, J., Lev, B., Allen, T., Clarke, R. (2014). Identification of Electric-Field-Dependent Steps in the Na+,K+ -Pump Cycle. Biophysical Journal, 107(6), 1352-1363. [More Information]
- Eljack, N., Ma, H., Drucker, J., Shen, C., Hambley, T., New, E., Friedrich, T., Clarke, R. (2014). Mechanisms of cell uptake and toxicity of the anticancer drug cisplatin. Metallomics, 6(11), 2126-2133. [More Information]
- Garcia, A., Fry, N., Karimi, K., Liu, C., Apell, H., Rasmussen, H., Clarke, R. (2013). Extracellular allosteric Na+ binding to the Na+, K+-ATPase in cardiac myocytes. Biophysical Journal, 105(12), 2695-2705. [More Information]
- Clarke, R., Catauro, M., Rasmussen, H., Apell, H. (2013). Quantitative calculation of the role of the Na+ ,K+ -ATPase in thermogenesis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1827 (10), 1205-1212. [More Information]
- Liu, C., Fry, N., Hamilton, E., Chia, K., Garcia, A., Karimigalougahi, K., Figtree, G., Clarke, R., Bundgaard, H., Rasmussen, H. (2013). Redox-dependent regulation of the Na+ -K+ pump: New twists to an old target for treatment of heart failure. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 61, 94-101. [More Information]
- Trevitt, A., Reimers, J., Clarke, R., Vandenberg, J. (2012). BIOPHYSCHEM2011: A joint meeting of the Australian Society for Biophysics and the RACI Chemistry Division. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 65(5), 439-441. [More Information]
- Yin, Y., Fisher, K., Nosworthy, N., Bax, D., Clarke, R., McKenzie, D., Bilek, M. (2012). Comparison on protein adsorption properties of diamond-like carbon and nitrogen-containing plasma polymer surfaces. Thin Solid Films, 520(7), 3021-3025. [More Information]
- Garcia, A., Rasmussen, H., Apell, H., Clarke, R. (2012). Kinetic comparisons of heart and kidney Na+, K+ -ATPases. Biophysical Journal, 103(4), 677-688. [More Information]
- Clarke, R. (2011). A perspective on biophysical chemistry. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 64(1), 3-4. [More Information]
- Begum, S., Clarke, R., Ahmed, M., Begum, S., Saleh, M. (2011). Densities, Viscosities, and surface Tensions of the System water + Diethylene Glycol. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 56(2), 303-306. [More Information]
- Meyers, S., Cornelius, F., Apell, H., Clarke, R. (2011). Kinetics of K+ Occlusion by the Phosphoenzyme of the Na+,K+-ATPase. Biophysical Journal, 100(1), 70-79. [More Information]
- Khalid, M., Cornelius, F., Clarke, R. (2010). Dual Mechanisms of Allosteric Acceleration of the Na+,K+-ATPase by ATP. Biophysical Journal, 98(10), 2290-2298. [More Information]
- Clarke, R. (2010). Electric Field Sensitive Dyes. In Alexander P Demchenko (Eds.), Advanced Fluorescence Reporters in Chemistry and Biology I: Fundamentals and Molecular Design, (pp. 331-344). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. [More Information]
- Amoroso, S., Clarke, R., Larkum, A., Quinnell, R. (2010). Electrogenic plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity using voltage sensitive dyes. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 42(5), 387-393. [More Information]
- Starke-Peterkovic, T., Clarke, R. (2009). Effect of headgroup on the dipole potential of phospholipid vesicles. European Biophysics Journal, 39(1), 103-110. [More Information]
- Clarke, R. (2009). Mechanism of allosteric effects of ATP on the kinetics of P-type ATPases. European Biophysics Journal, 39(1), 3-17. [More Information]
- Pilotelle-Bunner, A., Cornelius, F., Sebban, P., Kuchel, P., Clarke, R. (2009). Mechanism of Mg(2+) binding in the Na+,K+ -ATPase. Biophysical Journal, 96(9), 3753-3761. [More Information]
- Pilotelle-Bunner, A., Matthews, J., Cornelius, F., Apell, H., Sebban, P., Clarke, R. (2008). ATP Binding Equilibria of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase. Biochemistry, 47(49), 13103-13114. [More Information]
- Pham, T., Clarke, R. (2008). Solvent Dependence of the Photochemistry of the Styrylpyridinium Dye RH421. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112(20), 6513-6520. [More Information]
- Clarke, R., Apell, H., Kong, B. (2007). Allosteric effect of ATP on Na+,K+-ATPase conformational kinetics. Biochemistry, 46(23), 7034-7044. [More Information]
- Hansen, P., Clarke, R., Buhagiar, K., Hamilton, E., Garcia, A., White, C., Rasmussen, H. (2007). Alloxan-induced diabetes reduces sarcolemmal Na+-K+ pump function in rabbit ventricular myocytes. American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, 292(0), C1070-C1077. [More Information]
- Vitha, M., Clarke, R. (2007). Comparison of excitation and emission ratiometric fluorescence methods for quantifying the membrane dipole potential. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 1768 (0), 107-114. [More Information]
- Starke-Peterkovic, T., Turner, N., Vitha, M., Waller, M., Hibbs, D., Clarke, R. (2006). Cholesterol effect on the dipole potential of lipid membranes. Biophysical Journal, 90(11), 4060-4070. [More Information]
- Amoroso, S., Agon, V., Starke-Peterkovic, T., McLeod, M., Apell, H., Sebban, P., Clarke, R. (2006). Photochemical behavior and Na+,K+-ATPase sensitivity of voltage-sensitive styrylpyridinium fluorescent membrane probes. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 82(2), 495-502. [More Information]
- Starke-Peterkovic, T., Clarke, R., Turner, N., Else, P. (2005). Electric field strength of membrane lipids from vertebrate species: membrane lipid composition and Na+-K+-ATPase molecular activity. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 288(3), R663-R670. [More Information]
- William, M., Vien, J., Hamilton, E., Garcia, A., Bundgaard, H., Clarke, R., Rasmussen, H. (2005). The nitric oxide donor sodium nitroprusside stimulates the Na+-K+ pump in isolated rabbit cardiac myocytes. Journal of Physiology, 565.3(3), 815-825. [More Information]
- Buhagiar, K., Hansen, P., Kong, B., Clarke, R., Fernandes, C., Rasmussen, H. (2004). Dietary Cholesterol Alters Na+/K+ Selectivity At Intracellular Na+/K+ Pump Sites In Cardiac Myocytes. American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, 286(2), C398-C405.
- Clarke, R., Oprysa, A. (2004). Fluorescence And Light Scattering. Journal of Chemical Education, 81(5), 705-707.
- Kong, B., Clarke, R. (2004). Identification Of Potential Regulatory Sites Of The Na+,K+-Atpase By Kinetic Analysis. Biochemistry, 43(8), 2241-2250. [More Information]
- Nieuwenburg, P., Clarke, R., Cai, Z., Chen, M., Larkum, A., Cabral, N., Ghiggino, K., Reimers, J. (2003). Examination of the photophysical processes of chlorophyll d leading to a clarificaiton of proposed uphill energy transfer processess in cells of Acaryochloris marina. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 77(6), 628-637. [More Information]
- Wang, Y., Winnik, F., Clarke, R. (2003). Interaction between DMPC liposomes and HM-PNIPAM polymer. Biophysical Chemistry, 104(2), 449-458. [More Information]
- Clarke, R., Humphrey, P., Lupfert, C., Apell, H., Cornelius, B. (2003). Kinetic investigations of the mechanism of the rate-determining step of the Na+, K+-ATPase pump cycle. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 986, 159-162. [More Information]
- Hansen, P., Buhagiar, K., Kong, B., Clarke, R., Gray, D., Rasmussen, H. (2002). Dependence of Na+-K+ pump current-voltage relationship on intracellular Na+, K+, and Cs+ in rabbit cardiac myocytes. American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, 283(5), 1511-1521. [More Information]
- Schamberger, J., Clarke, R. (2002). Hydrophobic Ion Hydration and the Magnitude of the Dipole Potential. Biophysical Journal, 82(June 2002), 3081-3088. [More Information]
- Humphrey, P., Lupfert, C., Apell, H., Cornelius, F., Clarke, R. (2002). Mechanism of the Rate-Determining Step of the Na+,K+-ATPase Pump Cycle. Biochemistry, 41(30), 9496-9507. [More Information]
- Clarke, R., Bamberg, E., Fendler, K. (2001). Electrogenic properties of the Na+, K+ -ATPase probed by presteady state and relaxation studies. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 33, 401-405.
- Clarke, R., Frank, J., Vater, J., Holzwarth, J. (2001). Influence of allosteric effectors on the kinetics and equilibrium binding of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) from Zea mays. Biophysical Chemistry, 92, 53-64. [More Information]
- Lupfert, C., Grell, E., Pintschovius, V., Apell, H., Cornelius, B., Clarke, R. (2001). Rate limitation of the Na+, K+ -ATPase pump cycle. Biophysical Journal, 81(4), 2069-2081.
Selected Grants
- Membrane Interaction of Small Molecules Capable of Improving Battens Disease Cell Phenotypes, Clarke R, Hossain K, Batten Disease Support and Research Association, Australian Chapter/Research Grant
- How cholesterol optimises ion pump function in animal membranes, Clarke R, Allen T, Cornelius F, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)